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DonT JudGe Me On thE TiTle Ok 😂 I TRy
Well then, another BOTW one shot X) this story was thought up over a random picture and an even more random conversation so, I do not deserve all the credit ( so thank you Karintoobjects XD) it's started out as a crack fic idea but once I write it down it turned out a lot more fluffy (not really the word) than I expected. I also finished this at like midnight withought a good proofread so Imma have to edit later X)also this doesn't exactly line up with cannon

Zelda let out a shuddering breath and fell to her knees, her whole body shaking.

It was finally over.

She let out a laugh, eyes already pooling in joy. After all those years of waiting, fighting, praying, finally it was all over and Gannon was defeated. The world spun as a figure walked towards her, she tried to steady herself with her hands but they were too weak to support her. Before she fell, strong arms wrapped around her, supporting her so that she was in a sitting position. Zelda didn't even try to stop the flood of tears streaming down her face, Link was here and it was all over.  

She brought a shaking hand to rest on his face, gently busing away a streak of grime, their eyes locking. Tears glistened in the corners of his blue eyes which, her heart soared when she realized, were filled with recognition.

He remembered her.

A soft laugh of joy escaped her again. Her mind eased as her last fear was dismissed, Link was back, Gannon was gone, and they had won.

"We should get you somewhere to rest princess."

His voice was soft but it sounded like music to her ears, a gentle melody that time would never allow her to forget.

He slowly led her to her feet, one hand holding her arm and the other securely around her waist. Zelda winced as Link let out a shrill whistle, the sound echoing off the barren remains of guardians and rubble. Within moments she was shocked to hear the thunder of hoofbeats and the cry of a horse, shortly the head of a chestnut mare came into view.

"Woah girl," Link released his grasp on Zelda's arm to give the mare a loving pat on the nose as she came to a halt next to them.

Barely pausing a moment, Link made sure she could stand before gracefully hopping into the saddle. He gathered up the reins, reached down and grasped her hand in his own, hauling her up behind him in one swift movement. She gave a small gasp, surprised at the strength he still had after the battle, but her mind didn't dwell on it long. Her hands locked loosely around his waist and she buried her face in his tunic, the gentle breeze and steady movement lulled her exhausted body into the first sleep she'd had in one hundred years.


Soft blankets were the first things she felt and her eyes groggily opened, then the cool sensation of wet hair and clean skin. Zelda lurched up, wincing as her body screamed in protest. She took a deep breath as she looked around the tidy room, I'm safe, she repeated over and over in her head. Zelda smiled as she realized where she was, Kakariko Village, it was given away by the simple decorations and the eye proudly stitched onto the soft shirt she was now wearing. Her mind wandered to her good friend Impa. She must be well in her years, the sad thought occurred to her, perhaps with children and even grandchildren of her own.

Zelda pulled one of the blankets around her as she sat up, mind aching. She wasn't quite ready to go out, although they had defeated Gannon one hundred years was a long time, many things had changed and there was lots to come to terms with. Her eyes looked around the room for anything to distract her from these thoughts, stopping when they landed on a pile of gear. There were stunning swords, bows and even shields carelessly discarded about the bed, she even spied what looked suspiciously like a dragon scale, but what truly caught her eye was a familiar rectangular tablet.

Slowly easing herself out of the soft bed, Zelda made her way over to the other bed and cleared a spot for her to sit. With shaky hands she reached out and picked up the sheikah slate, its weight familiar as her fingers wrapped comfortably around it. She smiled as the screen flashed to life, controls popping up around the rim.

"It seems Link was busy," she murmured to herself as she inspected the new upgrades.

A twang of jealousy flared inside her. She had spent months trying to discover all the secrets the slate held, and yet Link had been the one to uncover most of them. Zelda squashed the thoughts as soon a s they appeared, now was not the time to be so...petty.

She looked closer at the new advancements, impressed by the large vale the hero had possessed. A smile crept onto her face as she looked through the compendium, it was completely filled, a task that had seemed rather daunting to her.

He spent all that time filling the compendium, shouldn't he have been saving Hyrule? 

Zelda felt ashamed at the thought. That was until she realized how correct she was. She only sighed, that was a matter to bring up with the hero another day.

Her attention was now brought to the photo album which, she realized with a slight blush, still had the few photos she had taken all those years ago. Memories resurfaced at the sight of them, some fond, others not as much. Her heart ached at the thought of all that was now lost to Hyrule, the death of her closest friends and her father. She quickly swiped the pictures away, hoping that the memories would disappear with them. Fortunately, she got her wish.

As she swiped the photos away, the slate revealed the next page in the album, a page that was no longer empty. Her eyes widened at the display of colorful locations and people. Taking a cautious look at the door to see if anyone was near, she clicked on the first one.

She couldn't contain the smile that creeped onto her face. In the forefront of the picture was Link, at a rather unflattering angle she might add. His nose and mouth took up most of the frame, and an extremely young girl that resembled Impa's sister sat in the background, mouth open, arms crossed and brow furrowed as if yelling at him.

Zelda sat with a fond smile, looking at the many pictures one by one, not wanting to miss a single detail. She had to admit it was strange seeing Link so carefree in all the photos, but it was entertaining nonetheless to see a small slice of his adventure.

