The Stone Army

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(Okay, sorry for the long wait. But now that I am out for the summer, I will try and update my books as often as I can. Hope you enjoy the chapter!)

So, after traveling through time, rest was VERY much needed. So, we ended up staying at the apartment for a bit. It was now morning and I spit out the water used to wash my mouth of any toothpaste left. I place my toothbrush in the cup I keep it in. I wash my hands then dry them and look in the mirror. I push a strand of hair back then smile in satisfaction. I check my bandages, change into my Gi then walk out of my room and head to the guys' room. I stop at it then slowly open the door and look to see the guys' and Lloyd sleeping peacefully. Since Lloyd was older now, he bunked with the guys. I smile as they all look so peaceful. Then I smirk at the idea I was about to do. I walk in, close the door behind me then walk over and grab the alarm clock. "3... 2... 1." It rings. And the guys start to groan as they try and block it out. Cole hit his head on the bunk above him, Jay fell out of his bed and Kai threw a ball at me, which I caught. "Nice try." I say, tossing the ball away. "Come on, boys~ Time to greet the day~" I sing. They moan as they try block the noise by covering their ears. I then notice how Zane was the only one unbothered and smirked at that.

"Okay. Okay! We're up." I press the snooze button after Lloyd said that. I place it back on the desk and walk over to them. "Is it Wednesday already?" Lloyd asks. "Yes." I answer. "Sunrise exercise. I hate sunrise exercise." Jay says as he stands up. I give him a bonk on the head. "It gets you up and ready to go. After all, you guys need the training. Just because we are training Lloyd doesn't mean you can slack off." I state. I then feel someone right outside the room then look to find Wu enter the room. He sighs, holding a cup of tea in his hand. Okay, how much does he drink of that stuff? "Good morning, morning, morning! Up, up." He says, sounding chipper might I add.

The rest of the guys and Lloyd get out of their beds and we walk over to stand before Master. "It's a new day, students. Before we begin sunrise exercise, I noticed the dragon made another mess outside. It looks like a two-person job. Heh, heh." Wu says, laughing a little before closing the door as he left. "Ah, what was that, Sensei? Did I just hear an SOS call come in?" Cole says as he and the guys come up with excuses to not clean up after Ultra. "I sense I need to be somewhere else." Zane says, he and the guys' getting dressed in their GIs. "Lloyd, I'm sure you got this. Heh." Jay says to Lloyd then hurry to the door. Oh, no the don't.

I summon my powers and form a rock-like barrier on the door to prevent the guys from leaving. "Nice try." I tell them. "You might've been able to dump chores on me when I was smaller but I'm grown up now. That's not fair!" Lloyd states. "And if you think you can just walk away instead of discussing of who will clean up the mess then you guys are still kids." I smirk evilly. My powers flare up as I feel Kai's annoyance. Then he calms down and sighs, "Ah. You're right, Lloyd. We need to settle this like men. With a round of Rock, Paper, Clamp!" Oh, my goodness. I pinch my nose. "Fine! Get it over with so we can get to training sooner." I give in, releasing my nose.

I step back as the guys and Lloyd gather together and hold their hands out. The guys did paper while Lloyd did rock. "Ha, ha! Paper beats rock!" Jay cheers after he and Kai high-fived. Lloyd sighs dejectedly, "How does paper beat rock?" He asks. I walk over and pat him on the shoulder. "It's just how it's always been. Come on, I have experience since the guys would often stuffed their faces with pizza back before we met you." I say to him. He smiles at me then I make the barrier disappear then leave the room and go get the supplies. I smirk as I feel Jay's confusion of why I still give Lloyd special treatment.

I meet up with Lloyd on the roof, him having changed into his Gi and me now wearing goggles and gloves along with a cleaning mask. I give him a pair of each and together we were able to clean up the mess in record time. We gathered it in a giant disposable bag and flies were already flying around it. Gross. "I always have to do the dirty work." Lloyd complains as he takes off the mask and gloves then waves away the stink. "Hey, having a pet dragon requires a lot of responsibility." Cole states. I take off my mask, gloves and goggles and toss them aside. He's not wrong about that. "Didn't your mom ever let you have a pet?" I freeze when Jay said that. Mom... Lloyd's mom.

