A Plan and a Promise

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The Friendship Cup continues. Zuzu duels Sergey and defeats her. While he is at it, he knocks her duel runner out of the arena. This upsets Y/N (Standard) greatly.

Y/N (Standard): I have to go after her. But I can't! I'm dueling next!

Roget sends Sector Security to find Zuzu. Y/N (Standard) duels against Shinji and wins. But the crowd goes against him after the duel is over. Y/N (Standard) leaves and goes and searches for Zuzu. On his way, he sees Sora.

Y/N (Standard): Sora, you traitor!

Sora: You don't have to worry about me. I'm not with Duel Academy anymore. I've changed my mind. What we are doing isn't peaceful like they told us. I've decided to go against them.

Y/N (Standard): That's good.

Sector Security finds Y/N (Standard) and captures him.

Y/N (Standard): Sora, get out of here! Go find Zuzu!

Sora: I will. I promise.

Sora escapes. Y/N (Standard) is captured and is thrown into a cell. Meanwhile, Shay approaches Y/N

(XYZ). Y/N (XYZ) is preparing for his duel against Crow.

Shay: Y/N (XYZ), I would like to duel in your place.

Y/N (XYZ): Shay, we've talked about this. Listen...

Shay: No! You listen!


Shay: You've always been the one to save the day. I want to save Lulu just as much as you. But think about it. If you stay out here then you're free to roam around. Maybe you'll get some answers. If I lose, then it would be better for me to so you're not thrown into the facility.

Y/N (XYZ) sighs.

Y/N (XYZ): Fine, Shay. But you better win that duel.

Shay duels against Crow but is defeated. Y/N (XYZ) gets very angry but decides to hide and slip away. The next quarter final match up would be Y/N (Synchro) against Celina. Celina rides next to Y/N

(Synchro) in the tunnel.

Celina: So you're the next duelist I'm going to crush? You may look like my ex-boyfriend but I'll still defeat you. You'll be lucky to get out of this duel in one piece!

Y/N (Synchro): Well you look like my girlfriend. So we're even. I won't hold back either.

Celina: Good. I know you got game. I want your very best.

Y/N (Synchro) smiles because he remembers Rin telling him the same thing.

Y/N (Synchro): (Thoughts) It's crazy how much she looks like Rin. Rin and I always dreamed about dueling in the Friendship Cup in front of many people. I guess this is a way that our dream came true.

The duel begins and Y/N (Synchro) makes it out of the tunnel first so he begins the duel.

Celina: Prepare to do battle!

Y/N (Synchro): Let's rev it up!

Turn 1- Y/N (Synchro)

Y/N (Synchro)- 4000 LP/ Celina- 4000 LP

Y/N (Synchro): My turn. I summon Cyberse Wizard in ATK Mode.

Cyberse Wizard: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 800 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Turn end.

Celina: Is that it? Just a simple monster and no facedown? Are you even taking me seriously?

Y/N (Synchro): I am!

Celina: I don't believe you. Remember when I said you had game? I take it back.

Melissa: Y/N (Synchro) sets up his field.

Turn 2- Celina

Y/N (Synchro)- 4000 LP/ Celina- 4000 LP

Celina: If you won't take me seriously, then I'll make you! It's my turn now. I draw. I summon Lunalight Purple Butterfly in ATK Mode! Take flight!

Lunalight Purple Butterfly: Level 3- 1000 ATK/ 1000 DEF

Celina: Now I activate the spell: Polymerization. I fuse Lunalight Blue Cat and Lunalight Purple White Rabbit. By combining the powers of these two magnificent monsters, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Lunalight Cat Dancer!

Lunalight Cat Dancer: Level 7- 2400 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Celina: I activate Cat's Dancer special ability. By tributing Lunalight Purple Butterfly, my monster can attack your monster twice!

Y/N (Synchro): This is going to hurt.

Celina: It sure will. Cat Dancer, attack Cyberse Wizard! Blast them!

Y/N (Synchro) smiles a little because Rin said something similar.

Y/N (Synchro): Urk!

Y/N (Synchro)- 4000 LP - - -> 3400 LP

Celina: It's not all bad. Your monster survives the first attack.

Y/N (Synchro): True but you can attack again and I'll take damage.

Celina: How perceptive. Cat Dancer, attack again! Full Moon Mayhem!

Y/N (Synchro): Urk!

Y/N (Synchro)- 3400 LP - - -> 2800 LP

Celina: I end my turn.

