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It was summer now, meaning that you would be back at camp half blood.
"Right here," you told the cab driver. He gave you a peculiar look while you handed him the cab fare. "Thanks." You said
You walked up half blood hill when you were then suddenly knocked down by two people who embraced you in a hug. "Welcome back, y/n!"
     It was Piper and Annabeth. "Aw, thanks, guys! It feels so awesome to be back." You smiled at them as they did back. "How's everything at camp?" You asked.
     "Pretty good, everyone and everything's doing really well." Annabeth said. She looked back to the cabins. "Well, I've got to get back to inspecting cabins but I'll catch you later, okay?" You nodded and she ran off. You looked back at Piper who had a huge suspicious grin across her face. "What?" You asked cautiously.
      "Did you see Leo, yet?" She asked, still maintaining the smirk. You groaned and rolled your eyes.
Last year, you had told Piper that you had a crush on Leo Valdez and she would constantly tease you about it. "No, why?" You asked, reluctantly.
"Hm, you'll see once you see him." Piper replied. You nudged her arm lightly, "I hate you," you joked.
         As you opened the door to get out of your cabin, you bumped into someone who seemed to be coming in. "Oh, sorry," you apologized. The person let out a small chuckle, "It's fine, y/n. I was actually just looking for you."
You recognized the voice and looked up. Your eyes widened as you saw who it was. It was Leo.
He still looked like himself, but he had definitely changed. First, he was taller and slightly less scrawny. He looked less like a baby elf as his jawline was more prominent and his face matured a bit. His hair was still the same mess that it always was, but you were glad that stayed the same. "Woah," you muttered under your breath, though you hoped he didn't hear.
"Oh-uhm-hi, Leo," you stuttered.
He pulled you in for a small hug and you felt your face burn up but you hugged him back. He turned around and saw campers heading to the dining pavilion. "Hey, do you wanna maybe walk to dinner with me?"

As you walked to the dining pavilion, it was obvious that you weren't the only one who took notice of Leo's change. You saw a countless number of girls who giggled, pointed and stared in awe at him. Even you were getting attention just for walking around with the newly proclaimed dreamboat of the camp.
The two of you made conversation about different topics such as how school was and how camp was going. Fortunately, Leo was the same goof he was before and you felt comfortable talking to him.
While walking back to your own table and Leo walking to his own, you two passed the Aphrodite campers. "Hi, Leo," the girls said seductively. He smiled at them.
"What was that about?" Leo asked.
You looked at him and laughed, "You are so clueless."

     As it grew later in the evening, the campers, including you, began to head to the campfire. You sat next to Piper who also sat next to Jason.
You spotted Leo and you suddenly felt a pang of hurt. He was flirting with the other daughters of Aphrodite while they giggled and smothered him. You looked away from Leo and the disgustingly flawless girls.
When he came over, you couldn't help but be bitter for some reason.You didn't talk much to him during the campfire and when he talked to you, you didn't put much effort in your responses. You weren't sure why you were being so bitter, honestly it wasn't like he did something wrong or you two were together or anything.

                       ***The next day***

While you headed to breakfast, you regretted not putting on a sweater. It was a chillier morning than it usually was.
After you got your breakfast, you headed to the (godly parent) table. You were an early riser so the table was empty except for you. You felt someone slide next to you on the bench. You looked up and saw that it was Leo.
"Hi," you mumbled.
"Hey, y/n," he greeted, "Aren't you cold? Here."
He began to take off his jacket.
"No, I'm okay. you really don't H-" before you could finish your sentence he had draped his jacket over your shoulders.
"Thanks, Leo," you said.
"It's no problem. What are you doing here this early anyway?"
"I could be asking you that, too. Shouldn't you be with the female spawns of Aphrodite, right now?" You asked bitingly.
He didn't say anything for a few second which left you feeling apprehensive.
"Yeah, I guess they can't get enough of bad boy supreme," Leo said with mock confidence as he propped his hands behind his head and his feet on the table. But as he did so, he lost his balance and fell on the floor. You bit your cheek trying to stifle your laughter.
"Ha ha, I know, very funny," he said.
"Yeah, it is," you shot back. You stood up and put your hand out to get him up. He took it but instead of you pulling him up, he dragged you to the floor with him. Leo pulled you toward him and began to lean into you and once you realized what he was doing, your heart raced, pounding against your ribcage. Before you knew it, his soft, warm lips were against yours. Your entire body tingled with ecstasy.
When he pulled away, he looked just as nervous and awkward as you. Though only a couple seconds later, his usual playful and smug expression returned. "Guess you can't get enough of bad boy supreme, either."

much love,

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