Couple things ~7~

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You and Leo have been dating for quite some time. Usually the two of you would go on walks, joke around, you guys never had a specific thing you did. No trademark Leo and y/n date. This never bothered you. You liked how you two would change things up a bit. You liked that Leo was like your best friend. You guys were walking along the beach, and you stumbled upon Percy and annabeth, lounging on the beach, cuddling as the sun began to set. You and Leo looked at each other, you both knowing exactly what you were about to do.

You both snuck up behind them, handfuls of sand in your hands, and you dropped it on both of their heads, sprinting away as fast as the two of you could. You still got drenched by Percy of course, but you were both easily dried after a bit of time. Not long after, you both sat by the fire, cuddling together when you both got drenched a second time by Percy and Annabeth, who were most definitely getting payback for earlier. The two of you laughed, as Percy and annabeth ran away, neither of you knew if it was to get more water or if it was to get food. The two of you kissed goodnight, then parted ways after the bonfire was put out.

You both went to bed, thinking of each other. Things between the two of you were perfect. At least you seemed to think so. Once you got to breakfast, you noticed Leo's mood had dropped since last night. Percy elbowed Leo as he walked by. "Just remember who has water powers here buddy. I will get you back if you try to do it again today." Percy joked, receiving a nudge from annabeth. You and Leo laughed. "No promises." You said evilly. Annabeth smiled, a little giggle coming afterwards. "We'll get you back twice as hard." She said, with a grin as her and Percy walked away. Leo looked at his plate as he picked and pushed around his food. "Hey, are you okay? What's wrong?" You asked. Leo looked at you, a little surprised looking.

"Oh! nothing really, just a bit tired still I guess." Leo said. You wanted to believe him, because you hated seeing Leo so sad, but you knew that it was a bold faced lie he'd made in an attempt to spare you from his feelings. The two of you had talked about this before, since he had a habit of feeling as if he wasn't apart of the group. You'd heard all about the real reason why he thought this. not just from him either. You frowned at him.

"I know that's not true, Leo." You told him. He turned to face you, an expression showing that he knew he'd just been caught. "I'm fine, really, Y/n, I guess I just got a bit stuck in my head last night. You don't have to worry about me, I promise." Leo said. "It's my job to worry, Leo, I understand if you don't wanna talk about it right now, or even in the next couple days, but I know that talking about it usually makes you feel better. Unless you just turn into a great actor after you get everything off your chest." you said, a small giggle followed afterwards. Leo let out a lighthearted chuckle. "Thank you, Y/n." Leo said. You smiled at him, then turning to the food in front of you, and beginning to munch on it.

You hadn't heard much about the way Camp Half Blood used to be, but from what little you did know, you knew that the Dining hall too used to be separated by godly parent, but that changed not long before you ran through the front  of Camp Half Blood. Literally. It was now free seating, which actually seemed to help more than it hurt. It was apparently common for siblings to have falling-outs with each other because of the lack of space. And the more you seemed to think about it, the more you were great full for it. you couldn't count how many times you were grateful to put some space between yourself and your siblings.

You had a special place for each of them in your heart of course, but sometimes, with a little room apart, you can come back together and make things better. You hoped something similar would happen if you let Leo think things through a bit so he would tell you what was wrong. It didn't work though. by the end of the day, you'd endured a very sluggish Leo. He seemed to be so upset and distracted. the only time you saw him perk up even a little was during training, when he got to train with Piper. They seemed to have fun for a while, with how competitive the two were.

it was sunset, and the two of you were hanging out together in Bunker 9. you sat quietly on a old couch close to the work bench where he was restlessly tinkering with a small gadget that you couldn't have guessed what it was. "Leo?" you said, as if it was a question, breaking the silence. "What's up y/n?" He said, not lifting his head from his project. "What's got you so bothered today?" you asked. "What makes you think I'm bothered?" he asked, this time sending you a small glance, before turning back to his work. "Well, you've been distant all day. i've been trying to hang out with you all day and you've basically been ignoring me all day." you said, standing up now. Leo paused, setting down his small gadget. He sent you a longing glance.