Melissa: Celina takes a chunk out of Y/N's (Synchro) LP. Can he respond?

Turn 3- Y/N (Synchro)

Y/N (Synchro)- 2800 LP/ Celina- 4000 LP

Y/N (Synchro): My turn. Draw. I summon Goblindbergh in ATK Mode.

Goblindergh: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 0 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Goblindergh's effect, activate. It lets me special summon one Level 4 or lower monster from my hand. I choose Flamvell Magician.

Flamvell Magician: Level 4- 1400 ATK/ 200 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Level 4 Flamvell Magician tunes Level 4 Goblindergh. Clustering wishes will become a new shining star! Become the path its light shines upon!


Y/N (Synchro): I Synchro Summon! Soar, Stardust Dragon!

Stardust Dragon: Level 8- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Battle. Stardust Dragon, attack Cat Dancer! Shooting Sonic!

Suddenly the lanes change which delays the attack. Celina finds an Action Card.

Celina: I activate the Action Spell: Big Escape. This ends your Battle Phase.

Y/N (Synchro): Urk. If it wasn't for that lane change, I would've dealt damage. I place one card facedown. Turn end.

Melissa: Dragon Lord summons his most famous monster but a lane change helps Celina to save her monster.

Turn 4- Celina

Y/N (Synchro)- 2800 LP/ Celina- 4000 LP

Celina: It's my turn. I draw. I summon Lunalight Black Sheep in ATK Mode!

Lunalight Black Sheep: Level 2- 100 ATK/ 600 DEF

Celina: I now activate the spell: Polymerization! I fuse Lunalight Cat Dancer and Lunalight Black Sheep! By combining the reflexes of a fierce feline with the power of a stealthy beast, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! Now appear, sleek creature of the night, and ready those razor-sharp claws! Lunalight Panther Dancer is on the prowl!

Lunalight Panther Dancer: Level 8- 2800 ATK/ 2500 DEF

Celina: Now since Lunalight Black Sheep was used fusion summon, I can bring back Lunalight White Rabbit back to my hand. I activate Panther Dancer's special ability. It lets her attack your monster twice!

Y/N (Synchro): Not again.

Celina: Panther Dancer, attack Stardust Dragon!

Y/N (Synchro) goes for an Action Card but the lanes change and he isn't able to.

Y/N (Synchro): Oh come on!

Melissa: That is strange. The lanes changed again! They changed and helped Celina but now they changed again and hurt Dragon Lord. Something isn't right here.

Y/N (Synchro): Quick Play Magic card: Rush Recklessly, activate! This gives my monster 700 ATK until the end of this turn!

Stardust Dragon: 2500 ATK - - -> 3200 ATK

The lanes change once again and Celina is able to pick up another action card.

Celina: I activate the Action Spell: Miracle. This stops my monster from being destroyed and halves the damage I take.

Celina- 4000 LP - - -> 3800 LP

Celina: I place one card facedown and end my turn.

Y/N (Synchro): Stardust Dragon's ATK return to normal.

Stardust Dragon- 3200 ATK - - -> 2500 ATK

Melissa: I'm having a hard time keeping up with these lane changes. Celina takes little damage and saves her monster.

Turn 5- Y/N (Synchro)

Y/N (Synchro)- 2800 LP/ Celina- 3800 LP

Y/N (Synchro): My turn. Draw. Magic Card: Card of Sanctity, activate. Each us draw until we have six cards in our hands.

Melissa: That should help Y/N (Synchro) since he's been having lots of bad luck lately. It also might have helped Celina though.

Y/N (Synchro): You know. Something has been fishy about this whole duel.

Celina: What do you mean?

Y/N (Synchro): You've been picking up a lot of Action cards well I've missed them. It seems like you can only win with some help.

Celina: How dare you! I don't need help to win a duel! I can win without anymore action cards.

Y/N (Synchro): Let's see if that's true. Trap card, open: Call of the Haunted. This lets me bring back Cyberse Magician back from my Graveyard and summon it to my field in ATK position. Now I summon Junk Synchron in ATK Mode!

Junk Synchron: Level 3- 1300 ATK/ 500 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Level 3 Junk Synchron tunes Level 4 Cyberse Magician. Gathering anger becomes an entranced warrior born from a brutal god. Become the path its light shines upon!


Y/N (Synchro): I Synchro Summon! Howl, Junk Berserker!

Junk Berserker: Level 7- 2700 ATK/ 1800 DEF

Celina: Impressive but it still isn't stronger than my monster.

