Chapter 15 Attack of the Black Cloud.

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In the Scorpion Caves, work was still going on on the vehicles. Scorpions, spiders and bats have improved their armor and added innovations using the remains of the Tribe Stone and the resources of the cave. Scorm, Spinlyn, and Braptor examined Chima's map and contemplated a plan of attack.

- It is best for us to attack first the Lions outpost nearby, and then capture the rest of the tribes along the way. - the King of Scorpions told his plan.

- Even if we capture the outpost, the lions during the siege can signal to the others, and then we will be immediately defeated and sent back. - reminded the Queen of Spiders.

- That is why I came up with a new tactic: bats will deliver the spiders to the outpost, and the spiders will eliminate the guards and thereby create the illusion of peace for the outsiders. - finished the Golden Scorpion.

Braptor and Spinlyn agreed with Scorm's plan and prepared to implement it. The spider, as always, went to the mirror and admired herself, and Braptor just hissed something and went to his subordinates.

Scorm retreated to his throne and plunged into thoughts of revenge, as they were interrupted by a mysterious voice.

- Revenge. A pleasant word that makes you feel warm. - said a voice.

Scorm at the heard voice immediately jumped in fear. He did not expect to hear someone and assumed that it was Spinlyn and Braptor who decided to play a trick on them, but the voice did not look like them.

- Who are you? Show yourself. - Shouted the Scorpion King, drawing out his sword.

- You intend to defeat the creature imprisoned several centuries ago in this cave with your sword. Scorm, I came to help you become stronger. - answered the voice.

- You're help me? - Scorm asked.

- I once commanded an army of beings like you and your companions. I also had a creature that many in the Under Realm feared, but it was defeated and imprisoned with the rest of the army in the catacombs in the east of Under Realm, and I was separated from him. Now I am weak and cannot get out of my dungeon, but over time my strength will return, and I will free my army and take revenge on this Realm. - said the voice and offered: - Help me get out, and together we will capture Chima and take revenge on these nonentities that sit by the flying mountain and taunt us.

- How can I help you get out? I will have an attack on Chima soon. - reminded Scorm.

- I know, Scorm. I will contact your companions very soon and tell them everything, but I will give advice: wait for the Under Realm warlock. He will use his actions to weaken the dungeon, and you will see my strength. - said the voice and was about to leave, as the Scorpion King prevented him.

- Tell me your name before you leave. - asked the Golden Scorpion.

- I have had many names, but my main name is Neshaar, Spirit of the Gorge. - with these words Neshaar disappeared from Scorm's head.

The Scorpion King himself was surprised by this dialogue and thought about the words of the spirit. Yet he was amazed that somewhere in this cave there was a power that could help him in the future. His thoughts were interrupted by Scolder who ran into the hall.

- Everything is ready, King Scorm! The vehicles have been improved. - General Scolder said.

- Good! They're waiting for a surprise! - Scorm was delighted, rubbing his palms. - But first, you have to test them.

The Scorpion King, along with the generals, left the hall and headed for the exit from the cave. Scorm thought about Neshaar's words and decided to wait for a mysterious warlock who would be able to free the spirit. Scolder noticed the King's pensive gaze and was silent, as he did not want to feel his anger on himself. In front of the cave were six spider stalkers, four scorpion tanks, and a bat slayer.

- Start the test. - ordered Scorm.

The walkers went back and, having reached the desired point, jumped onto the rocks nearby. Then they jumped off them and, taking the pose of a ball, rode forward like a boulder, demolishing everything in their path. The fighters flew up to the walkers and docked with them, starting to lift them into the air. Then they opened fire on the nearby rocks, destroying them thoroughly. Scorpion tanks, armed with a new cannon on their tail and cannons on claws, opened fire on the rocks and activated the scorpion mode: instead of wheels, they walked on their paws. One of the fighters, along with a walker, docked with the tank, connecting to one huge vehicles. The Tribes of the Black Clouds were satisfied with their work.

- It's wonderful! - Scorm smiled. - New development Black Cloud Destroyer. With him we will conquer all of Chima. Get all the cars ready, we're going to the outpost.

