Rise of the Great Devourer

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(Hello~ Sorry for not updating. I was busy with the holidays and other things, but it is out and I will try to get the next chapter out as soon as I can. Hope you enjoy. Bye!)

I tuck the drawing of myself and the rest of the team safely in my Gi. We are getting closer to Torchfire Mountain and I have been feeling anxious. Why? I don't know. The swaying of the ship didn't help but it didn't make me sick. However, my nerves are affecting me so much that I can't use my powers to sense or see the others. I close my eyes and shake my head, "Relax. Everything is going to be just fine." I tell myself. I open my eyes then go stand in front of my mirror as I put my hair in a braid. I check myself once more then I exit my room, closing the door behind me. I make my way to the dinning room and I see Lloyd up ahead walking the opposite way. "Hey, Lloyd." I greet him. "Hey, (Y/N)." He greets back. He was wearing his green Gi.

We stop walking as we meet in the middle of the hallway. "So, where are you off to?" I ask him. "Well, since I'm the Green Ninja, I have to work really hard if I'm going to protect Ninjago. So, I'm heading to the indoor training room to practice a little." He answers. I smile softly at him. I'm proud that he wants to work hard, but sad that he is going to have to fight his father. "Okay. But don't do too much at once." I tell him. He nods at home with a smile and I pat his head then we go our separate ways.

I make my way outside and into the deck. Thankfully, the Bounty was able to navigate through the dark clouds and lightning without too much trouble I go up the stairs to the dining room and open the door to see Kai, Nya, and Jay sitting at the table. All of the Fangblades on the table and moving a little with the ship. "Hey, (Y/N)." Jay greets me. I give him a smile and make my way to sit next to him. Nya and Kai sitting on the opposite side and they both greet me as well and I greet back. "So, this is really happening." I start. "Yeah, feels like the end of an adventure." Kai says. "I'll say. We spent forever looking for the Fangblades and now we have all of them right here in front of us." Jay adds, he then adds something to his sandwich.

Thunder roars from outside but we continue conversing. "But the only thing I haven't gotten my head wrapped around is why is Torchfire Mountain the only place we can destroy the Fangblades?" Nya asks. "Cause the Fangblades are made from the original teeth of the Devourer. They're so strong they can only break down in extraordinary heat." Kai answers. "Well, someone has been doing their research." I say to Kai. "What? You thought you were the only one that read?" Kai teases, and I roll my eyes but smile nonetheless. "Whatever. But you are right. Anyway, it will be a relief once we dispose of these blades for good." I say.

"Uh, could someone pass the salt?" Jay asks. But then a loud Thunder shook the ship a little and the salt slides down from my left and Jay lends his hand out to grab it. "Hey, thanks." Jay says with a wink. I shake my head playfully at his behavior. The doors then slide open, "Please. No one talk about food." Cole says, looking very green. Literally. Lightning then cackles and Cole groans as he moves with the ship, grabbing the door to steady himself. Boy, he is not handling the motion of the storm to well. "How much longer until we get there?" He asks. "Not long. Hey, Cole, you're looking a little green over there. How'd you like a mucous salt sandwich?" Jay says. And really? Mucous? Who names something like that? Cole ended up retching and leaves. I can hear him puking. Ew.

"Ha, ha, speaking of green, who would've thought little Lloyd Garmadon turned out to be the Green Ninja?" Jay says, changing the topic of the conversation. "I know. He was such a brat at first, it's hard to believe he's gonna become the greatest ninja that ever lived." Nya says. Then Kai clears his throat, loudly, "Where is that little runt?" I roll my eyes. Guess he hasn't let go of wanting to be the Green Ninja. "He's in the indoor training room. He wants to start as soon as possible so that he will be ready for when the time comes to fight his father." I answer, then look down as I frown. "What's the matter?" I look up and see Nya looking at me with a frown. I look away from her as inhale deeply then sigh, "It's just that, Garmadon is Lloyd's father and the guy didn't want to be warlord. But that stupid snake bit him and tore a family apart." I sigh as I lay my hands on the table, looking down at it. "I care about Lloyd and, well.... I'm still new to having friends. I don't know, it's still a lot." I answer honestly.

