Harry Loses His Temper

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Percy's POV

I walked out of the Mortal building in dissapointment. I was under Harry's Cloak and I dodged a harried person rushing by. After a few weeks of research, Hermione and Annabeth had found the house of Voldemort's Lieutenant, Bellatrix Lestrange. I had searched her house in hope that I would find a key to her vault in Gringotts. Clearly, that plan had failed. I dodged into an alleyway and whistled for Blackjack. He swooped from the sky seconds later. I mounted his back and we flew away.

"Hey Boss!" He neighed. "How'd it go?"

"Not to well Blackjack. I found nothing." I answered a bit depressed. All of us, especially Harry and I were feeling discouraged. For a whole month, we had found nothing, made no plans to break into Gringotts or anything like that. We had gotten nowhere. Blackjack touched down in a small woody clearing. I dismounted and headed to our Campsite. Blackjack followed behind, occasionally pausing to nibble grass. Whereas he used to always ask for donuts, he now made no mention of them. As if he understood that this war was probably the most dangerous one we'd ever fought, or will fight. And he did. He understood perfectly well.

Five tents were erected, with the one in the middle being the largest as it was where Harry, Ron, and Hermione slept. It also served as a kind of headquarters. I walked there now and pushed apart the flat, stepping into the spacious area. I barely paused and took in the two bunk beds, kitchen, and living area that would most definitely not fit in a normal tent. The Seven, Nico, and Ron watched as Harry and Hermione fought. I joined Annabeth and whispered in her ear, "Are they at it again?"

"Unfortunately." She whispered back and leaned into me. I placed an arm around her shoulders and watched as the two best friends yelled at each other.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER! WE'VE BEEN OVER THIS ALREADY!" Hermione shouted in exasperation, throwing her hands up.

"EXACTLY! I'VE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES, NO HERMIONE! WE CAN'T DO IT!" Harry bellowed just as angrily. Ron stood at the side, shifting on his feet uncomfortably. Watching his best friends fight must have been upsetting.

Hermione's tone softened. "Harry. You're afraid that we'll be killed. That You Know Who and Bellatrix would hurt us and you can't bear it. But please. Trust us and believe that we'll be fine. We've been through plenty of life and death situations. We've lived."

"The thing is, Hermione. Others didn't. Sirius didn't. Dumbledore didn't. My- my parents..." Harry's voice started to shake. "I trust you 'Mione. I really do. I trust all of you. But you've never been face to face with him. You don't know what its like. I have." They stared at each other for a few moments. Hermione looked away and muttered something under her breath and stalked away. Ron hurried after her, calling her name. Harry turned away and grabbed his wand.

"I'll go... Keep watch." He said roughly and walked outside. After a few moments, I turned to my friends. Go to sleep all of you. I'll go keep watch with Harry." They nodded in agreement. My friends soon dispersed, leaving only Annabeth and Nico. Nico approached me.

"Perce, I think I'll go back to Camp. You guys are well covered and I have a feeling... Anyway. I just wanted to tell you." He told me looking down at his feet.

"Kay Neeks. See you soon." I clapped his shoulder briefly. He nodded in Annabeth's direction and Shadow Traveled away.

"Talk to Harry, will you?" Annabeth asked after Nico dissappeared.

"Of course. Hermione's plan is a good one. We have no other choice anyway. We have to go find Bellatrix and steal the key from her. If only Conner and Travis were here..." I trailed off. "It's just Harry, I mean, understand what he's getting at." I had felt the hard weight of the guilt from my friends deaths too. Annabeth laced her fingers with mine and kissed me softly.

"I know." She whispered. "Good night, Percy. I love you." She walked into our tent and waved goodbye to me. I walked over to where Harry sat, wand in hand.

"Hey," I greeted him softly and settled down beside him. He nodded in greeting, roving his eyes over the surrounding areas. Blackjack stood at the outskirts of the tents with a wing over his head. Ron and Hermione emerged from the trees holding hands. Hermione cast a regretful glance back at Harry who paid no attention and stared straight ahead. They both disappeared into their tent without a word. We stayed in silence for an hour or so and at one point, it started snowing.

"How do you do it?" Harry asked not looking at me.

"Dealing with the guilt of knowing that your friends and family died for you? I don't. It's with me all the time. I can't get rid of it. But when the time comes for taking action, for fighting, I use that guilt and turn it into anger. Then I fight harder, I fight to protect all my friends and my family. To keep them safe. Believe me Harry I know what you're-" I was cut off by Harry who stood up and pointed his wand angrily at me. His voice shook with anger.

"Stop it! Just stop! You have no IDEA what I'm going through. Sure, you've fought two wars and seen your friends die, but it wasn't your FAMILY! My Godfather died! My Proffessor who's practically my
Grandfather died! My Parents died when I was one! VOLDEMORT killed them! You however still have loving parents that comfort you after every bloody quest!"

I stood too. I kept my voice level, though it was vibrating with concealed emotion. "My fatal flaw. You seem to be forgetting that. Personal Loyalty. It tears me apart to see my friends die. Just like you would be feeling if Ron and Hermione died. And you never got beaten up by your step-dad at age seven." I took a deep breath. "Look at it this way, apart we are heroes. But together we are a legend."

Harry stared at me. He truly looked apologetic and guilty. He opened his mouth to say something but before he could- CRACK! Several loud sounds echoed around and I immediately recognized them as the sound of someone apparating.

"Get down!" I yelled and tackled Harry as about fifteen red lights flew above our heads from the trees. I got up almost as soon as I had hit the ground and took out Riptide. The gleaming leaf shaped blade cast a dim bronze glow around me, illuminating the three wizards coming toward me. Harry scrambled up too, brandishing his wand.

"Stupefy!" He yelled and the same jet of light hit an oncoming wizard, stopping him cold. He passed out among the leaves. I ran forward and engaged the second wizard. From experience, I knew Celestial Bronze didn't hurt them as Clarisse had stabbed at Ron once and it went straight through him. I swung Riptide at the man's head and he shrieked, dropping quickly to the ground, thinking the sword would decapitate him. It passed harmlessly through him but I was able knock him out using the pommel of my sword. I knocked out three more wizards before I was finally overwhelmed.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Two jets of light flew from a wand, one hitting me and the other Harry. I froze, suddenly immobile.

"Ahh, what do we have here... Potter and, by the gods! Percy Jackson!" A short, whiskery gray man emerged from the trees holding a wand. He grinned sadistically. "I'm definitely going to win!" The rest of his goons dragged our friends out of their tents. My eyesight got a little red when one pushed Annabeth into the ground laughing. I glared angrily at Greyback, who I immediately knew from my instincts and Harry that he was a werewolf.

They tied my friends tightly to a tree, leaving Harry and I in the middle, trapped.

Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/ Happy Holidays!!

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