"I don't remember my mother. She abandoned me when I was really young." What? I felt Lloyd's sadness at the mentioned of his mother and looked to find him with a sad frown. "She just left? Who took care of you?" I blink as Kai asked. "I spent my whole life at Darkly's Boarding School." Lloyd says. I felt so bad for him. I only have faint memories of my mother. Even if they are her saying goodbye, I still have some knowledge of her. I even know about my dad because of the fortune he left behind and the note he wrote. I was about to say something, but then a loud alarm was heard. I jump in surprise.

"Hey, I have a mission for you guys." I look to find Nya slide down the chain connecting to the anchor of the Bounty, which was hovering above our apartment's building. "It's the Museum of History! They've asked for you guys!" Nya tells us as she runs up to us. "Something really strange has happened." She informs. "What?" Kai asks her. "You're gonna have to see it to believe it." She replies. I hurry with the guys and Lloyd as we make our way to getting to the museum. "Wait a minute. What am I suppose to do with these?" She calls out. I stop and turn around. "Clean the goggles! Oh, and throw away the bag, gloves and masks. Thanks!" I tell her then follow after the guys.

Third Person P.O.V.

After informing Wu and gathering their weapons, he and the Ninja have arrived at the museum. The museum curator paces around with a worried frown but then stops as he hears the doors open and looks to find Wu and the Ninja. "Oh, thank heavens you're here." He says in relief as he walks over to meet with them. "We heard there was an emergency?" Wu says as he and the Ninja stop walking. "Yes, come, come. Quickly, this way." The curator says then leads them. He opens doors to a hall, "The Stone Warrior exhibit opens to the public tonight, and this couldn't have come at a worse time." The curator informs them as they walk down the hall. "Er... What couldn't have come at a worse time?" Kai asks.

"Ninjago City appreciates your help in destroying the Great Devourer some time back, but it appears its toxic venom has seeped into the city sewer system and has the most unusual after-effect." The curator informs. They passing by some workers as they clean up some of the venom of the Devourer. "Argh!" The guys groan in disgust from the smell. "Something tells me it's not just the stench." (Y/N) says, gagging from the putrid odor. The curator then opens doors to the right and reveals mini-merchandise of Stone Warriors having green eyes and giggling and screaming manically. "The toxicity in the venom has somehow brought our merchandise to life!" The curator exclaims. "They're so unruly! I just didn't know who else to call!" He adds, sounding very worried.

One jumps and Zane catches it, but then starts hitting him with its swords. Zane grunts in disgust then crushes it, it falling to the ground now lifeless. "We've got this covered. I think we can handle a few toys." Jay says as he and the others enter the room. "And please, could you contain the fighting to the gift shop? The doors to the new exhibit will be opening soon. Thank you." The curator says before closing the doors and leaving them to handle the merchandise.

The group got to work in taking care of the crazed toys by breaking them. Jay swings nunhucks at some that jumped down on him. Lloyd backed away from some but two others pushed a statute and it lands on his head. "Whoa! Stupid little guy." He complains, as he ended up on his butt then tosses mini-merchandise, breaking them. He jumps back onto his feet right as other toys spilled marbles on the floor which led Kai and Cole stepping on them and falling onto their backs. "Hey!" Some jump onto (Y/N) and tug at her hood. She growls then grabs some and crushes them. "Get. OFF!" She declares and a purple shield surrounds her then pushes outward, making the mini-merchandise fly back and break upon impact.

The rest still laugh and Kai groans in frustration. "All right, play time's over!" He states. "Ninja-Go!" He exclaims as he performs Spinjitzu. "Ninja-Go!" Cole, Jay, and Zane follow his lead while Wu, Lloyd, and (Y/N) watch. They avoid a statue sent their way as the guys accidentally destroy the objects in the room. Once they stop after believing they got it all, they cringe at the damage. "Uh. Oops." Zane says. "Well, at least you got most of them." (Y/N) says. Her powers allowing her to feel one more mini-warrior.

