Child's Play

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(And now~ I present one of my all-time favorite episodes of Ninjago! I hope you like it, feel free to comment as much as you like. I made some changes to better fit the story. Okay, Enjoy!)

After winning Ninjaball Run, Darreth's dojo was saved, and we still go there to train Lloyd, but we also got the Destiny's Bounty back. Woo-Hoo! We repainted it back to its original colors and we would often patrol Ninjago in it. We still had the apartment in Ninjago City because I did not buy it for nothing and things have been relatively quiet for a while. Though, I have been noticing how Lloyd seems a little bummed out. He had to work and train so much that he  barely has any time to just be a kid. Whenever he has free time, which is rare nowadays, I would take him out and we would play like we use to before he was taken by the Serpentine. Going to the arcade, eating some sweets, reading comics, it has been nice.

Currently, we all are on the Bounty as we overlook Ninjago to see if any trouble was about. I was reading a book as I took a break, but then I got bored and made my way onto the deck. Once I arrived, I looked to see Lloyd looking over the railings. I walk over and look to see that he was watching some kids play in a village we were passing over. I see him with a frown and I don't need my powers to know what he is feeling right now. "Lloyd?" Oh, no. I look over at Kai as he and the rest of the guys meet with us. "Lloyd! Concentrate!" Kai states. I glance at Lloyd briefly to see him paying attention. "Now that the Bounty is in our possession again, we can train you more effectively, but you'll have to focus. One more time." Zane says. "Ah, but we've been training all day." Lloyd groans. "It's all to get you ready to face your father. Now, in position." Cole says. Lloyd sighs but does what Cole said.

I decide to stand back and watch. "Hey, (Y/N). Don't you want to join?" Jay asks me. "Naw, I'm cool." I reply. The guys put on their hoods and Lloyd yawns in boredom. "Ah, whatever." He says after the guys get in position them so. I watch as he punches Kai after he tried to jump at him. He yawns as Zane and Jay then jump at him. "Ninja-Go!" Lloyd exclaims as he performs Spinjitzu and knocks them away. He lands but then Cole sneaks behind and slides as he knocks Lloyd off his feet. I wince a little as Lloyd lands on his face and I hurry over to check on him. "You okay?" I ask him. "Yep. That was fun. Are we done?" He says.

He stands up but then I hear Jay groan, "Oh, come on, you're better than this. What's on your mind?" He says. "Well, ah... The latest issue of Starfarer just came in at Doomsday Comics, and it's a limited run. So if don't go out and get it, is gonna sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out all right, I think I might have my own doomsday!" Lloyd rants. Oh, yeah. I remember Lloyd reading some of those comics, and enacting them, to me because it made him happy. Though, I do want to know if Donnegan made it out after hearing all that.

"The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the Green Ninja, you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things." I glare at Kai. He's a kid. He should have time for those things because it makes him happy. "Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train." Lloyd says loudly and I frown in sympathy for him. I cough loudly, "Guys, could I have a word with you all?" I say, they all give me confused looks but nod their heads. "Lloyd, practice some stretches. Don't want to pull a muscle during a fight." I call out to him. I hear him sigh, "Okay." He complies then walks over to another part of the ship and starts to do some stretches.

I sigh as I rub my forehead, "Look, I understand that Lloyd has a lot to work on to be ready to fight for the fate of Ninjago, but he is still a kid." I tell them, lowering my hand. "Didn't you guys have moments in your childhood where you could just do whatever and not have to worry about any responsibility?" I question them. They all look away from me, but I could feel with my powers that they did miss those times. I sigh, "Look, Lloyd will have to fight his father at some point in the future. However, he should also still enjoy the rest of his childhood doing things that make him happy. I never had that. Being young and not having any knowledge of my family or even having any friends, I didn't get to enjoy much of the simple things in life. I see a lot of myself in Lloyd, I want him to at least have a decent childhood." I said.

I look down as I frown. "I love you, my little star." Huh. It's been a while since I heard the woman's voice. It's true that I did see myself in Lloyd, so I want to give him some experiences I never had. If there is one thing life has taught me while I was on my own, it's to make the most of what you have. "Guys," I look up as I see Nya runs towards us. "There's been a break-in at the Ninjago City Museum of History. And the security cameras picked up you-know-who." She informs. "Garmadon." Cole states. "We have to stop him before he uses the Mega-Weapon to start another one of his diabolical plots." Jay declares. "Um..." We look back to give Lloyd our attention. But then he sighs. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. I can't go, and it's safer if I stay here and train." He says. "Mm-hm." The guys hum in agreement and Lloyd crosses his arms. I walk over and rest a hand on his shoulder to make him feel better.

