Starting Words

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*This is actually both an author's note/explanation/reminder to the advancement of the story "Legendary".

To all readers:

A) The Chapters

You may have noticed that the timelines/chapters don't really follow chronological order. That is just the way I as the author want to reveal the story to you the reader. Although it is quite confusing, but all of it actually makes sense as the story unfolds.

B) The Hymnology of Synthet

A Hymnology is a book of hymns. Chapters titled like The Hymnology of Synthet (Ena) are not considered to be part of the story but still play quite a big role in the world of the island of Jaime that I am creating. I let you the readers read it because I want you to understand more about the world. There is also another reason that would be made clear in the later chapters...... :)

C) Hidden Identities

In the first chapter (aka the dagger), the character is unknown and that is perfectly fine for the readers. This is just to create suspense and mystery, not to confuse readers (If anyone is confused). And there might be more in the chapters to come, so continue reading!

D) Language

As the island of Jaime is a fictional place, it has fictional traditions, cultures and most importantly language and words. Names like Ena, Synthet, Ghot, Pricification etc are the works of fiction, although there is the use of Greek words like Synthet, which is Greek for serpent. Since the greek version of serpent has a weird way of writing, I just changed the name a bit making it seem more logical.

E) Copyright

I do agree that this story might be similar to other stories and that, is just mere coincidence. If at some point in the story that anything might be taken from other stories, it is just coincidental, so forgive me for insulting or not giving respect to anyone that claims this story is similar to theirs.

F) Murder, love and violence

This story does contain aspects that might be a bad influence to younger readers. This is your warning so don't blame me.

G) Inspiration

I must admit that I have taken some inspiration from other psychical books like The Hunger Games Trilogy, The Harry Potter series (which I finished fairly quickly) and etc. So I must give credit to those that help create this story. But most of the story is plain fiction so none of it is real, or is it? :o ;)

H) Support

Same like many other writers I know, I am quite busy. Please don't expect a chapter to magically appear in your account after you read the latest chapter. Other than that, your support is needed to motivate me, I do put in lots of effort to inspect, refine and improve my writings, so please vote and read my story, don't forget to follow me in the progress, let's do it for The Smajz People!

Welcome to my world of Creation.......... The Island of Jaime.........

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