🌆Chapter 39 | Return To Imperium Part 2🌆

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*The scene cuts to the three running from Weapon Drones.*

Sora: I was wrong!!!!

The others: *Finally evade the drones and arrive at a room*

Sora: Shh.Like I was hoping,this tunnel led right into the security station.I'll hack into the system,make us ID cards,gain access to the Advanced Systems Lab,and boom! Destroy the Photac.Come on!

*They reach the Security Station.Sora starts to hack it,but they see someone arriving.*

Sora: Someone's coming.Hurry.I need your fake names for the IDs.

Arin: Fake names? Um......Doctor.....Lampshade.......Floortile!

Sora: Your undercover name is Dr. Lampshade Floortile?

Arin: Yeah.

Lloyd: Call me Doyll Donmagar.

Sora: That's with two L's?

Blossom: And isn't that your name backwards?

Lloyd: Obviously.

Sora: *Finishes the IDs and hands them to Lloyd*

Lloyd: "Sora"? You used your real name?

Sora: Uh,we gotta go!!!

*They sneak around.Sora finds some clothes in a locker*

Sora:  Hurry up and put these on.We need to look like real Imperian citizens.

Arin: You are a real Imperian.

Sora: We need to fit in.That's all people in Imperium care about.

Lloyd: *Returns in his costume* Absolutely.Stealth is key. 

Blossom: *Looks at his large hat* It was in the locker,so I imagine the Empress approved it?

Sora: Ugh.She never had good taste.

Arin: Riyu,maybe we should just keep you hidden in here. 

Riyu: *Leaps into a backpack*

Arin: *Gets the backpack and struggles to carry* 

Sora: Okay,Lampshade.That looks totally normal.Guess we're ready.Come on.

*Arin,Sora,Lloyd,Raiden,Bonnie and Blossom exit a room, the latter two whistling.They pass an Imperium Guard*

Imperium Guard: Halt!

Blossom,Bonnie and Raiden: *Were behind Lloyd,Arin and Sora as they run off*

Lloyd: What seems to be the problem,officer?

Imperium Guard: Gonna need to see your ID badges. 

Lloyd: *Hands them over* Oh,yeah.Yep.You're free to go,Mr. Floortile.

Arin: *Clears his throat* 

Arin: That's Doctor Floortile.

Imperium Guard: Uh,you too,Mr.Donmigar.And..Sora? 

Imperium Guard: Weird name.But okay.All hail the Good Empress!

Lloyd: Yeah,all hail!!!

The others: *Turns to leave* 

Imperium Guard: Stop! You really thought you could get away with it,didn't you?

Sora: I didn't...

Imperium Guard: Not wearing shoulder pads on a Tuesday? *Sighs*

Imperium Guard: The Empress has declared shoulder pads are a must-have accessory for all citizens on weekdays! And this is not the weekend.

Sora: Um,that's new.And weird.

Imperium Guard: Well, I have no choice but to take you to..the public shaming platform. *Takes their bag*

Imperium Guard: Ugh.What are you carrying in here,gold bricks? It weighs a ton.

Lloyd: What's a Public Shaming Platform?

Sora: Only the worst form of punishment in Imperium.Anyone who commits any anti-Empress sentiment is publicly shamed in a livestream video feed.

Lloyd: Huh, doesn't sound so bad. I've put up with Kai's mocking for years.

Sora: You don't understand. The livestream is broadcast to everyone in Imperium.Our faces are gonna be on gigantic screens throughout the city! The Claw Hunters,that weird tiger guy,my parents? Everyone will see us.We're toast!

Lloyd: Oh.....That can't be good....Wait...Where's Blossom,Bonnie and Raiden??

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