The soldiers ran into the cave and a few minutes later drove out in the rest of the cars. The rulers of the Black Cloud climbed onto the Destroyer and sat in the passenger seats. The soldiers started their cars and headed towards the outpost.


It was calm at Chima's Outpost in Outlands. The garrison, under the command of Leonidas and Lennox, looked towards the lands of the foreign tribes to signal in case of an attack. The garrison itself consisted of sixteen warriors: two warriors from each tribe, except for the Hunters. The garages were used by the vehicles of each tribe for defense and exploration. Now everyone was resting, except for the Lions and Eagles. The Eagles studied the flowers and plants of Outlands in order to learn new things and make discoveries that will help in the future. The Lions, on the other hand, stood guard and watched the situation.

- Lennox, It's all quiet here. - said Leonidas, looking into the distance. - Can we go to rest?

- You're right, but Crawlers don't sleep. There is no news from them yet, which worries me. And if we consider that the Heroes of Chima are now in the Under Realm in quest of Queen Leona, then this will further motivate the Black Cloud to attack us. - Lennox told his worries.

The roar of engines was heard coming from the jungle. Bat fighters opened fire on the outpost and released a squad of spiders and scorpions, which took the entire garrison by surprise. Scorpion tanks and spider walkers opened fire from the ground. The garrison sat down in their cars and began to resist. Lennox managed to fire the attack signal and climb into his tank. The battle began: both sides did not yield to each other. The garrison began to be pushed back, but he continued to fight back. Scorpions, spiders and bats fired from all weapons, but they were thrown back from the shots. The Tribes of Chima began to push them out of the territory, like the Raven and Eagle Gliders shot down the Black Cloud Destroyer. After that, a huge machine opened fire on the others, which caused them to fly off in different directions, and landed in front of the garrison. The warriors somehow got out of the cars, as they were immediately surrounded by the Tribes of the Black Cloud, tied them up and carried to the Lavertus's base.

- You four remain to guard this place, and the rest with me go to the aliens. - ordered Scorm.

The Tribes of Black Clouds got into their vehicles and drove to Chima. Four guards began to guard the garrison, but not very carefully, since the detachment deftly got out of captivity and tied the observers himself. Lennox then fired another signal into the sky, indicating an impending attack on Chima, and hoped that the Tribes would be ready to repel them.


Longtooth, who was on watch, saw signals emanating from Outlands, and heard the rumble of cannons in the distance, and then ran to Lagravis. The Lion King at this time consulted with the Lion Elders after a short dialogue with the guards. The Lions commander came running sweating and tired.

- Longtooth, what's wrong with you? You're sweating. - asked Lagravis.

- Sir, two signals from Outlands have just appeared in the sky. One showed that our outpost was attacked, and the second about the approach of the enemy to our lands. Apparently, these are the Tribes of the Black Cloud. - reported the Commander of the Lions.

This news astonished the Lion King. Never before have Outlandish Tribes been so brazen in attack.

- Summon all the lion warriors and prepare the vehicles. We need to intercept them. - with these words Lagravis jumped up from the throne and ran to the Horn of the Tribes to convene the rest of the Tribes.

Longtooth obeyed the King's order and headed for the hangars. The Lion King ran to the horn and snarled at it, summoning the clans. Gorillas, Wolves, Eagles, Ravens, Rhinos, Hunters, Crocodiles and even Bears with Tigers heard the roar of a lion and began to start up armored vehicles. Lagravis himself, after a roar, ran to the soldiers in the hangar to prepare for battle. Longtooth ran to meet him.

- Sir. The troops are ready for battle and await your instructions. - said the commander of the Lions.

- Good. The Tribes are already gathering their troops. It's time for us to leave for the interception. - said the King of Lions and went with Longtooth to the exit from the Temple.

Two Lions, leaving the Temple, went to the soldiers who were sitting in the tanks and waiting for the King's order. Lagravis roar, giving the command to go, and the vehicles drove out of the Temple and headed towards the enemy. On the way, the rest of the Tribes joined them in their vehicles, and the army of Chima rode forward in one front.


