Tick Tock

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(Sorry for the long wait. Again. Hope you enjoy the chapter. This made me shed a few tears.)

"HA!" I yelled, punching the sand bag off its hinges and it hitting the ground with a harsh thud. It's been a couple of days since the Serpentine have united, and Lloyd taken captive by them. I grab a towel and wipe off the sweat that formed on my head as I control my breathing. I haven't been sleeping too well, and only when I used my powers to see that Lloyd is okay was I able to even get some sleep. It's been driving me crazy! Some nights I would try to go after Lloyd myself, but Wu, Nya, or one of the boys would catch me and drag me back to my room. Cole actually carried me over his shoulder and I was too tired to fight back that time.

I hear knocking and look to find Nya standing at the doorway. "Hey, just thought you needed some water." She says, smiling at me as I notice the glass of water in her hand. I put down my towel and walk over to her, taking the glass. "Thanks." I say and chug the whole thing. "Whoa, easy there. You've been pushing yourself pretty hard these last couple of days. How about taking a break?" Nya suggests. I was about to reply to her, but stopped and thought for a moment. I did not want to snap at Nya. I already hurt someone when I was in the middle of mediation, trying to check on Lloyd, and someone touched me and I panicked. I flipped them over only to see that it was Jay. Okay, I didn't snap exactly but still.

I take a deep breath, "I just.... I just want to be stronger." I answer as best I can. I felt that I could have done more to save Lloyd, but I was knocked out. Again. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look to see Nya looking at me with a soft smile. "I know. But if you don't take time to rest your body and mind, they will shut down. And we can't have that happen while in a battle." She says. I look down in thought then let out a sigh. "Okay." I reply. I feel her pat my back, "Great. Now, the boys are outside. They're seeing how long Zane can stay underwater." She says and then leaves. I look to where she left then close my eyes and take a deep breath. I see him. I see Lloyd, still in a cage with that faint green surrounding him. I open my eyes and look to find myself in the indoor training room once more.

I go take a quick shower and make my way to the boys. I feel my head hurt. Not again. I lean against a wall as I hear that voice again, "I'm sorry I won't be there to see you grow." It quickly fades after and I take deep breaths as I stand up straight. That's another thing that has been happening. Moments when I would have intense headaches and hear that voice. It was female and it sounded almost.... Motherly. I shake my head to rid the remaining pain. Man, these are getting annoying.

I finally make my way to the deck and I see Jay and Cole crowding around Kai. "Ten minutes. He just broke his own record. The guy's inhuman!" Kai says. I walk up to the him, "Impressive." I say out loud. The guys jump in surprise, "Please. (Y/N), my friend, please stop sneaking up on us." Jay pleads. I roll my eyes, but smile nonetheless, I missed this. I look over and sees bubbles in the water meaning that's Zane.

I wait with the boys until Zane appears, gasping for air. "Amazing!" The guys cheer and I clap my hands, joining in on the cheering of Zane's accomplishment. "We're not worthy." I look to find Jay on his knees and bowing. I playfully shake my head. "I broke the record?" Zane asks. "You destroyed it." Kai answers. "Okay. Okay. Is anyone thinking what I'm thinking?" Jay starts, "We've been training for so long, I don't think we can get any better." I look at Cole as he does some moves while Jay explains, "Just think about all we've accomplished." He's right. Kai ran across a path of burning hot coal, Jay having done a handstand/balancing on a skyscraper during a lightning storm, and Cole increasing his strength having lifted not only a dumbbell with a lot of weight but also Jay and Nya too. I have even been able to do more with my powers too such as floating for a short time.

"Even I have to admit; you guys have certainly improved. Physically, anyway." I state. "Oh-ho-ho~ is (Y/N) actually complimenting us?" Kai teases, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I scoff playfully and gently remove his arm off me, "Don't let that go to your head, hotshot. It's already big enough." I comeback. Jay started laughing and Kai shoved him, but that didn't stop him from laughing. "Looks like you're in a better mood." I look at Cole and see him smiling. "I guess some time off is just what I needed." I reply, shrugging a shoulder. "That is good to hear. You have been pushing yourself quite hard these past few days." I look at Zane, how did he.... Nope. Not questioning it.  He was in the water, now he's out of the water. "And back to what Jay said prior, the question should be raised. Perhaps we have reached our full potential?" Zane says.

