"Because i can and i will. Watch me."

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« Name »
Buckley James Hawthorne

« Nickname »
Bucky(prefers to go by this)

« Gender »

« Age »

« Sexuality »
(Technically omnisexual with a preference to men)

« Birthday »
October 24th

« Blood-Status »

« Era »
Any era

« Personality »
He's a bit of a wildcard. Danger and adventure are his best friends and mischief is his lover. He always seemed different from the other kids, but nothing has ever been said. He always pulls pranks, his the loudest voice you hear in a group of friends. But once you get him alone, he's the deepest mind to fill the night. He's always trapped in his thoughts and its easy to say he might have something to say about, well everything. There might be something going on mentally, But hey, as long as he remains the life of the party, no one will know what he keeps buried in the night.

« Appearance »
Chocolate brown eyes that turned honey in the sunlight. Caramel skin covered in freckles. Curly golden blonde hair that glows in the sun. Birthmark on his right shoulder that's a significant lighter tone than the rest of his skin almost in the shape of a small sun. A tad bit short but dont ever point that out. Has slightly unnaturally sharp canines and cute little dimples. He has a nose ring being a septum piercing.

« Casual Clothing »

« Formal/Yule Ball »

« Hogwarts House »

« Year »

« Backstory »
Bucky was born a month before he was intended to. It caused him to be a bit weak but he managed. His mother sadly passed away during childbirth and by that point his father wasn't in the picture. He got moved around a bit from foster home to foster home when at the age of 4, was adopted into a semi rich pureblood family. He'd always been aware of the fact that he was adopted even though technically he wasn't supposed to know. But it always bothered him, no matter how hard he tried to ignore it. It made him feel a lot of the time like he wasn't wanted and not knowing about his birth parents gave him that same feeling. But he managed to push it all away as much as possible.

« Family »
Octavian James Hawthorne- adopted father
Augustine Marinella Hawthorne(Nee. Mitchell)- adopted mother
Felix River Hawthorne- adopted older brother
Arabella Paris Hawthorne- adopted younger sister
Unknown biological mother and Father

« Friends »
Delaney MacMillan
Holland Gallagher
Bunch of Gryffindors
Etc etc

« Enemies »
Mostly anyone that he just doesn't like

« Crush »
Depends on the RP

« Boggart »
Losing himself or time
Family and friends hating him
Pretty much just him

« Patronus »

« Pet »
A ragdoll white cat named Aphrodite

« Wand »
Ebony wood, dragon heartstring core, 10" in length, reasonably supple flexibility

« Extra »
- He'll flirt with anyone. You can see him putting more effort into flirting with guys and some girls he finds really attractive but he'll flirt with anyone.
- His favorite colors are wine red, forest green, and beige
- He's Jewish
- He likes to challenge people and also death. So as a male with a cat allergy, he got a cat
- He likes ice cream. If he's mad at you, he can't be any longer if you give him ice cream(cookie dough)
- He strictly only knows how to bake. He can't cook to save his life, but he can make the fattiest piece of brownie chocolate chip pie with toasted marshmallows you'll ever see
- When he gets super stressed out, he draws. And god he should do it more often because they are gOrGeOuS-
- He likes reading poems, but no one should ever know-(he also writes a few himself)
- In normal roleplays, his backstory is much more sinister with inclusions of drugs, alcohol, and other darker themes
- He has a huge fear of mirrors

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