The Tribes of the Black Cloud at this time were approaching the borders of Chima. The cars were driving forward at full speed. Scorm looked forward to a future victory over the Tribes of Chima and thought over the words of Neshaar.

- As I capture Chima, I will free him. An ally like him will be useful to me in the future. And even with an army of monsters. I think that after Chima, it will be possible to go to the so-called Under Realm. Maybe there are the resources we need there too. - the King of Scorpions decided to himself.

The vehicles drove along the road directly to the Lion Temple. The Destroyer drove ahead of the rest of the vehicles as it took over the role of heavy artillery and a tank. The walkers followed behind, and the bat fighters flew in line with the scorpion tanks. Immediately the ground shook and the rumbling of wheels was heard.

- Your Majesty, look. - pointed the scorpion driver forward.

Scorm looked ahead and saw the Chima Tribe heading towards them. Chima's allies began to slow down and stopped a few hundred meters from the enemy clans. The fighters hovered above the allies and only carefully studied the new weapons of the Black Cloud.

- There is it! Our vaunted Chima's allies has arrived to us. Came to surrender when you felt our power? - The Scorpion King grinned, looking at the tanks of the opponents.

- We will never bow before tyrants. Chima is a free world where everyone is welcome, unless he comes armed. Get out to your stinking cave with your companions, where you came from, or you will feel the wrath of all Chima. - warned Lagravis.

The words hit Scorm for a living. Never before had he heard so much disgust and abomination in his direction. His thoughts began to fill with hatred and anger towards all Chima, especially the King of Lions.

- Scorm, you've been humiliated. His words touched not only you, but also me. Make him suffer before he dies. I will give your weapon a power you do not know about, and it will make it bow. - said Neshaar.

A whirlwind of light purple color appeared around the Black Cloud Destroyer. His power began to flow into the vehicle, making it stronger and more powerful. The shells acquired a light purple color, the car acquired lines of the same color, iridescent and flowing like rivers. The tribes of Chima watched in amazement. They had never encountered such a force surrounding a tanks.

- What is it? What is this mysterious power? - Lagravis said frightened, looking at the vehicle.

In response, all Tribes shake their heads and raised their shoulders. Eglor and Ewald began to study the power from afar and planned to get a piece of the vehicle to study.

- The Book of Phoenix might have an answer to this power. - Stealthor guessed as the vortex disappeared.

The Black Cloud Destroyer was now mostly light purple in color. The scorpion claws now had four blades, the scorpion and spider legs were lengthened, and the bat fighter's wings were enlarged. Scorm looked at Chima's tribe with his eyes full of hatred and contempt. In addition to the gold color, his armor also had light purple details. Neshaar's voice was also heard in the heads of Braptor and Spinlyn.

- Scorm showed you what I can do. Help me get out, and together we can get everything we wanted. - said the Spirit of the Gorge in the heads of the spider and the bat.

Braptor and Spinlyn agreed and looked at the Tribe of Chima with hatred. The Scorpion King laughed ominously and looked forward to a future victory.

- Fools, you have no idea with what power you have contacted. It will erase you from the history of this world. - Scorm grinned and took out his ax. It was filled with the mysterious power of a light purple color. - Tribes of Black Clouds, attack!

- Fire! - Lagravis gave the order.

The soldiers of both armies opened fire on each other. Some ran to fight in close combat, swinging axes and blades, and cover their fellows with blasters. The Chima's Tribe repulsed and parried the attacks of their opponents and attacked themselves. Eagle and crow fighters chased and fired at the bat fighters. Tanks and armored vehicles of the Chima clans covered the warriors, firing at enemy vehicles. Gorillas, Bears and Ice Bears in their cars hurled warriors and armored vehicles and ran towards the Destroyer. He immediately opened fire on the suits and threw them aside. Some still managed to get close to him and began to beat him and throw him to the ground. The vehicle, as if having its own mind, began to fight back: with its tail it pierced one of the gorilla machines and threw it aside, grabbed the machines of one of the bears and the ice bear with its claws and broke them, cutting them in half with the claws. After the car, it emitted a mechanical roar, frightening everyone present.