"I'm sorry, i didn't mean to make you feel like i've been ignoring you, it's not a good excuse, but i've just had a lot on my mind recently." He said, only breaking eye contact with you to remove his gloves as he talked. "im not trying to guilt you about it, and im not mad, im just worried. i wasn't gonna say anything and give you your space, but you've been so quiet, i wanna make sure you're ok." you said, approaching him, and cupping his face. as you did so, he closed his eyes, relaxing at your touch. "that, and you usually don't call me y/n." he opened one eye, giving you a small chuckle. "what's got you so bothered?" you asked, one more time. Leo sighed, sitting down on the couch, you following close behind him.

"So last night, after you went to bed, Jason managed to sneak me into his cabin for a while so we could hang out. it was him, Percy and i. we were all having fun and we ended up talking about you Piper and Annabeth. I guess i just realized you and i don't have a couple thing... and i mean there's nothing really wrong with that, but i kinda just wish we had one." Leo said, giving you his puppy dog eyes. "oh baby," you say, running a hand through his messy curls. "we do have a thing." you say, lifting yourself to give him a kiss on his forehead.

"no we don't, we just kinda do things together." Leo said. "we do have a thing, Leo, we terrorize everyone else while they're doing their things." you say, letting a giggle escape your lips. "and even if we didn't, wouldn't doing the same thing everyday get boring?" you ask. "with you? no. probably not, but i see what you're saying." he said, letting out a chuckle. "we don't need a thing to be happy, love, at least I don't. we can figure something out since it bothers you, but know that even if we don't, all that matters is that we take care of one another." i say, taking his hand, and kissing his knuckles.

he looked down at you into your eyes like he could see the stars in them, with a gentle smile on his face. "yeah maybe we don't need a thing..." he said. "OOH! how about... our thing could be trying new things! once we find one we like, we could use it!" you say, holding his left hand with both your hands. he smiled, loving to see you light up like this. "well, we don't need to find one... it was kinda dumb anyway..." he said. "nothing you feel is 'dumb' Leo Valdez." you say, air quoting the word 'dumb'. he grinned at you, with a. toothy smile. "whatever you say, y/n L/n." he said.

"you know i'm right." you say. "mmmmmhmmm... whatever helps you sleep at night princess." he says, pulling you in by your waist, paining a bright blush to your cheeks. you giggle, pecking him on the lips.  "we should try baking first!! we might not even need the oven!" you say. he grimaces, i can cook, but baking?? it seems like a whole lot of measurements that i don't understand. i was always bad with fractions." he says. "which is why we should try it. i'd like to find a weakness of yours." you smirk, trying to tease him. "my only weakness, is you, y/n. and in some cases water, but-" he says, cutting himself off with a chuckle as you giggle at the same time.

the two of you laugh it up in bunker 9 for a while before you head back to the dining hall for dinner. things are finally perfect again, and it relives you. it's nice to finally have something that isn't falling apart. life before camp half-blood was grim. thinking back there were so many times you found yourself hopeless. but you never felt that here. everything finally made sense. and you were happy.

months passed by, and by now the two of you knew that your "couple thing" was not baking, soccer, beach dates, candle lit dinners, or picnics. they were all nice, but none of them stuck for either of you.

Piper had been hanging out with you a lot. it came out of no where almost. at first it was just a bit of an interest in you. she was excited to learn more about her best friend's girlfriend. which you understood. had you still been in your home town with YOUR best friend, you'd wanna know all about the mystery partner of theirs. but then it got... repetitive. not in a bad way, you never minded Piper she'd invite you to hang out with her and Jason sometimes, and other times she'd host girl nights when Hazel would come by with her boyfriend, Frank. today it was you, annabeth, Percy, and Piper. Jason and Leo were up to what you could only assume to be no good.

"So, are you excited for your first Quest?" Annabeth asked. "Well, honestly? not really." you'd been assigned a quest a few days ago. you were supposed to leave tomorrow. "why not?" Percy asked. "well, the idea is cool and all. i'd love to be a hero, but i don't know anyone who's supposed to be apart of it, and after trying to get to know the team, i already know they're tight knit." you say, throwing a pebble into the woods. the three of you sat on the beach, close to the woods, but far enough we're you could still enjoy the ocean breeze.