Said mini-warrior opens the door and laughs as it hops away. Wu notices and quickly gives chase. It hops down another hallway and Wu follows it. "Come here, you little..." He says then stomps on it, it now reduced to rubble. He pants a little to catch his breath but then he gasps softly as a door was opened behind him. He then turns around to find a woman in enter the hall. She then turns to face him, revealing to be middle-aged with long gray hair with a white steak tied back in a braid and wearing glasses. She also wore a uniform that consisted of a button up beige shirt and long dark green pants with a lighter green scarf wrapped around her neck.

"Misako?" Wu says in disbelief at the woman before him. "Wu." The woman greets. "I... Uh..." Wu stutters as he struggles what to say. "It's been a long time." Misako says, her voice soft and gentle. Wu only nods his head in agreement. Jay clears his throat as he and the rest of the Ninja arrive. They take off their hoods as they meet with them. "So, uh, are you gonna introduce us?" Jay says. Wu clears his throat. "Uh, yes. This is Misako. Lloyd's mother." He says. They guys gasp in surprise then part as they turn back to look at Lloyd, who had (Y/N) beside him and had a shocked look upon seeing Lloyd's mother. Lloyd stops as he too is shocked by the appearance of his mother. "My... my mother?" He says in disbelief. Misako gasps at the sight of her son. "Lloyd. My little boy." She says as she walks up to him, (Y/N) stepping to the side as they talk. "You're so much bigger than I remember." She notes his appearance.

"Yeah, well, it's been a long time." Lloyd responds spitefully as he looks away from her. When Misako went to rest a hand on his arm, Lloyd steps back and glares at her. "I didn't want us to meet like this. I have a reason why I've been away." Misako says to him, looking guilty. "Well, I don't want to hear it." Lloyd states as he then turns around and walks away. "Lloyd, wait. Please!" Misako calls out, but Lloyd does not listen and slams the door behind him. Misako held her hand out to him but then lowers it as she looks down with a guilty look. (Y/N), who was silent as she watched Lloyd and Misako interacted, clenches her hands tightly upon feeling Lloyd's pain.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

All this time. All this time she was alive and she didn't even visit him. (Okay, heads up: She's gonna go off.) Where.... Were you?" I mutter. "Huh?" I hear her. "I said, where WERE YOU?!?" I shout, whipping my body to glare at her. She jumps back at my outburst. "I..." "What? You WHAT?" I ask her. Walking up and glaring at her. "What was so important that you didn't bother to see him? To be there for him?" I question her. "(Y/N)-" "Shut up!" I snap at Wu, but I still keep my eyes on this so-called mother. "Do you have any idea what he went through? He was alone. No one there for him. He didn't have anyone and he only wanted to be like his father because it was the only parent or anyone that gave a damn about him and yet he was absent because of something he had no control over." I inform her. She blinks a little in surprise.

"Oh, you're surprised about that? Well, maybe he wouldn't have done what he did if you just used that heart of yours to be a mother!" I lecture her. "Or how about visiting him while he was at Darkly's? Or write a letter to him that said, 'Hello, son, how are things?' Sure, I don't remember all that much about my mother, but she sounded like she was sad. That she had to leave me because she was scared. My dad is deceased so I know why he wasn't in the picture, but you are still breathing and living so what is it? What was so important that you abandoned YOUR OWN CHILD?!?!" I bellow and I felt the ground shake but it did not bother me.

I pant as I continue to glare at her. She looks at me with wide eyes as she pants. Then she looks away from me. I huff at that. Typical. But then my powers flare up as I feel Lloyd and close my eyes to find where he is at. Once I do, I take a deep breath then open my eyes. "If you don't have one, don't bother seeking him out." I tell her, then turn away as I walk. I open the door then close it behind me. Lloyd is my brother. I will be there for him.

Wu's P.O.V.

