Chapter 17 - Home

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In the span of a heartbeat, ThunderClan's camp went from a near-empty, quiet and peaceful hollow to an upheaval of caterwauling and chaos. Dens erupted from every corner with panicking cats checking on their Clanmates and streaking into battle formation. Darkstar was on the High Ledge in an instant. "Guard the nursery and the elders' den!" he roared over the crowd, black tail lashing. His deep voice was nearly drowned out by the commotion. "Prepare for ambush!"

     Goldentail stood up abruptly and whipped around, her thick tail accidentally knocking Leopardkit off the edge of the half-rock. The she-kit grunted as she rolled backwards, her vision turning upside down and her body thumping against the stony ground.

     "In the middle of my nap?" Goldentail growled. Suddenly, she seemed to remember Leopardkit and glanced over the edge of the rock. "Leopardkit, get to the nursery, now!" Goldentail cried out, glancing down with frightened yellow eyes. The elder was reaching down with a paw to help her up when another cat appeared by her side.

     Brightfeather flanked the golden elder and forcefully guided her off the half-rock. "What in StarClan's name are you doing, Goldentail? Let's get you to the elders' den, quickly!" the white-furred warrior commanded, shouldering her away without time for her to speak.

     Leopardkit groaned and stood up, the back of her head throbbing. When she came to her senses, Goldentail was already gone. She spotted Gingerstorm dive into the nursery in a red blur with a shocked Mousekit in her jaws.

     The realization of what was happening suddenly hit her. ThunderClan's camp was about to be stormed by vicious, bloodthirsty ShadowClan cats! Fear and a sharp thrill ran through the small she-kit simultaneously.

     Leopardkit's first instinct was to bolt to the nursery, but a moment's hesitation stopped her in her tracks. She observed the warriors quickly positioning themselves outside the vulnerable dens, muscles tensed and eyes narrowed. Others bounded toward the thorn tunnel with claws unsheathed, ready to take on the attackers first. Muscles were tensed and deadly fangs flashed in the daylight.

     What if she stayed and fought? This could be her chance to prove to Sandstreak that she wasn't weak! She could finally show—

     Oh, for StarClan's sake, a voice in her head cried out incredulously, you couldn't even defend yourself against Weedkit!

     Ignoring the tiny voice in the back of her mind, Leopardkit unsheathed her tiny claws and scanned the stone hollow. Her Clanmates were still scrambling to organize themselves, but she easily spotted one den that had no protectors. The medicine den.

     Firetail! Leopardkit thought with a burst of confidence. If she defended the old medicine cat and her precious herbs, maybe she would forgive her...


      Singe-ear bolted toward camp's entrance at the battle cry, his brawny shoulders tensing beneath his cream pelt. He was determined to meet the intruders head on.

      The young warrior unsheathed his claws, itching to dig them into filthy ShadowClan fur. Of course, he had only been in a short border skirmish with the shady cats when he was an apprentice, but this would be his first true battle since becoming a warrior.

      Before he could join his bristling Clanmates gathered at the entrance, a massive, dark shadow cut him off.

      "You," Darkstar snapped, "I want the medicine den guarded. Do not leave your post for any reason." The sleek black tom whipped around and bounded away to join the group.

      Singe-ear felt the disappointment sinking in his belly like a stone as he stared after Darkstar. The medicine den? he wondered incredulously. Did his leader understand that he wanted to be in the thick of the battle, not guarding a den that the enemy wouldn't even target?

Darkstar cast a knowing look back at him, and Singe-ear cursed under his breath before bounding toward the medicine den. He turned his back to the wall and with blazing blue eyes watched the rim of the stone hollow. Those scheming ShadowClan cats could come in from anywhere.

With a caterwaul, one of them burst through the camp's main entrance. Or not, Singe-ear thought.

The pointed cream tom tensed, his zeal spiking as more and more ShadowClan cats poured into the clearing. ThunderClan was ready for them, though, and each one latched on to an intruder with a shriek.

Singe-ear dug his claws into the stone, ready for an attacker. He itched to leave behind this ridiculous post and jump into the midst of the brawling warriors.

Blood splattered the stone and tufts of fur floated through the air. But still, no ShadowClan cat paid any mind to the medicine den. Singe-ear groaned inwardly, his frustration building up.

