A Step Too Fire: Mixed POV

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The thing about death is that you don't know when it will happen. Sometimes, it just happens so suddenly that you don't have time to prepare yourself for it.

The Paw Patrol had seen their fair share of death, from Ms. Marjorie dying of old age, to Daring Danny X's brutal death in one of his failed stunts.

But never had they experienced the death of a teammate.

Until now.

It goes without saying that the job of each member is dangerous. Catching criminals, fighting fires, flying in harsh weather, lifting heavy objects, diving deep underwater, you name it, they do it. However, each of them knew the risks and are working hard to

But it was still a surprise it took them this long to finally lose a member.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

The day started out normally. At the moment, the pups were playing frisbee with Ryder at the Lookout yard.

"I got it, I got it, I got it!" Marshall shouted as he chased after the frisbee.

"Nope, I got it," Skye said before using the dally's back as a springboard and catching the frisbee in her mouth.

"You're really good at this, Skye," Chase complimented his mate.

The cockapoo giggled and licked his cheek. "Thanks, Chase. I guess I haven't lost my touch after all these years."

"It's a good thing that the pups are asleep," the police dog said, licking her back.

"Eew, get a room, you two," Marshall groaned as he once again found himself in between the couple, who were a comical sight considering that Chase is more than twice as tall as Skye.

Chase glared at him. "You and Everest are just as bad, you know."

"Not really. We're actually worse than you two," Everest said as she walked over to them. She gave Marshall a nuzzle and giggled when he licked her in return.

Since she and Marshall got together, Everest had been a regular visitor at the Lookout, eventually moving in when she got pregnant with twins.

"How are the pups, Everest?" Skye asked her best friend.

"Still asleep," the husky replied as she laid down next to her mate. "You'd be surprised at how deep they sleep, considering that it's really loud out here."

The four dogs chuckled as they heard Rubble howl loudly, a frisbee in his mouth.

"Not fair," Rocky whined from beside him. "I'm close to it already."

"Nothing is evew faiw, dude," Zuma said, scratching behind his ear.

"And your speech is as adorable as ever." the mixed breed grinned at him, making Zuma blush. Even at adulthood, the chocolate labrador hasn't lost his speech impairment.

"That was a low blow, dude. Low blow."

"So Rubble," Ryder said over the two's argument. "How was your mate?"

The bulldog's ears flattened against his head. "She's getting worse. I'm already thinking of making her move here."

"I can help you with that," the now 14-year-old said. "I've already prepared spaces for your and Zuma's mates beside your pup houses."

"Really?" Rubble said, perking up. "Thanks, Ryder."

Ryder chuckled just as his pup pad rang. Rubble went to play with the others while he answered the call.

"Hey, Jake. What's up? Do you need Marshall and Everest?"

Even after Everest had come to live in the Lookout, Jake still calls for her and Marshall to help him out with mountain rescues, and occasionally have a sleepover at the cabin.

"Not good, dude," Jake said worriedly. "I need Marshall, but for a completely different reason. The forest is on fire!"

The skier shifted the phone to show Ryder the big fire that was accumulating in the forest near the cabin.

"Oh no. That is a big fire. We're gonna need a lot of fire power for this mission. But no fire is too big, no pup is too small!"

Ryder then ended the call and clicked the button that was connected to the others' pup tags.

"Paw Patrol, it's time for an ultimate rescue!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Paw Patrol, it's time for an ultimate rescue!"

"Ryder needs us!" they simultaneously said before making their way to the Lookout.

However, Marshall hung back for a bit. "Everest, um..."

The said husky chuckled and licked her mate's cheek. "I know. I'll stay behind to watch over the pups. Just come back home safely, okay?"

"I promise, Ev. I love you," Marshall smiled at her before making his way to the Lookout, his heart sinking for unknown reasons.

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the chew toy that was lying on the floor and tripped on it, sending him rolling towards the elevator like a bowling ball.

"Look out!" he tried to warn his friends before he knocked them all down like bowling pins.

"I guess this means strike!"

The odd assortment of adult dogs laughed as the elevator ascended. Even after four years, Marshall was still the clumsy and funny dalmatian that they've always known.

When the elevator reached the top, they all leaped out to their respective positions.

Chase still stood tall and proud as the second-in-command, with Rocky and Skye on his left, and Rubble, Zuma, and Marshall on his right.

"Paw Patrol, ready for action, Ryder sir!" the shepherd saluted with a smile before noticing their outfits. "Firedog style."

Ryder emerged from his bedroom, also wearing his firefighter uniform. "Thanks for hurrying. Jake called and said that there was a fire brewing in the forest! We've got to stop it before the fire spreads and causes any more damage."

"This fire is big. Marshall won't be able to do this by himself, so this is gonna be an ultimate fire rescue."

"Marshall," the 14-year-old called, clicking on his red logo. "You know the drill. I need you to lead the others in putting out the fire."

"I'm ultimately fired up!" the dalmatian called out, his friends echoing the same statement from behind him.

"Alright! Paw Patrol is on a roll!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Marshall was tense as he drove the ultimate fire truck, and Chase noticed this.

"What's wrong, Marshall?" he asked.

"Nothing," the dally said before sighing heavily. "It's just... I feel like something's gonna get wrong in this mission."

"It always has, isn't it?" the police dog said wryly.

"This feels different, Chase," Marshall snapped at him. "It feels... morbid. Like someone's not gonna come back alive."

The others went silent having heard the conversation, Ryder included.

"Marshall," the brunette said soothingly. "If someone is in trouble, we'll get them out. We always have. Alright? No one's going to die. Not you, not me, not Jake, not any of us."

"Alright," the fire dog sighed, but it was obvious that he didn't believe any of it. Despite Ryder's words, he still couldn't shake the feeling of impending doom.

He just hoped it wasn't going to be one of them.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ahh, the first chapter of a new book. Let's just hope I'll get to finish this book. 

If you haven't noticed yet, it's gonna be a book about each of the main characters' deaths. So prepare yourselves for the upcoming angst.

As for the M rating, let's just say that one of the deaths will be gory, and the other will be... triggering.

I've already planned all of their deaths (like death note lol) and I used a randomizer as to how and when they will all die.

Estimated amount of chapters: 10-55, depending on how long each POV is. 

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