1 - Legendary

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Three years ago...

There were people who were selected by Arceus to gain a legendary Pokemon protector...

This generation, was the strongest, the best, and the most successful.

So much so, that the five cults rose again.

"I hereby declare the meeting of chosen to commence!" Darkrai said, as we sat around my, no, our living room. "Palkia, if you'd please." Darkrai said, sitting next to me on the couch. Palkia stood up, and walked to the table. "Two years ago--", "Three." She was interrupted by Giratina. "..." She shot a fierce glare towards him, getting a shrug in response. "As I was saying, Three years ago, we were a team of many chosen pairs, and we defeated the cults with ease. But since then, they've left, and their whereabouts are unknown." She said. "And your point is?" Giratina yawned. "The cults are back, and they are more formidable than ever before." She replied. "Let's just punch 'em in the gut again." Giratina said. "Could you please shut your mouth before I make you?" Darkrai growled. "Oh no. Here we go." I rolled my eyes. "He's waiting for me to tell him." Palkia huffed. "Damn right." Giratina said, crossing his arms, and closing his eyes. "I don't take orders from anyone but her." He said. "Then why don't you be a respectful person and let her talk without interruption!" Darkrai replied. Palkia was slowly getting agitated as the two argued. "Let me finish!" Palkia shouted, making the ground shake slightly. "Ahem. Now then." She said, straightening her tie, and clearing her throat. "Our main goal is to find them, and team up again so we can take down the cults. As I said before, most of us have left the team, and are off doing their own thing. We need to reunite." Palkia said. "We only have two and a half chosen-legendary duos at the present. We have Darkrai and Haruka, Me and Topas, and Giratina. The most we could do is just take out a small amount of a single cult's henchmen." She said. "I may have an idea of where Yuri and Hoopa are, but it's just a guess." I shrugged. "Good. We'll start our search tomorrow. Hoopa should be our objective, because she is able to open portals to different places from different dimensions, so she could easily warp us somewhere on this planet in the blink of an eye." Palkia smiled. "We should get going... I promised I'd train Topas today, so we'll be back tomorrow." Palkia said, walking towards the door with Giratina, then leaving. "It's already been three years, huh?" I sighed, leaning on the arm of the couch. "Yep. They went by quickly, though." Darkrai replied. You'd think that after we've beaten the cults, we'd be able to relax and stuff, but I guess not. After all, the cults would want some sort of revenge after what we did." He said, leaning on my shoulder. "Yeah." I replied, kissing him on the forehead.


I wrote this in study hall, and during lunch. In lunch I remembered that I posted a teaser in my third art book XD.

I'm all like; O SHITE

And then I said something like this;

"Oh yeah! I get to write the -Legendary- sequel! The hype is real!!!"

So yeah, this is the official sequel.

One that won't be deleted or denied.

The reason I wanted to continue this is because the original was so fun to write, and because you all loved it, and because I said to be continued at the end of the first book.

So yeah! Anyways, I'll see you all in the next chapter! See ya!

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