After a few agonizing heartbeats, the young warrior couldn't take it anymore. The medicine den will be fine, he assured himself as he launched into the battle. Singe-ear made a beeline for Skyleap. The pretty tortoiseshell was struggling to parry off blows from a vicious-looking russet tom. Singe-ear bared his fangs and leapt.


     Without hesitation, Leopardkit bounded toward the crevice in the stone wall. The warriors didn't notice her; their eyes were scanning the edge of the cliffs above, carefully watching for the intruders. Leopardkit dove in past the bramble tendrils, not caring as they scratched her pelt. To her surprise, she was met with a forceful blow knocking her to the ground and pinning her there. As she coughed and sputtered, her wide amber eyes met the shocked ones of Firetail.

     However, the shock quickly darkened to fury. "What in StarClan's name are you doing here?" the old medicine cat hissed, letting her up.

     Great StarClan, that old she-cat is strong... Leopardkit stood up and lifted her nose proudly, although her chest still ached from the blow. "I'm here to prote—"

     A sharp cry pierced the air from outside, cutting her off. The she-kit didn't recognize it, her ears twitching nervously.

    The first battle-cry.

     A roar of furious yowls ensued, and there was a thunder of pawsteps in the stone hollow. Shadows dashed through the dim light that filtered inside the medicine den, and pain-stricken shrieks filled the air.

     Firetail nudged Leopardkit's flank roughly. "Get to the back of the den, by the pool, now!" she said sharply. "This is the first place they're going to hit!"

     "But, Firetail, I can fight!" the she-kit protested, the indignation clear in her mew. The blood was already roaring in her ears, and her fur bristled more with each cry from the intruders. Her claws itched to fight. To prove herself.

     The gray medicine cat let out a furious, saliva-splattering hiss that made the she-kit flinch. Firetail lowered her gaze, her amber eyes stony and serious. "Leopardkit, if they find you here, they will kill you."

     The medicine cat's grim words sent chills running through her spine, but Leopardkit refused to give in. "I'll help you protect the herbs!" she insisted, all while Firetail shoved her toward the back of the den. "I can—"

     Then there was a rustling behind her, the sound of bramble tendrils moving. Firetail quickly knocked Leopardkit into a sheltered corner and whirled around, flying to the den entrance with a menacing hiss.

     The she-kit huffed in indignation, clambering to her paws. I'll help fight! I don't care what Firetail says! With a determined light in her amber eyes, the she-kit pranced around the corner. She stopped dead in her tracks, her muscles freezing and breath catching in her throat.

     A massive, ragged white tom had appeared the medicine den, his rank smell filling the cave. Firetail stood between him and her wall of herb shelves, her back arched and amber eyes burning with rage. The old she-cat looked like a bony skeleton standing up to the ShadowClan tom, who was easily twice her size. "Where is your honor?" Firetail growled, arching her back as the tom began circling her.

     The ragged white tom stared at her, his blue eyes gleaming in amusement. "I also have a question." His voice was deep and mesmerizing, almost soothing if it wasn't laced with menace. "Where is your catmint?"

Firetail spat at him, her unsheathed claws scraping the stone beneath her paws. "Get out of my den, or Darkstar will come in here to rip your pelt off!" she hissed, her gray fur bristled.

The white cat blinked thoughtfully, as if thinking it through. "About that... he's a little busy right now, as is every other ThunderClan warrior." He paused, turning to face Firetail head on. He towered over her, and his serene voice suddenly became colder. "No one is coming to save you. Give me the catmint."

Firetail lowered her frail body into a crouch, pulling her lips back into a snarl. "Not in your kit-brained dreams," she rasped.

The white tomcat suddenly leapt at her, his claws swiping so fast that Leopardkit could hardly follow them. Firetail tried to dart away, but a pained hiss revealed that the ShadowClan tom had met his mark. The medicine cat's shoulder and flank bore deep red gorges.

In a heartbeat, he struck out at her again. Firetail swiped but missed, and the white tom barreled into her. The old cat groaned as a loud crack filled the den.

Firetail was on her side now, her hind leg twisted at an unnatural angle. The old cat was wheezing, but she still struggled to her forepaws.

