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Sorry guys, no more story-line!! Time for the one-shots again!!!!

You were sitting in your cabin, all your siblings were still asleep and you had been sitting here for an hour, sleepless. You were tired, you were actually exhausted. But your brain would not let you fall asleep. You finally decided to get up, there was no point in sitting here for another hour, trying to get sleep that wasn't going to come to you.  You slipped on a sweater, and your beat up skate shoes, and walked out the door, quietly  shutting it, and turning to the cabin across the way. The Hephaestus cabin.

You peeked your head out from under the porch area to see few harpies flying above camp. You waited and the harpies scouted in further directions. And you sprinted across the way. You quietly opened to door, and shut it behind you. All his siblings were asleep. The girls seemed to keep their spaces the tidiest, but every child had some sort of tool on their bedside table some boys had soot all over their cheeks, and were half off the bed. Somehow, a girl seemed to have fallen completely off the bed.

You instantly felt sorry for her, and tried to help her back up. She was a heavy sleeper, and decently light weight, so laying her back on her bed wasn't hard. You covered her with her blankets, and proceeded to Leo's bed. He was peacefully snoring in his bed, his messy curls messier than ever. And his covers sprawled across the near floor.

You smiled at the peaceful sight. He was so cute to you, he then opened his eyes. It kinda startled you, they opened suddenly, and he shot up. He breathed heavy. You had been sitting at his bedside, just barely enough to not have bumped heads with your boyfriend. He quickly looked at his surroundings. And spotted you.

"Y/N?" He asked, rubbing his eyes. "Shh. Your siblings." You whispered. "What are you doing here?" He whispered back. "I mean I don't mind, but, why aren't you asleep. You look exhausted." He whispered quickly afterwards. You silently giggled. " I couldn't sleep." You said, quietly. Leo fiddled with something he found on the bedside table. "What's that?" You whispered to him. He smirked, pressing a button on what seemed to be a remote. With a single, quiet creak, you and Leo's whole bed sunk into the ground.

You were startled by this, and scurried on top of Leo. The contraption was surprisingly quiet, waking none of Leo's siblings. Leo rested his hand at your waist, holding you close. You looked into those big, brown, puppy dog eyes. He gazed lovingly into your e/c orbs, wanting nothing more than to kiss you,

You straddled Leo's waist,your hands on his bare chest, his hands resting at your waist. You leaned in, and pecked him on the lips, short and sweet. He looked at you, his focus growing. He pulled your body closer to his, he moved his left hand to your mid-thigh pulling it up towards him. You kissed, longer this time, your heart rate increased, making your breaths short and fast. You felt Leo's breath tickle your nose, until he flipped the both of you over. He kissed you along your neck, sucking lightly leaving a small trace of saliva on your neck.

You let out quiet, high-pitched moans every time his lips connected with your neck. His hands crept underneath your shirt, giving you chills. He lifted his head, connecting your lips once again, his hand that held your bare waist pulled your lower body to his, your back arched lightly. Your tongues explored each other's mouths violently, leaving tiny breaths for air in between small breaks in the kiss.

He broke the kiss, once again, and started kissing down your collar bone. His hands crept further up your back, pulling your shirt up to your bra. Your cheeks were already pink from the sexual contact, but this made your cheeks turn a violent red. He left small marks on your collar bone, and one on your left breast.

You were already out of breath. Leo stopped himself. "And that is for the strawberries you threw at me." Leo said, smirking. "I don't see this as a punishment." You smiled. "Weeeeell... I'm sure you will." Leo said. He kissed your cheek. "But hey." He said. "What?" You Asked, staring into those brown eyes. "I love you." He said, flipping the both of you again, so that you were laying side by side. He laid his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat as the two of you drifted to sleep.

The next morning, you woke up cold, because of the lack of sheets kicked off by Leo, but fortunately early enough to miss being caught by Leo's siblings before they awoke for the day. You snuck back to your cabin easily, seeing as the patrol harpies had signed off for the night because it was practically time for the whole camp to be awake.

You tip toed past your siblings, who were still sleeping. You grabbed some clothes, and a towel, so you could hop into the shower. You turned the water on, and got undressed quickly, it took a minute for the water to get warm, so you looked in the mirror to take your hair down from your messy bun.

As you looked at yourself you thought, I swear, Leo is dead when I get ahold of him. There were hickeys all along your neck, your collar bone, and shoulders. Along with the single love mark Leo left on your left breast. Your cheeks were pink, remembering what had happened. "I'm gong to kill him." You said to yourself. The mirror started to fog up. You got in the shower, and was out within 15 minutes.

The whole day you were asked about what happened last night, and 'if it was fun'

Let's just say that Leo was punished back fairly by you later that day ;)

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