A Step Too Fire: Rubble/Everest/Skye

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Rubble hated feeling vulnerable. Ever since he was a pup, he knew he had to keep up a tough front so that no one would sense his weaknesses.

And crying was a weakness.

He knew Chase would agree with him, as would Marshall. Giving in to your emotions would only hinder you in doing your job.

And so Rubble tried to keep his tears at bay as he silently drove the two climbers to the hospital. He hadn't spoken a word since he promised Ryder that he'll meet them back at the Lookout.

In a way, Rubble was glad for the privacy. It gave him a chance to think without the others fussing over him.

With Marshall gone, who would take his position as the firefighter slash medic of the team? He knew Everest was the backup medic, but who would be skilled enough to take the firefighter position?

Probably Chase. After all, Victor was old enough to take his father's place as the police pup. He just wished it was for better circumstances.

What about the twins? Blaze and Snow are barely old enough to speak, much less comprehend the fact that their father was dead.

And how about Everest? How would she take the news of her mate's untimely death? Would she feel guilty? Pained? Depressed?

Rubble didn't have much time to dwell on that as he arrived on the Adventure Bay Hospital. The very same hospital where Marshall completed his training as a paramedic.

The dalmatian was famous at the hospital since he was a regular volunteer there, and Rubble dreaded to see what their reaction would be once they learn that Marshall was killed in action.

The sirens from the ambulance must have alerted the doctors of their arrival because they came rushing out of the emergency room to greet them.

"Marsha-- oh hey, Rubble," one of the doctors greeted in surprise. "Where's Marshall?

"Marshall..." Rubble swallowed back the tears that were threatening to pour from his ginger-colored eyes. "We had a mission today and Marshall didn't make it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Marshall's... dead?"

Everest couldn't believe what she was hearing. There's no way that Marshall, her beloved dalmatian, was dead. She just refused to believe it. It must have been a prank, and Marshall would be snickering somewhere in his hiding place.

"I'm sorry, Everest," Chase whimpered, his head lowering in grief.

The shepherd's reaction showed Everest that no, it wasn't a prank. Chase wasn't exactly a good actor, and if he looks that devastated, then it must be true.

Marshall was dead.

"I... I have to go," the husky whispered before bolting to her dog house.

A few years ago, Ryder had upgraded all their vehicles to accommodate their sizes, and also made it large enough should their mates and pups would like to stay with them.

Since Everest's and Marshall's breeds were quite big, her dog house was spacious. The fact only made her mate's absence even more painful since she'll have no one to share her dog house with.

Except for her twins, of course. The two dalmatian husky pups were both sleeping in the corner of the dog house, blissfully unaware of their father's predicament. She knew she had to explain it to them soon but now, she needed her pups.

Everest walked over and gathered her pups in her arms. She cuddled them close to her as she quietly cried out the pain of losing her mate.

As if sensing their mother's need, Blaze and Snow snuggled even closer to her.

Oh, Marshall, Everest thought as she sobbed into his pups' fur. I shouldn't have let you go.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Skye spent her time at the Lookout watching everyone. She watched as Ryder went running to his room and locking himself up. She also watched as her mate retreated to his dog house in grief after breaking the news to Everest. She watched as Rocky and Zuma held on each other as they both cried on each other's fur. And she watched as Rubble practically jumped off the ambulance and collapsed on the ground, sobbing.

She watched as the team, no, her family, fell apart in front of her. And she couldn't do anything but watch.

She, of course, was also devastated by what happened. Marshall was her goofy little brother who brightens up everyone's day just by existing in their lives. And now that he's gone, it was like the sun went away with him.

Everything else just seemed dull and gray.

Despite everything, Skye wondered why it took them this long to finally lose someone in the team. They had done all sorts of dangerous missions in the past such as apprehending dangerous criminals and saving Daring Danny X from his failed stunts.

But out of all of their missions, why this one? Why does Marshall have to die when he had two pups to take care of?

Perhaps his luck had finally run out. Skye had always thought that Marshall was a lucky pup since he had lived this long when more than half of his wipeouts would have caused him to die.

But that doesn't make his death any less painful.


Skye turned to smile sadly at his son. Victor was just four years old and he already took to his father's path, learning how to be a police pup at three years old.

"Victor, come here," she called softly and smiled as the small german shepherd practically ran towards her.

Skye hugged her son and gently stroked his head, seeking comfort from the small gesture of affection. "Is Zephyr with Chase?"

Victor nodded. "I knew you're both sad with Uncle Marshall's death, so Zephyr and I went to talk to you."

Skye felt a pang at her heart at how his son called the dalmatian. Marshall and Chase were very close and considered each other as brothers to the point of teaching their children to call them uncle. She wondered how Chase was coping with his brother's death.

The cockapoo must have unknowingly tightened her paws around her son because Victor shifted in his seat to lick at her face.

"Uncle Marshall's gonna be happy in puppy heaven, mom," he whispered.

"I really hope he is, Victor. Because Marshall deserves it."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Three POVs in one chapter. Everest's POV is kind of short, but there will be mentions of her in the upcoming chapters.

Now, whose POV do you want to see next? Tracker, Rocky, or Zuma? (I didn't put Chase because I'll save his for last.)

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