- What could it be? Is the car fighting off itself, without the help of the pilots? - Eglor could not believe his eyes.

The rulers of the Black Cloud themselves were perplexed by what was happening. The vehicle continued to fight off opponents.

- What's happening? - Scorm shouted in fright.

- I took control of the machine and in fact mentally control it, helping you in your victory. Take care of the kings, and I'll take over the armored vehicles. - Neshaar informed the rulers.

The rulers, together with the drivers, got out of the car, took out their weapons and went into battle. The Destroyer began to attack the cars, continuing to break them apart and throw the cars back.

The Tribes of the black cloud continued to fight. Despite the staunch resistance, the scorpion tanks were defeated. Walkers dodged attacks using somersaults and fired at enemy vehicles. Several light vehicles of the wolves were thrown back and thrown along with the crocodiles. The rhinos rammed the spiders and pressed them against the trees. Eagle and Raven fighters shot down enemy planes to the ground. The Destroyer began to shoot in their direction from the cannons of its tail, paws and wings. He still shot down several planes, and then fixed his gaze on the rhino tanks and turned a few on their side. This pleased Skorm. He rejoiced at his future victory. Lagravis looked at this picture with horror. He did not know how to fight such an enemy, since he had never encountered such a weapon in his life, but his thoughts were interrupted by Scorm, who swung his ax. The Lion King parried his attacks with his sword, but the Scorpion King, thanks to the power of Neshaar, was strong and easily knocked Lagravis's sword out of his hands.

- You've lost, you miserable Lion. Your soldiers will now be defeated, and then all Chima will bow before us. - Scorm grinned. - Surrender and submit to us.

Lagravis looked back: the battle was not in his favor. After destroying the remaining vehicles, the Chim's tribes began to attack the Black Cloud Destroyer, shooting Chi energy and trying to knock him down. The vehicle controlled by Neshaar fought back, fired blasters, knocking the clans back, and slicing through enemy vehicles with its pincers. Spinlyn and Braptor were in front of the entire army of the black cloud. The spider queen held a staff with a crystal of light purple color and fired from it at the speedorz, turning them over with the drivers, and the leader of the bats attacked with a crossbow of the same color. The Lion King felt that for the first time in his life he would lose. Everything he believed in - wisdom, Legends of Chima and battle tactics - was destroyed. He wanted to keep fighting, but he felt that he would lose.

- Lagra ... - heard a familiar female voice. Lagravis turned around and saw a Lioness on the battlefield. At this moment, Lagravis visioned of Leona

- Please, don't give up, Lagra. Chima needs you... -  said Leona, but suddenly disappears.

King Lions felt the power within yourself. He should not lose, he should not surrender to some scorpion and his crazy vehicle. He's must to fight. For Chima, for harmony, for Tribes, for his brother Lavertus, for his son Laval and for his darling Leona.

- Well, Lion? Will you give up or just lie there? Although, by doing this you show that you have lost. - the King of Scorpions grinned and swung his ax to attack, as Lagravis immediately repulsed it, putting down his sword.

The Lion King, when he took the sword, felt some kind of power in him. It lit up, contacting with Scorm's purple ax. Lagravis began to get up from the ground, forcing the Golden Scorpion back, and kicked him to the ground with a kick. The Royal Valious was filled with a mysterious energy of blue with tints of gold. Lion thought it was pure Chi energy in his swords. The sword glowed when Lagravis began to drive and shone even brighter towards the Chima's allies, pushing it into a corner and surrounded by spiders, scorpions and bats. The sword released a stream in his direction and began to fill the blasters and weapons of the Tribes of Chima with energy and their military equipment. The Chima's allies felt the strength and rushed into battle against the enemy tribes. Tanks, vehicles and battle suits fought against the Destroyer and began to push him back. Bears and Gorillas surrounded the tank on the sides and tried to knock the car down. Lagravis looked at Scorm.

- You've lost, Scorm. As always. Well, who will laugh now? - Lagravis teased the Scorpion King.