We then made our way to Ninjago City. We parked outside of the city and got the Ninja Tank up and ready. "We'll meet up at the Bounty as soon as we're done." Kai tells Nya. "We'll be waiting your safe return." Nya responds. We then drive off and I focus on getting ready for whatever Garmadon is up to.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

Man. This isn't fair. How come I have all this training and all this power, and I'm still not allowed to go on missions? I can't even read comic books because they're childish. "Ah. Too old for comic books and too young to fight. When are they going to make up their minds?" I say to Nya. "Come on, pint-size. Show me what you got." She says. Aw, man. I yawn but move to get into position.

After a while, I walk around the Bounty until I came upon (Y/N)'s room. I enter her room and see it all clean then I saw her desk. I walk up to it and look to find that she painted a drawing. It was all of us when we won Ninjaball Run. I smile at the memory. I pick it up and look at it. "Huh? Wait. Is that..." I looked to see that someone in the background is in the background. It's... My dad. (Y/N) has always been like the big sister I never had. The fact that she added my dad in here... I sigh and place it back on the desk and walk out. I yawn as I exit her room and close the door behind me. "I need some sleep." I made my way to room. Time for some sleep.

Third Person P.O.V.

As night fell, the Ninja had made it to the museum. Jay throws down a rope and he and the guys use it to make their way down. (Y/N) instead jumps then hovers as she then sets her feet on the ledge of a window. She and Jay open it as they and the rest of the team enter the building. They stealthily made their way to a railing and look down. "Shh." Jay shushes as the Serpentine enter the room, Scales leading with a flashlight in his right hand while holding his staff in his left.

Scales points the light at a painting that depicts a red serpentine with spikes all over its body. "Boy, did they get that wrong." Scales comments, then proceeds. "Why would we come to a museum if we weren't going to sssteal anything from it?" The Venomari General questions. "Because Master Garmadon-" "Has another plan to destroy the Ninja." The Fangpyre General answers. "'Masssster' Garmadon? Huh! He's no master of mine." Scales scoffs. "Since his so-called Mega-Weapon has failed every time, I don't see why we don't call our own shotssss." He adds, hitting his staff on the ground in emphasis. "Because this time I will not fail." Garmadon says, making his presence known.

Startled, Scales fumbles with the flashlight in his hands then drops it onto the ground, the light pointing directly at Garmadon. The guys gasp at the sight of him but (Y/N) remains quiet as she notices that he is standing right next to an exhibit showing a fossilized dinosaur-looking creature.

"Yes, Lord Garmadon." Scales looks at the other generals as they bow to Garmadon. "Yesss, Lord Garmadon." He then resigns begrudgingly as he bows as well. They then rise and slither over to meet with him. "Behold. Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalychus. Otherwise known as the Grundal." Garmadon says, pointing his weapon at the fossil he stands next to. "Although now extinct, in it's time, it was the most feared and dangerous creature in all of Ninjago, with claws that could slice through steel, and heightened senses that could detect its prey from miles away. It could track the stealthiest of Ninja and once it had picked up your scent, there was no hiding from it." He informs.

"Huh? The Grundal? I heard about them. Boy, am I glad we live in an age when we don't have to deal with those things." Jay whispers. "Thankss for the hissstory lesson, but what are we going to do with a pile of bonesss?" Scales questions Garmadon. "I am going to make it so the beast shall walk again." Garmadon declares. "Yeah, right. Well, show us then." Scales says. Garmadon then faces the fossil, "Rise, Grundal, and few the strength of the Mega-Weapon. I wish to create the power to make you young. Turn back the clock so that you are who longer extinct-" The Mega-Weapon then glows as it produces a dark purple mist that shrouds the fossil, its bones shaking as electricity sparks from it. "-but hungry, hungry for the Ninja!" He commands.

"Oh, no! He's bringing it back?" Jay says, not liking the idea of having a Grundal walking around. "Not if we have have any say in the matter." Zane states. They then took out their weapons as they announce their presence and jump onto the railings. "The Ninja! Stop them!" Garmadon commands, after looking back and sees them. The Ninja made their way around the room as some snakes threw spears at them. (Y/N) leans back as she dodged one then grabs it and tosses it back. The snakes jumping away as it gets planted into the floor. "Rise, Grundal. Rise!" Garmadon continues to use the Mega-Weapon to bring back the Grundal.