I let out a laugh. "No offense, Zane, but I don't think that's what Master meant. Yes, you all have improved but when it comes to Wu; things are not always that simple." I state. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. But we have gotten better, right?" Jay says, smirking and getting close to my face. I give him a smirk back and nod my head. "Yes!" Jay whispers, pumping his fist. I giggle a little at his reaction. Man, Nya was right. I needed a break and the boys definitely improved my mood.

We made our way to see Wu and the boys were talking about how much stronger they've gotten. "Well, every morning I do 500 pushups." "Five hundred? Ha, try a thousand." "Ha, ha. I do a thousand and one." "What is this, amateur hour? Sounds like my warm-up." The guys boast as I open the door to Master's room only for my powers to flare up and feel his emotions. He is remorseful. Huh? "Sensei, what does true potential look like if-" I hold my arm up to stop Cole. He looks at me and I nod my head at Master. He and the guys become silent. "Our apologies, Sensei. We've interrupted you." Zane says, all of us bowing our heads and holding our hands together in front of us in respect.

I should have noticed it. Master is Lloyd's uncle. He too must have felt a lot of worry for the boy. He sighs and I give my full attention to him, "I'm sorry if I've been distant lately. My mind has been elsewhere since Lloyd has gone missing. What can I help you with?" He says. "Sensei, what if we've done enough training? What if we've reached our true potential? What if we're ready?" Cole asks. "Heh." Master turns to us, "You might have reached peak physical condition, but you've yet to reach your inner potential. In each and every one of us, there are obstacles that hold us back. Only when you conquer that fear will your heart be free. Only then will you reach your true potential. Only then will we have a fighting chance to stop the Serpentine from releasing the Great Devourer." The boys and I listen closely to Master's words, he turns his back to us and I could feel his emotions spike when he mentioned the creature.

"There's more to the Great Devourer than you've lead on, isn't there, Sensei?" Zane says to Master. Walking over to him and laying a hand on his shoulder. Master sighs, "I too have obstacles within my own heart. There's a story I've never told you." He says as he stares off into the distance. "Long ago, when I was a young boy, Garmadon and I were more than brothers. We were the best of friends." "Wait a minute! I know you two were brothers, but really? The King of Cruelty, the Doer of Destruction, the Captain of Chaos. And you two were friends?" Jay interrupts, the boys and I moving back to avoid his over exaggerating gestures. I give him a glare and he smiles sheepishly, halting his movements. "Please, no interruptions." Master states then resumes with his story, "You see, he did not always have a wicked heart. One day, I lost this very katana. Knowing our father would be mad, my brother told me to go retrieve it. But I refused."

I look to see his face and find that he has a frown, "He told me not to put off what can be done today and went off to get it himself." He pauses for a bit and we all wait for him to continue. "When my father found him, he was very ill. For he was bitten by a legendary snake that would grow forever as long as it consumes." He says. The Devourer's venom corrupted Garmadon. My eyes widen at the realization that Wu blames himself for what happened to his brother. He never told me how Garmadon became evil, he only told me how his heart became corrupted with evil,  developed a hunger for power, and how he was banished. "A great evil had found its way into my brother's heart. For the snake's venom could turn the purest of things wicked. The snake is the same one the Serpentine want to re-awaken today. It is the snake that took my brother away from me." Master finishes.

"So the Great Devourer turned your brother into the Dark Lord?" Kai asks. "It was all my fault." Master says, guilt evident in his tone. I never knew he carried this blame for so long. I then remembered how I could have saved Lloyd at Ouroboros but he told me no and that I needed to get to safety myself. Lloyd protected me and Garmadon protected Wu from the Devourer. "Ah." I mutter as I bring a hand to my head as I feel a migraine. I take a step back but then feel something hold me up. I look to see Cole and Zane supporting me. I stand up straight and gesture to them that I am well. They give me concerned looks but don't say anything.

Wu bends down to close the case he put the katana in and grabs it. "You five have completed your training. You must now focus on stopping Pythor from collecting the four Fangblades. But never lose focus on the obstacles that lie within each of your hearts that holds you back from true greatness. Unlock your true potential." He tells us, looking at us with an unflinching gaze. "But how are we suppose to do that, Sensei?" Zane asks. "It is up to each of you to discover." He tells us, then we move as he starts walking, "Now I must go on a personal journey of my own." He says. "Where are you going?" Jay asks. "To a place you cannot follow." He answers. "If you're going for Lloyd, the City of Ouroboros is filled with hundreds of Serpentine. You'll never do it alone." Huh. That's exactly what Cole said to me a couple nights back.