The next photo showcased him sitting in a brightly lit spring, eyes crossed and face surprised and he tried to look at the fairy resting on his nose. Then he was in what Zelda recognized as Zora's domain, standing next to a tall Zora, both flexing one arm and flashing a charming smile and wink. A pang of guilt burned her heart as she recognized the red Zora as Mipha's brother. Sidon had just been a small boy when she had seen him last, but now...

Zelda kept moving through the album, hoping to chase away the guilt and sadness that had bloomed in her chest. The small smile returned as she continued scrolling, each picture crazier than the last. It seemed the Link's travels had taken him all over Hyrule, to the Akkala region where he stood, thumb up and smile on his face and a bokoblin camp burned in the background, all the way to Faror where he proudly displayed a fish he had caught.

He also took numerous pictures with many of Hyrul's creatures, many times he had his arms slung around a clearly struggling deer or goat, one time a very disgruntled bokoblin. Zelda's eyes widened as they saw him posed with a Lynle, their heads pressed together as if they were friends, or master and pet. She told herself to ask him the story of that one later. A small laugh escaped as she continued scrolling. The photo she landed on was again of Link, his face twisted in fear and shock as he ran (she could tell from the slight blur that rimmed everything) multiple red dots locked onto him.

Zelda just shook her head and laughed, even now he was always getting into trouble. She scrolled even deeper, becoming more intrigued with the people she began to see pop up continuously. Friends he had made she supposed. There was a young Gerudo who was seen often, Zelda's favorite one was of her and Link, their faces close to the camera with puffed cheeks and crossed eyes. She also saw other Gerudos, mainly in a photo of Link in what looked to be a bar, him chugging a large glass full of red liquid while the women around him appeared to cheer. Zelda sighed as she saw his rosy cheeks and crossed eyes, the poor boy was drunk beyond belief.

Besides the Gerudo it seemed he had become close with many of the Gorons and RIto. She saw the sweat glistening on him as he posed with a Goron on top of a high pillar, a shrine in the background. There were many of him in the hot springs, even one of a tremendous splash as a huge Gorron jumped in. Another laugh escaped her as Link and a particularly shy looking Goron came onto the screen, both sitting in a minecart with wild faces and hair flying back, almost as if they were riding at breakneck speed. 

The pictures gradually changed scenery from the blazing Death Mountain to the snow crested Hebra Mountains. Link sat rosy cheeked around a small fire with a group of brightly colored, young, Rito girls; all of them with large smiles and holding up plates filled with delicious food. There were also many with a white Rito, even one of Link flying on his back. It seemed the young Hylian enjoyed the experience much more than the Rito.

Zelda was lost in the pictures, still smiling fondly to herself as she kept on scrolling. She was finally starled from her comfortable stupor by the door being slid open. Her head whipped up and her face flushed, like she had just been caught doing something she shouldn't have. She went still as her eyes locked with the hero who stood in the door, his eyes also wide.

"You're awake," he softly spoke up, stepping fully into the room.

Zelda only nodded, her grip tightening on the slate. After all these were all his personal photos, she really had no right to look through them without his permission. 

"What are you doing?," he nodded his head towards the slate in her hands, now standing right above her.

Zelda's breath hitched and her face felt like it had reached a temperature hotter than Death Mountain.

"Oh um, I was-" she hopelessly stuttered on her words as he casually sat down beside her. No point hiding it now, "I was admiring your photos," she paused, "Im sorry, these are personal I shouldn't have-"

"No its fine," he assured her, gently prying the slate from her death grip, "I did alot of dumb things didn't I?" he asked with a laugh, numbly swiping through the photos, " I guess I just got so used to associating my memories with these photos."

Zelda furrowed her brow at that, what was that supposed to mean?

Link gave her a sideways smile, "This is a pretty memorable occasion right? After all we did just defeat the evilest prick in Hyrule."

Zelda smiled, "I supposed it is."

He switched on the slates camera and gave her another smile, she nodded, answering the silent question. Link slid closer to her, placing his head right next to hers and held the slate out above them. Zelda did her best to ignore the marathon her heart was performing in her chest, and gave her best smile for the camera.

"Say, We saved Hyrule!"

Zelda let out a short laugh, "We saved Hy-"

She froze and sat slacked jaw as Link turned his head, planted a  kiss on her cheek and to her horror, took the shot. The final result was a very flustered, and very red, Zelda. Link just let out a chuckle and admired his handiwork.

" Link, you have to delete that," Zelda protested.

"It's good to have you back princess."

Zelda sat stunned as he wrapped her up in a hug. Never before had he shown such physical affection towards her, not that she was complaining in the slightest. She let her body go limp in his embrace, already her weary body begging to drift away in sleep.

"You should rest some more," he whispered into her hair.

All she could let out was a soft 'mhmm'

Zelda heard the clank of metal as the shields and other equipment were pushed off the bed, and a tender kiss to her temple. She smiled as the world slowly faded to black, her mind and body finally at ease. Tomorrow would be a new day, a new start, filled with new memories. 

If you made it this far thanks for reading!!
And to all out there with books of their own that I may have been reading and then I seemed to just have died...I promise I'm trying to finish em 😂 I've been reading wayyyy to many young Royau fics ( will someone pls explain why that's the ship name tho 😂) and I'm just an unmotivated turd who spends too much time doing useless things X)

Welp Lechuga

~Wolf00Link Has Left The Chat

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