Girls Frontline: Legends of the Ghosts: Task Force Stalker trailer

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Hesh: *voiceover* 2017. The day when ODIN was hijacked by the Federation. 27 million of innocent people have died, including many our friends. That day left our nation crippled and weak.

Logan: *voiceover* 10 years have passed. 2027. The Old Federation invaded USA, after the strike. Even if times change, some memories fade and some memories don't.

Hesh: *voiceover* You start to forget... the things you should remember. 

Logan: *voiceover* And you can't stop remembering... the things you should forget. 

Hesh: *voiceover* We've always had the power... But not anymore.

Logan: *voiceover* What we have is each other.

The Walker Brothers and Riley hide in a patch of grass. Hesh looks through a camera attached to Riley's body and sees two enemy soldiers patrolling.

Hesh: (Is it on?) Ok, looks like we're good, beginning sector scan.

Logan: Contact. Enemy patrol approaching from the west.

Hesh: Do not engage. Let them get closer.

Riley looks at Hesh.

Hesh: Get ready.

Riley looks back at the soldiers.

Hesh: Do it.

Logan: Attack!

Riley runs up to one of the soldiers and bites his neck, killing him.

Hesh: Take 'em out!

Logan: Engaging!

Logan takes out his Honey Badger w/ ACOG Scope and shoots the other soldier.

Logan: Clear. That's the third group in twenty miles.

Hesh: Keep your eyes peeled, could be more of them.

Logan: Copy that.

"No Man's Land"

June 7th - 06:19:43

Southern DMZ, CA

Sergeant Logan Walker

The three move out. Hesh stops and raises his hand.

Hesh: Standby.

He cautiously moves forward. A quake causes Riley to whimper.

Hesh: Easy, Riley.

Hesh puts down his gun and looks forward. The ruins of their old house can be seen.

Logan: *sigh* San Diego.

Hesh: Welcome home... or what's left of it, anyway.

Logan: *sad* This is also one of the places where millions of people died because of ODIN's hijack by the Federation 10 years ago.

Hesh: *sad* Come on, let's keep moving.

They begin moving. A helicopter flies over a building ahead.

Hesh: Stalker-Six, this is Viking Actual, we are en route to target location, how copy?

Stalker-Six: Solid copy, Viking. Be advised, recent reports of lots of enemy movement in that area. We're on a schedule here, so get that intel and get out, fast.

Hesh: Roger that.

The three enter the building.

Hesh: Clear. Home sweet home. We used to happy here. *sad* Even now, all the things we have done together haunts me.

Logan: *sad and sarcastic* Welcome to the club.

Hesh looks around the inside of the building. He picks up an MTS-255 on a table.

Hesh: Hey, check it out.

Logan: Our family's shotgun.

Hesh: (Heh) Never thought I'd see this again.

Logan: Let's hope it still works.

A small quake shakes the building. Hesh puts the shotgun in a scabbard on his back.

Hesh: Guess that means we should keep moving.

Logan: Yeah. Lead the way, brother.

They walk up a flight of stairs and look over a landscape, a crater where the ruins of houses obliterated during the bombardment can be seen. A semi-destroyed building can be seen in the distance.

Hesh: Not like you remember it, huh?

Logan: San Diego was one of the most beautiful places of the United States. Now it's a wasteland.

Hesh: This place is depressing the hell outta me. Come on.

They jump down from a ledge. Hesh looks around the area. They approach a ledge overlooking a cliff.

Hesh: Watch your step over here.

Logan: Okay.

A quake shakes everyone up, almost causing them to fall.

Hesh: Shit. Whoa whoa!

Logan: Fuck.

The church in the distance crumbles and falls into the cliff. Riley whimpers, and Hesh pets him.

Hesh: You're all right, boy. Just a tremor.

Logan: Phew. That was close.

Riley barks and looks forward.

Hesh: Sounds like trouble.

They climb a small ledge.

Hesh: Logan, sync up with Riley.

Logan: Roger. Showtime, Riley.

Logan walks over to Riley. He takes out a tablet as a camera on Riley's back raises up, and Logan is able to see through this camera on the tablet.

Hesh: Here we go.

Logan: Riley, go.

Riley begins moving. He jumps over a car.

Hesh: The vest is synced up with your camera feed. It'll help guide him. Where you want to go, he'll follow. Scan around for a bit.

Logan: Riley, stay.

Riley stops as Logan controls the camera to scan. He sees two enemy soldiers.

Hesh: I see two tangos ahead. Let them separate.

One soldier walks away.

Hesh: The closer one, take him out first.

Logan: Attack.

Riley slowly walks up behind the enemy soldier, who is scanning the area. Riley jumps up from behind and bites his neck, killing him.

Hesh: Nice. Where'd the other one go? See if you can get his attention.

Logan: Bark.

Riley barks, which draws the other soldier out.

Hesh: There he is. I'll take this one.

Hesh shoots the soldier in the head.

Hesh: Alright Logan, have Riley search the houses. We don't want any stragglers.

Logan: Riley, go.

Riley walks into a house up ahead. The camera picks up two enemies outside.

Hesh: Hang on, I've got a sniper on the balcony. He's mine.

Hesh takes out the sniper without alerting any other soldiers.

Hesh: Okay, take the guard out first.

Logan: Attack.

Riley slowly approaches the guard and bites his neck, killing him.

Logan: Get him!

The enemy without a weapon runs into the house and puts up a small fight, but Riley bites his neck as well.

Hesh: All clear. Good boy, Riley. Let's move.

Logan: Right behind you.

Hesh and Logan move up. They hear voices inside a building.

Hesh: Sounds like more inside. Stack up.

Fed Soldier: Tampoco respondieron por radio... que vaya Rodrigo con Guillermo y averigüen que fue lo que sucedió. (They didn't respond by radio either... he said that Rodrigo should go with Guillermo and find out what happened.)

Logan: Heads up, Hesh. These guys might know something's wrong.

Hesh: Then let's use extra caution.

Hesh and Logan stand on either side of the building's door. Hesh smashes open a window.

Hesh: Riley, search!

Riley jumps through the window. There is an audible commotion inside, and a few soldiers attempt to exit the building from Riley's attack, but Hesh and Logan shoot them in slow-motion while Riley mauls on one soldier he caught.

Hesh: Clear. On me.

Logan: Copy.

Hesh, Logan and Riley enter the building and stop at a door.

Stalker-Six: We're in position.

Hesh: Mask on.

Logan and Hesh put on their ghost masks.

Hesh: *voiceover* We're Ghosts. Fighting for something that can't be killed.

The Ghosts are seen engaging Federation soldiers.

Logan: *voiceover* Soldiers stand against their enemies, but ghosts... hunt them.

Hesh and Logan are seen engaging Federation soldiers. Logan is seen fighting Rorke with CQC knife combat and blades clash. Flashing the entire screen.

Girls Frontline: Legends of the Ghosts: Task Force Stalker

Hesh and Logan take off their mask.

Hesh: My name is David Walker, callsign "Hesh".

Logan: And my name is Logan Walker.

Hesh: We're sons of Captain Elias T. Walker. Soldiers of US Army.

Logan: And members of Task Force Stalker, A.K.A. The Ghosts.

Hesh & Logan: This is our story... Of how we fought in the Federation War.

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