It was quiet. I have never seen (Y/N) react like that before. She holds so much care for Lloyd and even if I do hold Misako close to my heart, I cannot deny that her methods were.... Ideal. But I take a deep and walk over to her. "I am sorry about that. (Y/N) has developed a strong bond with Lloyd and she is very protective of him." I tell her, reading a hand on her shoulder to comfort. I hear her sigh, "But she is not wrong." She says, removing my hand and turning to face me. "I should have made more of an effort to be a part of his life before seeing him again." She says, guilt evident in her voice.

I look down as I stroke my beard. I hear a cough and look back at the boys. "Uh, well, anyone a little concerned about how the ground shook when (Y/N) shouted?" Jay says. Hmm. I hold my hand behind me as I grip my staff. (Y/N)'s powers are becoming stronger. "She was really upset this time. She's never done it before, so we should go find her and calm her down." Cole suggests. "She would definitely be with Lloyd. Though, she's the only one that knows where he is." Kai says. "We best get to searching then." Zane states.

"No. Not yet." I turn back to face Misako as she looks at them. "It be best to give them time to cool down. If I am to tell Lloyd the reason why I was away, I wish for him to be patient with me when I do." She says. I nod my head. "And with (Y/N)'s powers, she has not been able to do that before for this was an issue that stems far deeper than the previous ones." I tell them. That issues is that of the deep care and love of a sister.

Lloyd's P.O.V.

How can she think I would be happy to see her? After she left me. I look down into the hole that goes on forever. I choose this room because it represents how I felt. Bottomless. I hear the door open but don't look to see who entered. I hear footsteps then feel someone to my right. "Is this spot taken?" (Y/N). "No." I answer, still not looking at her. It was quiet for a bit. I then remember her yelling after I left. "So, uh, I heard you yelling." I said, looking over to see her looking into the hole.

She hums. "Yeah. But it's not like I regret it." She says. "I also felt the ground shake. Heh-heh. Wouldn't be surprised if the whole museum did." I laugh a little. (Y/N) scratches her head a little, "Yeah, I don't know how that happened. Guess I really lost it." She said. I frown in concern then scoot over and rest a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. You didn't break anything. Honestly, I didn't think you could get that mad." I say to her. She looks at me with a frown. "Yeah. To think it would take your mother in making me blow up like that." She says. "But, again, I don't regret it. No mother should be called one if they don't make an effort." She says, then wraps her arm around me. I remove my hand from her then lean into her and close my eyes at the feeling.

"Lloyd? Lloyd!" Oh, man. I open my eyes and feel (Y/N) hold me closer. "I'd watch your step. That sinkhole doesn't have a bottom, son. It's where I found the ancient Stone Warrior." I frown as I hear her to my left. "Ah, 'son'? You've been gone my whole life! There's nothing you can say." I tell her. "So, what's the reason?" I hear (Y/N) ask. I hear the woman that is my mother sigh, "I only ask that you hear me out. Both of you." She starts. "You wanna know what I've been doing all this time?" I look away from her. "Long before Sensei Wu ever knew who would be the Green Ninja, I knew it would be you, Lloyd. And I knew you would eventually have to fight your father." But still, if she knew, why didn't she say anything?

"I dropped you off at the Boarding School so I could learn everything I could about the prophecy, in hope of one day preventing the final battle of good and evil." Prevent? "All this time, son, I've been trying to save you and your father." I finally look at her as she said. Save me? And Dad? She then points to the tapestries hanging on the wall. There were four of them. Didn't notice them before. "Long before time had a name, Ninjago was created by the First Spinjitzu Master-" "Yeah, yeah. We've already heard this story a hundred times." I interrupt her. "But you've only heard half of it." What?

"In Ninjago, there has always been balance between good and evil. So you know about how the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, but what if I were to tell you, in order for there to be light, there must be shadow, and within shadow, there is darkness. The blackest of darkness that existed from the very beginning. An evil spirit called 'The Overlord.'" The Overlord? "Did you know about this, Sensei?" I hear Zane ask. I look back to see the rest of the gang and Uncle Wu. "I had hope if I'd kept the secret, that name would never be spoken again." Wu says. I look back at Mom as she continues. "The balance was at stake, and their battle could have gone on for eternity. Each side powerful, neither could conquer the other until the Overlord created his indestructible warriors: The Stone Army. The Spinjitzu Master did what he could, but he knew he would soon be defeated. So instead of losing the war, he divided Ninjago in two." Whoa. I feel (Y/N) loosen a little and I look to find her with a focused face as she listens to my mother.