"I am going to find someone who can be of aid. The Serpentine have united and grown stronger and we will need all the help we can get." Master states. I then realized he could be gone for a while, "Wait!" I call out. He gives me his attention and I hesitate at first but press on, "I have to ask. You said I have power that is connected to life or something like that, but you never specified how. If you could, even just a little, how do my powers work?" I did it. I finally asked. Master strokes his beard as he closes his eyes in thought.

He then opens them and looks at me, "All I can tell you right now is that while the power comes from within, it is the connections formed with others that makes one powerful. And gives reason for power to be used." He answers. I let out a small breath. I smile, at least it's something.

After landing on a mountain and saying farewell, we watch Master walk away. Case and staff in hand. I watch as he travels down the mountain, is this what it feels like to see someone who took care of you leave? I know he'll come back, but still. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I jump a little then look to see it's Cole. "You okay?" He asks. I inhale some air then look to find Sensei had disappeared. "I... I guess I never really experienced saying bye before." I answer. I feel another hand be placed on my other shoulder, "He will return. For now, we must be patient." I hear Zane.

I take a deep breath then become determined, "Okay. We have a lot work to do." I turn around and start making my way to the bridge. "While it is important to reach our true potential, Wu also said we have to keep the Serpentine from obtaining the four Fangblades." I stop and turn around to face the others as they stop too. "So we need to find them first before they do." I state. "But we do not know where they are. The legends state that when the five Serpentine tribes unite, the path to the four Fangblades would be revealed." Zane reminds us.

"So they have a map?" Jay asks, "To put it simply; yes." Zane answers. "Great." Jay says, not-so-happily. "What if we put up missing flyers? Someone has to know something about them and they could call us if they know anything or found them." Cole suggests. "Does anyone else even know about them other than us or the snakes?" Kai questions. "It's something nonetheless. Nya, can you help with making some flyers?" I say. "I'm on it." She replies and we walk off together with the boys following us. I will make sure those snakes do not win.

After we got the flyers ready, we went to a village and start putting them up. Webrought our weapons in case of an emergency. I hear Zane sigh, "This is silly." "You have any better ideas?" Cole counters. "Hey, maybe Sensei is gonna go get the Samurai for help." Jay says. I feel Kai and Nya spike with worry. Kai stutters, "The Samurai? I'm sure she's-I mean he's busy looking for the Fangblades as well. "Uh, is everything alright?" "Yeah! Yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" "One hundred percent. We're not hiding anything." The siblings assure. Oh boy. I roll my head with my eyes. They are not being subtle about it

"Look, the Samurai has other things to worry about. Right now let us worry about finding the blades." I speak up. Thankfully, they listen and we get back to work. But then I notice we're down one. "Hey, weirdo. You're making a mess of my store front." I hear a man's voice and walk towards it. I find him and Zane who is looking at something, not responding to the man. "Yoo-hoo! You got a problem?" Zane then drops the flyers onto the ground and walks off, "Maybe I should teach you a lesson on manners." I ignore the man to catch up to Zane, resting a hand on his shoulder as he stops. He keeps looking above and I look to see what it is. Zane raises his hand up to the falcon as I remove my hand from him, still watching the bird as it squawks.

I hear a gasp, "It's the falcon! Oh, my gosh. Every time we follow it, it leads us to good fortune." Jay says, then starts chasing after it along with Cole and Zane. "Head back to the Bounty and wait till you hear from us." Kai tells Nya. "But where are you going?" Nya asks. "We're gonna follow the bird. Who knows, it could lead us to the first Fangblade." Kai runs off after. Nya sighs, laying a hand on her face. "We'll be back as soon as we can. Besides, someone has to man the ship while we're gone. Okay, bye!" I assure her before racing off to catch up with the boys.

So what the falcon wanted to show us is really, really, far away. We traveled across the desert, the tundra, climbed mountains, crossed a canyon, a lot. Jay and Cole were left behind because they got tired and it was currently me, Zane, and Kai still chasing after the falcon. We soon ended up in a snow-covered forest with barren white trees. Zane stops and I stand next to him as I lean back to catch my breath. Thank goodness for my high stamina.

