Part 2: Saved

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Jay's POV

My buddy Alex and I were on the streets in New York trying to get a scoop on some criminal activity going on. It's just a normal thing for us and everyone one, I'm still wondering how someone like Alex deals with these things in life and how he hasn't gotten in trouble, have gotten kidnap, or how he's not in a relationship and still hasn't kissed someone, and yes I know this cause he told me because we have been friends for years even though he just moved here a few months ago. Back when we were little kids I used to go to the same school as him until I had to move away during our junior year of high school. I didn't want to leave but I had to because of my parents. But it wasn't bad living here but now it's better because my buddy Alex is here. As we were asking someone about the recent crimes someone was running away with a stolen bag of cash.

"Hey somebody stop that man!" A man shouted near the doorway of a store. The guy had a bag of money that he stole from the store by threatening people with a gun. The guy kept running and for some reason, Alex ran after him.

"Alex what are you thinking!?" I shouted to him thinking to myself how crazy this guy is.

Alex kept running after the guy until they were about a mile away, man can Alex run fast, and once they both turned the corner I decided to go after them as fast as I could. I didn't want anything to happen to Alex and I was gonna make sure of that.

Alex's POV

I was running after the guy with stolen money shouting to him to stop running but he just wouldn't quit. I chased him into a dead-end alleyway and I stopped to catch my breath. The guy turned and looked at me then he pulled his gun out and aimed it at my chest by the looks of it.

"Come any closer and I'll shot you!" He shouted to me while he was still aiming the gun at my chest.

I put my hands up so he would know if I was reaching for a weapon or not, then again I'm unarmed. But as he was still aiming the gun at me a guy jumped down and then grabbed the gun and punched the guy in the face. Once the robber was knocked out on the ground the man who saved my life and looked at me.

"Are you alright?" He asked him to make if I was alright. I nodded in reply as a looked closer to get a better look at him. He had light black hair that was slicked to his right that made him look like a model, he also had yellow eyes that were shimmering like gold coins, he also had tan skin and he looks pretty muscular, I can tell because he was wearing a black tank top and military camouflage pants. To be honest...he looked hot...wait what?

"It's not safe to go off on your own without a weapon." The guy said to me as I saw him taking the stolen bag of money from the unconscious man on the ground and then he threw it to me. "Make sure to give it back to the owner for me will ya, and be more careful next time ok?" I nodded to him again as I hold the bag of money.

"Thanks." He then started to climb on the wall and looked back at me with a smile. I blushed slightly for some reason and I smiled back as well. I started to hear Jay come closer saying my name. I turned around to face him as he stopped to catch his breath.

"Geez, Alex please don't scare me like that." He looked behind me and saw the robber on the ground passed out. "Dude, what happened?"

"Ok, so this guy saved my life when the robber pulled a gun out on me."

"What guy?"

"That guy-wait where did he go?" When I turned around I saw that the man who saved my life wasn't there anymore, probably went over the wall. I wished he stayed cause I never got to thank him and I don't know his name.

"Well whatever man it doesn't matter," Jay said. "Come on let's return the money to the store owner."

"Right!" I said as we both ran back to the store owner to return to him what he lost. One thing was on my mind though and that was the yellow eyes man. He came out of nowhere to just help me, I guess he's my hero. But I just wished he stook around for a while longer. I just hope I'll see him again.


As Alex and Jay were heading back to return the stolen money the yellow-eyed man was hiding away in the shadows of the alleyways making sure that no one can see him. As he as being sneaky he heads to into a secret warehouse entrance that led to a hideout where only certain people were allowed access to and those that can get into this hideout are the only ones that know of its location.

As the man walks in all of the other people that were already there greeted him with respect and in a kindly, I guess you could say that, way. One person goes up to him, he was wearing ripped blue jeans with a white shirt and a brown leather jacket on, he looked like he was Japanese and you wouldn't see it unless he took off the jacket but he has a tattoo on his right arm of a cherry blossom flower and some other Japanese designs around it. He also had dark brown hair and brown eyes.

"Hey, Griffin what's up my man?" He hugged Griffin and gave him a pat on the back and Griffin did the same to him.

"Not much Nico. How about you?"

"Meh pretty good. Got a sweet deal earlier from a drug dealer and I got us some money money money."

Griffin chuckled and let's go of Nico. "That's good to hear. I had a bit of a run in though. Someone tried to rob the store I was going to."

"Aww, he beat ya to the punch."

"Yeah, but I had to play the good guy cause someone was trying to get the money back from the loser and he was unarmed." Griffin sat down on a couch and then grabbed a box of cigarettes.

"So you got to play the hero huh? So what chick did you save this time, was she hot?"

"Actually..." Griffin paused for a moment as he lit up a cigarette and smoked, breathing out a puff of smoke and continued. "It was a guy."

Nico was surprised by this. "Really? What did he look like?" Nico then grabbed a cigarette himself and started to light it.

"Black hair, black eyes, snow-like white skin. Honestly, he looked pretty cute."

"Sounds like you caught an angel." He puffed out some smoke.

"Yeah. And I intend on finding him. You wanna help out?" Griffin glanced over to Nico as he combed his hair perfectly to the side.

Nico looked back and gave Griffin a smirk. "Count me in."

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