"And lucky for us, since then there has been no trace of the Overlord or his Stone Army, until my recent discovery." She finishes. "So, all this time, we have been preparing for the final battle, only to find out that it never ended in the first place." (Y/N) says and I feel her remove her arm as she holds her hands. " It started a lifetime ago, but has yet to be determined which side will be victorious. But that is where you come in." (Y/N) looks at her and so do I. "What do you mean that's when (Y/N) comes in?" I hear Cole ask.

"After Ninjago was divided into two, the First Master knew that the battle would have to end some day. And he knew that his time would come eventually, so to ensure the balance would be maintained after his departure, he had entrusted great power, the power of life itself, into an individual he had become close friends with. The first Master of Life." The Master of Life? "Wait, wait, wait. You're telling us that this whole time the First Spinjitzu Master had a friend that ended up being the first ancestor of (Y/N)'s family?" I hear Jay ask. Mom nods her head, "Yes. Because the power of life is unlike any of the elements you wield for it allows the master to feel the emotions of others around them, to know if they are balanced or not. And to wield the energy around them." She informs.

"But when making a connection with another elemental master, they can harness their power to have similar properties." She adds. "Whoa." I hear (Y/N) say and look to find her become dizzy. "This is a lot." She leans forward and I quickly hold her back from falling into the hole Cole holds onto her shoulders, "Uh, but where is the Dark Island? I never heard of it." He asks. "Disappeared, I presume. But the legend states that so long as the balance between good and evil remains even, the Overlord shall remain trapped from this world. I have always feared your father's ambition will ultimately lead to a shift in the balance. That is why he must be stopped." Mom says.

"We have each felt the power of the First Spinjitzu Master, passed onto us in the form of the elemental weapons. But now that power has been inherited by the Green Ninja, which is why only Lloyd can defeat the ultimate evil. Or else all of Ninjago will fall prey to its darkness." So that is what this has all been about. All this time I was finishing what my grandfather failed to do. I look over at (Y/N) as she had her eyes closed and was taking slow breaths. Cole still had his hands on her shoulders to keep her grounded and looked at her with a worried look.

"Leaving you was the hardest thing I've ever had to do." I look at Mom as she said that. "But faced with saving you and the world, I had no other choice. But still, I am so sorry." She apologizes. I understand. I nod my head at her as I give a sympathetic frown. "Have you discovered a way to prevent me from facing my father?" I ask her. "I'm sorry, not yet. But I have reason to believe there's still hope." She replies. But then a loud gasp was heard and I look to find (Y/N) with her eyes open and wide and she gets up and hurries to be in front of us. "Not unless the big guy takes us out." She says. "What are you-" A giant thing then enters the room. Well, I think that answers that question, Kai.

Third Person P.O.V.

The giant four-armed being growls as it glares down the group. "WHOA! Excuse me?! Will somebody please tell me WHAT THE HECK IS THAT?!??!" Jay screams as he points at the being. "The Stone Warrior." Misako answers, holding Lloyd's shoulder as she stands behind him as she looks at the Stone Warrior with worry. "It's the Devourer's venom. It was potent enough to awaken him. Trust me, I recognize that poison anywhere." (Y/N) spats at the word poison as she grits her teeth from having to experience anything relating to the monstrous snake.

"Oh, great. Kai, take care of him." Cole tells Kai. "Uh... Me?" Kai responds surprised. (Y/N) facepalms at their behavior. The Stone Warrior growls as he his gaze narrows then down. Kai put on his hood and equip his sword. "Okay, blockhead. Take this!" He charges at it. "Kai, wait!" (Y/N) calls out, but Kai ignored her and jumped at the warrior, only to have been knocked back as it blocked his sword. Kai lands on his butt and the pieces of his sword now clatter before his feet. "Well... In my mind's eye, I saw that playing out entirely differently." He says but then yells in distress as the warrior grabs him by the foot and holds him upside-down.