I hear Kai pant and look behind me to find him with his hands on his knees. "Gosh, that bird just keeps going!" He exasperates, panting heavily. "Hey, what do you make of this?" He says, pointing at something. I follow and see a sign that says 'Beware of Treehorns.' "I am not familiar with a Treehorn. What about you, (Y/N)?" Zane asks. I shake my head, "No. I never heard about them. Never read about them either so I'm as lost as you." I answer honestly. "It's probably just some wild squirrels, heh." Kai jokes.

I hear the falcon squawk and look up to see it flying in circles. "Well don't lose him. I'll wait for the other guys to catch up." Kai tells us. Me and Zane nod then we continue after the bird. Like I said, I have a lot of stamina. "Where are we going, my mysterious friend?" Zane calls to the bird. "I don't think it'll give you a verbal answer, Zane." I tell him. But then the flacon spins in place before falling to the ground. Zane and I take off our hoods and walk closer to it. But then it spasms as sparks come from its exposed chest.... That had a metal plate knocked loose. What? "You're a... a robot?" Zane says in disbelief. Okay, did not see that coming.

Zane walks towards it and I follow him. He stops as he bends down and pick it up. He doesn't say anything as he walks elsewhere and I follow him. Neither of us saying a word. We approach a nearby tree and Zane puts it near the trunk but then a noise was heard. Zane and I become alert as we look around to find what made that sound. I try using my powers but I can't sense anything. Odd. But then a loud thud was heard and I turn back to see tall, bronze robot. Zane and I put on our hoods as its eye scanners stop on Zane. "Intruder. Intruder. Prepare to be terminated." It says before it starts firing at us. I dodge the blasts and so did Zane. I jump back as Zane summons his vehicle and I hop on. He turns around and we speed off, the robot still firing at us.

But then Zane turns around and drives towards it. We go flying into the air and Zane makes his vehicle disappear. He tosses his shurikens and I bring out my fans. As I fly over it, I focus my powers and deliver a strong gust to knock it off balance. And it works. I land on my feet and look back at it as it stands up, recovering from my attack. The shurikens fly from it and pass me, returning back to Zane. "(Y/N), I have an idea to stop this thing, but I need a distraction." Zane says to me. I crack my neck, "No problem." I reply, putting away my fans. The robot gets one of its blasters ready and aims it at me, but I do not flinch. I wait..... Now! I spin around and bring out my fan, infusing some of my power in it then plant my feet on the ground and toss it at the robot. Landing right in the blaster itself.

The robot looks surprised but then the blaster backfires and sets off a mini-explosion. Now that is a distraction. I smile as I bend down and retrieve my fan that landed in front of me, smirking in accomplishment. "Ninja-Go!" Zane exclaims as I see him do Spinjitzu and sends snow, creating a pile in front of it. "Intruder! Intruder! Prepare to be terminated." The robot repeats. Zane looks back at me and nods. I nod back and get ready, putting my hands together and adjusting my stance. Zane runs at me then jumps and places his foot in my hands and, with some help from my powers, I launch him back to the robot. Zane lands on its back and does something which resulted in the robot to do some dance moves then some poses then salutes before face planting onto the ground.

I let out a sigh, "Phew." I walk over and my powers flare up as I feel Zane become confused. "The same symbol." He says softly. "Huh? Zane, what are you talking about?" I ask him. He doesn't answer, but instead walks over to the falcon and picks it up. He begs me over and I make my way to stand next to him. "Look." He tells me. I do and see a symbol on the back of the head of the falcon. "This was also on the the robot that attacked us." Zane says.

I think for a moment. "Then whoever made that robot also made the falcon. But what does this mean?" I say out loud. "I do not know." Zane replies. He turns and starts walking off. I follow him and see a tree that is thicker than the others. "Where have you brought me, my falcon friend?" Zane says. We arrived at it and find that it has the same symbol that is on the falcon. I step back as Zane opens a door that leads to somewhere. I look at Zane then at the falcon and realize something. "I'll stay here and wait for the guys. Go see what it is that the falcon brought you here for." I tell Zane. He looks at me and gives me a thankful nod.

I stand by and look at the forest while Zane goes into the tree...bunker....thing. But there was something else in these woods. I shake it off. Focus. Wait for the guys.

Zane's P.O.V.

