Chapter 1 Strange Dreams and Visions of the Past.

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Three months have passed since the war with the former Ice Hunters. Chima blossomed thanks to the Great Illumination Phoenix. The inhabitants of Chima helped each other rebuild the Tribe. Sabertooth Tigers, Mammoths and Vultures the Gorge of Eternal Depth decided to create their own kingdom and like everyone else, they began to receive orbs Chi once a month. Sir Fangar befriended his once opponents, but looked at Laval with envy because of Li'ella.

In morning all Tribe sleep peacefully. Mount Cavora, as always, flies over the Lion City, and the Chi waterfalls pour from it. The young prince of lions, Laval, was sleeping at this time and had a dream:

He woke up in his room, got up and washed. Looking in the mirror, he was frightened: his whole body was turquoise and glowed with blue light, there were some patterns on his hands, and his mane seemed to float in the air and was bright scarlet. Inside himself he felt some kind of power, but he could not understand what.

- What's wrong with me? Why do I look this way? - Laval asked himself.

The Lion prince put on his tunic and ran to the main hall with the Pool of Chi. There was no one there. He walked out onto the bridge and looked down. Empty. Suddenly it caught fire with a blue flame, and the mane - red, the patterns shone brighter. A blue dome has formed around it. It seemed to him that time stopped around him.

- What is happening to me? - Laval asked himself and looked around.

- Help me, son. - A voice called to Laval.

The voice seemed familiar to Lion, but he did not know who was calling him. Hearing the word "son", he assumed that it was his mother, who disappeared when he was two years old. Prince of Lions ran towards the voice. He went through the jungle, ran to the Gorge of Eternal Depth and stopped. It seemed to him that the voice comes from there, but in fact he came outside itself Chima.

Laval immediately felt a strange pain in his head and closed his eyes, and when he opened it, he saw that he was in some kind of jungle. Tall trees grew everywhere, there were unknown plants and flowers and a strange rustling behind the trees. He went to the tree and saw a lioness: in appearance she reminded him of Li'ella, but she was older. It seemed to him that he knew her.

- Son? - the lioness was surprised and hugged the prince. - You've grown so much, Laval.

- Mo-mother? Laval asked, dumbfounded, and began to cry. - Are you alive? Where are you? Why did you leave us? And why am I all blue and glowing?

- I cannot give you answers to all your questions, but I will tell you that Chima is more than it seems: beyond her borders there is a whole world filled with ancient creatures and monsters. It's time for you to open the way for everyone there. - answered the lioness and looked into the jungle.

- Finally I will say that I'm alive, but am outside Chima. On the outskirts, there is a bridge connecting the two worlds. They were divided to save the inhabitants of Chima from the ancient predators of the Under Realm. They are very ferocious and dangerous. You will find out soon enough. - the lioness finished, and immediately the picture began to disappear, like the dream.

Laval found himself in the void and levitated in it. Then he saw a white tunnel and flew into it. The dream is over.

Prince of lions woke up in his room and looked at his fur. It was the usual brown color. He got out of bed, washed, dressed, worked out with Sir Punch-a-Lot five minutes and left his room, heading for the Temple of Lions.

His father, king Lagravis, sat on his throne and discussed something with the Lion Elders. Uncle Lavertus was not to be seen with him.

- Good morning, dad. - Laval greeted and hugged his father. - What are you doing?

- Morning, son. - Lagravis smiled. - The Elders and I are discussing the issue of dividing the Chi with the former hunters. Sir Fangar with a delegation will arrive today for Chi.

- Where is Li'ella? I need to meet her - asked Prince of lions.

- She's at the market with her father. - answered the King of Lions and looked at his son. - What worries you?

- I had a dream where I saw my mother. She told me that she was alive and beyond the Chima. - said Laval. - Dad, I want to know how my mother disappeared.

Lagravis got the shock of the tale of his son. In his head, he remembered fragments from the past and that terrible night that took his beloved into the unknown.

- Son, let's talk about it tonight, okay? - Lagravis smiled. - Lavertus is also in the market, in the so-called Raven's shopping and entertainment center.

