First period

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I walk in my three brothers and I chattering over some gossip that 10 Pokemon trainers would be visiting at headmaster Arceus's request I've met Pokemon trainers before, I remember one who was riding on my friend Malevolent the Giratina not to long ago Malevolent said the trainers name is Ash, now that I think about it a lot of the legendary Pokemon have met Ash of course we always tease Lunar the Latias for having a crush on him, however it's been a year since Eve her brother died protecting Altomare for many it's been a long year. Dreamer a Darkrai floats by we fist bump then I continue down the hallway and head o my homeroom the gym my class is Riptide the Kryogre, Adamant the Cobalion, there's Jirachi, he changes his name all the time so I'll have to ask him later, Sickle the Yvetal, Frost my little bro who's a Regice, Mewtwo he's a Mewtwo(DUH) he's still trying to think of a name for himself, and finally Luminara the Manaphy, our gym teacher Coach Quake the Groudon welcomes us to a new year of school,"Welcome students, Who's ready for a year of fun!"
"Yeah right,"Sickle whispers
"I heard that Sickle," says Coach
"So you did coach well can you see this?" as Sickle flips him off the runs out the door, coach sighs and as Dreamer floats in late as usually crashes into Yvetal. Dreamer gets up first and floats next to me and sits, Yvetal on the other hand is pisses and fired a focus blast at him, one of my hands retracts into my air and I blast a hyper beam stopping the powerful fighting type move causing a shockwave. Coach points toward the door and takes Yvetal to the headmaster. "Thanks," said Dreamer.
"No problem mate," I respond.
"Hey Titan," says Luminara in a sweet voice and pokes me, sounds like she still likes me well this is going to be a great year.
Riptides gives me a nod, he's a powerful Pokemon, but speaks little.
"Hey Luminara was up babe," says Adamnat smoothly. He's rewarded with a hydro pump to the face.
"...," mumbles Mewtwo, to be honest he's a little weird, but a good Pokemon.
"Hey Jirachi what's your name now?"I ask.
"The Funkmeister," he responds.
Everyone begins to laugh I mean seriously Funkmeister that sounds so stupid.
Coach comes inside as the bell rings, we wave goodbye and head to our next class, science.

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