Chapter 5 Wild Horde.

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By evening, the camp was ready. Worriz lit a fire using two stones he had collected, to which he received Rogon's surprised look. Laval, Cragger, Eris, and Li'ella pitched their tents in the clearing, while Gorzan and Bladvic brought three logs for the gathering. Razar collected various berries, flowers and leaves.

- Razar, why are you picking berries and leaves? We have a whole box of food. - Laval asked.

- It's not for food, my friend. I am going to sell all this when I return to Chima. Berries and flowers from the new lands will be in great profit. - Razar replied, continuing to pick flowers.

Laval just shrugged and headed towards the fire with Li'ella. Eris, Cragger, Worriz, Bladvic, Lavertus, Hunters and Tormak were already sitting next to him and warming themselves.

- It's cooler here than in Chima. - said Cragger, hugging himself.

- We're in the Under Realm. Here the temperature may be lower, and nothing is known about this world yet. - answered Eris.

Rogon and Gorzan carried a box of food to the heroes. They put him by the fire, and the rhino began to look at Eris with a cute look, which made her embarrassed.

- So they brought food. - glad Lavertus.

- When we carried him, it seemed to us that it has become easier. - said Gorzan.

Laval walked over to it and opened it. What he saw there amazed him.

- Skinnet? - Laval wondered. - What are you doing here?

- What indeed? - answered Skinnet. - The circumstances which led to my unexpected departure from Chima make for a long yet fascinating tale...

- Bottom-line us, Skunk. - demanded Tormak, crossing his arms.

- I fell asleep in a food box. - answered Skinnet.

- Howdju get in the box? - asked the Prince of Crocodiles.

- At night I accidentally fell into it when I was walking. He was standing in the street. I tried to get out, but there was so much food that I ate everything on the way. - answered the skunk.

Everyone was shocked by this news, and Lavertus immediately panicked and rushed to the box:

- No, no, no, no, no! The food! He ate all the food! The bread! The cheese! Those little cocktail weenies 'n' the peppercorn jelly! And baked potatoes too! Gone! All gone! Why? WHY?! You're a monster. - Lavertus cried and sobs squeakily. - This is the worst day of my life!

- Let's not panic. - Laval reassured everyone. - We have a mission.

- I have only one mission: to kill this skunk, food eater. - Lavertus was angry.

- Will be fun. It's a shame we didn't bring popcorn to watch this show. - Fangar was delighted.

- I ask everyone to calm down. Yes, there are no supplies now, but we have a snack in our backpacks. We will eat, and then we will look in these lands for berries, fruits, vegetables and, possibly, meat. - said Prince Lion.

- Laval is right. We must not quarrel. In addition, we do not know what this Under Realm is hiding. - supported Cragger and took a backpack with food. - I have five sandwiches, a couple of potatoes, apples and a bag of berries. What do you have?

Everyone took their backpacks and began to examine the contents.

- Potatoes, apples, herbs and sandwiches. - said Eris.

- A bag of chicken wings and legs. And a backpack of sandwiches. - added Worriz, to which he received a surprised look. - I didn't know how long we would be here, so I took more.

- Bananas, home-fruit pieces and tortillas. - said Gorzan.

- Potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, pears and sandwiches. Another flask of water. - Laval said.

- A couple of cocktails, cupcakes, cookies, cakes and sandwiches. - said Razar.

- Honey, cookies and cupcakes. - said Bladvic.

- A bag of ribs, chicken legs and wings, fruits, vegetables and berries. Well, and sandwiches - said Fangar for all the Hunters.

- We also have vegetables and fruits. And sandwiches. - said Tormak.

- Rocks and fruits. - Rogon said the last, to which he received perplexed glances. - The rocks are delicious.

- We have enough food for a week. So we save. Tomorrow afternoon we will explore the clearing and bushes. Maybe we can find something. - suggested Prince Lions and looked at Skinnet. - You ate your portion.

Heroes of Chima agreed and sat down by the fire. Everyone took out snacks and sandwiches and began to eat, looking at each other. Worriz shared his wings with Laval, Cragger, Li'ella, Tormak and Fangar. The rest shared berries and fruits.


Those two incomprehensible creatures with long beaks all sat in the trees and watched the heroes.

- I wonder what they are eating? - One of them asked. - We must somehow infiltrate their camp and try it all.

