Chapter 13 ♕ One with the Sea

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The ocean breeze brushed lightly against Valeriana's cheeks, bringing the faint scent of the brine waters wafting under her nose. The docks looked indeed busy as men with finely defined, flexing muscles loaded dozens of different cargos aboard the ships anchored by the port. In total, there were about more than a dozen. Valeriana didn't make any effort to determine the specific number so she simply made an estimate inside her mind.

Amidst the noisy chattering of people, the sound of rolling waves, and the gentle twittering of birds, Charles instructed the group with things about properly doing their job before going off to negotiate with the captains in charge of the ships.

Valeriana followed him curiously. "Are you sure he'll allow us?" She asked him, watching the fourth-ranker as he climbed the wooden board angled towards the ship's deck.

"He will."

"How can you be so sure?"

"He'll have no choice but to agree when I show this." He flashed a ring on Valeriana's face so suddenly that she leaned back slightly in instinct. The golden band was encrusted with sapphires and gemstones the color of blue, including small diamonds. The sapphire on the very middle had a symbol etched on top of it—something Valeriana wasn't quite able to discern.

Before she could ask, Charles opened his mouth. "Go back to the others and say your goodbyes." He said.

Valeriana heard a seagull's faint squawk as she reluctantly headed back towards her group where the other Twelve were gathered, glancing towards Charles whose form disappeared from a distance. Silently, she wondered what exactly the ring was about. Was he planning to pay it to the captain?

She stopped before the Twelve and the other addition to their group, watching as Tamara pulled Keelan by the shoulders and gave him a noogie. Keelan, meanwhile, was uttering protests while Tamara continued boisterously laughing.

Keelan, who was trapped under the third's arms with her knuckles painfully brushing against his skull, moaned in pain. "Let me go, Tamara! Please!"

"Let's see you try, you ol' glutton." She teased.

Rowe was unable to wait for them to finish and started speaking. "Let's see each other in the academy again, alright? Come back safe, all of you." He told them. "The Twelve cannot be twelve without the others after all. So make sure to finish the job quickly."

"You don't need to tell us that." Corvan said. "We know that perfectly."

"I'm just reminding you in case you forget." The second-ranker told him.

"Rowe's right, though." Valeriana quipped. "Do come back safe."

Corvan eyed her indifferently, remaining quiet.

Tamara, on the other hand, broke her iron hold around Keelan and bounced towards Valeriana cheerfully. She put her arms around the other girl and smiled in an overoptimistic manner that she practically radiated with her usual outgoingness.

"Aw! Is Valewiana worried for us?" She asked teasingly.

She playfully pushed her off. "Of course I am!" She exclaimed. "You guys were all jerks when I met you, but—"

"Ouch, Valeriana!" Keelan said. "That hurts."

"But you're not all that bad." She continued, chuckling.

"Well, you're not bad either!" Aneeka said and patted the girl on the shoulder. "You're kinda . . . well . . . if it's you who'll be saying it, I think you'll choose awesome as the word to describe it."

"Well, compared to me, you're all amazing!" She said.

"Now I want a group huuuug! Let's do it! Like the one in the movie!" Tamara shouted, screaming out the very last word that everyone from the Twelve practically ran forward and encaged both her and Valeriana in a tight embrace, their arms interlocking with one another to form a huge and compressed circle.

Genevieve pulled an unwilling Elfre. "Ugh. Do I have to?"

Lord Lienhard, Rowe, and Brindon simply stood on the sides watching, feeling contented to observe from the background.

"What are you all doing over there?" Genevieve asked, temporarily breaking off.

"You go on and we'll just—" Rowe didn't get a chance to finish since a hand shot out and dragged him into it as well.

Brindon didn't need to be told twice and jumped forward nonchalantly. "I'll join." He stated.

"How sweet!" Lienhard said, laughing. "Let me join too!" He spread out his arms and walked forward when the group moved away.