"We can't let him finish!" Cole states then jumps onto the fossil. "Wait!" (Y/N) calls out, but the rest of the guys jump onto the fossil too. She huffs but then makes use of the Serpentine's attention on the guys to hover down onto the floor. "Stop them!" Garmadon commands as some snakes stand aside with their weapons pointed at the guys. "This is not a solid plan, Cole." Zane comments then he, Cole and Jay fall off the fossil. (Y/N) stealthily makes her way and gets one of her fans ready to toss at Garmadon. "I feel pretty alone up here." Kai says as he starts to lose his balance. Right as (Y/N) was about to toss her fan, Kai beats her to it as he tosses his sword and it collides with Garmadon's Mega-Weapon. It being knocked out of his hands and slides against the floor as it stops glowing. "Not again. Not again!" Garmadon shakes in anger as he exclaims.

"And you said it wouldn't fail." Scales mocks. "Retreat!" Garmadon yells. "Not without a departing gift." (Y/N) says, opening her fans and summoning some power, she then spins and uses her fans to create a wave of purple energy that knocks the snakes out of the museum. She stops then looks over at Garmadon and finds that he is looking back at her. They waited to see what would happen then Garmadon runs away after picking up the Mega-Weapon. (Y/N) sighs as she felt his emotions, knowing that the evil within him was consuming his every being even now.

"Ha, ha. We stopped him!" "It didn't work." Jay and Kai say. "Curse you, Ninjas." Garmadon says before he runs off and exits the museum. "Ha, ha. Well, I thought we handled that well." Jay says proudly. But then he turns his head to find, "He-hey, hey! They're trying to steal the golden sarcophagus!" The Serpentine Generals slithering off with said artifact.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I sigh as I put away my fans while the guys chase after the generals. I could feel that despite the evil in him, Garmadon does not want to go through with fighting his own son. It's sad. Both father and son having to have so much be taken from them so soon. I then feel the guys not to far and the generals gone. I mean, were they going to get far with that giant fancy coffin?

I exit the museum and jog to where the guys are. But then I heard screaming. I slow down as I get closer to the guys but then see that they look... shorter? "We're all in this together. Oh, but I can't be a kid again! I hated being a kid! You can't drive, nobody listens to you. Oh, no. BEDTIMES!" Cole shouts, and his voice sounded higher. Wait... Being a kid? But then I snap back to reality as I hear sirens and look to find a police car approaching. Crap. I quickly summon disks under the guys feet and move them towards me. They yelp in surprise as I hold them in a bear hug and hide behind the wall as I hear the car stop. "What th-Mmph!" "Quiet!" I whisper at Kai as I place my hand over his mouth.

I hear doors open, the guys and I remain quiet. "Huh. Who would have thought we would have found a sarcophagus while out on patrol?" One policeman says. "Eh, must have been some perps trying to be funny. Let's get this back to the museum." Another says. I wait until I hear the car drive off then sigh in relief. I let them go and look down at them. Kids.... They're kids! I remove my hood as I take a deep breath.

"Bwah! Hahahahahahahahahahaha-Haaaaaaaaa!" I laughed. I laughed so hard that I held my stomach and snorted. I have never laughed this hard in my life and I couldn't stop. "Hahahaha-*Snort!*-Hahahaha-*snort* *snort* Ha!" I laugh then pant as I calm down. "Haaaa~" I stand up straight and wipe away a tear. "Okay. Okay. I done. I'm good." I say then look down and see them looking at me weirdly. Jay was even hiding behind Zane. I raise a brow at that, "What?" I question them, setting my hands on my hips. "Nothing!" They exclaim and I blink in surprise from their outburst. "Okay! Okay." I replied but then when I blinked again, my vision changes and I see remnants of the Mega-Weapon's power before it fades completely .

I knew it. I knew jumping onto the fossil while Garmadon was using the Mega-Weapon's power on it was a bad idea. "So, you guys ended up reverting back to kids because you got caught up in the Mega-Weapon's power and now you're stuck like this." I state, blinking again as my vision returns to normal. "Eh, yes. Precisely." Zane says. Okay, the higher pitched voices are adorable, I will admit. "But can't you undo it? With your powers?" Jay asks me as he walks and looks up at me. I sigh, "No. I haven't done it since Ultra got hurt during the attack of the Devourer. And even if I could, this is different." "How?" Kai asks. "Because from what I can remember, it was mainly to heal the pain Ultra had and give him strength to help us." I explain. Cole sighs, "Well, that's just great. We can't fight like this, we already have our elemental powers weakened and now we'll be tossed around like beachballs." He says, slouching.

