Chapter 17

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A/N:  So, I am going to throw a bunch of info at you in this chapter, which makes it the longest chapter up to date.  Don't feel overwhelmed like you have to remember any of the new terms, because I will be mostly using terms more familiar after this.  I just wanted to add some language flair to the story.  

5506 words (see? long.)

Posted 10/1/21

I look at myself in the mirror above the bathroom vanity and admit to myself. I'm guilty. I'm totally guilty. Yeah, in this case though I don't feel like I am also a victim due to my own guilt.

I can totally own up to the fact that I definitely cuddled with Jungkook while he was in his rabbit form far longer than I should have. I couldn't help it though. From his wide round purple eyes to his cute whiskery twitchy nose. I was immediately a goner, and I had no problem owning up to that fact (at least in my own mind).

The truth is, I had a huge fondness for furry pets, especially of the smaller variety. It was mostly regarding dogs, cats, and bunnies, but I did also like some of the more exotic creatures like sugar gliders and hedgehogs.

It was a fondness that was left unchecked and immediately ran rampant when Jungkook shifted into his cute bunny form. I could only blame it on the fact that I was never allowed to have any pets of my own as I grew up. It wasn't actually the fact that my parents wouldn't allow me to have one. No, the problem was that my mom was exceptionally allergic to all kinds of pet dander. She of course knew there were hypoallergenic pets out there, but she wasn't willing to go to the effort of researching the idea more thoroughly to choose a specific breed she would prefer. Or at least that was how I understood it. It could have something to do with the price tag that came with the pet in question also, after all purebred pets are not cheap. I honestly think I read somewhere that they could cost anywhere between $400 to $3500.

After Jungkook left the room, I was finally able to regain my composure and remind myself that we were planning on watching a couple of movies tonight. So, I mentally started compiling a list of possible options in that regard. I open up a notepad application on my phone, and after I type up five titles on it I realize that all of my choices were reflective of the topic I am most curious about. They all involve either fantasy creatures and humanoids that I would typically associate with being Fae, or they are creatures and humanoids that I now know to be Fae. So what creatures in these movies could be real? How many of them are pure fiction? I already know that elves sort of are, but is there also a race closer related to elves that the sidhe? I unintentionally start composing a mental tally and groan to myself as I realize the list of creatures I am curious about could go on endlessly. So, instead of focusing on multiple movies I divert my attention solely to the movie adaptations of Tolkien's Middle-Earth: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I'm sure we won't have time to watch them all tonight, but that is only half of my plan at this point. I evolved my original plan to also include an in depth conversation about the races and creatures of Middle-Earth first, and comparing their existence to those of their own world. Hell. Do the Fae live in another parallel realm like this one? Well, I guess I just added another question to the heap of ones that I already have.

I decide to formulate my thoughts more clearly by compiling a new list of those exact questions, and after I get a decent outline written up I open my door and head down the stairs to start our movie night. I don't expect to be figuratively smacked in the face by the scent of Italian herbs and robust tomato sauce. It feels like my feet are levitating off the ground as my nose carries me over to the kitchen area to discover what Seokjin and Yoongi are working on for supper.

I find myself immediately dazzled by the smile Seokjin sends my way.

After Everleigh had suggested a movie night tonight I wracked my brain on what to make for supper. We didn't have limitless ingredients in the pantry or refrigerator, but that didn't mean I couldn't send someone else out for the necessary ingredients. In fact, I realized that it wouldn't be a bad idea at all to follow through with that idea since whoever I sent could also find out when Hephaestus would be done with Everleigh's weapons.

I telepathically relayed that consideration while Jungkook was downstairs with Everleigh. Outside of the youngest all the others began immediately brainstorming ideas regarding supper. "Pizza." Yoongi had softly intoned over our link. When all the others readily agreed he silently offered to go get the ingredients himself. He hadn't taken too long to get them and come back, but he did end up being the only one of us to not see Jungkook's recording of Everleigh's dancing.

Once he was back Yoongi and I set out to make the pizzas. We both knew that two pizzas wouldn't be nearly enough for all of us. So we had Jungkook set up a brand new illusion for the downstairs room, or dynamic dungeon as Everleigh started calling it. The first two pizzas Yoongi and I made were put in the oven in the kitchen, but the pizzas from there on out we had Taehyung and Jimin run to the downstairs ovens. In total we ended up making one pizza for each of us. We knew that was probably beyond necessary, but at least we would have easy leftovers for a day or two.

