Sword of Gryfindor

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Hey guys! Sorry but i forgot about the Swird if Gryfindor! Here's the chapter for it, it takes place after Annabeth destroyed the Horcrux but before Harry Loses his Temper. Sorry again! I'll get the new update in soon!

Harry's POV

The demigods had all had very busy days, and as such, us magical folk were conducting the nightly watch. As Ron had just finished his watch, it was now my turn. It was around the middle of the night, the sky a deep shade of blue. Stars twinkled above me, and I thought longingly of the people in the heavens who must be watching me know. Of course, my parents, who I never truly knew. Then Sirius, my late godfather. Proffessor Albus Dumbledore who'd always looked out for me, and taught me well. I felt a shard of remorse pierce my heart.

I swept my lighted wand around the snowy forest. A brilliant, white light threw long shadows across the crystal snow. I shaded my eyes, barely making out the lean figure of a doe. I stood, following it as it weaved through the trees. It seemed not to touch the ground, it's dainty hooves leaving not a single mark on the freshly fallen snow. "Wait!!" I called after it, it seemed terribly familiar. The doe paused, throwing a dainty look back at me. It bounded through the snow, and I let out a yell as I ran after it.

After seemingly endless silhouettes of pines and the sharp light of the doe, just paces ahead of me, I finally stopped in a clearing. The doe stared at me, and crossed over a frozen circle of water. I peered into the icy blue darkness. What seemed like a red ruby glinted up at me from the light emitting from my wand tip. I gasped and dropped to my stomach, wiping at the frozen surface. Indeed, there was the Sword of Gryfindor, in all its silver bladed and golden hilted glory. I glanced back at the doe, who flickered and disappeared. "Thank you," I whispered to it anyway.

I stood, walking the circumference of the pool of water. It wasn't large, only about eight feet in diameter. "Diffindo!" I exclaimed, the spell cracking the ice open. "Accio Sword of Gryfindor!!" The sword didn't move. I sighed, there was a tiny chance that would have worked anyway. I stripped down to my boxers, shivering as the frigid air hit my exposed skin. I took my glasses off, and took a deep breath. I placed my wand at the side of the pool, letting the light spill over, illuminating the depths.

I lowered myself into it, and squealed. Yes, I squealed. But seriously, who wouldn't? The water must have been 10° Farenheit atleast. The water wasn't deep, but it did force me to dunk my head in order to grab the sword. The freezing water closed over my head, and with my eyes open, I grabbed the Ruby encrusted hilt and brought it up, gasping for air. Wet and freezing I slithered into my clothing, hugging the sweater close. Grabbing my wand and sword, I made my way back through the woods.

Snow soon began to fall, hard and fast. I started to panic, my tracks would be covered soon and I'd be out here alone and freezing, unable to find the tent due to the wards protecting the campsite. I rounded the corner, almost colliding head first into Leo. I yelped, backing up after almost burning my nose on the flame he was holding.

"Hey!! Hey man! Slow down! Where'd you go? Why are you wet?" He soon spotted the sword hanging from my limp fingers. "That's a wicked cool sword Harry! Where'd you get it!" Leo grabbed the sword, extinguishing the flame (much to my dismay) and studied the silver metal. "Very very nicely crafted! The blacksmith who made this was very skilled, yes!"

"Leo!!" I interrupted. "Can you please study the sword later? I'm freezing and we need to find Camp before the prints disappear from the snow!"

He glanced at me, fiery brown eyes flashing mischievously. "Didn't you make a trail?" Leo stepped aside, showing a black streak of burnt ground. I huffed and practically ran into Camp. My fingers had turned a worrying shade of blue and my hair started to clump into icy spikes.

My friends stared at me in shock as Leo crashed into Camp, crazy curls of hair flying about. He was carrying the sword carefully. Percy broke the silence. "What happened to you?" My teeth chattered and i stammered,

"C-cold help... P-Please?" Percy walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. All the moisture sticking on my clothing seemed to be absorbed, leaving me warmer but not satisfied. Leo sent a stream of flame onto the makeshift fireplace warming me instantly.

"I f-found the sword of Gryfindor. I followed the doe..." Hermione and Ron gasped. Leo handed them the sword.

"It's perfectly balanced, crafted beautifully, its four feet long, made of pure silver." Leo continued his spiel from earlier, a bright look in his fiery eyes.

"Alright, I get it, it's a good sword!" Percy interrupted. "So... What are we gonna use the sword for?"

"Dumbledore actually used the Sword of Gryfindor to destroy the Horcrux Ring of Gaunt, so in theory we could use it to destroy the other horcruxes as well." Hermione said.

I nodded. "Yeah, Dumbledore showed me in the Pensive."

"Great, so if we're all done here... I'd like to go to bed." Percy muttered and staggered back into his tent a loud thump signaling he'd face planted into his bed. Annabeth sighed and apologized, saying she needed to sleep as well. Soon, the rest of the demigods had disappeared as well, leaving us wizards alone.

"Harry, what do you mean you followed the doe?" Ron asked, sitting next to me, followed by Hermione.

"I followed this shining white doe, and it led me to a clearing with a frozen pool of water. The sword was in there. I jumped in and retrieved the sword. On my way back I was starting to get lost but Leo found me and led me back."

"Hm.. The doe sounds like it was a patronus. Do you have any idea whose it was?" Hermione mused.

"No... Not really. It felt really familiar though, like as if I knew the doe itself."

"Mad Eye? Bill? Uh... Ginny? No wait, it's McGonagall!" Ron exclaimed.

"Maybe, I just don't know. I think McGonagall's is a cat anyway."

Hermione sighed. "Look, it's late, we can figure it out tomorrow. Goodnight Harry." Ron and Hermione left, entering the large tent we shared.

I was left, staring at the flickering orange flames. The doe was so familiar, and almost like my own stag patronus. I gasped, eyes widening in realization. What if...? What if the person who semt the doe... Was my mother?

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