Behind Closed Doors

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We all put on an act

For the society in which we live

At least to some degree

Listening to the unwritten rules

Adapting our ego to how we say and act

Or how we interact in certain situations

Not wanting to be labelled outside of those rules

Every morning we leave the front door

Making sure people see our best side

Again, at least to some degree

Smiling at others

Asking how they are

Being kind and presentable

We must do this to maintain a social norm

This is how we make friends

How we maintain a job

How we present ourselves to the world in general

If not, we are labelled "rude" or "weird"

Outcasts that aren't socially accepted


If the rules are broken more seriously

We are sent to jail or prison

Again, we must adapt to society

We must show our best and kind self

But are we really that great of people?

Are we truly the kind, goody-two-shoes we show off?

Acting as if we're so kind and caring

Like we're actually that interested in people's lives

Not wanting to come across as cold or crude

Really just wanting to keep our image accepted in society

As if we really care about that homeless guy on the corner

Worried for the disabled woman in a wheelchair

Or want to help that sick child genuinely

We may portray that image out to the universe

Knowing it will grant us acceptance and approval from others

But deep down...

The majority of us...

We don't lose a damn second of sleep over that

Tucked up in our warm, comfy beds at night

Because everyone has done or said something in their lives

Regardless of how innocent or heinous

That they wouldn't want people to know

A secret too much to bear public

Because we know it will damage our reputation

Making people see us in a different light

No longer gaining their respect or approval

Once again, leaving the "rules" of society

Perhaps we actually have done something that ventured into that realm

But the only difference

And for your lucky ass

You just didn't get caught

And your reputation was saved

You're still that loving, joyful person you portrayed to keep that image

Unlike that certain individual you lost so much respect for

Telling yourself you could never do or say something like that

And still you remain the person you are

But just to remember

No matter how sweet

No matter how innocent

Or how amazing they may seem

For every person...

There's always something...

Going on...

Behind closed doors

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