♟ Chapter 24 ♟

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I stared at the creature that was standing in front of me. I could not believe my own eyes, they were almost popping out of their sockets. Xanthos transformed into some wild beast. But how? What was he? Who was he? There were so many questions that were running inside my brain.

The feral creature who just killed the other creatures with canines and red eyes was staring at me with its Golden orbs as if it was excepting me to run away from it.

When I didn't move, it took a slow step forward. It looked like a wolf standing on its two limbs. Its canine teeth were long. Very long. I would've been scared if I wasn't aware that it was none other than Xanthos.  

I heard heavy footsteps coming towards me. I felt a traitor tear slip from my eye. Before I could lift my hand to wipe it, his sharp needle-like claw, wiped it away. 

I looked straight at the golden orbs which were looking at me softly. It didn't have any vicious glint like it had while killing the bloody creatures. Eyes looked similar to Xanthos whenever he was using his magic. 

"So, you can also be this way, huh?" I voiced out my question humorously. "I was so scared when that vampire held me captive you know?" I tried to keep my tears from falling but I broke down anyway.

"Mate faced it bravely." He patted my head. "Wish to hug mate but I can't stain mate with dirt." I immediately hugged him. 

Why was he sounding so unusually... cute? Don't tell me- "Who're you?"

"I'm Xan's wolf, Luciano," he said it in a thick voice. Xan's wolf? And Luci- holdup...

"Luciano?" I breathed out in shock. How was it possible?

"I'm sure mate would be having many questions. I can't explain mate in this half shift form. Xan will explain mate. But please don't run away from us. Please!"

I took in his facial expression. He looked scared. Why was he scared at the thought of me leaving him? And why was he calling me mate so continuously? Don't tell me he was friend-zoning me this way. I let it slide for now.

"Don't worry, I don't have anyone else to lean on as much as I lean on you." I've a so much feelings for you that I don't have the strength in me to push that way. I wanted to say that but I can't say that with knowing how he felt about me. "Well, I want to ask you so many questions," I said gazing up at him.

He took my face in his rough hands and stroked my cheeks tenderly, looking at me softly in my eyes. "We're so lucky. We want mate to be happy." With that said, he turned around and walked behind a tree.

I waited for the Luciano to come back. However, it was Xanthos who came out with a smile on his face that made him look like a flower boy who just didn't take down four creatures all alone. "Hey," He mumbled looking at me uncertainly.

"Don't Hey me, Tell me everything." He glanced around before peering back at me.

"I don't think here is the right place to discuss."

"Then where?"

"My place." I nodded my head in approval. We began walking to his house in silence.

When we arrived at his place, my jaw almost dropped to the ground. The term 'house' didn't even fit to describe what I saw. It looked like a modern mansion. The walls were painted with white. I bet there were at least ten to fifteen rooms in total. The entrance gate was tall and black in colour. There was a white marble fountain in the between of the entrance garden. Where I was standing was the left side of the mansion. There was a big swimming pool behind the huge mansion.

I felt someone clamping my jaw close. My face heated up in embarrassment. 

"I'm literally ogling the mansion in front of the owner, right haha." 

"Well, you're my owner so you needn't be embarrassed, my queen." 

I turned my head and caught him smirking. I chuckled back awkwardly, "stop being cheesy."

"I'm being serious, anyway, come on, let's go. I have lots of explaining to do." He walked with me following trailing behind him, gaping at the beauty of the mansion.

As soon as I placed my foot inside the house, I got tackled in a hug. I struggled to breathe. The person who hugged me pulled away when a loud growl echoed inside the room. I gazed up at the person. It was none other than Natasha.

"My fucking goodness! You're alright! I was so scared when you fainted. What happened? Did you hit your head somewhere?" That's when I remembered why I was here in the first place. I looked back at Xanthos who was busy talking to Mason with a stoic expression masked on his face.

"I have so many questions." Was the only response I could give Natasha as I strolled where Xanthos and Mason were standing.

"Xanthos," I called out his name.

"Mason, I have got more important work to do than that," he said 'that' with a disgusted tone.

"What's the matter," Mason looked at me intently.

"Are you a human?" I mentally face palmed myself. Really? Was that the only question I could come up with?

Mason looked confused at first before his eyes widened in realization. "Does she-"

"She knows, now leave us alone." Xanthos glared at Mason.

"You didn't answer my question, Mason. Are you a human?"

"No..." Mason answered hesitantly.

I spun around and looked at Natasha. She shifted her weight from one foot to another. "Are you?" I asked her shortly. I couldn't believe I was surrounded by supernatural creatures.

Natasha shook her head slowly. Guilt was clearly visible in her eyes, "Don't be guilty of not telling me," I said her directly. She stared away, not being able to keep the eye contact.

"Let's go." Xanthos started walking. Natasha and Mason trailed behind him whilst looking in each other's eyes.

Xanthos lead us to the room where I woke up. "Is it your room?" I asked irreverently.

"You asked me that in the morning but it'll be yours once you move with me." 

"You needn't take the trouble of moving out your things from here," I said with a sweet smile. 

"It's fine." 

"Okay then," I said way too quickly causing Xanthos to stare at me with humour glinting in his eyes.

