"Its my job to care. Whether you like it or not."

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Jack Campbell

Jackie but he hates it




April 15th


Golden Trio Era

Jack is a rather kind individual. He's always super caring and gives off a very easy to detect big brother vibe. He's overprotective and cares very deeply about making sure the people he keeps close aren't in harms way. When he's chilling with friends or hanging around house mates, he's a rather laid back and chill dude. A bit on the lazy side when it comes to his classes, but hes and kept in check my his rather strict Ravenclaw best friend.

Wavy dirty blonde hair, tan skin, freckles literally everywhere, bright beautiful green eyes, a smile thats too die for, toned body

//Casual Clothing\\

//Formal/Yule Ball\\

//Hogwarts House\\


Jack was born into a family with a very traditional Scottish dad and a small, caring German mom. He was raised to be a gentleman and be a family man. His father was usually always working which left Jack to help his mother around the house when he wasn't in school. At age four, his little brother was born, who resembled more his mother than Jack did. Since Jack's mother was always cleaning and caring for his baby brother, he picked up a few things such as baking and cooking. It became his new passion. When his letter for Hogwarts arrived he was in a limbo. He didn't seem very excited about the idea of leaving his family, but a whole new world of magic? How exciting!

Dad- William Campbell(pureblood)
Mom- Alice Campbell(muggle)
Little brother- Matthias Campbell

Alexander Chambers
Amber Vance
Calypso Black
Collin Potter
Jaiden Evans
Matthias Campbell
Landon Hawkins
Saphira Easton

Draco Malfoy
Death Eaters
Chad Lenard
Seanna Evans
Victoria Rains
Rhyzanthus Mobius
Dolores Umbridge

Amber Vance
(Depends on the rp)

Hurting the ones he loves
Full moon

St. Bernard

Barn owl, female, named Lore

Ebony wood, Unicorn hair core, 13 1/4", Quite bendy flexibility

> He loves baking
> He's a werewolf, but he doesn't like talking about it.
> Heavy Scottish accent
> Likes Marigolds But He'd never tell anyone
> He smells like apples, fresh air, and french toast

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