The ShadowClan tom looked her up and down, decided she was not a threat, and padded casually to the wall of stored herbs.

Firetail let out a low growl. "You'll have to kill me before you steal my herbs!" She was still struggling to get to her paws, but the fire in her amber eyes burned bright.

The tom flicked his thick tail impatiently. "Could you shut up, please?"

Firetail let out a gasp of pain, but she narrowed her piercing gaze at the tom. "What do you know about herbs, anyway?" she taunted him between heavy breaths. "You're just a rat-brained warrior. Catmint could be the spiky leaves, the smooth ones, it could have flowers or not, smell bitter, or perhaps even sweet..."

The ShadowClan cat pinned his ears back as he realized that medicine cat was aiming to confuse him. It must've worked, because he whipped around, stalked back to where Firetail lied, and pressed a massive white paw down on her bony throat. "Another word, and I will kill you," he snarled, shoving his broad face close to her furious one.

Firetail choked for air. Suddenly, she reached up, claws unsheathed, and slashed at his nose. The ShadowClan cat grunted in pain as dark blood began to drip from his muzzle. His icy blue eyes hardened.

The old medicine cat couldn't move now, but her fiery amber eyes still gleamed with hatred. "Coward," she croaked.

With an ear-piercing snarl, the white cat swiped at her head with full force, and another crunch came from Firetail's body. But this time, the gray she-cat sank to the ground, her ginger tail lying limp.

"Have it your way, old bat," the tomcat said smoothly as he stood up. His deep voice dripped with mockery.

Firetail's amber eyes stared blankly, still fixed in that furious glare.

     The ragged white tom calmly stepped away from her, his blue gaze filled with satisfaction as he licked the blood from his nose. A second cat ducked his head into the den, and the vile ShadowClan scent thickened in Leopardkit's nostrils. "Did you get it, Wolfsong?" the new tom asked breathlessly, his golden eyes widening at the sight of Firetail's unmoving body. He didn't comment on it.

     The long-haired white tom stood in front of the herb storage. "Not yet," Wolfsong replied casually, his icy blue eyes scanning over the rows of neatly organized plants.

     In that heartbeat, Leopardkit broke out of her trance and realized that she was in full view of the ShadowClan toms. Her paws had been frozen to the ground, her amber gaze locked on Firetail's lifeless eyes.

     The she-kit shot back into the shadowed corner where the medicine cat had hid her just a few moments ago, praying the toms hadn't seen her. Her breath quickened to short, panicky gasps. She pressed her body up against the cold cave wall, closing her eyes and wishing she could melt away into it. She can't be dead. She can't be. She can't be. As if to prove her theory, Leopardkit cautiously peered out from her hiding spot with large amber eyes.

     Firetail's blank gaze stared right back. Her frail body hadn't moved, lying limp on the floor of the den. Blood began to drip slowly from her parted jaws.

     Chills ran up Leopardkit's spine and she whipped back around, suppressing the anguished wail rising in her throat. A sharp sound of grief escaped her jaws, and the she-kit froze, icy fear flooding through her.

     The flecked cream tom snapped his head around, ears pricked. "Did you hear something?" he asked, peering suspiciously toward the shadowed pool.

     "Focus, Ratwhisker!" Wolfsong growled, cuffing the other tom with a heavy paw. His piercing blue eyes traveled the herb shelves with growing frustration. "Remind me what it looks like, again?"

     Ratwhisker hesitated before answering, his brows furrowed as if it was the hardest question he had ever been asked. "Raventail said it has spiky leaves and—and a delicious scent..." he stuttered.

     Wolfsong rose up to his full height and placed his forepaws on the top shelf. His body was broad and well-muscled under his thick white coat, making him seem even larger and more frightening than the average warrior. The warrior's blue eyes suddenly lit up as they landed on an item. "Found it," he whispered, his voice like an icy breeze.

     Leopardkit dared to peek around the corner again, spotting Wolfsong with the meager bundle of catmint clamped in his jaws. The white tom dropped the few scraggly leaves at his Clanmate's paws. "You carry it," he commanded.

     "That's not much," Ratwhisker commented, a note of concern in his meow. He pawed the catmint in mild disgust. "Did we really ambush ThunderClan's camp for that?"