- You're crazy descended, Pteroz? We need to watch them and their further actions, and not think about what they eat. - said the second.

- You are thinking too narrowly, Pterux. We have never seen such animals in our lands. I'll assume they came from a Flying Island hovering over the Healing Canyons. - suggested Pteroz.

- If so, then this is very good news. The Dinosaur King will be pleased with this information. - declared Pterux.

They began to wait for their comrade and continued to watch the heroes. The heroes were also observed by two other creatures: one of them has three horns on its head, and the second has overgrown with plates on its back.

- Are you sure they came from the Flying Island, Tricky? - The spiked one asked.

- Absolutely, Stegro. I then saw that they had moved off the very bridge over which the Wild Horde had wanted to get up. - answered the three-horned. - I think they are.

- You mean those who will free us from Tyrannosaurs, Spinosaurs, Carnotaurs, Velociraptors, Pterosaurs and Pteranodons? - Stegro specified. - It's just a legend.

- As we were told: Legends are often based on reality. How many years has the Wild Horde terrorized and plundered Triceratops and Stegosaurs? We cannot resist them, and because of them our tribes suffer. - Tricky said. - We need to keep an eye on them, as well as that couple of Pterosaurs. They had already sent one to Tyranors.

- So the Wild Horde is coming here soon? - The spiked one asked.

- Perhaps, but let's hope that she will not come soon? - Tricky hoped, and they both continued to spy out of the bushes.


A pterosaur from that campaign on his bike traveled to the lands in the south, where the base of the Wild Horde is located. He drove through the jungle, glades and approached the jungle and the mountains. Before him the gaze opened to the garrison with torches on the walls, bordering on these lands. He stopped in front of him and looked up at about ten warriors: two Spinosaurs, two Tyrannosaurs, two Velociraptors, two Carnotaurs, and one of the Pterosaurs and Pteranodons.

- I have news for the Leader of the Wild Horde. - said the messenger on the bike.

The guards ran into the towers and began to raise the gates by pressing the levers. The bars were lifted, and the Pterosaur drove on. In a few minutes he was already in the city. The base itself consisted of six camps with a large tent in each, where the leaders of the Dinosaurs lived, and surrounded by a wall. Tribes of Pterosaurs and Pteranodons are located on the rocks. The ambassador rode to the tent of the Tyrannosaurs - the leaders of the Wild Horde - and stopped in front of the tallest tent. He got off the bike and headed towards him, as he was immediately stopped by a couple of guards.

- King Tyranors is currently negotiating with the rest of the leaders of the Horde: Spinrak, Carnamus, Pterix, Pteranix, and Velratos. As soon as he is free, Patros, then he will accept you. - said one of the guards.

- This is urgent. King Tyranors needs to know that the Golden Bridge has activated again. - said Patros loudly.

- What are you shouting at the whole street ?! - declared the second and wanted to hit him, as the leaders of the Dinosaurs immediately came out of the tent.

Each of them had a scar on the right eye, two stripes painted on the body, covered with armor, and wore crowns on their heads. The Leader of the Tyrannosaurs had two battle axes on his back on a scabbard, the Leader of the Spinosaurs wore two spears on a scabbard, the Leader of the Velociraptors is always armed with two long blades, the Leader of the Carnotaurs carries with him two clubs with thorns, and the Leaders of the Pterosaurs and Pteranodons are each armed with two arboretum's.

- Leave him alone. - Tyranors ordered his soldiers and went to Patros. - What did you say about the guests from the Flying Island?

- While inspecting the territory, we noticed a camp set up by strange creatures. They talked about a certain Chima, apparently that's what they call the Flying Island above the crater, and the mission. - said Patros.

- It is interesting. Anything else? - The Lord of the Wild Horde asked.

- Two of them resemble our captive. Of the two, one - like a captive. - answered Patros.

Tyranors roared, summoning the entire Wild Horde. The Dinosaurs dropped their business and came to listen to the King's speech:

- Did you hear, friends? Someone deigned to come down here, into our world, from above. I remember the days when my grandfather, the great Tyrannosaur King and founder of the Wild Horde, wanted to take over this island for the relocation of dinosaurs, but the Golden Phoenixes drove it out. My father tried to go to the Flying Island again, but the Bridge was destroyed, and our allies, Triceratops and Stegosaurs, betrayed us and broke away from our army. Our greatness and strength disappeared, as did the influence on our Lands. It's time to return the favor to the top. - declared the King of Dinosaurs and turned to the Horde. - Take weapons and guns and start your cars. We're going to hunt the Up.