"Let. HIM. GO!" (Y/N) demands, taking out one of her fans and points it and the Stone Warrior then fires a powerful purple fire that hits the warrior in the chest. He roars in discomfort and lets Kai go. Kai grunts as he hits the floor, "Thanks. I owe you one, (Y/N)." He says, then gets up and backs away from the warrior, who has now recovered and glare down (Y/N). And she gives a hard glare back. "The Overlord created his Stone Army from an indestructible material only found on the Dark Island!" Misako informs. "Ah. Great. You could've mentioned that earlier." Kai sasses.

"Lloyd, use your powers." Wu tells Lloyd, who nods as he steps forward and holds his hands in front of him and closes his eyes to concentrate. "I advise you to move out of the way, (Y/N)." Zane says to (Y/N). She looks back and nods then hurries over and stands with Kai. Lloyd then summons his powers as a green orb appears then he opens his eyes and fires a beam at the warrior. It sends it back and a bright light encompasses the room until it fades. The others cheer at Lloyd, believing the warrior to be done for. However, (Y/N) looks at the doorway with a hard look as the Stone Warrior appears, walking through the green fire that appeared after being blasted. The others gasp, "He ain't going down that easy." (Y/N) states.

The Stone Warrior then speaks a language that the others could not understand. "Wait a minute. How are we supposed to destroy this thing?" Cole asks as he backs away a little. "You can't." Misako says in worry as she and Lloyd step back. The guys have their jaws dropped at the information then the room shakes as the warrior tries to break the door frame to enter. It continues to speak at them with a growling voice. (Y/N) then comes up with an idea. She takes out her second fan then calm herself as she summons her powers and forms an electrical wire on them. "Kai, get to the other side of the room and hold on tight." She tells him. Kai nods his head as he tosses his broken sword to the side and grabs one of her fans then hurries over to the other side of the room.

Once the warrior broke through, "Pull!" (Y/N) orders and she and Kai pull and made the wire straightened and the Stone Warrior ended up tripping over it. Kai and (Y/N) grunt but grounded themselves from the weight. The Stone Warrior roars as he falls onto his face. "Ah!" (Y/N) yells and the wire disappears. She holds pulls back her sleeve on her right arm and finds blood staining the bandages from the inside. "Damnit." She curses. "Come on, let's go!" Kai exclaims and the others run around the warrior as the exit the room. "Ah. This gonna be much harder than a bunch of bobble-heads, fellas." Cole says, he, Jay and Zane putting on their hoods.

"Yeah, well. Then it's a good thing we're in a museum." Jay says as he walks towards then stops at the entrance of the room they were in. "Why is that?" Misako asks him. The Stone Warrior then exits out of the room. "'Cause we're all about to become history! RUUUUUUUN!" He shouts as he and others run away from the warrior as it gives chase. They enter a hallway and the warrior charges and breaks the door frame to continue chasing them. "The guy's got a pair of sneakers on him. Pick up the pace! Go, go, go!" Lloyd shouts as he notes the speed of the large being. He ducks his head as it swung one of its swords at him.

They exit the hallway then go up stairs and turn to the right. Kai looks back to find it still on their tail, "Oh, man. He's pretty fast for a big guy!" He says. They then enter another room, Kai, Jay, Zane, and Cole close the doors but jump back as one of the warrior's swords busts through it. They step back as the Stone Warrior looks through the hole and roars at them. (Y/N) pants as she holds her arm, "We need to find a way to contain it. Those doors will not hold long." She states. "(Y/N), your arm. Your wound must had reopened when you and Kai tripped him." Zane says, looking over to find her bandages stained red. "It was that or you guys getting your butts handed to you." She defends. Zane walks over and gently grasps her arm as he checks it.