It was quiet for a moment, but then my head started hurting again. "I love you, my little star." There was that voice again. I then feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see Jay with small smile looking at me, "Hey, it's okay. Sure we have known each other for months but a lot has happened. Go at your own pace." He says. I look at him with some mild surprise. I keep forgetting that he is smart. A lot. "Yeah. No need to rush. We're here if you need it." I look over at Nya as I feel Jay remove his hand. She smiles at me and I see Kai give me a wink. I feel myself slowly smile and nod at them. "Thank you."

After that I went to go help with steering the ship because the lightning was starting to worry me. I made it to the bridge and see Zane at the wheel. "Hey, Zane." I greet. He looks back and smiles at me, "Greetings, (Y/N)." He replies then looks forward to steer the ship. I walk up to him and grab the wheel, "I got this." I tell him. He smiles and nods at me then leaves. I sail the Bounty through the storm and after some time passes, finally exit it and I see Torchfire Mountain up ahead. "You might want to get down there." I look back to see Nya approaching me, making sure to keep the ship steady. "The guys are getting ready to destroy the Fangblades and you are the to get them, so they want you down there." She says. I smile as I move aside as Nya takes over steering. "Sure thing. I'm gonna go find Lloyd first, though. After all, it's fun to destroy some things." I reply. She shakes her head at me, but I see her smiling.

I leave the bridge and head to the indoor trading room because I believe Lloyd was still there. "Will everyone please place their seat back and tray table in the full upright and locked position? We have reached our destination: Torchfire Mountain. Give it a minute while we settle into position." I hear Nya through the PA system and smile as I shake my head at her announcement. I see Wu looking over the ship and frown as I feel something from him. Something I do not like. I shake my head and continue onward. I make it inside but then I stop as I feel my powers flair up. But then the ship shakes then slant and I bump into the wall.

I stand up and hurry to the indoor training room. I open the door and gasp. "Lloyd!" He was tied up and had duct tape on his mouth. I hurry over and rip the tape from his face. "What happened?!? Who did this to you?!" I ask him. "Pythor! He's on board!" I freeze. Then I become enraged. I put on my hood and remove the ropes on him then hurry out of the room. "Pythor's on board!" I don't stop until I make it outside and see Pythor. He looks at the plank and I become more enraged. He starts to slither away, oh Hell no. I jump flip, land then deliver a kick to his back. He yelps as he falls forward. "Gah! Whats it gonna take to-Oh." He gets up then looks back to find me giving him a death glare.

I take out my fans. "This is your LAST chance, Pythor. Again and again, I have told you it was too dangerous to release the Devourer, but you did not listen. Now, I will ask one last time: hand over the Fangblades or... Face. My. WRATH." I threaten. He holds the Fangblades close and he falters a little before glaring back at me. I tighten my grip on my fans. "Where do you think you're going?" I hear Lloyd, but do not turn around to see him. "Ah. A little cliche, don't you think?" Pythor says to Lloyd. "Uh, cliche?" "I wouldn't expect a child to understand." That's it. "But you can understand this!" I jump at him. I swing my fans at him to try and cut him but he dodges. I land and continue to attack him.

He was nimble, I'll give him that. But then I see Lloyd with a staff and get an idea. I close my one of my fans and throw it at Pythor. It hits him in the face, "Lloyd, flying kick!" I call out to Lloyd. He jumps a little then pulls his hood on. I bend down as he steps on my back and I push my up and see him kick Pythor in the face. I smile in pride. "I hit him? I hit him, guys!" Yes, you did, Lloyd. I summon my fan back to me and Lloyd and I stand next to each other as we face Pythor. "Do you think you can stop me?" Really? "She can I'm just trying to keep you busy until the calvary arrives." Nya then arrives and land on the deck in her Samurai X mech suit. I smirk under my hood as Pythor whimpers and quivers in fear at the mech's size.