I look inside and see a walkway that goes down and I walk on it. I take off my hood as I see that the place has numerous objects, tools, tables, even one that resembles a feline. I look around the place, feeling a sense of familiarity. I then see a large table where a blueprint lies on it. I walk to it and see that it is of the falcon, "So this is your home, my mysterious friend." I say, laying him down on the table. I look at it and see what I need to do. I then tinker with the falcon and after putting back the metal plating on his chest, he comes to life once more. I smile as he flies around, enjoying life again. "You brought me here." I tell it, holding my arm out for him to land on, "But why?" I ask.

He flies off and I look back at his blueprints but then I see another under it. I pull it out and see what is on it. "No!" It can't be. It just can't be. "It can't be. No!" I can't take it. I fall to my knees, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

I jump and look back at the tree bunker. I put a hand on my chest and feel my heart beat fast, my powers making me feel what Zane felt but only for a moment. I take off my hood to breathe. Deep breaths. I didn't know if I should go to Zane, but in that moment when I felt his emotions, I don't know if I could help him.

But then I feel familiar presences and see Kai, Jay, and Cole. I wave my hand, still keeping one on my chest, and they see me. They walk over, taking their hoods off, "(Y/N), hey. Where's Zane?" Cole greets before asking me. I turn around and point to tree bunker. "Whoa. So the falcon lead us to a secret hideout? Awesome." Jay says excitedly. I remove my hand from heart to not look suspicious. "Yeah. Zane went in there while I waited for you guys." I answer. "Well, we're here. Best go check on him." Kai says.

We then entered the place and walk down on the platform. "Zane?" Kai calls out. "Wow, would you look at this place?" Jay comments. And I will admit, it has a nice home-y feel to it. "Zane, what's wrong?" I look down and see Zane with his head down, sitting in the ground. He doesn't respond to Jay and remains quiet. "Are you hurt?" "You okay?" Kai and Cole ask, them, Jay, and I checking on him. He only sighs and turns his head to look a table with some blueprints on it nearby. He grabs the smaller one and stands up as he looks at it. He then lowers it, "Hey, what....?" Cole says as Zane... opens his..... chest.

I could only stare in shock while the guys scream. "You're.... a robot?!?" I hear Kai exclaim. "All this time... and I never knew." Zane says, sounding upset but I could not be sure because I was still starring at his open chest. With a lot of wires and switches. The inside of his chest plate even has the same symbol that was on the falcon. "Uh, guess this explains why you're always acting so weird. Right? Heh-heh." I hear Jay try to lighten the mood. "The reason I never had a sense of humor was because my funny switch wasn't on." Zane explains, he flips a switch then closes his chest plate.

Music starts to play as Zane starts to dance. "Hello, my baby. Hello, my honey. Hello, my ragtime gal~ Send me a kiss by wire~" He sings and finishes with a pose. I continue to stare as I hear Jay start laughing loudly. Zane turns off his funny switch and sighs sighs as he collapses on his hands and knees. "Uh, it just makes you... more special. "You're still the same Zane. Just more, uh... gears." I hear Cole. I slap myself to finally break out of my trance. "No matter what you're made of, you're still our brother." Kai says, walking up to Zane. "Really?" Zane asks. "In fact, I bet it even makes you a better ninja." Cole supports. "Yeah, and how cool is that I can honestly say: "My brother is a Nindroid."" Jay says. "A nindroid?" Zane asks him.

"Now come on. Pythor is still out there looking for the first Fangblade, and we need you." Cole says, putting a hand on Zane's back. But I can feel that Zane is still unsure about himself. And I am proven correct as he turns around and walks away a little. "You'll have to go on without me. I just... don't feel right." He says. I look to see Kai and Cole already start to walk away but Jay raises a hand to him but I place my hand on his arm to lower it. He looks at me and I shake my head. He doesn't say anything and leaves with Kai and Cole.

I wait until they exit out of the doorway then look at Zane. He still has not turn around but I felt the need to say something. "I know you need time alone to sort this out and I was surprise to find out what you are too, but you are still Zane. After all, you feel." I tell him then make my way up the stairway. I made sure my powers would not flare up so that Zane could have some privacy.

"How the heck do we got out of this place?" I hear Cole ask as I exit the bunker but then freeze as I hear a growl. A thud was heard. And it sounded close. "What's that?" Another was heard. "Cute, tiny birds?" Jay guesses, sounding scared. The guys and I put on our hoods and look around for anything. "Did you see that?!" "I don't see anything!" "I just saw it too!" I hear the guys. I used my powers and I feel a lot of presences really close to us. "Treehorns!" Kai states. I look up and see giant, four-legged creatures that resemble the trees of the forest and had large, beady red eyes. Oh, so that's what they are. The tree in their name, I get it now.

