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"Okay okay! I'm up Kami! Whaddya want?" I groaned, my eyes weren't open and my voice was raspy. I was still tucked up under the sheets.

Kamari entered the room. She was bubbly as usual. I heard her kneel down and parch open my eyes.

"Owwwww!" I whined and batted her away, she giggled. I sat up, stretching and groaning.

Kamari was my closest friend in our tribe. She was 2 years younger than me but I saw her as my other half. She was there for me when I was moved in, grew up with me, now where like glue.

"You need to take your morning meds for your arm silly! We are almost finished the prototype for you to try on. Maybe today or tomorrow. We have it all set up so it would fit your arm and be able to travel your energy!" She giggled, going through my stuff.

She got some purple pills and some water. I downed the pills with the water. They had a bitter taste I didn't like

"Ya couldn't make them more sour could you?" I asked, shaking my head at the sourness.

"Oh, yeah I definitely could!" She joked, getting some more bandages and taking the ones off of the shoulder stub.

She examined the scarring.
"It's healing nicely. Don't worry Link, it will all be fine" She smiled at me. She knew I was self conscious about it.

I mean, who wouldn't be self conscious of a shoulder stub with your bone still actively making blood, putting it everywhere and sticking out.

"Right. Assist me in getting changed will you?" I asked, standing up. I was in a simple slip on gown.

"Right-o Mr Chief" she bowed dramatically. I laughed a bit.

She helped me take off the gown. I was with some bandages for some cuts and my undergarments. I knew Kami long enough to be comfortable with this.

She helped me change into my Uniform, getting the scarf and putting it over the stub to cover it.

"All done on clothes, now for facial markings because someone didn't want face tattoos. I'm telling ya' link, it's not that bad and you save time everyday!" She whined

"Ya ya, but why do that if I can just get you to do it" I countered. She looked disappointed at me.

"I would say do it yourself but the Monks would be mad"

Ah shit.

I forgot I was visiting the Monks today. I do hope the arm is ready in time.

I let Kami put the markings on and touch up some makeup.

My markings where swirls in some places, flicks and dots in others. Kami's where siilar just no colored ones like I wore.

"Aaaand done! M'kay, I'll go check up on the arm, I've ordered some Rice and Greens for Breakfast. I'll meet you there Kay?" She said rushing out of my tent.

I nodded to myself, getting up, grabbing my sword and leaving.

As I exited the cloth structure, some tribe-members bowed down to me, I bowed my head their way.

A young girl, who I know is called Jakimin, came up to me, giving me a strange red fruit with some leaves and a stalk. It was circular and shined a bit in the light.

"Danko ( Thank you in their language ) Jakimin. May I ask, what is this?" I gestured to the fruit.

"Ah, that is called an Apple Miet Kief ( My chief in their language )" she said, smiling.

I took a bite. It was so sweet in taste. I made a 'mmm' sound to lighten her up.

"Mmm! This tastes amazing! Go pick some more with your Dater ( Father in their language ) next time your out, okay? Be safe and Danko!" I said, smiling

Note! I am making up this language but it is based off of German so that's why words might be similar!

I carried on walking to the breakfast tent, finishing the apple. I didint want to eat the hard middle as it had seeds and I've learnt not to trust seeds.

I have the fruit to the farmers. They took my word and planted it.

I entered the food tent, it silencing and people bowed. I bowed my head back in respect.

I sat down on a table bench and waited for Kamari.

She rushed in, smiling giddily.

"What now Kami?" I asked, the food was served. I dug in.

"The arm is done! After we eat we will need you to try it on okay? So hurry up buttercup" she Rhymed, eating quickly.

I ate up the dish of rice and greens and was practically dragged out the tent by Kamari.

We made it to the Mechanics tent. I entered getting more bows. I was taken to Kamari's station.

There, propped up on some stands, was an arm. It had sharp nails, almost claw like. It had markings in gold that almost mimiked my face. It was a dark musty green colour.

"Don't worry, it glows when your everyday flows through it. Now! Try it on!" She offered up.

I removed my scarf and pulled up the overhanging sleeve.

She grabbed the arm, lining it up with the bone.

"This may tingle a bit" she said before slotting it into place.

It burnt. I groaned out in pain as it bonded with my arm.

I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes. Holding them back, I pushed through.

I imagined the arm slowly glowing a bright green as my energy ran through it.

As I imagined it, it fabricated itself into reality.

I saw a glow, through my closed eyelids. I opened them, looking shocked at the arm as it was glowing a bright green. Lighter rings pumped through as my energy leveled out.

It was a beautiful sight.

I tried and successfully moved a finger. Then I moved the arm, testing what I could do and it's limits.

Kamari was in awe. We now has quite the audience of tribe members watching. As the glowing minimised, and the pain calmed, the audience clapped.

I smiled, as did Kami.

It was a successful day to say the least.


Chapter one posted and done 😘

Hope you enjoyed and enjoy further on!

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