After the first two pizzas were pulled from the oven to cool off Everleigh started bounding down the stairs. I couldn't keep the smile from my face as I looked in her direction. She sniffed the air and immediately complimented the aroma. "Something smells heavenly." When she grows closer she gasps at the two oversized homemade hand-tossed pizzas. "Oh wow! Pizza! Smart move, I kind of wish I had thought of it."

I covertly glanced over at Yoongi to see if he was able to register her veiled compliment or not. He gave no outward sign of it, but that didn't necessarily mean anything. He could have either not noticed it entirely, or he could even potentially be beaming inwardly at the compliment she gave him. Unless he spoke up about it there was no way of telling. I glance back over at Everleigh as she once again takes in a deep inhale of the mouth-watering aroma. "I don't think I have ever made a homemade pizza before."

"Perhaps, one day we can do that together." I offer up automatically. Then I immediately remembered our brief discussion about her cooking prowess. She only admitted to being able to make ramen before. Did that mean she couldn't actually cook? Should I offer to teach her? Or should I just plan our first one on one time together as a session where we end up cooking with each other? I was unsure, but it was one of my passions. So, I at the very least wanted to share that with her.

Everleigh gave me a half smile before responding to my offer. "You are sure wanting to get me in the kitchen with you. I'll tell you what. Sometime in the near future, you pick the day, I'll act as your assistant, or sous chef. I can't promise I will be very helpful, but I will at least try."

She made it so easy. I didn't even have to actually ask. I only had to casually bring up the possibility. For some reason the ease prompted a new rush of excitement to bubble up inside of me. The ease of this situation in particular just somehow seemed part of the parcel deal coming from the fact that she must indeed be our mate. Not everything will be easy of course, but her being so readily agreeable just seems justified somehow.

Only moments later Jimin and Taehyung are bringing in pizza seven and eight. "This is the last of them." Taehyung unnecessarily announces. We are able to fit three of the pizzas on the dining table. The rest we barely fit between the breakfast bar and the remaining counter space in the kitchen. "The pizza is ready." I communicate telepathically with the others.

Everleigh's pretty green eyes widened comically. "That's a lot of pizza."

Namjoon comes up behind her. "Yeah, well you should see how much pizza each of us can eat."

Hoseok snorts as he comes up beside her. "You should see how much Jungkook can eat on his own."

As we all sit down at the table Everleigh clears her throat. "So, I have a few movies in mind for tonight, but while I was trying to decide on what movies to watch I realized that I started subconsciously compiling a list of movies with fantasy, especially Fae, based origins. I realized that was probably because I was curious about that side of all of you." She physically shakes her head before correcting herself. "No, that side of us I mean." She pauses for a second, almost seeming to be nervous to bring up what's on her mind. "So, I thought maybe we could have a discussion on what similarities might appear in the movies."

"I'm not surprised that she chose to bring this up." Taehyung utters telepathically in his almost monotone inner voice. I sense a mixture of pride, concern, and his predominant sin of envy coming off of him. I know he will probably be the last of us to share what he is with her. In the early days we were even hesitant to accept him into our group since we knew so little about his race. It was thanks to my empathic abilities, sensing how ostracized he had felt once he left everything he knew behind him. I can't even imagine what his life must have been like while growing up, but I don't think it was easy since not many of his kind actually existed.

"Does anyone have a problem discussing this?" Namjoon asks. "Personally, I think it's smart to start with things she is already aware of. To make comparisons between what humans were led to believe were purely fictional."

"So, should we start with the movies she is considering, and build the real life comparisons from that?" Hoseok asks. His question is quite astute and definitely well thought out. It's not that this side of him doesn't exist, but generally there is a level of lewd jokester lying underneath the surface. I tap into his emotions for a second.

Hmm. He's feeling intrigued curiosity regarding Everleigh. Also protectiveness and unsurprisingly desire. I guess it's possible he is already starting to come to terms with the possibility that she could be our mate after all. Or perhaps something happened that made him realize it isn't a possibility at all but pure fact.

"What movie were you thinking of for tonight?" Jin asks.