The guys pull out their weapons but I knew it would not help much. "Intruder. Intruder-er-er..." I look over at the robot Zane and I took down earlier, still lying on the ground. "Oh great, I think that thing was suppose to protect this place." Kai states. Oh. That would make sense now that I think about it. "Guys, it's up to us." "Are you out of your mind?!?" I ask him incredulity. Apparently they are because Jay charges at one of the creatures and manages to knock it off balance. I feel one very close and jump to the left before it could step on me.

I continue to dodge and even throw my fans at them, which left some scratches but did not phase them much. I had to duck down as Cole grabs a hold of one and spins it around before tossing it. But then I get knocked over and look up to find a foot coming down at me. I quickly roll over to avoid it, but just barely. "There's just too many of them!" I hear Cole. I start to get trapped by some treehorns. I look to see the boys getting more hurt and I try to concentrate my powers to free myself. "Ah!" I yell out as I get kicked into in actual tree. I groan in pain, "Zane, we need you."

Third Person P.O.V.

Meanwhile, Zane was looking over his blueprints as he tries to better understand himself. "Uh, a memory switch?" He says, confused. He opens his chest plate and looks to find his memory switch was turned off. He turns it on but is then hit with his past memories.

Like a tape rewinding, it stops as a young man with brown hair puts on his glasses as he looks at something with a smile. "Hello, Zane." He says. It then shows that it is through Zane's eyes as he looks at himself in a mirror, he is clad with all white clothes and black gloves. The man holding his hand as takes his first step. It then shows in third person as Zane kicks a ball but it bounces back at him and he falls back. The man hurries over and checks on him, giving Zane a smile to see nothing damaged.

The next memory is of Zane looking at a wooden spoon in confusion while the man watches him with a smile. The man nods his head to the bowl placed on the table and it then shows Zane preparing a soup in the bowl. He tastes it and smiles at the taste. The glasses-wearing man watching with a proud smile. The next memory is of Zane holding an object with wheels and caresses it lovingly. The man scratches his head as he watches, him having aged as his hair turns gray with wrinkles developing on his face. The next memory shows the man completing making the falcon and the mechanical bird comes to life as he flies. The next memory shows Zane with the falcon resting on his arm and playing with a toy car. The man sets up a camera and moves to stand beside Zane and the falcon, the man and Zane looking at the camera with wide smiles, but the falcon just stares into it.

The camera flashes as another memory plays. "You we're built to protect those who cannot protect themselves." The man tells Zane, his hair now white with age as he watches a butterfly fly from his son's hands. The memory changes as it shows Zane looking down at the man with a sad look, "You we're always the son I never had. It's time to begin the next stage in your life." The man tells Zane, his voice raspy as he rests in his bed. "And the only reason I'm about to do this is because I love you." He says, taking off his glasses. The entire time smiling at his son. Zane smiles sadly at his father.

The man blinks, opens Zane's chest plate and switches the memory switch off. Zane becomes emotionless and the man's glasses hit the ground. Zane closes his chest plate and looks around at his surroundings. Having no recognition in his eyes as the memory ends. (This part always gets me shedding tears.)

Zane sheds a tear from the memories. He opens his eyes and turns around to find an object covered with a cloth. He removes it to reveal the photo of himself, the falcon and the man. His creator. His father. The falcon flies over to Zane as he lifts an arm for him to rest on as he smiles at him in thanks. He then runs up the stairs, "Hey, guys. Wait up!" He calls out to his friends.

But when he exits, his face becomes stern as he watches the treehorns kick around his friends. He puts on his hood, "Leave my friends alone!" He states, running at them. "Ninja-Go!" He exclaims, doing Spinjitzu as he gets the treehorns' attention. He platers out his shurikens and tosses it at them. The weapons return to him and he jumps up, kicking one in the jaw. Jay pushes himself up and watches as Zane stands up to the tall creatures, knocking them off their feet. Literally. "What's gotten into Zane?" Cole asks as Jay helps him up, still watching Zane in amazement.