Natasha pulled me towards the bed. I shrieked as I fell on the bed. I heard chuckles beside me. I turned my head to look at whoever laughed at me. Mason and Natasha were having a sheepish grin on their faces.

Xanthos cleared his throat beside them. I sat up straight with my back against the hardboard of the bed. They all sat in front of me. I knew they weren't going to harm me. If they wanted to, they would have done it. There were many chances for them to kill me, nevertheless, they never did anything rather than talk to me and accept me as their friend.

We all sat in awkward silence. Xanthos gazed at me intently.

"What are you all?" I broke the stillness. They snapped from whatever trance they were in. Mason had an expression of hesitation. Natasha was rubbing the back of her neck continuously, she was looking nervous. Nonetheless, Xanthos looked calm.

"Mason and me are Werewolves."

"Not surprising... okay maybe a bit."

If anyone would have told me this yesterday or before, I would have laughed at their faces. However, that wasn't the case now. After I saw Xanthos in his beasty form, killing the other inhuman creatures, I know Natasha was telling the truth.

"Speak something," Mason said glimpsing at me.

"So you guys use magic as well?" I asked. 

"Not us but he," Mason pointed at Xanthos, "he can since he's a part warlock and a werewolf." 

"And a Dem-" Natasha fell to the ground and started breathing heavily.

"I never gave you permission to tell that." He stressed the word 'permission'. Natasha was panting.

I glanced at Xanthos. His eyes were blazing gold. I immediately knew he was using his magic, "Xanthos stop," I put a hand at his shoulder. He turned around with a stoic expression on his face. When he saw me, his eyes turned to his normal shade of sparkling brown. His eyes widened as if he just realized that I was here. "What in the world did she say that made you so temporal?"

"Its nothing, she just tried to disrespect me." I wrinkled my eyebrows.

"But aren't we all of the same age?" I asked confusedly.

"He's the Alpha of our pack. I'm the Beta," Mason said proudly. I heard Xanthos sigh in relief. Why was he in relief?

Hold on... Did Mason tell the word pack?


"Yeah, Humans named this town to be Wolfville but we, Weres, call this pack to be Regius luna."

"Regius Luna," I tasted the name of the pack as it felt familiar telling it. "Continue."

"Alpha-" Xanthos stopped Mason by raising his right hand.

"I'll explain" He turned to look at me. "Alpha is the head of the wolf pack. They are stronger than the other wolves or Weres. Beta is the second most stronger Werewolf in the pack. They help their Alpha to do the pack work." He paused as if waiting for me to ask questions.

I motioned for him to continue. "My pack is the Royal pack. The biggest and dominant. It is made to rule the others and keep them in perfect order."

"Hold on, How many packs are there in total?" I interrupted.

"Three hundred and eighty-seven packs are there in total. And each pack consists of at least three thousand wolves."

"And you manage them?" I asked looking at him incredulously. He nodded his head with a smug look on his face. "How many humans are there in Wolfville?"

"Only you!" Natasha exclaimed. My face morphed into a look of horror. I was the only human? 

My face literally paled. Xanthos was their king? I looked at Xanthos in horridness. He was busy burning holes through Natasha's skull. His hands were closed in a tight fist. I knew he was fighting the anger that was rising in him. I touched his left arm involuntarily. I felt his muscles relax under my touch, His stare now directed towards me.

"Bella, I know how you-" Mason interrupted Xanthos.

"There is another important thing that Werewolves have. Mates, As in Soul mates. Werewolves normally find their mate when they turn nineteen. You must be thinking about what's the meaning of mates. Well, mates are those whose souls are made for each other by the Moon Goddess, that is when they are bounded to one another." He then looked at Xanthos. "Even the cold-hearted, Ruthless person can turn into a big pansy just for his mate. That's the power of a mate."

"Did you find your mate?" I asked Mason.

"No, I haven't turned nineteen yet."

"Did you?" I asked Natasha.

"I did find him before turning eighteen. But, he didn't want me." She shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.

"Oh..." I swirled my head to look at Xanthos. "What about you- wait you keep calling me 'mate'... Hold on, hold on, hold on..."

He smirked, "Well, surprise, mate." 

"I thought you were using that aussie term for friends... Omg! we're actually each others halves, my god-" My heart bet faster, yup my prayers to be with him is finally answered but this is so overwhelming. He's actually made for me. He laughed. 

"Hope this confirmed our relationship."

"Drop me." I spoke as I couldn't take in this info. I was too happy yet confused.

"Where to?" Xanthos asked.

"My house." I heard shuffling behind me.

"So aren't you going to stay here?" Sparks surged through my arms as soon as he took my hands in his. I pulled away and shook my head from side to side. "I have to meet your so-called parents tonight. If you wish to stay with them, Then I have to make sure you're well-taken care. I don't want to force you to be with me." He whispered the last sentence.

We reached the main doors. "Wait over here." I nodded my head and stood there.

As soon as he was out of my sight, I began jumping around. So, I was his lucky partner after all. I was never in a plan of letting him go from now on.

He made me feel valuable whenever I was around him. The way he looked at me made me feel special and not a stupid naive girl. I get confidence out of nowhere. He was the first person who provided me with warmth.

And I'm gonna forever cherish that warmth.

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