"This thing is unstoppable!" Cole says. "Indestructible, to be precise." Zane corrects. "(Y/N)'s right. That door ain't gonna hold him forever." Kai says as he walks over and gives (Y/N) fan back. "Then let's settle this like men. With Rock, Paper, Clamp. Loser has to face him so the rest can escape." Jay says. (Y/N) facepalms with her left hand at that. They guys group up and put out one of their hands. Lloyd makes a harden expression as he joins, but Jay pushes his hand away. "Nah-uh. Not you, Chosen One." Jay denies. Kai sighs, "On three. One, two..." "Wait a minute! That's it!" Lloyd interrupts Kai as he got an idea. "What's 'it'?" Wu asks him. "If you guys can keep him busy, I think I know a way to stop him." Lloyd says. The guys look at each other after Lloyd said that. "I say we give the kid a shot." Cole says. "You're just saying that 'cause you're too afraid to face him." Jay argues. "Do you wanna face it?" Cole and (Y/N) ask him in sync, the purple clad ninja removing her hand from her face as she gives him a 'really' look.

The Stone Warrior continues to bash at the doors. Jay looking at it with slight fear, "I say we give the kid a shot." He agrees. Lloyd looks back to find a vent. "(Y/N), this is a two-person job. Wanna help?" He asks (Y/N). She gives him a smirk under her hood as she tightens her bandages and pulls down her sleeve. "Gladly." She states. The two then made their way to the vent and Lloyd removes the grate on it. He allows (Y/N) to go in first and right as he was about to enter, "Be careful, Lloyd. And good luck." Misako says to him. "Thanks, Mom." Lloyd thanks then disappears into the vent.

"I can't believe that's Lloyd Garmadon's son." Misako says, seeing at how Lloyd has grown. "Don't forget, he's yours too." Wu tells her. Misako sighs softly then turns around a smiles at Wu. "He's a had a good teacher." She tells him. "You mean, 'teachers.'" Wu corrects as he moves aside to reveal the guys walking over to them.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Okay, so the plan was pretty ingenious. We gathered some supplies and returned back to the room with the giant and deep hole. We got to covering it up making it look like it wasn't there. I sigh after we got done. "Now, all we need is to lure the Stone Warrior into the room." Lloyd says. My powers then flare up as I sense Misako and the Stone Warrior near us. "I think your mother is already on it." I tell him. We look at the door frame and see Misako appear. "Over here!" Lloyd shouts, waving his arms. "Lloyd!" Misako exclaims then runs in and goes to Lloyd. The Stone Warrior then enters the room. I stand in front of Lloyd and Misako as I glare down the big guy. "Hey, loser! Paper beats rock!" I hear Lloyd exclaim. "Come on, you over-sized pebble!" I bait him. He growls and right as he swings his sword, I jump high into the air and use my powers to make me float.

I look over to find Lloyd and Misako had jumped out of the way and then the paper gives out and the Stone Warrior falls in. I sigh in relief as I lower myself onto the ground. "Of course. The bottomless pit." I hear Misako say then look over to see her and Lloyd hug. I take off my hood as I smile softly at the scene. "I'm so proud of you. I feel like the balance has brought us together." Misako says after they part and Lloyd takes off his hood. I feel with my powers the love she has for Lloyd and I frown.

I clear my throat and walk over to them. Misako and Lloyd look at me. "I.... I owe you an apology." I say to Misako. She turns to face me with me. I look away in shame. "I... I misunderstood you. I care for Lloyd, he's like my brother and I see a lot of myself in him. For I knew what it was like to grow up without parents and feel alone. But you only left him so that he wouldn't have to fight his father. I apologize for being so harsh at you." I bow my head to her. I then feel a hand on my chin and I look up at Misako as she has a smile on her face. "I accept your apology. And I am happy knowing that he has such an amazing person to look out for him." She says.

I stand up straight and feel tears in my eyes. I quickly wipe them away. "It's no sweat." I look at her with a small smile. I then feel the others and look back to find them walk in. "Stay with us. Help us fight the good fight." Wu says to Misako. "If that's okay with my son." She says. I look back at them. "Hey. The more, the merrier." Lloyd smiles then they hug again. But then I freeze as I felt something. Something not great. I gasp softly as I hold a hand to my chest and feel my heart beat fast. Whatever that was, it is not good.

(And done! I started and finished this chapter in less than two days. Hope you have enjoyed and see you in the next one. Bye, for now!)

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