"Nowhere to run, Pythor. It's over." I state. He looks back at me. "So soon. I think not." He then slithers off to a side of the ship. "Oh, as much as I would like to play with your overgrown toys, I have a ride to catch." He jumps off. "No!" Lloyd, Nya, and I hurry and see as Pythor catches a ride on a Serpentine helicopter. "So long, suckers!" I growl at him. But then my powers flare up again as I feel, "The guys!" I put my fans away and hurry over to the other side of the ship and see the guys dangling from the plank. "Don't let go!" "You think I don't know that?!" Kai says to Jay. "Guys, hold on!" I call out to them. I try to calm myself enough to use my powers but then Kai's feet slips off the plank.

"No!" I reach to catch him but miss and watch with wide eyes as they fall. I hold my breath, praying for a miracle and then I see Nya flying in her mech suit. I exhale in relief. "(Y/N)!" I look back at Lloyd, "Pythor's getting away!" I get up and go to the other side. "Come on, he's getting away." I hear Nya and look to find Wu and the guys all safe. "Look there." I follow to where Jay is pointing and see Pythor getting farther away. I growl, "What are we waiting? Get your weapons and let's take down that oversized, narrow-minded, sorry excuse of purple snake!" I order. "Right!"

Third Person P.O.V.

Pythor holds onto the Fangblades in one arm as he grips onto the cable holding the pad with Scales as the two ride. "The City of Ouroboros is miles away, this Rattlecopter will never get us there in time. They'll catch up to us in-" "Don't worry, ssssir. We've already made preparationsss." "What preparations?" Pythor asks Scales, while the leader of the Hypnobrai smirks. The Rattlecopter then approaches a tour bus that has been stopped and taken by Serpentine. People are shorted off as the Rattlecopter lowers for Pythor and Scales to get off. "I take it you're pleassssed?" Scales says to Pythor. "Very. Very pleased, Scales." Pythor smiles

The people cough from the sand blown at them due to the wind produced from the blades of the copter. Some of the people fall back onto the ground and a boy still in the bus watches, "Mommy, snakes are kicking people off the bus." He tells his mother. "Don't be silly, sweetheart. Snakes don't-" The mother gasps as snakes Serpentine enter the car of the bud she and her family are in. The people in it start to walk as the snakes escort them out. One snake stops as they see a delicious dish on one of the tables. "Yummy." He says as he grabs it then follows the other snakes. The people were escorted out and one snake tosses a man out. "See, Mommy? Snakes." The boy says as the door to the car shuts.

"Next stop: Ouroboros!" Pythor announces as he and Scales are at the front with the driver starting the bus and driving to Ouroboros. The Serpentine in the bus cheering as the bus leaves the people behind.

Back on the Bounty, Lloyd walks with the case containing the Golden Weapons while the others wait on the deck. He tosses it down the stairs as it lands on the deck. "If Pythor returns the Fangblades to the City of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer." Wu says, sitting on his seat attached to Nya's mech suit. "Well, we're not gonna let that happen." Nya states. "Oh, w-what about me?" Lloyd asks as he continues carrying the case. "We need someone to stay with the Bounty." Kai tells him. "But did you see me kick him in the face? I'm an asset. I kick butt. And face." Lloyd smiles as he kicks his feet empathize his point.

(Y/N) smiles at his energy then walks over and lays a hand on his shoulder. "True. But you're still early in your training. Patience. Your time will come." She tells him. "She's right, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen one." Kai says, agreeing with (Y/N). "Patience, hm? Ah, the student has become the teacher." Wu says softly as he strokes his beard. "What do you say we play a little catch-up?" Jay says. "It's my favorite game." Cole says with a smirk. Lloyd having opened the case allowing the guys to grab their respective weapons. "Ninja-Go!" The guys exclaim as they perform Spinjitzu and jump off the ship, summoning their vehicles.

