♟ Chapter 19 ♟

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B      E      L      L     A

After my short meeting with Natasha, we both parted our ways to our first class. I had Biology as my first class. It has been one month and eight days since I came here. How fast the time ran. I sometimes feel like someone just pushed the fast forward button of time. Most importantly, just in a month, my whole life has gotten resolved only thing left was my clash with Xanthos right now.

I entered the classroom and took a seat in the middle as it was one of the few seats left and glanced at my watch for the time. 

Ten more minutes for the class to start. I took out my textbook and revised what we did last week. As I kept my book on the table, the door of the class opened and in walked three pretty girls who resembled the plastic dolls that I have seen in fare festival. 

Everyone in the class turned silent as they saw these pretty girls stepping in the class. I looked back at my textbook and began reading the concepts. When I was in the fifth sentence, I heard the clicking of heels coming near me. 

This time I didn't panic as I was engrossed in the topic I was reading.

"Hey, could you get up from the desk you are sitting in." I heard a sugar-coated voice demanding me. I continued reading thinking that they were demanding to someone else. My book was suddenly taken from the table and was thrown across the room. I saw the pages coming out of the book in absolute horror.

No! I didn't want to get bullied again. I have to try to be cool. I looked up to only find it was those three pretty girls. I gave them a soft smile.

"Hey," I said it calmly. However, I was shaking inside my boots. 

"Hey yourself! Now move." The pretty dolly girl in the middle demanded. 

I glared. "But I came here first."

"That doesn't mean that you could not move to the back." 

"It does, you should have come before me and should have occupied the seat. Why don't you pretty girls sit at the back?" Before I could have the time to know what was happening I got pushed down from the seat with so much force that I tried so hard to not fall down. I should've just gone to where they pointed. Sewage's aren't meant to be stepped on. Didn't know they were going to a part of sewage as well. Why're the beings around me like this man?

"Haha! How dare she disobeyed Kathy Lawson." The students just kept on whispering amongst themselves. 

I got up and dusted myself to free the dirt particles from me. So, this 'she' was known as Kathy. 

Kathy stood in front of me. "You weren't there before in this school, am I right?" I nodded my head up and down. "Ah! That's why you did know who I am. Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Kathy Lawson. The Kathy Lawson. So, I warn you to not mess with me."

As if I wanted to mess with her, I thought to myself.

I nodded my head up and down again. I went to the back seat and sat. It's better to not show your new confidence to ask for justice I guess. I just thought being confident wouldn't get me targeted but guess what either way, I'm an easy prey it seems.

Mrs.Nielsen walked into the class as soon as the bell rang. She started her lecture on hormones. I kept doodling with my pencil, I tried to concentrate but I couldn't. I glanced every now and then at Kathy. Was she going to target me for fun because I obeyed her so easily? I have no idea what all things she was capable of doing. 

After an hour, the bell rang; signalling all of them it was time for the next class. Mrs.Nielsen walked out of the class before ordering the class to dismiss. 

I waited for the other students to move out. Once they were all in the corridor, I packed my backpack and walked towards my locker to exchange my books for the next course. When I saw the timetable, I shuddered. It was physical education. 

I walked to the Physical Education class. I just hate this class the most. Once I was inside the class, I saw others were already in their sports outfit. I looked around the class when my eyes halted on something or should I say, someone. 

Xanthos was glaring at Kathy, who looked as though she was ready to eat him. Her lips brushed against his. Her breasts were almost popping out of her crop top. Why was she being a typical queen bee now. Makes me feel like a first lead. Well, doesn't the plot go like this, an innocent female lead (like me well I'm not entirely innocent but still yea) who is a target of queen bee who has a crush on the same person as the female lead (Yup, I think I've crush on him) but that guy likes the female lead just that in my life, the guy just thought of me as mates who is now getting by him. 

I felt anger coarse through my body because I didn't like the way she was trying to get close to Xan. He lazily swirled his finger; probably using his magic causing her to fall. She was sitting with her legs spread wide open and had a pout plastered on her face. Why was she being so cringe? Nevertheless, Xanthos did not glance at her once. He was just looking around the room. 

When his eyes landed on me, I waved at him with a happy smile but he just ignored. Oh god was he being serious? What was I supposed to do to make him talk with me? With a sad face, I started walking to the restroom to change my clothes. Before I could step into the restroom, Someone called my name out. 

When I looked around I saw Mason running towards me. "Hey, Bella! How are ya doing?" He asked once he reached me. "Pretty sure you would be fine now after I acted as a messenger."

"WHAT?!" I asked. "KNEW IT! You sounded so sus while promising!"

He just shrugged his shoulders. "It's my job to ensure my Lun- friend to be saved, but anyway-" He hooked his arms around mine and dragged me to towards the other end of the room. "What are you doing? Why are you dragging me? Why are you in a hurry?" 

"You have to tell me everything." 


"Yes, everything." We came to a halt.

"About what?" I asked confused. 

"Xanthos," he replied with a serious expression.

"What about him? Why- oh yeah, Xanthos... he's ignoring me." I shrugged my shoulders.

"But why? What happened?" he asked confusedly. 

"I'm at the fault, I kept denying him about the abuse and spoke hurtful words. So, yea..."Mason started laughing. "Why are you laughing, you snitch?" 

"Never thought he would pull such a move," he said chuckling. "He obviously wants to pull your attention entirely, don't take his silent treatment seriously." He double over laughter. "Even an Alpha pulls childish tricks in the end," he muttered to himself.

"Come on, Natasha is also here," Mason said while clamping his left hand with mine. We both walked towards Natasha. 

"Hey Natto!" Mason exclaimed. Pretending he was excited to see her. 

"Fuck off Mason!" Natasha glared at Mason. He just grinned sheepishly. 

"Bella, How are you now? Okay?" I nodded my head positively. 

"Class! Now stop whatever you are doing and run five laps," Mr.Milan, our gym teacher, ordered the class. I went into the restroom and got changed into another pair of full-arm clothes. When I came out of the restroom all heads snapped towards me. People stopped running and looked at me up and down. 

"Dear, Are you going to wear that for physical education?" Mr.Milan came into my view. 

"Yeah, is there anything wrong with it?" I asked confused. 

"Yes, look around and see what people are wearing and compare it with yours." I looked around. I saw all the girls wearing a sports bra and shorts whereas some wore sweatpants. 

"Sir, I-I don't like wearing-" I stopped myself when some students in the class chuckled.

"Dear, but you will not be comfortable if you wear those." 

"Sir, but I don't like wearing short clothes. " 

"Oh... okay!" He laughed awkwardly. 

I began running my first lap all along with others. Two girls who were running in front of me talked about me as their main subject. I tried to ignore the conversation they were having but I couldn't.   

"She is such a whiny baby." 

"She is unbelievable." 

"Was she trying to gain our attention?" 

"I guess so. She has already gained Alpha's attention. I don't know what did he find in her. Look at me how to fit and pretty I look." Alpha? Oh must be Xanthos. 

"No, look at me. I think I deserve our Alpha." 

Those two continued to bicker as to who was good for 'Alpha'. 

"Do you know she gets her ass whooped at her home for being a useless wh*re?" I stopped dead in my tracks. I snapped my head to my right side to only find Kathy standing beside me. 

"Ho-How do you know?" I asked growing anxious.

"Well, you should speak your secrets with a low voice, not out loud," she said calmly.

"Did you hear me and Mason-" 

"Yup! So, now your secret is in my hands. You're going to do what I say." If the word would get around, I would end up getting pitiful eyes which I don't want to see, it'll make me feel weak.

What was she going to ask me to do now?

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