He's been letting down the emotional walls he has built up for centuries. I've noticed it just by observation alone, but when I take a look at his emotions I can tell that he is at least trying to let the idea of her as his mate in. In that regard there is still of course some hesitancy due to something in his past that he has never discussed with us, but he is most definitely open to the idea of her.

"I know there is no way we can get through them all tonight. In fact after our conversation I wouldn't be surprised if we only got through one, but I was considering the movies set in Tolkien's Middle-Earth. I couldn't decide if we should watch them in chronological order story wise or chronological order release date wise though." The spot between her eyebrows furrows in consideration.

"By release date." Yoongi softly replies. His voice is a bit gruff, but that is probably more out of nonuse than unintentional rudeness.

Yoongi has always been the most difficult for me to read out of all of us. He has always had a good grasp on a way to block my empathic abilities. However based on his input alone I can tell he is far more curious about our mate than he lets on.

We all agree that the release date will be best, although the reasoning varies from person to person. A few of us think the species and races encountered in the Lord of the Rings trilogy are potentially more vast which would lead toward questions getting answered quicker. Others simply claim themselves to be purists when it comes to movies and that chronological release date is the only order to watch them in.

Namjoon turns to Everleigh. "Name the first race or creature you think of from Middle-Earth."

"Elves." She replies without hesitation then her eyebrows scrunch together, and I can sense the mild frustration settling in her. "Of course I know that the Sidhe are closely related to Elves, but is that simply a comparison to help me better understand? Or..?"

Ah. That is kind of difficult to explain, but also unintentionally intuitive of her since the true version of Elves are the predominant race in Mesmere.

"Elves do technically exist, and the Sidhe would be included in that classification. Of course that is not the word we use to refer to them; that's the English human word for the race. Our word for them is Ahrtne." Namjoon explains to her.

I make a disparaging noise before clearing my throat and adding on to his comment. "There are several classifications of Ahrtne just like there are several types of Elves in most fictional literature. However, you never want to refer to the Sidhe as simply Ahrtne. The royal race prides themselves on their heritage."

I smile as she nods. "So, I'm guessing that Elves, or rather Ahrtne, are not only the most populous race, but also the governing?"

"Yes, the Sidhe'de'Arhtne, or simply just Sidhe, are essentially the royal Elf families. I'm sure that's probably something you worked out for yourself, but it bears repeating. Also, the race isn't strictly limited to just the monarch family, who are the ruling class of each court. Essentially if they could trace their bloodline back to the beginnings of either the Seelie or Unseelie Court then they would be considered Sidhe." Namjoon attempts to explain.

She arches an eyebrow. "I'm not sure I completely understand that, but politics in general have never been my strong suit. Perhaps we should first focus on the general genetics of Elves and then move on to how different classifications of Elves may have genetic differences."

"Within both the Spring and Autumn Courts there are settlements of En'Ahrtne, or Wood Elves. The Autumn Court Wood Elves tend to have tawnier complexions, while the Spring Wood Elves tend to have lighter almost pinkish complexions. When they are not glamouring them both Autumn and Spring Court Wood Elves' ears tend to be quite long and narrow at the tips. Wood Elves also tend to be the shortest of the race." Ah, Namjoon's textbook explanation, but he didn't touch on how often their ears are glamoured.

Perhaps, I should cut in. "Regarding Elven ears, for the race it is instinctive to glamour their ears right after birth. In fact, it takes next to no effort to do so. Most of the time they simply don't even realize they are doing it. En'Artne..." I pause for a moment, frowning to myself at overcomplicating the lesson. "Sorry, Wood Elves only tend to call out their ears when they are hunting and need them for enhanced hearing. For some reason the glamour also limits the race's enhanced hearing."

"Is there any other classification of Elf that does that? Is there any classification that doesn't? And how short are we talking in regards to the Wood Elves?" Everleigh is obviously thirsty for this knowledge, but she is going to probably get burnt out regarding Elves alone. There is just so much information.

Taehyung finishes the bite of pizza in his mouth before he chooses to field part of her questioning. "Wood Elf adult males tend to be about 5'4." (162.5 cm) "Wood Elf females tend to be about 5'2" (157.5 cm)

Due to her coloring it is possible she might be a Spring Court Wood Elf, but I somehow don't feel like that is completely right. She is a bit taller at 5'4" herself, however that doesn't necessarily eliminate the possibility. In fact there have been rare occurring deviations to the norm. I refocus as Namjoon continues his lesson.