Y/N (Synchro): For now. Junk Berserker's effect, activate. I can banish Junk Synchron from my Graveyard and then your monster loses ATK equal to Junk Synchron's ATK. That's 1300 ATK.

Celina: What?

Lunalight Panther Dancer: 2800 ATK - - -> 1500 ATK

Y/N (Synchro): Battle. Junk Synchron, attack Panther Dancer!

The lanes change and Celina sees an action card.

Y/N (Synchro): There's an Action card. You going to get it?

Celina: No. I play by my rules.

Y/N (Synchro): Fine. I'll take it. My attack goes through.

Y/N (Synchro) picks up the action card.

Celina: Ahh!

Celina: 3800 LP - - -> 2600 LP

Celina: I activate my trap: Lunalight Reincarnation Dance. Since my monster was destroyed, I can add two Lunalight Monsters from my deck to my hand.

Y/N (Synchro): Stardust Dragon, direct attack! Shooting Sonic!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina- 2600 LP - - -> 100 LP

Y/N (Synchro): I place one card facedown. Turn end.

Melissa: What a turn around! Dragon Lord destroys Celina's monster and deals tons of damage! Does Celina have one last trick up her sleeve?

Turn 6- Celina

Y/N (Synchro)- 2800 LP/ Celina- 100 LP

Celina: I may be down but my ex-boyfriend always told me to fight until the end and it's not the end yet. My turn. I draw. I use Scale 1 Lunalight Wolf and Scale 5 Lunalight Tiger to set the Pendulum Scale. I'm taking control of this duel starting now! I can now summon monsters from Level 2 through 4 all at the same time. I Pendulum Summon! Appear, Lunalight White Rabbit and Lunalight Purple Butterfly!

Melissa: Unbelievable! Celina can Pendulum Summon too! Is there anything she can't do?

Celina: I activate Lunalight Tiger's Pendulum effect. I can special summon one Lunalight monster from my Graveyard back to my field. But it can't attack, its effects are negated, and is destroyed at the end of my turn. I bring back Lunalight Panther Dancer.

Y/N (Synchro): That sounded kind of pointless.

Celina: Well, I'm going to trade in this monster for a stronger one! I activate Lunalight Wolf's Pendulum Effect. I can banish monsters from my field or graveyard in order to fusion summon!

Y/N (Synchro): What?

Celina: I banish Lunalight Panther Dancer, Lunalight White Rabbit, and Lunalight Purple Butterfly! By combining the precision of a panther, the cunning covertness of a stealthy beast, and the fluttering fury of a nighttime huntress, I can create a new lunar legend! I Fusion Summon! The majestic, the mighty, the masterful Lunalight Leo Dancer!

Lunalight Leo Dancer: Level 10- 3500 ATK/ 3000 DEF

Celina: This monster can attack twice during each Battle Phase. Also it can't be targeted or destroyed by your card effects. Leo Dancer, attack Stardust Dragon!

Y/N (Synchro): Action Spell: Rejuvenation, activate! My monster gains 800 ATK and can't be destroyed by battle.

Stardust Dragon: 2500 ATK - - -> 3300 ATK

Y/N (Synchro)- 2800 LP - - -> 2600 LP

Celina: I activate Leo Dancer's special ability! After it attacks, it destroys all Special summoned monsters you control!

Y/N (Synchro): Stardust Dragon's effect, activate. When an effect activates that would destroy cards on the field, I can send this monster to the Graveyard to negate the effect and destroy that card.

Celina: Sorry but Leo Dancer can't be destroyed by card effects. So my effect continues.

Y/N (Synchro): Counter trap card, open: Miracle Mirror! I banish 1 card from my Graveyard that negated the destruction of a monster this turn, then target 1 monster I control. It cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects this turn. I banish Rejuvenation. I target Junk Berserker!

Celina: It might be safe but your dragon isn't! Leo Dancer, attack Junk Berserker!

Y/N (Synchro): Urk!

Y/N (Synchro)- 2600 LP - - -> 1800 LP

Celina: You might have saved your monster but I have the strongest monster on the field. Try to defeat this monster.

Melissa: Celina isn't out of this yet, folks! She can still come back and win this thing.

Turn 7- Y/N (Synchro)

Y/N (Synchro)- 1800 LP/ Celina- 100 LP

Y/N (Synchro): I need to draw the right card now.

Y/N (Synchro) closes his eyes. His Signer Mark begins to glow.