"How are we going to get back to the Bounty?" Kai says. "We're not going back to the Bounty." I state. "Huh?" They look at me confusingly, "Now. Not right now. It's been a long night and we need rest." I clarify. "I concur. A night's rest should help clear our minds tomorrow for when we search for a way to change us back." Zane agrees. "But what about Sensei and Nya? They'll wonder where we are." Jay says. I sigh, "Look, let's just- Wait until the morning. Okay?" I say. They look at each other then look at me, "Okay." The reply. I sigh then I get to walking to the apartment, the guys walking beside me. I mentally smirk. I am going to hold this over them for the rest of their lives.

Third Person P.O.V.

Morning had arrived as Wu and Nya look out into the City. Lloyd was busy ready a comic book, smiling as he has some free time. "Oh. They should have been back by now." Lloyd looks over as Nya said that then goes back to reading. "Oh, I fear something horrible has happened to them." Wu says, standing beside Nya as they look out into the city. Lloyd goes back to reading his comic, not noticing Wu turn around. "Lloyd," He jumps as Wu addresses him and quickly grabs a book to make it seem like he was studying. "You're in charge of the Bounty while Nya and I have a look around town." Wu says. "Uh... Yeah, sure thing." Lloyd replies. Wu then walks off with Nya following him. Lloyd looks to see them gone then smiles as he focuses on his comic book. "Okay, Fritz Donnnegan. Looks like it's just gonna be you, me and the Imperial Sludge." He says.

Meanwhile, (Y/N) had made breakfast. She had managed to obtain some clothing for the guys. Do not ask how she got them. And had finished washing her hands as she then made her way to the guys' room. She opened the door and could not help but smile as they all looked peaceful, and adorable, as they slept. But she was not going to let breakfast get cold. She enters the room, "Alright. Time to get up and greet the day." She says. The guys groan. "Five more minutes." Jay complains, refusing to get up. (Y/N) frowned as she then grabs his blanket and yanks it off him. "Time. To. Get. UP." She states. Jay groans again but obliges as he sits up. The rest of guys follow as they rub the sleep from their eyes. "Now, go brush your teeth, wash your hands, and get dressed." She says. "We may be kids, but that doesn't mean you can treat us like we are kids." Kai argues, but (Y/N) only looks down at him with a stern expression as she has her hands on her hips. "Technically, I can." She smirks as she bends down a little.

Kai sighs as he and the guys go get ready. (Y/N) then places Jay's blanket back on the bed and fixes his and the other guys' beds. She then returns back to the kitchen as she waits for the guys. After a few moments, they enter the kitchen and sit at the table as they eat. Wearing some child clothing instead of their Gis because when arriving at the apartment last night, Kai had tried Spinjitzu but it turned out disastrous as he accidentally sent the guys flying. They were too small to do it and since they were kids now, no one would believe them to be the Ninja. "Well, at least the Golden Sarcophagus was returned to the museum." Zane says. (Y/N) nods her head as eats some of the breakfast she made for herself. "Yeah." She replies then swallows.

"So, all we have to worry about is getting back to normal." Cole says, then digs into his breakfast, loving the taste and wondering if (Y/N) can cook more often. But then (Y/N) gasps as she drops her bowl and holds her head. The guys look over at her upon hearing the bowl clatter onto the ground. "(Y/N), what's wrong?" Cole asks. (Y/N) breathes deeply then exhales as she calms herself for she had felt something. It was far away but it felt incredibly dangerous. The guys left the table to check on her. "(Y/N), what happened? Headache?" Jay asks as Cole and Zane stand next to her in case she looses her balance.

The feeling then fade as (Y/N) breathes deeply as she could no longer feel it. She runs her hands through her hair to calm herself down then lowers them. "Yeah... But I think we might be in danger." She says. "What? Why?" Kai asks. (Y/N) inhales deeply. "I just felt... something really REALLY dangerous." She answers. "Like, uh... what?" Jay asks, nervous about what the answer would be. "I believe we all know what." Zane starts. They guys and (Y/N) give him their attention. "It is possible that since Garmadon managed to reverse the years on us, he could have also done the same thing to the Grundal." He says. "Ahh! Then that means there is a Ninja-hungry monster out there hunting Ninja! And we're Ninja!" Jay exclaims.