He stopped short and stared at them as they, in return, looked at him warily.

He walked, and as if repelled, they moved again.

"What's wrong?" He asked, halting and looking at them inquiringly.

"You can't." Said Keelan.

"Why not?"

"Because you're way too old already." Raziel quipped.

"But I . . ." He muttered, depressed. "How can you kids be so cruel?"

Charles chose that moment to appear, his expressions possessing a look of inquiry and slight confusion. "What is going on here?"

The Twelve parted reluctantly and stared at him with amused smiles and twinkling eyes. They then gave him an innocent look, flashing similar grins that nonetheless made him suspicious.

"Nothing!" They chorused.

"It's time to board the ship." He said before his lips curved up into a smirk. "Unfortunately, the ship to Prelurésia doesn't leave until about three hours after you do. You guys have to go ahead of us."

"Really?" They asked.

"Yes. Now, the ship is ready to depart so I recommend you get on board if you don't want to get left behind." He told them.

Keelan whined. "Aw! Goodbye!" He waved at them sadly before skipping towards the ship and bouncing his way on board—quite literally.

Aneeka and Rowe followed shortly, Brindon and Lord Lienhard not so far behind them. Valeriana stopped at the foot of the bridge connecting the ground to the ship and turned to look at the others.

"I wish you good luck." She told them. "Make sure everyone comes back alive and well, alright?"

Corvan huffed, but looked pleased. "You're underestimating us?"

"I'm not." She shook her head. "I know very well you guys are more than capable in handling yourselves in a battle. With one flick of your fingers, you can bring your enemies down for sure." She said.

"Then why the words?" Charles quipped.

"I just wanted to." Valeriana said, rolling her eyes. "Do I even need a reason to wish you well?"

"Not really."

"Then, see?" She pointed out. "I'll be going now, though. I'll see you guys back in the academy." She waved at them casually before taking long strides towards the ship and hopping on board along with the others.

"Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen!" Yelled a guy in a gruff voice, making Valeriana look back at the members of the Twelve they left behind.

Their eyes followed her form as she embarked upon her ride, remaining still where they stood. A gentle ocean breeze blew past, bringing their clothes and hair in a rustle. As the makeshift bridge was pulled away and the ropes tying the ship down loosened, the anchor was then hauled from the waters. The crews of the ship rolled down the sails, the booming sound of the cloth ringing in their ears.

Valeriana's eyes the strayed towards Corvan. They silently understood what each other wanted to say without needing to speak, exchanging a knowing grin and a simple cocking of brow.

See you soon, you stupid witch.

Likewise to you, idiot devil.

The ship started to move with the guide of the wind, slowly advancing from its place and away from the port.

"Ye thar!" Said the man who yelled before, referring to Valeriana and the others. "I hope ye understand the situation." The frown on his face was evident along with the lines creasing his forehead. "If it weren't for yar friend, I wouldn't have bothered to bring ya and those buffoons on board. So I don't want ya messin' around in me old ship. Savvy?"

The girl stared at him in wonder, confusion clear on her face. "Uh . . . I guess?"

"I don't want ye unsure. Let me rephrase it to ye, landlubber. Are we clear?" He asked, raising a brow at the girl. His gray eyes eyed her pointedly, strands of his long, messy hair falling on his face.

"Uh . . . yeah, sure." She answered, trying not to eye the crossing scars that formed an 'x' on the left side of his face and the unbelievably cool hat he had on.

"Good." He walked away, a thick blue coat billowing behind him as he did.

Valeriana felt unsure of her recent encounter. The man talked in a pirate-y way, and since Valeriana wasn't that well-versed in pirate tongue, she felt unsure of the words that came from his mouth and how she should interpret them. Although she did understand bits of the point he was trying to get through, she wasn't certain about what she was supposed to answer.

Lord Lienhard chose that moment to enter the scene, coughing to grab her attention. "Ahoy, matey!" He waved in an overdramatic manner that it came out somewhat forced.

