Chapter 8

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Logan lifted his pounding head off of the table. He was confused nonetheless to see Patton face down too. What had happened?

Logan looked at the oven cloak to see that it was now 12 p.m. He looked up from the stove to the breakfast bar, seeing that something had to have slid across it, most likely Roman.

The logical side stood up and stumbled over to the other side of the breakfast bar. What ever happened to him caused him to become slightly daze. Of course, papers were on the ground along with fruits.

"Roman? Virgil? Mind explaining this mess?" Logan called out. No answer. Odd. "Roman? Virgil?" The teacher called out again, but yet again, there was still silents that followed.

"MY BABIES!" Patton screamed, jolting up in his chair. Logan would be lying if he said he hadn't jumped at the dad's outburst.

The dad stood up from his chair and tried to run past Logan, almost tripping over himself multiple times. The teacher grabbed Patton's wrist gently.

"Woah, before you go running off, I want to know what happened." Logan said, trying to keep his voice low and steady so he didn't upset Patton even more.

"Well, there were three other 'traits' in the kitchen that appeared when you past out. He snapped his fingers and I passed out too. Well sorta." Patton said, surprisingly calm. "Before I really passed out, I heard them say they were here to fix someone."

Logan nodded slowly, trying to think who would have the power to fix a trait. "Before we go any farther searching for your 'babies', we should check on Thomas to see if he is being infected by this." The teacher said, Patton nodded in response.


(A little earlier)

Thomas sat on the couch, he's two best friends sitting next to him. They sat playing scary video games. Well playing, Joan and Tayln noticed that he wasn't alert like the last time they played.

Thomas kept putting logical reasoning to how the protagonist could have easily avoided this situation and how it would be so easy to kill the thing that kept killing off other characters. He didn't say any outlandish ways to get out of the way of the killer.

He did still screamed at unexpected jump scares, but it was just a scream and then he moved on. No sharp breathes, no jumping, no heart racing.

"Are you okay Thomas?" Tayln asked, pausing the game. "I'm fine." Thomas answered, voice missing of any fear of the scary face one the screen.

"Are you sure? Usually you'd be screaming and questioning why you agreed to do this by now." Joan pointed out. Thomas looked at his two besties and shrugged.

"It's not real so why would I be scared? And if it was then I would probably not be one of its victims." Thomas then clicked continue on the video game, his friends questions being laid to rest for now.


(Present time)

One horror game after another and Thomas still hadn't died of a heart attack. Joan & Talyn were really concerned at this point. Surely this much horror wasn't good for a human being.

As the protagonist of the game rounded the corner and another jump scare appeared on the scream, another scream had filled the room.

The group looked behind them, seeing the logical & emotional trait in the room. Patton was gripping to Logan's arm, shaking like a scared kitten.

"Salutations." Logan greeted calmly. Patton gave a shaky 'hello', still cooling down from the unexpected scare. "What are you guys doing here? We don't have a video planned for today. Do we?" Thomas questioned, not sure of anything.

"No, we don't, but do of a mishap in the Mind Palace, it was necessary to check up on you before we went any further with the tackling this problem." Logan noted walked towards the group on the floor, Patton in tow.

"Have you noticed anything out of character of Thomas?" The teacher asked his host's friends.

"Well, he hasn't really gotten badly scared of any of the video games we've played, he just screamed and continued playing." Talyn spoke. "Not to mention how logical he's being." Joan added.

"Oh no." Patton said.

"Oh no what?" The trio asked.

"Their not in the mind palace." Patton answered, too scared to be specific.

"Who's not in the mind palace?" Thomas asked.

"Roman and Virgil." Logan said, rubbing the dad's back as Patton began to tear up.

"Wait, what happened?!" Joan asked, concerned.

"Well Thomas be alright?" Talyn asked.
"Where are they?" Joan asked.
"Can we trace them?"
"Are they even alive?"
"What's going to happen?"

"I..I don't know." Logan muttered.

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