"Ya know, i hate mirrors. I cant stand seeing my reflection."

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Name: Castilian Glass

Nickname: Cas and annoying little nicknames from his friends

Gender: Male

Age: 15

Parents/Disney Relative: The Magic Mirror, unknown Witch mother

Sexuality: Homosexual(closeted)

Appearance: Black curly hair that shimmers like the night sky, golden eyes that resemble the infamous Golden Hour, pale skin with light freckles. He has a ten piercings some including one on his left eyebrow, a tongue piercing, and a belly button piercing as well as his ears pierced. He has a ornate broken mirror tattoo on the back of his neck.

Personality: Castilian is an energetic soul. He's rather quiet and keeps to himself a lot, but when surrounded by his closest friends he's the life of the party and can easily get high on just plain having fun. At random times he'll become rather serious, especially at times that he knows something bad is going to happen. His moods depend on the energy around him and what his predictions of the future are.

Backstory: Castilian was raised by his father, who was freed from the mirror after the Evil Queen was defeated. His mother is an unknown witch who left behind Castilian a deck of tarot cards and left him some magical abilities. His father had very strict rules set in place and Castilian spent most of his life living in fear of his father. Like his father, Castilian is a neutral ally to both good and evil.

Hero, Villain, or undecided: Undecided

Powers: Knowledge of the farthest reaches of space and time, tarot decks and card reading, experiments a lot with crystals.

Other: He and Morgan are very good friends, They both have been thinking of making a secret band. is not afraid to tell a guy he's cute. Like, he'll be given out all the compliments. he loves peaches and the color peach. He has a fear of mirrors and his own reflection. Enjoys volleyball and plays the guitar.

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