"and it also kinda sucks because i've heard almost nothing from Leo..." you say. the three of them frown and share a look that you wouldn't have noticed if you weren't digging for answers. you found it awful suspicious that Leo was almost nowhere to be found most times. he'd even stood you up at your last date, not letting you know until 15 minutes after he was already supposed to be there. "look, Leo's... he's really busy. Chiron asked him to do a lot of projects for him, and it's hard to juggle all of that." Piper said.

"i know, and i do my best to be supportive of that, and try not to get in the way, but it's almost like he's avoiding me." you sigh. "i don't know. i'm probably readying too much into it. i know he loves me." you say, a light smile on your face. "yeah, i'd say that sounds about right. you two have had problems with communication before."  Percy said. you look up at him, curious as to how he knows so much about your relationship with Leo. "What? we have guy nights too." he says, crossing his arms.  annabeth giggles, messing with his hair. you smile at them, seeing the similarities between the two of them, and you and Leo.

"don't stress about it, y/n, Leo has his flaws, but i promise he's always trying hard to be the best he can be. not just in general, but for you." Piper says. "yeah take it from the people he talks non-stop about you to." a voice says from behind you. it's jason and Leo. you jump up to greet Leo as Jason settles down next to Piper. "i thought you'd be working until i had to leave." you say, squeezing him tight. "you know i wouldn't let you leave without a little sleepover first." he says. you pull away from the hug, looking at him curiously, because you guys can't sleep in the same cabin without getting in trouble.

"we're gonna gather in my cabin and if we get checked up on, we just "forgot" it was curfew." Jason said. i smiled. "that sounds nice." you say. the six of you make your way to jason's cabin so you at least have a few hours there, to prove your case if you get caught. you guys spend the night in there, without getting caught. and it's almost like a dream. you fall asleep next to Leo, memorizing his scent, because deep down the both of you knew it could be the last time. you'd never been chosen for a quest, but once the two new sisters joined the camp three days ago, youd been chosen to go on a quest with them.

you had tried to get to know them, since they'd be stuck with you for a while, but with how tight knit they became with two blonde twins, you felt left out. right from the start. soon enough however, your last day dawned over the camp. you woke up at 5 am to see Leo, Percy, and Jason gone. annabeth and Piper now sharing a bed you only assumed for extra warmth. you sighed, you were allowed out of the cabins now, and the harpies weren't out. you just had to make sure you weren't caught walking out in your pajamas by any camp leaders. specifically Chiron. once you made it back to your cabin, after explaining to your closest sibling(s) why you never showed up to bed last night, you started to pack for your quest.

you brought some clothes, and the necklace Leo had made you one evening out of copper wire and some old pendant made of gold the two of you'd dug up on accident on one of your little adventures. it was a heart, with pearl beads on either side of it, held there by more copper wire. you smiled, clipping it on with the little chain Leo had attacked to the necklace in the back so you could easily take it on and off and not have to use pliers every time. you were going to miss him so much.

right before you'd loaded into the car, you were able to say goodbye to your siblings. you and all the friends you'd made got to say goodbyes, and make stupid plans for after you got back. it was hard to say goodbye to everyone. But there was one person missing. and of course, at the worst moment. "alright, gang. we gotta get going." The girl with the dark ponytail said. the short haired blonde girl helped herself to the front seat. you looked around, searching for him. "you ready, y/n?" the blonde girl said. you i geranium cringed because she knew your name but you didn't know hers. "uh yeah can we wait just one more minute?" you ask, still hoping that even if you can see him in the distance, you could quickly say goodbye, but after almost a minute, you get rushed again.

"y/n, we actually do gotta go, i know the temple is cracking slowly, but we have to get on the road." one of the blonde twins said, making you cringe again. you scanned the crowd, but still couldn't see him. "alright." you say, getting into the car next to one of the twins. the engine revved up, not sounding too good, this car being at the very least 50 years old. you watched as the camp grew smaller, and just as you left, you saw Leo run up from the woods, Percy and Jason behind him. but it was too late. you were already gone.

don't worry, don't worry, it's not the endddd i know i only said one chapter but then my creative flow started and now i know exactly how i wanna end this book so buckle up! you got one more chapter left (you're welcome) and then you can move on to another fanfic :D or reread it idk homie XD

2934 words

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