The dinosaurs rejoiced and ran to the hangar, armed with guns and melee weapons. The Pterosaurs and Pteranodons fired up their fighters, while the rest boarded off-road vehicles, armored cars, and tanks. A Tyrannosaurus came out of the tent, hiding its body and face under a mantle. Long spikes with skulls on them protrude from its back. In his paw, he holds a staff in the form of the sun and its rays, consisting of bones and teeth. Next to him walked a Tyrannosaurus, similar to the King, but with a calmer gaze.

- I heard that aliens came down here from the Flying Island. It's true? - The Tyrannosaurus Warlock asked.

- Yes, Tyr'Azar. The Golden Bridge was activated from above. They went here on some kind of mission. - answered Patros.

- I felt that the Golden Bridge will activate sooner or later. This Island is called Chima, which means "noble". - Tyr'Azar said.

- We have already been informed about this. - said the Leader of Pterosaurs and added: - I think they have something that activated the bridge.

- Then find them and bring them here. - said Tyr'Azar. - We could not learn anything from the captive. Maybe these will be more accommodating.

- General Tyrexor. - called King Tyranors to his general. - You will lead this squad. Bring these guests to us safe and sound.

- Yes, your majesty. - the General bowed and went to the cars.

In total, ten machines with four dinosaurs on each and ten fighters with two in each cockpit were ready for the task. Tyrexor got into one of the tanks in his place.

- Lead us. - he turned to Patros.

Patros got on his bike and rode first. The others followed him. The leaders of the Wild Horde watched them go for a minute and headed inside with the warlock.

- Brother, aren't you tired of these wars? For many years we have seized lands, burned villages and captured slaves for the sorcery of Tyr'Azar. Do not forget about the war with our former allies: the Wild Horde does nothing but attack them and demand tribute from them. They all suffer anyway. - said the younger brother of the King of Dinosaurs.

- Do you have something against, Tyrdrex? Chima did not accept us, she banished us here. These Golden Phoenixes defeated and humiliated our grandfather, and then our father. - Tyranors replied. - It's time for us to return upstairs, and for me to rip the hearts out of the breasts of these noble birds. Tyr'Azar will help us destroy the dome that surrounds the island. He studied magic from skilled magicians and knows its subtleties.

- Necromancy is not magic, but death itself. It devours our home, desecrates it. - objected Tyrdrex.

- Necromancy is the dark side of magic. Necromancy and Magic are two sides of the same coin. Your grandfather asked me to help with the dome, and I would almost be able to break it if it weren't for the Phoenixes. I cannot create a bridge, but the inhabitants of Chima can. - answered Tyr'Azar and continued: - We need to return to the discussion about Triceratops and Stegosaurs.

The leaders of the Dinosaurs agreed and went inside the hut. Tyrdrex went to the western end of the base. He disappeared from the sight of the guards and went into a tent where five dinosaurs were sitting: Spinosaurus Spiranida, Carnotaurus Carnitax, Pterosaur Pterus, Pteranodon Pteranes and Velociraptor Velzer.

- Did you get the car? - asked the Prince of Dinosaurs.

- We'll take my Car. - answered Velzer and added: - So is it true that someone came down here from the Flying Island?

- Yes. I think these are the very heroes who will help us find the Legend Dinosaurs and free ourselves from the influence of Tyr'Azar. - Tyrdrex said in a whisper.

- That's good news, buddy. Now we just need to leave the city and go to them. Do you know where they are staying? - clarified Pteranes.

- At the Glade of Pure Grass. - answered the Prince of Dinosaurs.

- We can get there a few minutes later. - reported Spiranida. - We just have to go now.

Everyone agreed and left the tent. The squad made their way to the hangar where Velzer's car was. They turned it on and walked slowly towards the west exit, passing the Leaders and Warlock's tent.

- We need to explore the area and find good positions for a future war with the Triceratops and Stegosaurs. - said Pterus.

- Okay, come then. - said the guard Spinosaurus and pressed the lever.

The grate was raised, and the detachment left the city and headed towards the clearing where the heroes were now. They took a short cut through the caves to catch up with Tyrexor's squad.