"I'll answer all your questions regarding Elves and their ears, at least to the best of my ability. I'd rather do that by going through the other classifications though. Now let's see. Oh I was going to mention Dhaelglau'Artne next, or The Drow." Namjoon waits to see if there is any recognition on her face in that regard.

Everleigh frowns for a moment. "That phrase sounds really familiar. Is there a famous book series centered around a Drow character?"

"Drizzt Do'Urden." Yoongi mutters.

Namjoon nods in immediate understanding. "Oh yes. He's a character from a series by the author R.A. Salvatore. I don't know much about the series myself, but I do know that yes his character is a Drow. Do you remember how when we told you we were demons that you mentioned what you thought our skin tones would be? One of them was shadow tinted or something like that."

She giggles. "It seems silly now, but yes I remember. I also hinted at red being a possibility as well."

"Well The Drow's skin tone varies from light gray to nearly pitch black. There are some hue variations where some of the colors look a bit dull, and I know others that can have blue, teal, or purple notes to their skin tones. Their ears are about the same length as the Wood Elves' however the tips of them are quite a bit broader. It's believed that is due to where they live. The Drow are from the Winter Court and live deep within caves in the snowy mountains of the area. They don't often glamour away their ears because they don't often leave their home. It's guesstimated that out of all the Elves, Drow tend to be the second tallest in height. They can be anywhere from 5'9" to 6'3" (175 cm to about 188 cm)

Namjoon sighs before continuing. "How do I explain Stainnarhn'Ahrtne exactly?"

"I got it." Hoseok telepathically interjects before jumping up from his seat, startling everyone, and verbally trudging forward. "He's going to save Sidhe for last, but I volunteered to talk about the largest grouping of Elves, population wise. Throughout our History of course there has been interacial breeding, and it's not frowned upon as much as Fae breeding with a human but I digress. Anyway, because of that interracial breeding a new race of Fae were essentially formed. They are called the Stainnarhn'Ahrtne, or also referred to as either Nomadic or Wild Elves. They can be from anywhere, however many of them have established settlements in The Courtless or Neutral territory. Their shades vary, although I don't think any of us have ever encountered a Wild Elf with Drow-like shadow hues. Because of their mixed heritage of course their size varies as well, too much to get an accurate official range honestly. Also due to their mixed heritage their ears tend to be exceptionally smaller than any other elves. They can look almost human-like except for the pointed tip."

Once he sits back down I can't keep the smirk off my face before I teasingly tell an impromptu tale regarding some of the Wild Elf history. "It's said that far back towards the birth of the Wild Elves there was one born whose other race stemmed from the dryads and nature sprites. Dryads are known for protecting their trees by using misdirection spells, and all Sprites are known for their racial urge to cause mischief. Well, you can imagine how much of a Trickster this Wild Elf in question could be. In fact, it's rumored that his personality was the basis for William Shakespeare's Puck, or Robin Goodfellow."

"I should demand some sort of reimbursement for you telling her that story. I planned on telling her later on." Hoseok's not really angry although he does attempt to coat his words with venom. He also is quite aware that I know he is not actually angry.

"Saving the Sidhe'de'Arhtne, or Sidhe for last." Namjoon takes a deep sigh before continuing. "The hues of their skin tone can vary from the palest of ivories to the darkest brown of a coffee bean. While every other Elven race hides their ears the Sidhe flaunt them because their ears are the most unique of all, and it's seen as a sign of their heritage. Their ears fan out away from their head where all the other Elves' ears sit tight against the side of their head. Their width starts large and broad close to the head and then slowly gets thinner going outward until they end at a pointed tip. They are also the tallest pure Elves. They tend to be no shorter than 5'10" and as tall as 6'5"." (178 to 195.5 cm)

There is another exceptionally unique physical trait of the Sidhe. It's not commonly known though, so I am not surprised that Namjoon doesn't share that particular fact himself.

"That was a lot of info to digest!" Everleigh suddenly exclaims. "I'm not sure if I will remember it all or not honestly, but I am not sure if I should load more information in my head right now."

