Battle Under the Big Top

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The duels verse LDS and You Show continue. Zuzu faced off against Julia and lost. Y/N ran over to Zuzu after the duel ended. Zuzu was in tears.

Y/N: Hey. It's going to be okay.

Zuzu: How can it be? I'm a weak duelist!

Y/N: You are no weak duelist. You just need a better strategy. That's all.

Zuzu cries into Y/N's arms. Julia walks over a little jealous.

Julia: Hey! Can you two stop? You're making me sick!

Y/N: Hey. Back off!

Julia: I don't understand why the King of Games would mess with a duelist like her. He should know better.

Y/N lets Zuzu go and walks over to Julia.

Y/N: We can duel right now if you want.

Julia: I'll pass. I just wanted to see that determined look in your face again. It's very attractive. See you around.

The third duel featured Gong vs Kit and that ended in a tie.

Skip: Looks like we're in the clear! LDS didn't win!

Henrietta: That's not how this will work. We will have another tiebreaker. Send out your duelist.

Skip: We choose Y/N.

Henrietta: Very well. We send out Julia.

Declan Akaba walks in.

Declan: Actually. He'll be facing me.

Y/N and Declan stare down each other.

Skip: That's Declan Akaba! The CEO of LDS!

Y/N: I don't care who it is. I'll take you down to save my school!

Declan: So you're the King of Games. I want to see if you really live up to that name.

Y/N: Playtime is over.

The Action Field was Acrobatic Circus.

Y/N: I hate this field.

Y/N and Declan prepared to duel. Y/N closed his eyes and he opened them they seemed to glow along with his puzzle.

Y/N: It's time to duel!

Zuzu: Duelists locked in battle!"

Tate: Kicking against the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!

Frederick: They storm through this Field!

Ally: Behold!

Zuzu/Tate/Frederick/Ally: This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling! ACTION!

Y/N/ Declan: DUEL!

Turn 1- Declan

Y/N: 4000 LP/ Declan: 4000 LP

Declan: I'll start. My turn. I activate my spell Dark Contract with the Gate. During my next Standby Phase, I'll take 1000 LP of damage. But this lets me add a D/D monster from my deck to my hand. I choose D/D Cerberus. I now activate a second Dark Contract with the Gate and add D/D Lilith to my hand. Now I activate the spell Dark Contract with the Swamp King. During my next Standby Phase, I'll take 1000 LP of damage. But this lets me fusion summon without Polymerization! I fuse Cerberus and Lilith together! I hope a duelist such as yourself is prepared for any and all situations because this duel is about to get very interesting. I Fusion Summon! Come forth and conquer all, D/D/D Flame King Genghis!

D/D/D Flame King Genghis: Level 6- 2000 ATK/ 1500 DEF

Declan: I place two cards facedown. Turn end.

Turn 2: Y/N

Y/N: 4000 LP/ Declan: 4000 LP

Y/N: My turn. Draw. I set one monster facedown in DEF mode. I set two cards facedown.

Declan: Before you end your turn, I activate my trap Contract Laundering. This lets me destroy all of four of my contracts and then I get to draw one card for each of them! That's four!

Y/N: Hmph. I place two cards face down. Turn end.

Turn 3- Declan

Y/N: 2000 LP/ Declan: 4000 LP

Declan: If you are the King of Games, you must've won that title by a fluke! My turn. I draw! I summon D/D Nighthowl.

D/D Nighthowl: Level 3- 300 ATK/ 600 DEF

Declan: When it's summoned, I can special summon one D/D monster from my Graveyard. Welcome back D/D Cerberus!

D/D Cerberus: Level 4- 1800 ATK/ 600 DEF

Declan: Level 3 Nighthowl tunes Level 4 Cerberus! Now behold as a new power emerges, cutting through the darkness like a blade of lightning to begin his reign!


Declan: I Synchro Summon D/D/D Gust King Alexander!

D/D/D Gust King Alexander: Level 7- 2500 ATK/ 2000 DEF

Declan: Since a D/D monster was special summoned, I can activate the special ability of my Flame King Genghis! It lets me bring back one D/D monster from my Graveyard. Welcome back D/D Lilith!

D/D Lilith: Level 4- 100 ATK/ 2100 DEF

Declan: Since a D/D monster was summoned to my field, I can activate Gust King Alexander's special ability! It lets me bring back one Level 4 or lower D/D monster from my Graveyard. Welcome back, Cerberus! I now overlay my Level 4 Lilith and Cerberus to build the Overlay Network! I promise you have never faced a warrior king as magnificent or commanding as this one! I I XYZ Summon D/D/D Wave King Caesar!

D/D/D Wave King Caesar: Rank 4: 2400 ATK/ 1200 DEF

Declan: Not even the Pharaoh can save you anymore, King of Games! You're finished!

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