"Jay, calm down! We just have to get big again." Kai says. "How?" Cole asks him. "I don't know!" Kai responds. "Quiet!" (Y/N) states and the guys do so. Not even making a sound. (Y/N) breathes deeply, "We make a call." She says. She then walks over to the landline phone.

Back on the Bounty, Lloyd was in the bridge as he plays a game on the big screen. The phone was on a table right beside starts ringing and Lloyd groans as he was busy playing but then reaches over to answer it. He lifts handset then loses his balance a little before sitting back in his chair as he continues playing, the phone dangling from the cord. "Destiny's Bounty." He answers. "Lloyd, it's (Y/N). I need you to put Wu on the phone. Now." (Y/N)'s voice is heard and Lloyd turns his head at the phone, surprised. "(Y/N)? Where are you? Why haven't you returned? Wu is out looking for you." Lloyd replies. He heard (Y/N) sigh, sounding tired. "Look, it's a long story and I can't tell you over the phone because time is of the essence. I need you to grab weapons for the guys and meet us at the apartment. And hurry!" She says then hangs up. Leaving Lloyd more confused as he leans toward the phone, "Weapons? Uh!" He yelps as he falls off the chair.

Despite still being confused about what happened, Lloyd did what (Y/N) said and was now stood at the door of the apartment, weapons in his arms. He fumbles a little as he moves them into one arm as he quickly knocks on the door then adjusts his hold on them after doing so. (Y/N) immediately opens the door and helps Lloyd with taking the sword and scythe from him as he then enters the apartment. "Okay, what's going on?" He asks her as they place the weapons on the coffee table in the living room. "Well..." (Y/N) trails off as she then opted to turn Lloyd so that he faces the guys. "What's with the kids?" He asks, looking at (Y/N). She sighs, "Look closer." She says, turning his head to face the guys.

Lloyd raises a brow but then gasps as he recognizes them. "Whoa, what happened? You're... uh, uh, small!" He shouts as he points at them. "Keep it down! Trying to announce it to the whole city?" Kai says sharply then calms down. "Your father's Mega-Weapon not only turned us into kids, but unleashed a creature whose sole purpose is to hunt down ninja." He explains. "Typical Garmadon." Cole complains as he crosses his arms. "And now, we can't even get people to believe us because we're kids." Jay adds.

Lloyd then starts laughing and the guys look at him with confused looks. "What's so funny?" Kai questions him. "Well, I guess you now know what it feels like to be treated differently." Lloyd answers. "Look, this is serious. If we don't turn big so that we can use Spinjitzu, we don't stand a chance against the Grundal." Zane states. "Well.. what about me? I know Spinjitzu. And (Y/N) can too since she's normal." Lloyd says. "Yeah, but you don't know the Grundal. We all need to be at full strength. What we need to do first is find someone who might know more about how to defeat one of those things." Kai states. "What about you, (Y/N)? Don't you have anything on the Grundal?" Jay asks (Y/N).

(Y/N) sighs as she rubs her forehead, "Even if I did, I only briefly read about it in a history book back when I lived in the Monastery. And just because I read a lot, does not mean I know everything. The only thing I can remember is that it is extremely determined to capture its prey." She replies. Lloyd then smiled as an idea popped into his head. "Lloyd, focus!" Cole says to him as he notices Lloyd not paying attention. "I am. I think I know just the guy." He replies.

The guys equipped themselves with their weapons as (Y/N) puts on a hoodie over her Gi and store her fans then they all follow Lloyd. He then led them to a building called Ninjago Doomsday Comix and entered it. The guys looked around with mild confusion as to why Lloyd brought them there. "You brought us to a comic book store?" Cole says to Lloyd. "Trust me. If there's anyone who knows how to defeat a monster that doesn't exist, I know just the person to talk to." Lloyd assures as he walks to the other side of the store. "We're not going to pick up your stupid comic-Ow, ow, ow, ow!" Kai yelps in pain as (Y/N) pulls some of his hair a little. "Lloyd is a part of this team and we should hear him out instead of assuming things." She scolds him. "Okay, okay! Got it." Kai agrees then sighs in relief as (Y/N) lets him go.

He rubs his head as Cole and Zane mentally note to not make that mistake with (Y/N) around. Jay on the other hand picks up a comic that caught his interest. He picks it up then gasps, "Oh, look, a first edition Daffy Dale. I used to love that but growing up." He says then laughs but then clears his throat as he stops. "So juvenile." He tries to cover up his earlier behavior. (Y/N) smirks at that as she looks down at the others with both Kai and Zane crossing their arms and shaking their heads as Cole holds a hand to his face. "Stupid, huh?" She jokes.