Nya takes off in mech suit with Wu. (Y/N) looks down at Lloyd with a smile, "We got this." She tells him then puts on her hood then runs and jumps off the ship. She uses her powers to speed her descent then slows down and maneuvers herself so her feet were first then summons a purple shield. She uses her shield to sleigh down the mountain. She then catches up to Zane as he gets off his ice ramp. She jumps onto his bike, the purple shield disappearing after she jumped. Zane, Cole, and Kai travel on the land while Jay flies through the air. "I've got him in my sights." Jay says through the coms as he spots the bus Pythor is on. "Then full speed ahead!" (Y/N) orders. "You got it, (Y/N). Let's punch it , boys!" Cole says.

"Is this some kind of special tour?" The driver asks as he continues to drive the bus. "Oh, shut up and drive." Pythor replies and the driver goes back to focusing on the road. Scales looks at the screen on the dashboard that shows what is behind the bus and gasps softly as he sees the Ninja catching up. "Sssir, the Ninja are on our tail. They'll catch up with usss in no time." He tells Pythor. "Ninja!" Pythor growls then grabs the microphone hanging from the ceiling, "Good afternoon, my cold-blooded minions. If you look to your left and behind you, you'll find ninja." He announces over the PA system as the snakes roll down the windows and look behind them to see the Ninja. "So annoying. So man your stations, chaps! We've got guests." They then lean back as the windows roll back up.

"Let's make sure we give them the ride of a lifetime." Once he was done announcing, some Fangpyres open some skylights and bite the bus. Their venom transforms the bud into a snake-themed vehicle, completed with a tail forming in the back. "What is that, a truck?" Kai questions. "That is no truck. It is a moving fortress." Wu corrects as he and Nya catch up with the Ninja. They continue to pursue the bus but the tail was keeping them at a distance, trying to hit them when they get too close.

Cole was swerving to avoid the tail as he tries to bet onto the bus. "Watch out! How are we suppose to get close to that thing?" Kai says. But then two pods emerge from the bus hand each having a snake in them as they fire at Jay, Nya and Wu. The team is able to dodge the hits and meet together as they back away from the bus a little. But then two snakes drive on the roof of the bus in snake-themed motorcycles as they drive to confront them. They drive off the tail and land on the road, turning to follow after the Ninja.

They close in on Kai. "Bring it on." Kai states as he pulls out a sword he brought. He then strikes the head of the snake motorcycle on his left and the snake screams as they are flung backwards. The other snake laughs as they jump onto Kai's bike. He tries to punch him but Kai dodges then stops the bike causing the snake to be flung off. Nya tries to get in the bus but is busy avoiding blasts from the pods. She grunts as she gets hit by the tail and quickly maneuvers by some boulders. More snake-vehicles are released from the bus as they head towards the gang. "We've got company! Sensei!" She scolds Wu as he sips on some tea. "Huh?" Softly gasps as focuses. "L-Let me see." He puts away his pot and cup as he grabs some handles and moves them. It causes Nya's mech to throw a disk which causes an explosion and makes the two snake vehicles crash. The disk returns as Nya's armor catches it. "Oh, this is fun." Wu smiles.

Lloyd yells as he pilots the ship while it swerved violently from side to side. An alarm beeps but Lloyd focuses on where the others have gone. Wanting to help in any way he can.

Back with the others, Cole has both sides occupied by snakes on snake motorcycles. One jumps onto his vehicle and it hisses at him while Cole presses a button that opens the hatch and makes the snake go flying. Another jumps in and he presses another button that gets the snake off as well. "If we have any chance at getting on that truck, we need to work together." Cole says to the others through the coms. "I've got an idea. Jay, follow me. Zane, try to get in close and cool him off." Nya instructs. She and Jay flying above and having the snakes fire at them.