Longtooth immediately came running with a message about the arrival of the Hunters. Sir Fangar climbed the stairs with Maula and Vardy. Behind them were four saber-toothed tigers and vultures and two of Maula's sons: Mottrot and Mungus, whose footsteps shook the walls.

- Greetings, Lagravis. Hello Laval - greeted Fangar and looking at Redhead with a certain contempt and envy. - I came for my share of Chi.

- Of course, Fangar. Chi is waiting for you. - king Lagravis pointed to the cauldron, which contained the orbs Chi. - Use it well, use it wisely.

- This is generosity. Thank you, King Lions, and I invite everyone and a game called "hockey". Mammoths and rhinos will play, and the game will be tomorrow. - said Fangar.

- We will come if there is no business. - answered Lagravis.

- Mungus, dear, take this cauldron and take it to our lands. - Maula asked.

- Okay, Mom. Mungus carry the cauldron home. - said Mungus and took the cauldron.

The footsteps of the mammoth were so loud that the lions could hardly keep on their feet. The Hunters thanked for the gift and headed for the exit.

Laval followed them, heading for the exit. There were cars of saber-toothed tigers and mammoths. He went down the stairs and found himself in the market.

- Mungus wants to go to the market. Play with rhinos. - said Big Boy.

- But Mungus, dear, the cauldron with Chi is too heavy, and you are the strongest. Maula said.

- Don't worry, Mom. I'll take care of him. - said Mottrot.

- All right, but you have to keep an eye on your little brother. - warned the Leader of the Mammoth Tribe.

The tanks headed for their kingdom. Maula's sons went to the market.


In the market, as always, began trading: all clans traded among themselves. Even Hunters took part in this, selling hockey goods and various weapons. Laval looked around and found Cragger at the raven shop.

- Laval! - the Prince of Crocodiles was delighted and hugged his friend. - Why so long?

- Sorry, I had a strange dream. Where is Eris? - Laval asked.

- I dont know. She did not come to the market. - answered Cragger. - But the rest are here.

- How about sitting by the Forever Rock? Laval offered.

- Good offer. Let's go collect the rest. - said the Prince of Crocodiles.

Friends went to the market. Rogon chatted with Mungus and Mottrot about stones, Razar and the Ravens treated everyone and entertained in their mall, receiving money, Worriz grumbled as always and waited for friends, Gorzan talked about flowers, Bladvic.

- Hey guys. Let's go sit by the Forever Rock. Laval said. - And fry the potatoes.

- Of course, my friend. - answered Razar and went.

- Du-u-u-ude. - said Gorzan.

- Good offer. - supported Worriz.

Bladvic nodded and went with the others.

- Can Mungus and Mottrot come with us? - Rogon asked.

- The more, the more fun. - supported Cragger. - We must also call Eris.

The Rhino and Mammoths went with the heroes. On the way, they met Li'ella and Tormak. They bought the things they needed and headed home.

- Hi, Li'ella. Would you like to sit with us at the Forever Rock? - asked Prince Lion.

- Sorry, Laval. I need to help my father. See you tonight. - smiled Li'ella and went with her father from the market.

Prince of Lions felt a little sad in his soul, but did not show it. The heroes took their speedorz and headed for the Eagle Spire.


Eris at this time sat in the library and slept while reading. For three months of peace, she began to study her vision, which came to her from the Phoenixes. She has a dream:

She woke up in the library and began to look around. There is no one around. Before she had time to get up from the chair, a strange lioness ran past her. Eris noticed that she was blue and her hands were glowing.

- Who are you? - the Eagle was perplexed and ran after her.

There was an explosion on the street. The Spire felt the roar of the explosion. Eris flew out into the street and saw strange creatures: on the scales on her body, she thought they were some kind of crocodiles, but some have wings, others have a crest and spikes on their backs, some are very fast, and one claw is raised on their paws. Others are green and command these troops. They rode in long six-wheeled vehicles and flew in fighters. They attacked the Lione City.