This angered Scorm, and he, getting up from the ground, ran at the King of Lions, swinging his ax. The lion deflected the attacks of the scorpion, parried and dodged. The Golden Scorpion continued to attack, swinging the ax. His mind was filled with rage and anger, causing his ax to glow a light purple color and shoot a stream towards the Lion King. Lagravis dodged and repelled Scorm's attacks. The streams touched, Lagravis, despite Scorm's madness, went forward and, having waited for the moment, closed the streams and released them into Scorm. The Scorpion King flew back and was about to attack again as Lagravis cut his ax in half at full speed and knocked the scorpion to the ground. Having finished with the leader of the Black Cloud, the Lion King looked towards the Chima's allies, pushing the enemy tribes back.

Spinlyn and Braptor covered the warriors with their new weapons. Stiltor dodged and ran with Crominus towards the Spider Queen, while Ewald and Rawzom fired their blasters at Braptor. Several shots hit the bat leader's crossbow, causing him to sparkle and break. The Crocodile King pounced on the spider, swinging his spear. Spinlyn deflected the attack and was about to attack, as Stealthor swung from cover and cut the spider's staff. The spider queen immediately fell onto her back. The tribes of the Black Cloud felt defeated and were about to retreat, but the Destroyer threw away all the machines filled with mysterious power and destroyed them completely. This motivated the warriors to keep fighting.

Lagravis, seeing this picture, ran at full speed to the tank and jumped on it. Everyone looked at it, considering the act insane. Spiders, bats and scorpions went on the offensive. The destroyer continued to shoot at the Chima's allies, trying to crush them. Of all the vehicles, there were a couple of Lion Tanks, a Gorilla car and Bear costumes. The bears grabbed the paws of the monster and pulled towards themselves, trying to knock it down, and the gorilla grabbed the tail. Tanks blinded the monster's eyes with shots. The Lion King, seeing these advantages, went to the topmost of the machines. He noticed that each of the machines had several purple eyes, and felt some kind of power in this place.

- You lost, Old Lion. You think that you know all of Chima, all its stories and legends, but this world is fraught with more and more secrets that you, primitive creatures, do not know about. You will always be miserable creatures, unable to resist anyone. - Neshaar chuckled in a mechanical voice.

- It's you lost when you decided to attack Chima. We have won many, we will defeat you too, whoever you are. - with these words Lagravis swung and, collecting all the energy in the sword, cut off the head of the fighter.

Then he plunged his sword into the head of the mechanical spider, thereby weakening the monster's legs and tail. The Gorilla and the Bears continued to pull the metal monster. The Lion King walked over to the last metal head. The monster sensed the King's presence, but could not look at him. Lagravis swung and thrust his sword into the scorpion's head. Everything sparkled and began to break. The bears knocked the car to the ground, and the Gorilla let go of its weakened tail. The heads fell to the ground, and the car, a spark, fell all broken.

- NOOOO! - Scorm shouted madly.

The Outlands tribes began to retreat in their surviving vehicles. Lagravis and his allies watched them go. The energy in the sword vanished, making it ordinary.

- This attack amazed me. I don't know what it is, but it was as if someone was driving the vehicle. I don't know who, but his power scared me. So ancient and destructive. - Lagravis told his thoughts.

- We'll see what it is. Maybe it will be a whole revelation, but in your words I feel fear. - said Ewald.

The Eagles took the severed metal head of a scorpion and flew in fighters to the Eagle Spire. Many, in addition to this power, were also interested in the one that was in Lagravis's sword.

- I was most surprised by the power in your sword, Lagravis. I have never seen anything like it in my life. - said Crominus.

- I don't know where it came from, but it was... She help us win this battle... We need to ask the Elders. They may know the answer. - suggested the King of Lions.

Everyone agreed and began to get into their cars. Some were picked up from the ground after the battle. The Ravens and Eagles took with them the remains of the Black Cloud Destroyer, divided it so that the eagles got weapons and paws, and the crows got the main body. Chima's allies slowly began to disperse, and the Leaders of the Tribes headed towards the Temple of Lions to discuss some points.

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