(Y/N) shakes herself awake and looks at Zane as he fights off the treehorns. She looks over at Kai and stands up, walking over to him and helping him up as he too sees Zane in action. "I don't know, but I like it." He responds to Cole's question. He and (Y/N) join Zane along with Cole and Jay. "Ninja-Go!" They all exclaim and perform Spinjitzu together, knocking down some treehorns together. They stop spinning and Cole slams his scythe into the ground causing a small earthquake that knocks some other treehorns' balance off. Jay uses his nunchucks to knock some back and (Y/N) sends a wave of purple energy at some. But they start to surround them as Cole gets kicked by one and is caught by Zane. The Ninja stand their ground and fight back against a treehorn of their own.

But then they stop advancing towards them and walk in another direction. "Are they... re-grouping?" Jay questions. But then a louder growl was heard as a much bigger treehorn with multiple red eyes approaches them. "Who's that?" Jay asks. "The queen." Zane says coldly. The queen roars as Zane steps towards it, staring it down. "You will not hurt my friends." Zane starts, the others walking backwards. Cole and Kai having to keep a good grip on (Y/N) because she did not want to move as she stares down the queen as well. "There is nothing that will hold me back." Zane declares, as he takes out his shurikens and spins them, his body starting to glow an icy blue. "I know who I am." She states strongly.

(Y/N) relaxes and watches with wide eyes. She blinks and her vision changes to see Zane's elemental aura start to become brighter. Zane's body then becomes engulfed with a bright light and the guys close their eyes from it. A pillar of light emits from Zane as his body becomes crystal-looking from his powers and the queen steps back as the white ninja starts to float upwards. "What's happening to him? Was he programmed to do that?" Kai asks. "I've never seen a robot do that." Jay comments. "You mean nindroid." Cole corrects. "Yeah, whatever." Jay says, not paying much attention as he watches Zane. (Y/N) could not help but be amazed as Zane's elemental aura shines like the sun. She also feels Zane's desire to protect the ones he cares about.

The treehorn queen roars as Zane is now floating at her height. "Zane's unlocked his true potential." Cole realizes. Zane then tosses his shurikens and performs Spinjitzu, himself and his weapons forcing the queen to stand in place as he summons his weapons back to him and floats in front of her. The queen roars to try and intimidate him, but Zane is does not respond and shoots a beam of elemental power from his chest at the queen. The creature roars as it becomes incased in ice. The other treehorns retreat, their queen having been defeated.

Zane's body returns to normal as the pillar of light fades, he closes his eyes as he falls. (Y/N)'s powers flare up and she rushes forward at a fast pace, catching Zane before he fell onto the ground. Her vision returns to normal as she looks down at her friend. The guys rush over to them as Zane stands up with (Y/N)'s help. "What happened?" Zane asks. "That was awesome!" Jay exclaims. "You should've seen yourself!" Kai adds. "I've never seen anything like it!" Cole says. Zane gasps softly in realization, "This must be what Sensei meant about unlocking our hearts." He says, looking at his hands. He turns to them as he takes off his hood, "I remember now. I-I remember everything. I remember my father and how he cared for me. I remember where I came from. And I feel stronger for knowing." Zane tells them.

(Y/N) takes off her hood as she gives him a small smile. "It appears that what has been blocking your heart was not knowing where you came from and what your life was before." She tells him, laying a hand on his shoulder that gets his attention, "Nindroid you are. Zane you are." She says to him. She was honestly unsure if it helped, but Zane gives her a thankful smile and she relaxes. "I'm so jealous! His powers are so cool." "We have our very own nindroid." The guys jump as they cheer, (Y/N) shaking her head with a fond smile. "Watch out, Pythor. We're coming to get you." Zane says, putting his hood back on.

(Y/N) smirks as she puts on her hood also, "And we're bringing a whole lot of PAYBACK." She declares, ready to get back at the Anacondrai.

Wu's P.O.V.

The day has become night. The tea boils as the the wind blows. It is time. I open my eyes and grab the teapot, pouring it around the fire. I set it down and watch as the flame becomes blue. I grab my staff and the case with the katana in it and look to see a portal appear. I hesitate for only a moment but push forward as I walk into the portal.

I try to remain balanced but then I cross over to the other side and land on unfamiliar ground. I wipe away some dust, "Hello, brother." I perk up at the familiar voice and look to find the owner. "What took you so long?"

(Hope you have enjoyed the chapter. Bye!)

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