Y/N (Synchro): My turn. DRAW!

Y/N (Synchro) looks at the card he drew.

Y/N (Synchro): This is the card I need. Quick Play Magic Card: Burial From a Different Dimension, activate. This spell allows me to target up to three banished monsters and return them to my graveyard. The stage is set. I summon Synchron Explorer in ATK Mode.

Synchron Explorer: Level 2- 0 ATK/ 700 DEF

Y/N (Synchro): Synchron Explorer's effect, activate. When its summoned, I can special summon one Synchron monster from my Graveyard back to my field with its effects negated. Welcome back, Junk Synchron! Now Level 3 Junk Synchron tunes Level 2 Synchron Explorer. Gathering wishes will call out a new speed's horizon! Become the path its light shines upon!


Y/N (Synchro) I Synchro Summon! The power of hope, Synchro Tuner, Accel Synchron!

Accel Synchron: Level 5- 500 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Celina: What was the point of that? That monster still isn't stronger than mine!

Y/N (Synchron): That is true but the card I drew is the key to my victory! Magic card: Limit Overdrive, activate! I return 1 Tuner Synchro Monster and 1 non-Tuner Synchro Monster I control to the Extra Deck. Then I can Special Summon 1 Synchro Monster from my Extra Deck that has a Level equal to the combined Level the 2 monsters had on the field, ignoring its Summoning conditions. I have entered the new state! Over Top Clear Mind!

Celina: Level 12?

Y/N (Synchron): When the gathering stars become one, a new bond will illuminate the future! Become the path its light shines upon!


Y/N (Synchro): Limit Over Accel Synchro! The light of evolution, Shooting Quasar Dragon!!!

Shooting Quasar Dragon: Level 12- 4000 ATK/ 4000 DEF

Melissa: There it is! The legendary Level 12 Synchro Monster of Dragon Lord!

Celina: (Smiles) I'm beyond impressed. You might not be my boyfriend but you're my third favorite Y/N.

Y/N (Synchro): Third? Who's before me?

Celina: Your standard counterpart then you're XYZ counterpart.

Y/N (Synchro): That's not fair.

Celina: I'm happy to say that I lost to a better opponent and I fought to the end. My Y/N would be proud. Now end this duel!

Y/N (Synchro): Battle. Shooting Quasar Dragon, attack Leo Dancer! The Creation Burst!

Celina: Ahh!

Celina: 100 LP - - -> 0 LP

Winner: Y/N (Synchro)

Melissa: The duel is over! What an amazing finish! Dragon Lord is victorious!

Celina walks over to Y/N (Synchro).

Celina: Congratulations.

Y/N (Synchro): I'm sorry that I have to send you underground.

Celina: I'm not too worried about that.

Y/N (Synchro): How come?

Celina: My ex-boyfriend will come save me.

Elsewhere...Y/N (Fusion) saw the duel and he falls to his knees.

Y/N (Fusion): She lost. I failed again. I couldn't protect her.

Zane appears.

Zane: Hello, my dear rival.

Y/N (Fusion): Zane, I know why you're here. You won't lay a finger on Celina or Zuzu.

Zane: Yes it probably would be difficult. But with your help everything will be much easier.

Y/N (Fusion): I would never help you.

Zane: You will with the right motivation.

Y/N (Fusion): I'll duel you right now, Zane. I'll knock you senseless and then save Celina.

Zane: I'm sorry but we're on a time crunch. I'll just have to force you.

Y/N (Fusion): Do your worst.

Zane: I shall.

Zane stands in front of Y/N (Fusion).

Zane: Y/N (Fusion)...

Y/N (Fusion): What?

Zane: Did you hear? Celina is dead and it's all your fault!

Y/N (Synchro): That's impossible! She's alive. I saw her!

Zane: I'm afraid you mistook her for someone else and carded her.

Suddenly Y/N's (Fusion) eyes glow and he aura picks up.

Y/N (Synchro): NOOOOO!

Yubel: Y/N (Fusion), calm down! Celina is okay! Fight this madness!

A light flashes which blinds everyone. When the light dies down, Blue Eyes Master stands where Y/N (Fusion) stood.

Yubel: Oh no.

Zane approaches Blue Eyes Master.

Zane: Capture Celina and Zuzu and bring them to Duel Academy. Card anyone in your way.

Blue Eyes Master nods and then walks away.

Zane: Excellent. He's back to being a cold blooded killer. Nothing will stand in his way now.

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