Night has come. All at this time slept both in Chima and in the Under Realm. Tyrexor's detachment rode all night and almost approached the camp, only three kilometers left to them. Laval slept with Li'ella at this time, covered with a blanket. Suddenly his ears heard a rustle that woke him up. He climbed out of the tent and began to look around. There was still a rustle in the bushes. Li'ella felt that her beloved was not around, and also woke up. She climbed out of the tent and saw him looking at the bushes.

- Has something happened, Laval? - LiElla asked. - What did you see there?

Skinnet, Lavertus and Fangar woke up from the sounds. All three yawned and scratched their backs.

- What happened? - Fangar asked.

- It seems to me that someone is following us. - answered Prince Lions. - I hear rustles in the bushes.

- Need to check. - supported Li'ella. - I don't want anyone to follow us.

The five headed deeper into the forest to look for the source of the rustle, and at the same time, Tyrexor's squad stopped near the camp of heroes and got off the cars, heading towards the camp. They entered the forest and walked about a kilometer until they saw tents and several vehicles in front of them.

- We act quietly and accurately, and most importantly silently. Neutralize the targets, pick up all the belongings and return to the city. - said Tyrexor. - Go.

He walked out with a detachment from the bushes unnoticed and quietly. All armed with crossbows with darts with sleeping pills and began to shoot them at the heroes, plunging them into a deep sleep. Several Tyrannosaurs and Spinosaurs took them on their shoulders and carried them to the cars, the rest began to inspect the cars, amazed at the technique.

- Leave that stuff. It doesn't work. Take all the essentials. - ordered the general and heard rustles in the bushes. He looked at three Velociraptors, two Tyrannosaurs and Carnotaurs. - Inspect that part of the forest and find the source of the rustles.

The dinosaurs nodded in response and walked towards the forest, while the rest continued to search the camp in search of valuable things. Finding nothing, the detachment went to the vehicles, taking only weapons. Tyrannosaurs and Spinosaurs, who carried the heroes on their shoulders, put them in cages on cars and closed them.

- Good job, guys. We return to the base with the loot. King Tyranors will be pleased. - said Tyrexor. - In vain they took such a large detachment. Would be enough and more.

The Dinosaurs were delighted, started the cars and headed towards the City of the Wild Horde, and the remaining squad with guns in their hands headed deeper into the forest for the heroes.

Three minutes after the departure of the Tyrexor Squad, a car with Tyrdrex's squad drove up to the clearing. Everyone got off her and began to look around in search of heroes. Suddenly they heard a rustle deep in the forest.

- We have to go there. - said Tyrdrex. - I think they're there.

The detachment agreed, armed with guns and went into the forest.


Laval and the others walked through the forest at this time, looking for the source of the rustles. He ran from them as soon as they got close.

- Hello. Is anyone there? - Laval asked. - We will not offend you.

- It seems to me that it is not necessary to call him. What if it's a scary animal hunting small game like us? - Skinnet was scared.

- Don't be afraid, Skinnet. We are by your side and will always protect you. - Laval reassured.

The five did not even notice how they entered the trap. She rose sharply upward, forming a bag with a net, from where the heroes could not get out. Two Pterosaurs with guns in their hands immediately flew to the ground from the sky.

- This is the catch. Inhabitants of the upper regions. - Pterux was surprised.

- That's for sure. They thought they had escaped, but we will now take them to the King, and he will reward us. - supported Pteroz, as Tricky and Stegro immediately climbed out of the bushes and pointed their weapons at them.

- Well, let them go quickly, otherwise I'll break your beaks with a hunting shot. - Tricky ordered.

- And let's go faster. - added Stegro.

The pterosaurs pointed their guns at them and waited for the moment. The situation escalated, the opponents were at the crosshairs of each other. The situation was changed by the Tyrexor squad sent here.

- This is just my business, as well as our peoples, that they sold their souls to Tyr'Azar for eternal service. - declared Tricky and pointed guns at the squad.

- I order you, Commander Tyrank, to lay down your weapons and retreat. - I heard a voice from the bushes. It was Tyrdrex and his friends.

- Prince Tyrdrex? So you are a traitor and you are working with Triceratops and Stegosaurs ?! - Tyrank was surprised and sent a gun to the Prince of Tyrannosaurs.

The situation was tense: the Heroes of Chima found themselves in the midst of a possible firefight between the units of the Wild Horde and its enemies and deserters. Everyone pointed the barrel at each other and waited for someone to shoot.

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