     Wolfsong rounded on him with a snarl. "You dare question the prophecy?"

    Prophecy? Leopardkit wondered in astonishment.

    Wolfsong bore down on the younger tom, who shrank back. "Flowerstar and Raventail agreed an attack was necessary." The white tom towered over the cowering Ratwhisker, his eyes gleaming. And then he swept around and headed toward the den's exit. His smooth voice drifted back, dripping with satisfaction. "Besides, a little bloodshed every now and then is good for the soul."

     Leopardkit's stomach dropped at Wolfsong's words. Murderer, she thought, fixing her amber gaze on him. You murderer.

     Just before the ragged white tom ducked out of the den he froze. Wolfsong looked over his broad shoulder, scarred nose twitching. "Do you smell that, Ratwhisker?" he said in a deep, thoughtful voice.

     The speckled cream tom sniffed the air loudly. "Just all the stinking herbs!" he complained, wrinkling his nose.

     "No," Wolfsong replied calmly, turning around. "Not the herbs, you frog-brain. I smell... kits."

     Leopardkit's blood turned to ice. She curled her body tightly in the shady corner of the den, just out of the toms' sight. The she-kit could see her reflection in the small pool. Eyes wide with terror, ruffled spotted fur, a cowering, frail she-kit. What had she been thinking, wanting to defend Firetail? Now the old medicine cat was gone, and Leopardkit would be next.

     The she-kit remained impossibly still in her hiding spot, holding her breath. She didn't dare look out to see if the toms were near. Her heart was hammering in her chest and she was dizzy with fear.

     For a few heartbeats there was silence. Have they finally left? Leopardkit cautiously sniffed the air, finding no difference in the heaviness of their rank scent. Where did they go?

     A flicker of movement caught her eye and the she-kit glanced down at the small pool of water. In it, Wolfsong's ghastly reflection stared back at her with a cruel smile.

      In a flash, the white tom snaked around the corner, his teeth grasping Leopardkit's back as she squealed in terror. She she-kit felt herself being dragged into the open by the fangs digging into her ribs, her tiny claws scraping the stone floor and hot breath washing over her. This is it! I'm done for!

      Wolfsong slung the she-kit toward Ratwhisker, and she coughed in the dust as she regained her footing. Leopardkit hunched into a little ball of fur, shivering as she two toms examined her with morbid curiosity.

      "Well, what do we have here?" Ratwhisker sneered, flashing his yellow fangs.

      Wolfsong's eerily calm tone sent chills down Leopardkit's spine. "This kit must have watched me kill the medicine cat," he replied casually. "Which means... we cannot simply let her go." Leopardkit began trembling harder.

        Ratwhisker's golden eyes grew round, betraying a flash of nervousness. "You're not going to hurt it, are you?"

"Not yet," Wolfsong meowed thoughtfully, gazing at her with those cold blue eyes. "In fact, I have a better idea..."

      Before she could form a rational thought, Leopardkit was lifted from her loose neck fur, and her body went numb with fear. Her scruff stretched uncomfortably, but for once she didn't have the bravery to complain. This can't be happening.

      The white tom made his way to the den exit, the she-kit swinging from his jaws like a piece of fresh-kill. She heard Ratwhisker scrambling after them. "Wolfsong! It's against the Warrior Code to harm kits!" he complained, voice muffled through the catmint.

     Leopardkit tensed as the white tom swung his massive head around, eyeing Ratwhisker dangerously. His deep, eerie voice filled the she-kit's ears. "Some would say that what I've done here is breaking the code," Wolfsong said slowly, waving his fluffy tail toward Firetail's limp body. Leopardkit couldn't tear her gaze away from the medicine cat's still expression. Firetail's fiery amber eyes were open and staring at nothing, her jaws parted in a snarl. Dark blood continued to trickle from her mouth, pooling in the ground. Drip. Drip. Drip.

     Wolfsong continued in a relaxed tone. "But, letting that old crone live was simply out of the question. I was forced to kill her. I had to in order to take the catmint—she said so herself. The kit can testify," he finished with a rumble of laughter. "But just in case she tries to blabber her own version of events, we need to keep her quiet."

