Ch.10 Captive

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Roo's POV

I woke up in a chair. Slowly lifting my head I try to move my body from the uncomfortable sitting position I had slept in. Only to find my arms and legs tied painfully tight to the uncomfortable wooden chair. Did I mention how uncomfortable I am? All drowsy stupidity clears once memories of the event before come to play. Coming into the shop, the wait, Mason, the alarm clock, the table, the old guy, the needle.


All awareness kicks in as I take in my surroundings. Gray cement floor, lighter gray walls, wooden stairs, no windows, a few fold up wood chairs leaned up against a wall, no way to cut the rope...great... I'm in a god damn basement. Yes I am cursing internally right now but I don't care, I'm trapped in a witch's basement because of my own stupidity. I should have known, seen signs, any signs. Okay... Mason acting weird towards me the first time we met probably should have waved a red flag.

I struggle against the ropes tying my wrists the the arms of the chair and they suddenly get tighter. I look down at them and stop moving, half because it's cutting off circulation and half because of fear of what might happen if I do.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you. They wouldn't have been so right when you woke if you hadn't moved around so much." It was the old guy's voice. I decided to ignore him and become very interested in the floor. He grabbed a chair, unfolded it in front of me, and sat down. "So," he puts his elbows on his knees and knits his fingers together, "we can make this quick and simple. You cooperate, we let you go." I don't respond. "Let's start with a simple question; have you fed today?"

"I don't drink blood anymore. At least I don't keep it in my system, I puke it up." I mutter this just loud enough for him to hear.

"Yeah and I'm a unicorn." Was a long shot, I knew he wouldn't believe me. I let out a quick, slight, chuckle at the thought of him as a unicorn.

Real mature Rosalind, real mature.

"Oh that's funny is it? Fine, next question; where do you live?"

That's a very nice pattern on the floor.

He grabs my chin and yanks my face upward to face his dirty, gray and brown stubbled face. "Where's your clan?"

What so you can kill them all? I don't think so.

Instead of answering I spit in his face and pull my face away. He stands, walks a few steps away, wiping off my saliva, then storms over and back-hand slaps the right side of my face. It stung enough to make my eyes water, but I think I'll live. He turns his back to me and faces the stairs.

"Mason bring me my briefcase! Now!" He turns back toward me again with a face fueled with anger. "Looks like we'll have to play this the hard way." A few moments later, Mason descends holding a big, black, leather briefcase and hands it to him.

"Anything else Uncle?" His Uncle, okay at least that's better than "the old guy".

"No," he opens his case and grabs a long sharp blade, running his finger gently on the edge he approaches me, " I can take it from here." I watch, trying to keep as calm as possible. I don't like knives.

He cuts me three times on my right leg. It stings as the wounds are exposed to the air around me. "Where is your clan?" No answer. He cuts my left leg three times. "Your clan?" No response. He sighs in frustration. I glance at Mason who seems confused.

"Isn't the blade supposed to burn victims of her kind?" Mason's uncle looks back and forth between me and the blade, skeptical.

"Et offeres super sanguinem qui habent alios cibos." Mason's uncle waves his hand over the blade while speaking in what can only be guessed to be a spell? "Now let's try." He quickly slashes a long cut on my left arm, causing me to hiss in pain as my eyes water once again. No burning...just stinging. Lots of stinging. He smirks and jams the blade straight into my thigh, making me holler in pain. He pulls it out and goes to cut my other arm but Mason stops him.

"Uncle stop." He grabs the blade from him.

"Hey idiot, leave the dirty work to adults okay?" This earns a quick glare from Mason. " She's one of them and I can prove it." He raises his hand towards me and suddenly an excruciating pain enters my head. I let out a blood curdling scream.

"That's enough!" After a few hour like moments the pain stops leaving me with blood dripping from my nose, my head spinning, my ears ringing, and black spots in my vision Turning his attention towards me, he kneels down before me.

"I need you to breathe this in." He says calmly, almost soothingly. He turns his head towards his uncle, "Remember what Mom always said? It's all in the eyes. For all of us, our eyes react differently to certain things. Human's eyes dilate depending on light, ours gain specks of different colors depending on certain senses and feelings, her kinds eyes dilate depending on inner hunger urges towards blood," he turns his head back towards me, " not sure what type you are Rosalind but blood is blood when it comes to smell so cooperate okay?" I nod, not fully trusting him but going with it.

He uses the blade to cut his index finger deep enough to draw a big bead of blood. He brings it up to my nose and I do as instructed and breathe in. Immediately after I look into his blue eyes hoping my vomit technique has been working. Suddenly faint specks of darker blue show up in his eyes. He stands up and faces his uncle.


"Well, you just tortured a human girl." I let go of a breath I hadn't even known I was holding.

"Just because she's human doesn't mean she doesn't live with a clan, that her family and/or friends aren't apart of a clan." He starts to approach me again, my heart pounds. Mason thankfully steps in front of me.

"We swore to protect humans, not harm them. We'll find another way. For now we need to clean her up." He turns to face me one more and places a hand on my head. "We're so very sorry for the way we've mistreated you. cura, retro dolor." The wounds close and fade to faint pink marks. I give him a look that says "thank you" even though he shouldn't deserve it. He responds with a small nod. Using the blade he cuts me free from the ropes. I rub my wrists and stand up, suddenly aware of the skeptical glare I'm receiving from the old man.

He sighs grudgingly. "You're free to go." Without a second to spare I dash up stairs finding myself back into the work area. I grab my bag and head for the door.

"Wait!" I almost didn't stop. Turning around I see Mason holding the clock out to me. Grabbing it our fingers brush against one another and a shock is sent through them making us both gasp. I drop the clock and force myself to meet his eyes. Faint specks of black enter his blue orbs. A back away immediately.

. "I-I'll just buy a new one." Turning away he calls my name but I'm already approaching the jeep. I get in and drive in the opposite direction of the clan, in case of tag-a-longs.

I think I may have just met my mate.

Turns out he's a witch, not only that but he's the witch who helped hold me hostage. Fantastic.


It is currently 1:41 am (well 2 am now because it took me twenty minutes to find a good picture. Worth it though! You guys are awesome.). I promised a second chapter today and you got it! A longer one too. Out of both chapters today, not a lot really happened...(not in order) Zeyu dropped a bomb, we learn more about Edith, Roo gets tortured, she's freed, she supposedly meets her mate. Okay maybe a bit happened but either way I tried my best to make up the time gap to you guys. Hope you enjoyed it! I'm about to pass out as soon as I post this.

...And for any YouTube fans out there who get this reference: R.I.P. Ass-Ass glasses.
Mugelbbub!!! ("It was BABIES!! IT WAS FUCKING BABIES!!"- Markiplier 2016)

PS the spells are in Latin.

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