"Okay, I'm going in." Zane says as he accelerates his speed. (Y/N) maneuvers herself to stand as she holds one of Zane's shoulders. "Ready?" She says to him. "Ready." Zane affirms. They manage to avoid the tail with (Y/N) summoning a shield to defend them and once they got close enough, "Ninja-Go!" They exclaim as they jump and perform Spinjitzu, getting on the bus. They push away some snakes then stop spinning. (Y/N) jumps into the next car as Zane uses his shurikens to freeze the cable connecting the car with tail. He jumps down as onto the ledge near the cable, "Goodbye~" Zane waves as he jumps onto the cable and jump back onto the ledge as he and (Y/N) watch the car disconnect. "All right. Nice one, Zane. Oh! (Y/N), look ou-" Before Jay could finish, (Y/N) delivers a punch to a snake that tried to jump her. They fell off the bud as they roll for a bit. "Never mind." Jay says. "Now let's board that truck." He then flies closer to the bus along with the others quickly approaching.

"We're running out of time. If the Ninja stop us from getting to the City of Ouroboros, we may never awaken the Great Devourer." Scales says to Pythor as he worries about the Ninja approaching fast. "Don't lecture me. Faster!" Pythor says to Scales then orders the driver. "I can't. If we drive any faster, the engine could explode." The driver argues. "Fine, then I'll do it. Get out." "Now?" "Now." The man then opens a door and jumps off the bus. Rolling for a bit until he lands his butt. "I hate snakes." He states as he crosses his arms. "Don't let them reach the front." Pythor orders as he drives the bus now. "I'll persssonally sssee to it myssself." Scales says as he leaves and Pythor steps on the gas. This results in the engine to start overheating as smoke escapes through the mouth of the bus.

The rest of the Ninja make it into the bud with Jay, Kai, and Cole hopping on. "Let's split up. Last one to the front is a rotten ninja." Kai says. "All right." Jay cheers. Jay enters a car doing Spinjitzu and sends the snake in there out the windows. "Ha, ha! Where'd everyone go?" Jay says as he looks around to find the car empty. Kai covers his face from the wind then looks to find some snakes climb onto the roof through the skylight. One snake makes his way towards Kai but got caught up in the wind and flew off the bus. Kai dodges him but gets punched in he face by another snake he quickly grabs onto the bus and grunts as he pulls himself up but slips a little.

Zane was in the car Kai was dangling from as he confronts some snakes. "Time to cool down." He says as takes out his shurikens and tosses them. They surround the snakes as they freeze the them. The weapons return back to Zane and then he looks to see Kai dangling outside. "What? You try fighting up here." Kai snips. But then he yelps as he was pulled up and looks to see (Y/N) being the one to help him. "Focus, Kai." She says as she sets him on the roof. "Also, last ninja to the front is a rotten one!" She says then summons her powers as purple flames come out of her hands and propel her to the front of the bus. Kai only shakes his head at her but then gasps as snakes surround him.

Nya then lands on the bus, "Mind if I interrupt?" She says then swings a mech arm at the snakes, knocking them away. One snake jumps to where Wu is and tries to hit him but Wu jumps and lands on the head of the mech. The snake climbs into his chair, "Hm, hold this, please." Wu says to the snake. "Oh, yeah." The snake agrees as he holds the cup. "Thanksss." He says as Wu pours tea into the cup. Then Wu punches the snake away. "Thank you." He says, catching the cup. More snakes surround the group and the siblings stand back to back. "Watch out!" Kai calls out as he sees an oncoming billboard. He and snakes duck but Nya remains standing. "Duck! Duck! Duck!" Wu says to Nya. "I'm trying, I can't." Nya says right as she and Wu end up getting stopped by the billboard along with some snakes. Kai and the remaining snakes stand up and look back as the snakes laugh, making Kai angry, "Ninja-Go!" He exclaims as he performs Spinjitzu and knocks the snakes off, them getting hit on billboards too. "I told you to duck." Wu says to Nya. "I don't want to hear it." Nya says lowly as she then makes her suit fly off.