Lloyd then walks behind them and pushes them forward. "Fellas, meet Rufas McCallister, aka 'Mother Doomsday.'" Lloyd introduces as they then meet up at the counter where a middle-aged man with long brown-hair held back in a low ponytail and a small beard sits at. "Well, if it isn't Lloyd 'Hemorrhoid' Garmadon. Sorry, if you came looking for the latest Starfarer. I'm all sold out." Rufas says. "Wha- Sold Out?!? Mm!" (Y/N) covers Lloyd's mouth to keep him from freaking out loudly as some people look at them briefly but then go back to minding their business. "Focus, Lloyd." (Y/N) whispers to him then removes her hand from him. "Eh-he. Oh, uh, actually, Mother Doomsday, we need help." Lloyd corrects. "Well, color me intrigued." Rufas says with a surprised smile. "We have a problem. There's a Grundal on the loose, and we need to know how to deal with it." He says.

"Ah, a theoretical question." Rufas says. "Yeah, theoretical. Can you help?" Lloyd replies, not wanting to cause confusion or panic with saying that here is a real Grundal on the loose. Rufas lowers his chair then hops off it as he walks around the counter and towards a certain section. "Dromaeosaurid Theropod Grundalychus. Woo. Although extinct, there have been a plethora of film, television and comics exploring the mythology around the primordial predator. Supposedly, they always get their prey." He informs, grabbing a comic about the Grundal from a nearby shelf. "Sounds like he knows his stuff." Kai says, impressed by the man's information.

"Can it be stopped?" Lloyd asks. "First thing you need to know is its thick shell-like hide is invincible to swords, scythes, nunchucks and throwing stars. So your cheap imitations will do nothing to slow home down." Rufas informs. "Swell." Cole slumps at the information, (Y/N) pats his back to comfort him. "Second of all, it's nocturnal and will only hunt at night." Rufas adds. "Oh, good. It's still daylight, so we can relax for a bit." Jay says as he notes that it is still day time. Rufas looks at him with a confused look. "He means so that they don't have to worry about bedtime yet." (Y/N) covers up as she pats Jay on the head. "Uh, right. That I meant." Jay plays along. "Also, does it have any weaknesses?" (Y/N) asks.

"The only way to defeat it is with light." He answers, setting the comic back on the shelf. "Like a vampire, with enough of it, it could potentially destroy him." Rufas says as he walks over to a display and opens it. It contains four lightsaber-looking objects. "If I had my weapons of choice, may I recommend the Illumisword. These are authentic replicas that would come in handy were you to live long enough to actually face a Grundal. And if swords are your thing, maybe I can interest you in an authentic Ninja Gi, signed by the very Ninja that saved the city." Rufas says then point to another case across the room displaying a copy of the Gis of the guys.

"Ah... We'll just take the light swords." Kai says as he walks over to grab an Illumisword. But Rufas stops him by grabbing his wrist. "Not so fast. This Starfarer combo pack can only be won in the Fritz Donnegan trivia battle-royale." Rufas informs as the group then looks over at a group of kids in Starfarer costumes. "Do you have what it takes to be the best?" Rufas asks. "You can do this, Lloyd." Jay encourages Lloyd. "Sign me up." Lloyd says with a smile. Though, (Y/N) was worried. If this contest were to go on too long, they could end up in big trouble.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Sometime before the contest started, I had left to phone a message to Nya and Wu so that they would be informed about where we are and what had happened. The contest had gone on for a while and now it was down to Lloyd and one other kid, that had an aura of confidence that I could feel with my powers. "It's down to the final two. This question is for Lloyd." Rufas announces. "Lloyd, Lloyd, Lloyd!" The crowd cheers and I clap for Lloyd. "What is Fritz Donnegan's famous catch phrase?" Rufas' asks. "'Fear? Fear is not a word from where I come from.'" Lloyd answers. "Correct! We're all tied up." Rufas says and the crowd cheers. But I start to get nervous as I look out the window to see that it has gotten dark.