"Aw. But, I wanted to tell you about the Sosnöira." Jungkook proclaims excitedly. "Their existence does connect with the Sidhe so it would make sense to include them."

He's not wrong that they do connect with the Sidhe, but he is wanting to share it more because of his obsession with horses. He acquired his final alter about sixty years after he joined us, and his excitement spilled over into research regarding what kind of horse breed his alter was. That research turned into obsession regarding horses in general.

Everleigh sighs. "Okay what are the Sosnöira?"

We weren't used to this much conversation at the dinner table. Well, at least not out loud. It left the pizza on both Namjoon's and Everleigh's plates practically untouched. Good thing cold pizza isn't a complete travesty. I can't help but wonder if Everleigh is of the same mind. If she likes cold pizza also. If we have that fact in common. Then I tune back into their conversation. Our youngest Legion member shares the connection and all he knows about Sosnöira.

I mentally smile to myself though when he is kind enough to make the connection to the Lord of the Rings trilogy first for Everleigh. "Do you remember the horse that Gandalf rode after becoming Gandalf the White? Shadowfax?"

I can't help but admit that her confusion is captivating. Or dare I call it adorable even? She thought he was going to bring up another race, instead he is bringing up information about a horse. I get his enthusiasm regarding the subject, his most recent alter is a horse after all. "Um. Sure, a little. I mean I mostly just remember that he was a stunning looking white horse."

"Well in Middle-Earth Shadowfax wouldn't be considered a normal horse. He was a Meara. Mearas far surpassed normal horses in their level of intelligence, speed, and strength." He takes a minute to let that sink in. "The Sidhe bred and raised a similar horse. The Sosnöira. I can't grasp how intelligent Shadowfax was from the movie, but the Sosnöira breed are one of the most intelligent nonverbal beings I know of. They can understand anything spoken to them."

"I think Shadowfax might have been capable of the same, but I will need to see the movie again to properly remember." Jin adds. Personally, I know this is correct, but instead of interjecting that fact I simply watch the conversation further unfold.

"The Sosnöira have the same best traits amongst several breeds of horse on Earth. They can be as tall as the Shire breed standing anywhere between 16 to 18 hands, or 5'3" to 6'." (about 161 to 183cm)

"Wow! I've never ridden a horse, but that sounds exceptionally intimidating."

I'm no empath, but I can sense her excitement already growing with this conversation. That realization spurs me to mentally make a suggestion with Jungkook. "Use your illusion magic. Display each of the horses you mention."

"Oh yes, visuals will definitely help her connect to the concept better. I should have thought of asking you to do the same." Namjoon adds.

She gasps once the image displays in front of her. Then she tilts her head in what I can only guess is recognition. "It sort of reminds me of the horses that they used in the old Budweiser commercials. I think they were called Clydesdales."

Jungkook smiles at her comparison. "Yes, they do have similarities to the Clydesdales because of their size. In fact I forgot to mention that Sosnöira also have similarly thick legs and large hooves like this breed. Which is one of two things that the Shire breed also shares with the Clydesdale. The other is the feathering, or the long strands of hair, that appear on their lower legs and hooves. Sosnöira also shares this particular trait."

"While I've always found those horses in particular intimidating, the one thing I have always found beautiful was the hair on their lower legs and hooves. I'm glad to have a term to use to describe that. Feathering."

As she becomes even more immersed in the conversation I begin to wonder if she has a love of horses. I think I heard somewhere that many human girls did when they were young, but that seems like a huge stereotype that I really don't want to simply base this potential fact on. No, I would much rather learn it from the source. Although, judging from how well this portion of the conversation is going I think her responses more or less speak for themself.

"Sosnöira are like the Russian Breed of horses, the Orlov Trotter, in regards to the fact that they have unusually high stamina and strength. In fact their muscular build is quite similar to that breed as well."

She gasps when he casts an image of the Orlov Trotter. "That is one beautiful fucking horse!"

All of us laughed inwardly at her reaction. Most of the other Legion members laugh out loud as well. Taehyung's shoulders move slightly as he tries his best to keep from doing so out loud. He can't keep the corners of his lips from turning upward. Even I am barely able to keep my chuckles hidden beneath my breath. But she isn't wrong. I'm not terribly knowledgeable about horses myself, but even I can't deny how the lean shape and the mixed color palette of white and varying shades of gray make this particular horse quite stunning.

