Ch. 5 Panty Twists and Turns

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Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry, I didn't realize it's been a week since I last updated! I was at a writer's block. It's so hard to not get right to the good scenes...but I have to make fillers so...Yeah. I'm starting to get readers now though so expect updates more often.

PS I changed my name to Mugelbbub28 instead of Gubble.

Anyways, I have big plans for this chapter. Let's hope I'm not too lazy to see them through. Wish me luck!

Btw title^^^……Yeahhh weird I know. But I've gotta lure you guys in some how he he!

I walked down Crimson Road, and let me tell you, Zeyu and Vega are not the only ones with mansions on this street. Theirs just happens to be the biggest and most expensive. No biggy! All around me are beautiful white or light colored mansions with tan, or gray roofing. They could've chosen mansion more beautiful than everyone's combined; but no! They had to go all Addams family and choose a dark gray mansion with black and brown roof tiles. What....the f? Maybe they chose it that way so it wasn't as welcoming. But honestly...I think this draws unwanted attention. Then again maybe not.

I walk indoors to the complete opposite. I'm blinded with white...and silver. But mostly white.

Truth be told, I would never get a mansion. Too much space. Oh who am I kidding? There is never too much space! I could have a room for everything!! But still, I wouldn't get a mansion unless I had to.

I walk inside and am immediately sucked into a bear hug.

"Roo! I knew you'd make it! Who else would I trick into doing the bean boozled challenge with me?" I laugh and pull away from a slightly curled blonde haired, blue eyed Edith. She laughed too but then then reaches in her hand bag. "But seriously," she holds in her hand a box of something that could potentially be good or bad...or both. "You're doing this with me later."

"Oh..." Was all I said. She's weird, but we all love her. After she put it away I heard Nico ("NEE-KO" short for Nicolas) practically run in along with Brian's cousin Kaitlyn. He's tall, with very short brown hair and light eyes. She's slightly shorter than him but still pretty tall for a girl...adding the six inch heels....with dirty blonde hair, and gray eyes. For some reason all my friends have light eyes.

"Hey Kangaroo." He's always made fun of my name. He's the one person who hasn't given in to my death glare. I scowl at him. "Hi Nickelodeon." He just grinned and thanked me. "Wha...that wasn't a compliment."

"Are you kidding? My whole life would be the best show on that channel!" He walks over and gives me one of those awkward side hugs. He's like a big brother to me. And he acts the part too. Kaitlyn folds her arms over her chest.

"What the hell took you so long?"

"I got a little sidetracked....And lost. I had to walk here from Sherwood Watch Repair Shop."

Edith butt in, " Oh yeah-yeah-yeah I passed by that place on my way here. How come I didn't see you? I would've picked you up."

"I went inside because well...I may or may not have broken my alarm clock...again."

" Yep, it's official. I am never waking you up in the mornings."

Kaitlyn let out a frustrated sigh as her arms dropped to her sides. "Okay, hello? Does anyone remember what we're here for? The welcoming party. So let's go! " She turned around quickly and started walking towards the ball room. Yes. A ball room. Nico hurried to catch up with her and started trying to annoy her.

"Hello from the other side!" He was very loud and threw his voice off key on purpose...I think. She turned and shoved him barely hard enough to make him stumble.

"Shut up!" He laughs.

"Am I known to shut up?" She stops walking and turns to face him. Annoyance boldly written on her face.

"Am I known to give a damn?" He scoffs

"What's got your panties in a twist?" She sounds around and starts walking again. She speaks over her shoulder.

"Definitely not you." He sighs in defeat and follows her. Edith and I exchange glances. They've been flirting and throwing little signals here and there since the beginning of high school. I have no idea what's holding them back.


I know this is VERY short and I didn't finish what I had planned but I had to give you guys something. I promise things will start to get more intense. I hope you guys enjoyed this. In my last update I typed up a list of characters and who they're being played by. So I'm guessing now you know that Thomas Dekker is playing the part of Mason Sherwood. Oh my I the only one drooling over this dude? What do you think of the characters do far? Until next time!
(P.S I dedicate this chapter to MrsMars85 for being one of my best friends and also in a way inspiring the character Kaitlyn.)

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