"It's getting dark. The Grundal will be on the prowl soon." I hear Zane say. "Don't worry. I got faith Lloyd can win those Illumiswords." Kai says. I then heard licking and the guys and I look to see Jay eating cotton candy. "Is this really the best time to be eating cotton candy?" Kai questions him. "It makes me feel young, deal with it." Jay rebuttals. I roll my eyes as I start to nervously fiddle with the drawstring of my hoodie. I start to feel something approach us. And I do not like it. "Final question. The first person to answer this will win." Rufas announces then turns to to face Lloyd and the other boy. "In the latest issue of Starfarer, how did Fritz Donnegan escape from the Imperial Sludge?" Rufas asks. Crap. I let go of the drawstring. Should have gotten him the latest issue.

"Uh, it, uh..." Lloyd stutters as he tries to think, but could not. "But I haven't read the latest issue." He says. "By reversing the polarity of the ship's gravity transducer." The other kid answers. "We have a winner!" Rufas declares and the kids cheer while the guys slump at their loss. But then everything shook and the lights went out. Uh-oh. "Who shut off the power?" I hear Rufas ask then notice that the sign was sparking then falls off. The kids start to get scared and I stand in front of them. "It's here." I hear Kai say. "What's here?" I hear Rufas ask, but keep looking up at the ceiling. "You know that theoretical discussion we had earlier? Ha, ha, ha."

That's when it came into view. "Not the..." It steps on one of glass panels, it cracking from its weight. It looks down, "Grundal!" The kids start screaming. "Everybody, out! NOW!" I shout and the guys all head for the exit, but the fallen sign was blocking it. "Look, it's coming!" The Grundal starts to walk across the roof towards the guys, so I did something stupid. I formed a large rock object from my powers then tossed it at the Grundal. It breaks through the glass and that got its attention as it looks at me. "That's right!" I did Spinjitzu, removing my hoodie and putting on my hood. I stop as I glare the beast down. "Come and get me." It roars as the roof then breaks and it falls into the store. I moved to another part of the store so that Rufas and the kids would be safe as I knew the Grundal's focus on me.

It hisses as it approaches me and I back up. I then stop as I glare it down. It was quiet for a moment until it roars at me and I then use my powers to creat a crystal shard and toss it into its mouth. It coughs as I then runs towards it then slide under it as I quickly take out one of my fans and create a sharp point on it as I poke the Grundal in its stomach. Hard. It roars again and I then get up as it then turns back to face me. "What? I thought you were tough?" I tease. It growls then charges and I cartwheel to avoid its chomp. "Quick, this way!" I glanced over to see the guys run off to someplace else in the store, "Watch out!" I look back only to see the Grundal swipe a claw at me. I summoned a shield but it I was too late and ended up getting hit and knocked back. "Aah!" I shout as I hit a wall then slide down.

I open my eyes and see that everything is blurry and find the Grundal glaring down at me. I try to get up but my body wouldn't respond. Shoot. I close my eyes and pass out.

Third Person P.O.V.

During the fight, the guys had run off to change into their Gis, the ones that were displayed and were easy to take after the Grundal broke the glass with its tail, and grab the Illmiswords. The Grundal leans down and towards (Y/N) to devour her, "Hey, McNasty! It's not polite to disturb someone while they're sleeping!" Cole calls out to the Grundal, it turning around to find the guys in their Ninja Gis and with the turned-on Illumiswords in their hands.

They then point the Illmiswords at the Grundal and it roars as it backs away from the light. "It's working!" Kai says. The guys walk towards it as the Grundal backs away from the light. Jay then jumps at it, but the Grundal knocks him away with his head. Kai then jumps and hit its with his Illumisword. Cole hit its leg, but it barely did no damage. "Stupid toy!" He complains. Zane jumps at the Grundal and whacks his Illumisword on the head, but it got bent and had turned off. "Uh-oh!" He then backflips off as he regroups with the guys. Kai and Jay's Illumiswords now broken with Cole's being the only one with light. "Oh... We got a problem, guys." Jay says as the Grundal roars at them.

The Grundal raises its claw and whacks them away. They groan as they look up to see it wall towards them. It growls as it lowers its head and green saliva drips from its teeth. The guys scream, fearing that it is their end, but then Lloyd appears. Rising with help from a chair, "Not to worry. I'll take care of this." He says. "Lloyd!" The guys exclaim in relief. Lloyd then creates an orb of light that makes the Grundal roar and back away from him. Lloyd makes it larger and brighter and the Grundal turned its head away while closing its eyes to block it out. "Yeah!" "Woo-Hoo-Hoo!" "All right! Ha-Ha!" The guys cheer, but it did not last as the Grundal roars and swings its tail at them. Lloyd fell on his back, landing on the ground along with the guys flung back onto their backs on a fallen case that Lloyd was behind. The Grundal bends down as it gets ready to consume the guys. "Oh. Gross! This is the end, isn't it?" Cole says as he and the guys huddle together.

