Too Many Mistakes

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Percy's POV

Tartarus glided toward me, feet not touching the ground. His masked and hooded face seemed to leer down at me from his height of fifteen feet. "Forgot about me, didn't you Son of Poseidon? Your first fatal mistake." His voice rasped like snakes and the familiar pulse of his power washed over me. I shivered as the cold feeling I had first felt down in Tartarus with Annabeth ran down my spine. He continued, "Of course, your second was killing your friends in the basement below. How do you think the rise of water affected them, hmm?" I stumbled back and fell in shock. Hermione grabbed my hand, holding it tightly. A sob escaped her lips. A vast void of emptiness was eating away at my heart, leaving my chest hollow. Annabeth, Jason, Frank, Piper, Leo, Hazel, Harry, and Ron... It was entirely my fault.

"Take the girl away, lock her up. I daresay she doesn't want to witness this." Bellatrix and the other woman stepped forward. Hermione tightened her hold on my wrist. Snarling angrily at her, Bellatrix wrenched Hermione away. She glanced back at me, brown eyes filled with fear. Then she was gone and I was left alone with Tartarus and the two Malfoy men. Without a word, the primordial inclined his head toward the far wall. The Malfoys dragged me toward it and still shocked by the news of my friend's death I didn't struggle. They chained me up on the wall by my arms, leaving me dangling a few inches off the ground. "Leave!" Tartarus yelled at the death eaters who left hurriedly. He glided toward me as I hung there limply. Uncoiling a whip at his waist, Tartarus snapped it in the air just a few inches above my head. I never raised my head though. Even as the wind whistled toward me and the whip, dark black and cursed headed toward me, I never raised my head. I let the tears fall for my friends. My brave, wonderful, loyal friends. Then my world collapsed into a heap of darkness and pain.

Harry's POV

My head broke the surface of the water. Surprised but thankful, I gulped in great heaving breaths of air as I fought to keep my head above the water. My stinging eyes opened and saw the blurry outlines of my friends as they too swam in the water. Surprisingly the water was falling and soon I could feel the cellar floor at my feet. I collapsed on the ground coughing. My throat was sore and raspy and I had a killer headache. My friends surrounded me in similar coughing fits Ron just a few feet away. "Harry!" Jason's voice rasped with urgency. I turned toward him, blinking water out of my eyes. Frank, Piper, and Jason were kneeling in front of a still form. Startled, I recognized the distinctive blond princess curls of Annabeth. I scrambled to my feet and ran to Annabeth. Piper yelled desperately at her friend, voice heavy with charmspeak.

"Annabeth!! Wake up, please! It's just a little water... Wake up! The daughter of Athena I know wouldn't give up so easily!" Jason checked for a pulse, running his fingers over her wrist. When that wouldn't work, he checked her neck.

"I can't feel a pulse!" Jason whispered. Piper screamed, a heart wrenching sound. I searched through my mind, thinking up spells that could save her. If only Hermione were here! One by one, my friends gathered around us. Mostly everyone was fine, even old Mr. Ollivander and Griphook. Ron came to stand beside me eyes sad as he gazed at the demigods. All were mourning the death of Annabeth, who had been a good friend and powerful ally. The girls were most affected, Piper sobbed against Jason's shoulder and Hazel had retreated into the corner with Frank, who cried too. Luna slipped her hand into mine and Ron's, a comforting gesture. Then suddenly, the silence which was heavy with death was torn apart. Above us, someone screamed. It was a scream full of pain and suffering, going on and on and on. We all recognized who it belonged to. Apparently, Annabeth did too.

She shot upright, eyes wild with fear. "Percy!!"

Percy's POV (Promise, last time of Percy's POV)

The pain was unbearable so I screamed. And screamed and screamed again. I was only dimly aware of thrashing around, almost pulling my shoulders out of their sockets. It was like a billion little knives stabbing into my skin, tearing at my nerves and tendons. After what seemed like forever, the pain stopped leaving me shaking and crying. I felt weak, so weak. Sweat poured down my skin though I felt cold. Tartarus laughed, enjoying my pain. He sent the whip spinning toward me relentlessly enhancing my pain. The second the whip touched my skin, I was gone again.

Harry's POV

We jolted back from Annabeth. She had been dead and now she was alive. She sat bolt upright listening to Percy's terrible yells. Her eyes glazed over with tears and we listened as the yells receded to strangled croaks. "We have to help him." Jason spoke to her in Latin but she shook her head angrily and snapped back. "Gather your weapons. We're breaking out of here." Annabeth stood shakily and took out a dagger hidden beneath her shirt. The other demigods did the same, taking out small daggers and knives which had been concealed. Piper handed me my wand with a smile.

"Are we escaping now?" Luna asked helping Ollivander and Griphook stand. I nodded at her and she scooped up the still limp form of the goblin. Hazel walked forward and concentrated on the metal of the door. With a loud scraping sound, the door crumpled in on itself.

YAY! I updated! What a surprise! Sorry guys! But here's your update. I probably won't update for a while, or maybe I will because I have Spring Break. If any of you, or have friends who like the X-Files, I'm writing a fan fiction for it it.

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