     Leopardkit felt her entire body become seized with blazing anger. You'll pay for this, she thought determinedly, but didn't dare say it aloud. Her heart was thumping, and her vision grew hazy with fury. You'll pay for what you did to Firetail!

     She was so wrapped up in her anger that she almost missed the quick dash from the medicine den toward the thorn tunnel. Leopardkit tried to twist her body around, quite unsuccessfully. She caught glimpses of the battle still raging in the stone hollow. Different colored pelts flashed in the edge of her vision, and the metallic scent of blood filled her nose. She pinned her ears against the shrill cries of pain.

     Wolfsong suddenly halted in front of the thorn tunnel, tilting his head toward a pair of battling she-cats. Dawnleaf was locked in a tussle with a silver and white cat. The muscular deputy threw the leaner cat off of her with a powerful twist, instantly crouching to pounce again.

     The silver she-cat tensed and flew at Dawnleaf with lightning speed, so quickly that Leopardkit gasped. Dawnleaf dodged but the she-cat turned mid-air, raking her claws across the ThunderClan deputy's flank. Dawnleaf's howl of pain split the air.

      "Flowerstar!" Wolfsong called gruffly, interrupting her attack. The silver she-cat glanced over to him, her sides heaving and fur bloodied. Her pale blue eyes widened slightly at the sight of Leopardkit in his jaws. Wolfsong gave her a subtle nod. Her icy gaze traveled back to Ratwhisker, who carried the catmint proudly.

     Her response was immediate. "ShadowClan, retreat!" Flowerstar cried in a shrill voice. Dawnleaf was launching herself at the leader, and the silver she-cat swiftly moved out of the way, cuffing ThunderClan's deputy on the head before she whirled around and bolted away.

     Leopardkit's stomach sank as Wolfsong raced through the thorn tunnel, his thick coat catching in the brush. He wasn't going to kill her. No, this was far worse.

     She was being kidnapped.

     The she-kit's throat went dry as Wolfsong blundered ungracefully through the thick undergrowth of ThunderClan's territory. Dusk was falling, and the leafless trees cast long shadows on the forest floor. She could hear the frustrated hisses of ShadowClan cats bounding alongside him, thorns catching their pelts. It gave her a small swell of satisfaction to hear them struggling.

     Darkstar will come after me, she reminded herself, trying to calm her erratic breaths. The ThunderClan leader cared deeply about her, she was certain. Any moment, he'll show up, and he'll rip Wolfsong to shreds!

     Leopardkit dangled helplessly from Wolfsong's strong jaws as he bounded through the chilly forest. She waited with growing anxiety as the ShadowClan tom carried her farther and farther away from camp. The trek was lasting far longer than she expected. How far did ThunderClan's territory reach?

     Leopardkit's question was answered when the heavy stench of ShadowClan hit her nose. Her wide amber eyes traveled over the strange territory before her. The familiar, deciduous trees gave away to towering, dark, needled evergreens. The sharp fragrance of the bizarre trees tickled her nose. The undergrowth lessened significantly from this point on, the forest floor covered in moss, soft ferns, and red needles, making it much easier for Wolfsong to bound through the trees. The warrior sighed in relief as he crossed the border to his own territory, Leopardkit swinging helplessly from her scruff.

     "Wait, no!" she suddenly cried out, panic sparking in her belly. This wasn't supposed to happen! Darkstar should've reached her before Wolfsong escaped to his own territory. "Help!" Leopardkit screeched into the night air, hoping desperately that her small voice would carry back to camp. "Please, someone help me!"

     Wolfsong's menacing growl reverberated through her body, making her quiver in fear. "If you keep crying, then you'll end up like your medicine cat," he threatened in a low, steady voice.

     Leopardkit fell silent as the white tom carried her deeper into ShadowClan territory. Her stomach sank further with every step he took. She could do nothing but stare straight ahead.

      After what felt like moons, Wolfsong finally slowed to a walk. The large wall of brambles ahead of them seemed plain and lifeless, but Leopardkit spotted other ShadowClan warriors limping through a tight tunnel hollowed out from the thick undergrowth. Wolfsong ducked his head and followed them in.

     "Welcome home," Wolfsong growled mockingly, setting the horrified she-kit down in the center of camp.

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