Valeriana eyed him. "It doesn't suit you, sorry."

"I'm trying." He shrugged.

"What do you need?" She asked him.

"Well, Kee-dear is feeling sea sick." He turned towards the direction where Keelan currently was. He was bent over, puking his guts out to the waters they were supposed to be sailing in.

Valeriana walked over to where the poor boy was and began running a hand up and down his back. "Are you alright?"

Keelan looked up at her, his face looking practically green. "I . . . hate the sea." He muttered before going back to his 'business'.

"So Keelan's prone to motion sickness? Why didn't you tell us?" Valeriana asked, continuing her effort of rubbing circles on his back.

"He doesn't have trouble riding carriages, but this one seems to be a little bit too much." Rowe stated. "Keelan is from Denovegasia, so it's reasonable for him to be much more comfortable when on land than water."

The eleventh-ranker then went limp against the ship's railings. "I . . . want . . . land . . . land . . . where . . ." He muttered.

"How do you feel?"

"Bad." He barely managed another word before he started vomiting again. "I . . . wonder if . . . this is . . . how pregnant ladies feel."

"Motion sickness is different from morning sickness you know." Aneeka said.

"Different." Brindon stated indifferently, letting everyone know he agreed with the other girl's words.

"What exactly do we do about this?" Rowe sighed problematically, brushing back his reddish hair and looking up at the sky thoughtfully as he started to think up of a solution. "I am not very good with any kind of magic at all, so I'm afraid I cannot help you."

"I'll go and ask someone if they can give something for Keelan's motion sickness." Valeriana said. "Maybe it's better if we bring him to the . . . um . . . place we're staying in."

"You're right. Come on, Keelan."

"No way," he groaned, staring at the calm waters they were drifting on, occasional splashes sprinkling on the ship's sides. "If I do, I'll . . ." He failed to continue and finish his sentence.

"Yup, I better go find someone." The girl sighed.

"You do that."

"Wait a moment, Valeriana." Rowe called after her.


"I do not recommend you going far." He stated, his brows scrunched up worriedly. "There is something wrong, but I cannot quite make it out. Just be careful, alright?"

"Uh, sure . . ."

Valeriana tried approaching some of the crews, but they were too busy to even pay her attention—not to mention scary-looking and just plain intimidating. One in particular had a knife clipped between his teeth and another had a hook as substitute for a hand.

"Uh . . . um . . ."

"Go 'way, lass." Growled the man in reply, puffing out his hairy, bare chest before twirling a cutlass in the air. "Don't even think 'bout it."

"But I—"

The man turned his back on her without letting her continue and walked away. Valeriana sighed in frustration, blowing the hair out of her face. A harsh sea breeze blew past her hair, bringing a chilly wind that sent goosebumps trailing her skin.

"It's really cold out, isn't it?" Echoed a woman's voice behind her.


"Over here. I might just have what you seek."

Valeriana turned and saw a hooded figure standing eerily. Her painted lips were shown, but the rest of her face remained covered. She had on a knowing smile that the girl's brows furrowed and the hair on the back of her neck stood up. A slight shiver came running down her spine.

The fifth-ranker looked back to her group and felt uncomfortable from straying too far. The ship was large enough and very unfamiliar, not to mention Rowe's advice from a while ago.

"Um . . ." She brushed her arms in slight reluctance. "I need something."

"Is it something you need? Or something you want?" She tilted her head to the side inquiringly, her smile gradually widening.

"I guess both?"

For some reason, she felt like they were talking about two, entirely different things.

The woman stepped closer towards her, turning to look out towards the waters they were sailing on. They stood somewhere near the ship's railings so it gave them a clear and majestic view of the open sea. "I have a feeling that you're heart's been yearning for something you lost."

She shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know very well what it's about." She chuckled softly.

Now this felt creepy.