The picture around the eagle was terrifying: all of Chima was on fire, broken cars of different clans and the dead bodies of warriors lay on the ground. Of towns and villages were razed to the ground. During the flight, Eris began to cry in horror, and the sky turned red.

The eagle flew to the Lione City, looking for her friends. The city itself fell during this time: the dead bodies of Lions and even King Lagravis lay on the ground. Laval is nowhere. Immediately, two warriors came out with a comb and spears in their hands. They were followed by lions in chains, and then other tribe: wolves, eagles, crows, beavers, bears, crocodiles, gorillas, rhinos and even mammoths with saber-toothed tigers and vultures. Behind them were two warriors with curved claws on their feet and swords in their paws. She wanted to free them, but she was noticed by creatures with skin wings.

- Another prisoner for our Lord. - the warrior grinned and laughed ominously.

The others also laughed, and Eris looked at them and was very afraid. Suddenly everything began to disappear. The dream is over.

The eagle woke up and screamed. Ewald approached her.

- How many times do I have to tell you: this is the department of completely ridiculous section, not the department of screams. - the eagle made a warning. - By the way, your friends are waiting for you downstairs.

- Thank you, Ewald. - said Eris.

The eagle headed for the exit and flew out of the library, heading down. She wanted to tell everyone about her dream.

Laval and the others stood at the foot of the mountain. Eris landed in front of them, alarmed and afraid.

- Eris, what happened? - Asked Prince Lions.

- I had a terrible dream: some monsters and the fall of Chima. - said the eagle.

- Let you tell us about it at the Forever Rock. I also need to tell you something. - Laval interrupted her.

Eris agreed and flew with the others to the Forever Rock.


The heroes reached the Forever Rock and lit a fire. Mungus sat down so loudly that the earth trembled beneath the heroes. Everyone took out potatoes from the bag that Mottrot was carrying, and Worriz took some wings with him.

- So, guys, what can you tell? Cragger asked.

- I miss adventures and battles. Our entire tribe is already fighting among themselves. - Worriz complained.

- Me too. - supported Cragger. - Three months have passed since the last battle, and I want something new.

- Tell us about your dream, Eris. Could it be a vision similar to the Phoenix visions? - Laval asked.

- It was in reality: first I woke up in the library, and then some lioness ran past me. She was all blue and glowing. After that, I flew out into the street and saw how some unknown tribe began to seize all of Chima. They are all covered with scales and look like crocodiles, but everything is different for them: some with a crest, with curved claws on their paws. Their cars were ferocious and destructive. They led all the inhabitants of Chima in chains somewhere. The picture itself was very eerie: the whole sky was red, the jungle was on fire, and the dead bodies of all Chima warriors lay on the ground. - said Eris.

From the whole story, goose bumps ran through many. Eris colorfully described what she saw. Even Mungus was afraid of such horror.

- You said you saw a blue lioness and it was glowing? - Laval asked. Eris nodded in response. - I also had a strange dream: at first I glowed with a blue light, and the wool was the same color. My mane was bright scarlet and floated in the air. Then I saw that no one was there, but I heard the voice of some lioness. I ran to where the voice came from, and ended up at the Gorge of Eternal Depth and immediately found myself in some kind of jungle. As it turned out, this lioness is my long-dead mother. She said that she was alive, but that she was beyond the outskirts of Chima. She also mentioned a certain bridge between Chima and the Under Realm, as well as some ferocious tribe. Finally, she said that I would soon find out. - finished the story prince of the Lione.

Everyone was amazed at the lion's story. In his story, they saw the beginning of a new adventure, especially the bridge between Chima and a certain Under Realm and the ferocious tribe.

- After this dream, I began to think about how my mother disappeared. - Laval said sadly.

- Yes, Laval. Family is important in life, as are friends. Your father should know about your mother's disappearance. - Supported Cragger.

Friends took fried potatoes and wings from the fire and began to eat them, considering their next steps. Everyone decided that after the meeting, Laval would talk to his father and find out the whole truth about his mother.

My friends, it was mine who translated it from Russian with the permission of my friend from whom this fanfic was written.

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