"They share physical characteristics similar to the Arabian breed of horses as well. The Arabians have much longer arching necks than other breeds. The other trait they share is a bit harder to describe, but it will make sense when I share the photo. Their tails sit naturally higher on them and it sort of gives the appearance that their tail is constantly being held up in a ponytail." He pauses for a second before casting the illusion. "I'm going to have to use two images this time. I can't find one that showcases both the long neck and unique tail aspect well." He casts two side by side images this time, and I can immediately see what he means by not being able to showcase both in each of the pictures. While in the first picture the tail is obviously naturally held higher it is barely noticeable. In the second image the horse's neck is held downward while it is being ridden, and while to the discerning eye it is obvious that the neck is being held that way due to the bridle I can see why it doesn't really work for this demonstration.

Everleigh chuckles. "Did you just realize that you said ponytail in regards to an actual horse's tail?"

Jungkook pauses to replay his words in his own head and then laughs out loud. "Nope. Honestly, I didn't notice that at all. I guess I just grew used to separating the two visuals from one another due to the more used definition of a ponytail now. In fact that's all I can remember it ever being called."

A feeling settles in my gut that I can't quite describe, but it is probably close to envy or jealousy. I can't recall the last time I was so carefree and in the moment where I could just let loose and laugh like that. Or if I actually ever felt that way outside of the time before I turned five. I take in another moment to study the beauty as her face transforms due to her current giddiness. There isn't a single word that could encapsulate how downright gorgeous she is in general, but seeing her happy is one of the most exquisite things I have ever seen.

"Wasn't it once called a queue when it was worn more predominantly by men in the 17th and early 18th centuries?" Jin interjects, continuing on this silly debate regarding the hairstyle.

"Yes, but even that word is French for 'tail.'" Namjoon interjects.

Yes. Silly. I groan out my growing annoyance with this verbal detour in the conversation at hand. "Perhaps we should get back on the current subject before we run out of time to even watch the first movie." Truthfully, I'm actually not that annoyed. I'm still quite dazzled by Everleigh's reaction.

Jungkook mentally blunders about trying to remember where he left off. "They share two more qualities with Earth Horses, but they aren't a visual characteristic. Would you still like me to share images regardless?"

Everleigh thinks for a second. "Only if it isn't going to be too much trouble for you."

He gives her a soft smile. "It's no trouble at all."

An image pops up of a reddish brown horse. "Wow that horse screams cute. I mean I am sure it's mostly the moment captured with how the horse's head is cocked to the side. How the ears are turned inward like that is unique and honestly adds to the expression I see in the image."

I can't help but agree with her in that aspect. This horse does scream cute as it was captured at this moment.

"Yes, the ears are a trait that appear in both the Indian Horse Breeds I know of. The Marwari, and this breed here the Kathiawari. The traits that the Sosnöira share with the Kathiawari are the fact that they can survive on very little food or water and are quite resilient against heat." He recites off.

"Huh. I imagine that is so if they are traveling for longer than intended periods of time the horse can manage on its own for the most part." She reflects out loud.

Jungkook smiles and nods. "That's my guess too." Those images disappear and the final image displays. "This is a hard concept to explain, but I will try my best." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "The Paso Fino are a Central and South American breed of horses that are unique for their distinctive gait, or the way they travel while carrying a rider. They are the only Earth horse that I know of that manages to keep at least one of their hooves on the ground at all times. This leads to their shoulders only moving slightly vertically during any travel speed which allows the back of the horse to absorb most of the motion instead of the rider."

"Wow, sounds like the Sosnöira are basically the perfect horse." Everleigh can't help but utter. She looks down at her plate of pizza. "I think I got too absorbed in the conversation." She shrugs her shoulders. "Good thing I like pizza cold also." She announces before taking a bite.

I can't help but inwardly smile to myself after learning that we had that in common.

I don't know how much of the movie I end up actually watching. Most of my time is spent studying her while she is engrossed in the movie. 'Mate.' My alter growls from the recesses of my mind.

'Yes, but we must be patient.' I broadcast back at him. 

A/N:  You can find links to the resources I used for this chapter posted in the comment section of this author's note.

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