Valeriana was getting suspicious of this woman. There was something entirely off about her and she felt unsettled just being in her presence. The aura surrounding the woman . . . it didn't feel right at all.

Feeling irritated, she started speaking. "What do you want?"

"I think I should be telling that to you, girl." She whispered.

Valeriana backed away a bit. "Who are you anyway?"

"My identity is of no importance. I believe I have something you might be interested in." She smiled.

Valeriana narrowed her eyes. "I'd rather not, really."

"Deals are normal part of this world. I'm sure you'll want it enough that you'll be ready to do anything to get it back." The hooded woman said with certainty and confidence.

"What exactly are you talking about?"

Rowe, meanwhile, felt an ominous presence in the area. There was something aboard the ship that emitted malice and contempt. He refocused his attention from watching Aneeka comforting Keelan and looked around, scanning his surroundings warily.

On the other hand, Valeriana's curiosity was growing. The woman merely came closer instead of answering so that they were standing shoulder to shoulder—a little bit too close for comfort. She grabbed something under the cloak she wore and pulled out an object Valeriana never thought she would ever see again.

The familiar designs on the band . . . the little scratches it had on some areas which were a result of her carelessness . . . it was her bracelet. Her eyes would never lie. It was the very same and exact bracelet that her father gave her during her fifth birthday.

"My . . ." She looked up at the woman in suspicion. "How did you—"

Valeriana reached out to grab it, but the stranger was quick to react and pulled her hand back. She extended her arms to the opposite side so that the bracelet was out of Valeriana's reach, clicking her tongue before shaking her head disapprovingly.

From a look of wonder, Valeriana's face contorted to one with anger and irritation. "Who are you?"

The woman leaned closer to Valeriana. "Do you want it back?"

"Hand it over." She answered.

"I'm asking you in a nice way. Don't you think it's common courtesy to answer me properly?" The stranger replied.

"What do you want?" Valeriana hissed, trying to dive for the bracelet again.

This woman couldn't possibly be . . .

"In exchange for your bracelet, I only want one thing." She then dropped the jewelry into Valeriana's hands, much to the girl's relief.

The feeling of its familiar coldness and weight gave the girl much relief and filled her heart with a warm sensation that she almost wanted to cry. She never actually thought she would ever see it again—not after that incident that happened back in the academy.

The girl redirected her gaze to the woman before her before suddenly she heard Rowe yell.

"Demon!" Said the second-ranker before running towards them without hesitation. "Valeriana! Get away from that woman!"

Yet, it was too late.

The woman fully closed the distance between them, a knife between her slender fingers parting the flesh on Valeriana's stomach. The sensation of the sharp blade penetrating through her skin and straight into her guts made the girl's mouth drop open from the agonizing pain. Her gasp came short as her throat threatened to release a silent scream as the woman pulled her weapon back abruptly, warm blood soaking her clothes.

"I only want your life." She whispered in her ear, blowing a breath into her right ear. "I'll be leaving. But for now, you're shark bait." She then gave Valeriana a small push that her weakening body fell over the railings and straight down into the brine waters.

She stared wide-eyed at the woman who merely smiled down at her from above as she continued to fall. That angle also gave her a clear view of her bewitching black eyes, complimented by strands of dark hair falling on her face.

"Demon." Was the last word that escaped her mouth before she plunged into the water with a loud splash.

"Enseferus al aslonta de vegarus sol!" The air crackled from the spell Rowe had casted and restraints appeared to tie the demon down.

A scream of agony tore through her throat as the chains touched her skin and wrapped around her body. "Oh, and the rankers appear." She hissed. "It is too late now! That girl was as naïve as a newborn child!"

"Elsefanta edgera solicitus nor!" Aneeka appeared beside the second-ranker to help.

"Handle this for me, Aneeka." Said Rowe. "I'm going after Valeriana!"

"Wait! Rowe! Rowe! You can't—farus del dohn antana quivier!"

Throwing his shirt over his head, Rowe jumped in.

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