|| Charts and Commands ||

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|| List of Commands ||

/hunt alone - sends your cat hunting alone for prey in the forest

/hunt with (1-3 names) - sends your cat and three other cats hunting together in for prey in the forest

/patrol with (3 names) - sends your cat and three other cats out into the forest to strengthen the border

/train battle skill with (name) - raises a cat's battle skill by 1/2; train twice to raise skill by 1 level

/train hunting skill with (name) - raises a cat's hunting skill by 1/2; train twice to raise skill by 1 level 

/train foraging skill with (name) - raises a cat's foraging skill by 1/2; train twice to raise skill by 1 level 

/train healing skill with (name) - raises a cat's healing skill by 1/2; train twice to raise skill by 1 level 

/forage alone - sends your cat into the forest alone to forage for herbs

/forage with (1-3 names) - sends your cat and three other cats into the forest to forage for herbs

/heal (patient's name) - heals whichever cat is being healed

/breed with (mate's name) - breeds a tom and a she-cat to bring more cats into the game

/defend - sends your cat to fight against the enemies attacking the camp

/hide - hides your cat during battle and keeps them safe from enemies

/don't eat  - sends your cat to the end of the eating order for the day

/rankup to apprentice  - ranks up your cat from a kit to an apprentice

/rankup to medicine cat apprentice  - ranks up your cat from a kit to a medicine cat apprentice

/rankup to (new warrior/medcat name) - ranks up your cat from an apprentice/medcat apprentice to a medcat/warrior

/play - if you're a kit, you can use this command to play with other ktis/queens

|| Hunting Chart ||

Skill Level 0: catches 0 prey
Skill Level 1: catches 0-2 prey
Skill Level 2: catches 0-3 prey
Skill Level 3: catches 1-3 prey
Skill Level 4: catches 1-4 prey
Skill Level 5: catches 2-4 prey
Skill Level 6: catches 2-5 prey
Skill Level 7: catches 3-5 prey
Skill Level 8: catches 4-6 prey
Skill Level 9: catches 4-7 prey
Skill Level 10: catches 5-7 prey
Partner Bonus: +1 prey for every two cats hunting together


|| Battle Chart ||

Skill Level 0: score of 0
Skill Level 1: score of 1-20
Skill Level 2: score of 1-20
Skill Level 3: score of 10-30
Skill Level 4: score of 10-30
Skill Level 5: score of 20-40
Skill Level 6: score of 20-40
Skill Level 7: score of 30-50
Skill Level 8: score of 40-60
Skill Level 9: score of 40-60
Skill Level 10: score of 50-70


|| Foraging Chart ||

Skill Level 0: collects 0 herbs
Skill Level 1: collects 0-3 herbs
Skill Level 2: collects 0-4 herbs
Skill Level 3: collects 1-4 herbs
Skill Level 4: collects 2-6 herbs
Skill Level 5: collects 3-8 herbs
Skill Level 6: collects 3-9 herbs
Skill Level 7: collects 4-10 herbs
Skill Level 8: collect 6-12 herbs
Skill Level 9: collects 8-12 herbs
Skill Level 10: collects 10-14 herbs
Partner Bonus: +1 herbs for every two cats foraging together


|| Healing Chart ||

Skill Level 0: cannot heal
Skill Level 1: can heal fever (uses 1 herb)
Skill Level 2: can heal slightly injured (uses 2 herbs)
Skill Level 3: can heal whitecough (uses 5 herbs)
Skill Level 4: can heal injured (uses 6 herbs)
Skill Level 5: can heal greencough (uses 8 herbs)
Skill Level 6: can heal severely injured (uses 10 herbs)
Skill Level 7: can heal nightcough (uses 12 herbs)
Skill Level 8: can heal near-death (uses 14 herbs)
Skill Level 9: can heal redcough (uses 16 herbs)
Skill level 10: can heal everything

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