But then Nya kicks open the door. "Everyone out!" She yells. The kids running across the store and exit the building as Nya and Wu enter it. "Use this!" Wu says, then tosses a bottle filled with some purple substance at the Ninja. Jay catches it, "What is it?" Jay asks. "It'll turn forward the hands of time, turning you old, and reducing the Grundal back to dust and bones!" Wu answers, the guys hopping onto the shelf as the Grundal roars at them. "But be careful. There's no turning back!" Wu warns. "Grundal, prepare to be extinct!" Jay says, holding the bottle at the Grundal. "Wait!" Cole says, holding his Illumisword at the Grundal as it turns away from the light. "But what'll happen to Lloyd? He'll grow old too." Cole states as he and the guys look back at Lloyd. "Just do it!" Lloyd tells them. "You'll mis out on the rest of your childhood, dude!" Jay tells him. "We can't do that to you! It's not fair!" Kai says.

The Grundal then roars as the guys look back at it. It then knocks Cole's Illumisword out of his hand. "Oh, no!" The Grundal then bites at them, but the jump back and Jay lost his grip as the bottle spins in the air. The guys land beside Lloyd as the bottle lands on his lap. Lloyd looks up to see the Grundal approaching them and it was at that moment that he made up his mind. "'Fair? Fair isn't a word from where I come from.'" He says, then grabs the bottle and tosses it at the Grundal. "He used it!" Wu says. A purple mist surrounds the Grundal as it is roars helplessly, spinning in place as the concoction from the bottle affects it. "And it's working!" Nya states as the Grundal returns to being bones.

Once it was over and the purple mist was gone, the bones fell onto the ground. The guys then stand up, now returned to the rightful ages. They took off their hoods. "What happened? We're not kids anymore." Cole says, his voice normal again. "It worked." Nya says, relieved that they are normal again. "They are the real Ninja." Rufas says, standing next to Nya as he had stayed during the fight. Wu sighs, "But what about Lloyd?" He asks worriedly.

Just then, Lloyd stands up. And he too was older as his hair had grown out and his bangs swept to the left side of his face. "I'm..." He looks at himself, his voice deeper as well. "Older." He says. "Look on the bright side, the Gi fits you perfectly now." Everyone looks over to see (Y/N) standing and holding her right arm as she has a tired smile on her face. "(Y/N), your arm!" Zane says, noticing that there are three gashes on her arm. "Eh, it's not too bad. Still standing." (Y/N) jokes. "You're bleeding!" Jay shouts as he sees blood drip down her arm. "Nothing that some bandages can't fix." She brushes off. (If you don't like blood, ignore it.)

Nya hurries over as she takes out some bandages and quickly starts to wrap (Y/N)'s arm as best she can while Cole rushes over and places (Y/N)'s left arm around his shoulders to keep her up. "There. That should do it until we get it probably treated." Nya states, having finished wrapping (Y/N)'s right arm. "Thanks." (Y/N) says to her. The group then started making their way out of the store. But then Rufas stops Lloyd, "Here ya go, Lloyd. You can have my copy of Starfarer. You deserve it." He says, offering the comic to Lloyd as a thank you. "That's okay. I already know how it ends." Lloyd declines. The rushes out as he meets with the others.

He looks over at (Y/N) and sees that she has a look of pride as she smiles at him. He walks over to her. "I know what you're going to say-" "That I'm proud of you." He looks at her with shock as she only smiles back at him. "While I wish you didn't have to give up the rest your childhood, you made a choice. One that shows how you are more than worthy of being the Green Ninja. Putting the good of all above yourself. But don't think that just because you're older now, doesn't mean I'm going to stop looking after you." She says, smirking at him. Lloyd then smiles at her. "Don't worry. I'm ready." He says. "Sis." He adds.

(Y/N) blinks as her face morphs into a shocked one but then smiles softly as she removes her left arm from Cole to pat Lloyd on the head. The rest of the group smile fondly at the interaction then (Y/N) paced her arm around Cole as he helps keep her up as they all made their way to the Bounty.

(Okay, done! Now, it will be a long while until the next chapter since I will be working on other books. So I hope you have enjoyed this chapter. I sure did love writing it. Bye for now!)

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