Chapter 23 ♕ The City of Loquin (pt. 3)

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As Valeriana made up her resolve, she took a step forward with a determined look on her face. Now, the next thing she had to do was think about how she was going to put her plan into action—but first she had to think of a plan.

Having been immersed into deep thought the last minute, Valeriana did not expect the sudden feeling that came over her.

She stopped, startled.

It was as though a ton of bricks fell on her, followed by a cold pail of water. The suddenness took her aback, causing her expression to twist into a look of shock.

"Ah . . ." She gasped, unbelievable chills coming over her. Her heart began pounding as well, its pace erratic.


"How weird." She muttered.

Tamara stopped beside her, clearly worried. "Something wrong?"

"It suddenly became . . . stronger?"

"What stronger?"

"I don't know how I'm doing this, but this is a demon's presence. I've been sensing it since we came through the tunnel, but it got stronger."

"What do you feel?"

"Not too different from what you guys are having." She muttered.

"Not too different?" Tamara repeated. "You know you're more sensitive than the rest of us here. We can't feel what you can feel. So tell us, what is it?"

Instead of answering, Valeriana walked towards one of the blooming trees, feeling compelled to do so. Her attraction toward it resembled a pull from a magnet.

She felt the eyes of her comrades on her as she reached out towards it, letting the tips of her gloved fingers trace the rough bark. In comparison to the 'sunny' weather, the tree felt so cold and icy despite the fact that she wasn't touching it with her bare skin.

"It's cold." She said. "Almost like ice."

"Really?" Keelan made his way towards her and touched it as well. "You're right."

She looked around, as she felt the creepy sensation of eyes watching her every move. Her head snapped towards the direction of where she felt it coming from, her suspicion rising. "It's not like you guys haven't noticed this yet since it's a bit too obvious—something's wrong." She said.

Keelan suddenly turned serious, shedding his childish self. "The temperature of this tree is far too cold for the current weather."

"Is this city icy every day? For the whole year 'round?"

This time, it was Courtney who stepped in. "Four degrees celsius, sixty percent precipitation and forty percent humidity. Wind is generally ten kilometers per hour." She answered, making Valeriana's jaw drop. "At least, the last time I visited here."

"And you knew all of that in one glance?"

"No. I checked the weather report." She said.


There was an awkward pause.

"You guys have weather reports?"

"We do."

Well, that was a good way to go to make a conversation with a former enemy. Valeriana could feel the reluctance of having a 'friendly' interaction coming from both of them, so, feeling uncomfortable herself, she decided to change the topic.

"It's not the country which is having identity crisis." Corvan walked over to them and bent down, poking the dirt with his finger. Crumbs of soil clung to his skin, and he brushed his thumb and forefinger together, examining it. "Someone's manipulating the weather around the city."

"And they're doing a bad job at it." Tamara said, joining the group as well.

"I think this tree is trying to tell us something." Valeriana said. "I mean, are trees normally this cold?"

"Not quite." Keelan answered.

Well, it made sense to how Keelan knew so much. He was from Denovegasia, after all. Hunting and everything else related was a part of his life.

"Hey, Valeriana." Tamara said. "Since you started hearing animals and other things, do you think you can speak to this tree?"

The girl redirected her gaze to Tamara, dubiously eyeing at the redhead with a hint of uncertainty. She glanced between each of her companions, who were in turn giving her expectant looks. "Um . . . I'm not sure, really."

"Valeriana," Corvan sighed. "A tree is also a living thing. That means it too has a soul." He pointed out. "So just give it a try."

His face said that he was feeling impatient. Corvan started to massage his forehead, trying to relax his facial muscles and straighten the wrinkles in his expression. Tamara and the others stood waiting for the girl, and although Brindon wasn't saying anything since a while ago, he showed his support by . . . staring? And nodding. Don't forget nodding.

Valeriana reluctantly turned her back on them, facing the tree she had been feeling a while ago. Exhaling noisily through her nose, she shrugged. "I'll . . . okay. But don't blame me later on." She told them, her tone lacking self-confidence as though she expected a failure.

But of course, it wouldn't hurt to try.

She reached out towards the tree, placing her hand on its bark for the second time. The coldness seeped through the material of her gloves and she stared at the plant hesitantly. A tree was a plant too, right? She took a few seconds trying to think of what she was supposed to do before eventually deciding to speak.

"Er . . . okay, big, beautiful . . . uh . . . wonderful, tall—"

"Just do it!" Everyone exclaimed at the same time.

She flinched. "—tree." She turned back to Corvan and the others, confusion riddling her face. "What should I ask?"

They all sighed. "Valeriana . . ."

"Alright, alright." She inhaled a great deal of oxygen, turning back to her work. "What is going on in Prelurésia?"

They all waited in anticipation, holding their breaths for an answer.

Valeriana took the time waiting for the tree to answer her question.

"What? Did it say anything?" Corvan asked.

"It said . . ." Valeriana trailed off, her tone grave.

"What?" Keelan eagerly asked.

The girl's shoulders slumped in disappointment. "Nothing."

They all groaned and looked away. Even Brindon's face momentarily twitched with confusion and a hint of letdown.

"Really, Valeriana?"

"You should leave." A tiny voice came invading their hearing. "It's not safe."

They all went still.

It wasn't the natural tiny voice. It was the kind of tiny voice that came from someone who was stupidly trying to talk in a small, high pitch way. It was somehow annoying and made them all exchange glances. Valeriana perked up and turned to them.

"It talked!" She exclaimed.

"Yes." Tamara crossed her arms, looking doubtful. "We heard it too."

"Huh?" She looked back at the tree.

"You'll only be killed." The tiny voice told them. "It's dangerous."

Keelan started picking his ears, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Am I starting to hear things?"

Brindon wordlessly pointed to the tree.

Courtney squinted. "The tree?"

"What's with the tree?" Tamara disbelievingly eyed it.

"You idiots. He's not pointing at the tree." Corvan walked forward tiredly, as though he was getting tired of all the foolishness—which was actually the case.

The rest watched him move and diverted their gazes towards the direction he was headed. They saw something sticking out from behind the tree—which was actually a part of someone. White fabric that took the shape of someone's arms.

Valeriana and the others couldn't help but sigh.

Corvan walked behind the tree and grabbed the hiding person. The first-ranker made no hesitance to harshly take hold of the back of the shirt of the troublemaker and drag him out where everyone else could see him.

It was a man, no older than twenty-five—in human time—perhaps. His ash-colored eyes gleamed with fear and panic. "I'm sorry! Forgive me!" He exclaimed. "I was just trying to help."

Valeriana raised a brow at the man, her hands resting on both sides of her waist. "What's up with that stupidity? If you're trying to help, then why don't you just come straight out and tell us? Rather than pretending to be a tree." She asked. "You're making me feel disappointed."

"Alright, my bad." He raised his hands up in surrender.

Aside from the ash-colored eyes, he had dirty blond hair. He wasn't that handsome, only possessing average looks and typical built of a man around his age. He was clad in a plain, white shirt that had spots of stains and dirt along with some loose, grey pants that was tattered on the edges.

"So, who are you? And what are you doing in this city?"

The stranger looked at them fearfully.

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