The sun starts to set as the bus continues down the road to Ouroboros. Cole enters a car and looks around. He then stops as he looks behind him to see snakes blocking the way he came in. "End of the line, losser." He then turns around to see Scales slither towards him. Cole and boy smirks under his hood, "Watch out." He says, twirling his scythe and then holds it above him. Scales backs away in fear as Cole summons his vehicle. "No. No, no, please!" Scales begs but, but Cole fires a missile and it blasts Pythor out of the bus. The snakes behind Cole then jump out of the windows.

Cole makes his vehicle disappear and stands with his scythe in hand. "I love this thing." He says. The ceiling of the roof was then removed by Nya. Cole gasps loudly as he looks back at her. A snake screams as they were knocked off the bus and (Y/N) appears as she jumps and front flips down to meet with Cole. "Second. Not bad." She tells herself, lightly punching Cole in congratulations. "Thanks." Cole smiles under his hood as he looks at her. "Cole. (Y/N). Good to see you both." Wu says as said Ninja look to see Nya lower him down to meet with them. "Good to see you too." Cole replies to him. Jay and Zane meet up with them, "Looks like we're all here." (Y/N) notes.

The engine then catches fire and causes the bus to shake and swerve violently. Everyone tries to maintain their balance and Kai ends up falling into the car but thankfully Zane catches him. "Heh. Nice catch, Zane." Jay compliments. "Last one's a rotten ninja." Cole says teasingly to Kai. Zane puts Kai down on his feet as the red ninja groans. "Ah, so be it," He hurries pass the others as he stops at the doors on the other side of the car. "But one more car to go." He then opens the doors and sees Pythor through the windows in the driver's seat. "Pythor's in there with the Four Fangblades. Who's first?" He says. But then someone passes him quickly and he looks to see Wu standing in front of him, staff in hand.

Wu then uses his staff to disconnect the cars. "Sensei!" "What are you doing?" Jay and Cole call out. "My destiny is to face Pythor alone. Your destiny is to look after Lloyd." Wu says as he gets further away. "This is turning into a habit with him. How do we get off this thing?" Kai says. (Y/N) only watches as Wu gets further away, and the feeling she had this morning returns. And it was worse.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

We had no choice but to wait. The car had stopped a while ago and since we did not want to disobey Master, this was ridiculous. "This is really boring." You said it, Nya. But then I feel a familiar presence approaching fast. The car then shakes as it starts to move and I hold onto the side of the of it. "Lloyd!" I look up and see the Bounty overhead. "Hook, line and sinker." I smile widely. To Ouroboros as fast as you can." Kai orders. "Full sail ahead, Lloyd!" I add. "Aye, aye, captain." Me and the guys then hold on as the bus gets lifted and we focus ahead as Ouroboros is now in view. I hope we still have time.

The sky has gone dark and we have finally arrived to Ouroboros. "Keep her steady, Lloyd." I tell him. We then stop as we hover in the air and calm myself enough so that I can conjure a ramp from my powers. "Come on!" I jump and slide down the ramp. I make it to the ground and look back to see the guys slide and down and run off to the center of the city. Nya jumped down onto the ground in her mech then follow them and I was about to follow. Until I heard a thud and look back to find the the bus on the ground. "Wait up, guys!" I see Lloyd going down the chain and I felt my heart beat even faster. I groan as it would be pointless to get Lloyd back. I use my powers to make steps for Lloyd and he hops down on them and I grab his hand, "Stay with us at all times." I tell him then we chase after the others.

But as we get closer, I feel something. It is unlike anything I have felt as of now and I do NOT like it. The ground starts to shake and we finally make it the center. I let go of Lloyd and stand with the guys as the area is shrouded with green mist and the ground collapses. "What's going on? Who's that creature underground?" I look down and gasp. Those eyes. They can only belong to one being. "You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, ninja! Go!" I look up to see Master holding Pythor in his grasp.

"No. Sensei." Master only bows his head. But then the feeling gets stronger and I look down at the ground. Then it bursts open as a snake, larger than any I have every seen. It slithers up for a moment that felt like forever. I could only stare as it then stops and it looks down and roars. At Wu. No.

(Again, will try to get the next chapter as soon as I can. Have a nice day or night. Bye~)

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