Chapter 19 - Our Own Clan

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Leopardkit awoke slowly to a peculiar scent, tickling her nose like a feather. Nose twitching, her groggy amber eyes blinked open. When they focused the blur of brown in front of her, she realized she was face to face with a stranger.

Squeaking in shock, the spotted she-cat jumped back, tumbling out of her mossy nest, her spine hitting the ground hard.

The stranger stood still and stared at her warily, his eyes narrowed to slits of pine green. His thick tabby coat was fluffed out to make him appear twice his size, and his dark nose twitched disdainfully as he examined her with unhidden suspicion.

Leopardkit scrambled to her paws and crouched down defensively as the bigger tom-kit loomed over her with a threatening air about him. Her heart was hammering in her chest and her claws slid out of their sheathes. She was ready to defend herself if need be.

    "Lizardkit, leave her alone," another voice chipped in, sharp with annoyance. Leopardkit turned to see a dark gray tabby she-kit lying in Roseheart's otherwise empty nest. She was the same size as Lizardkit, with the same thick, fluffy coat. Duskkit and Lightningkit—the two younger ones—watched from Fogtail's nest, their eyes wide with admiration as they watched the older tabby kit boldly approach Leopardkit. Both queens were absent from the den.

     "Why?" Lizardkit replied with a sneer. "She's not going to do anything." The fluffy tabby took a bold step forward, reaching out with a wide forepaw to touch her as if she was a plant.

     Leopardkit raised her hackles and let out the fiercest hiss she could muster, spittle flying from her bared teeth. Her amber eyes blazing, she spat, "Come one step closer and I'll shred your stupid ears!" The spotted she-kit tensed her muscles, doing her best to appear unafraid, but deep down, fear wormed it's way into her belly. Memories flashed back of Weedkit and Longkit, whom she had avoided for so long—only to get stuck with another fox-hearted bully.

     Lizardkit's green eyes widened in surprise while the dark gray she-kit purred with laughter off to the side. Shooting her a quick glare, the tabby tom-kit faced Leopardkit again, puffing out his chest. "That's a load of mouse-dung!" he retorted, tail lashing. "You can't hurt me. Roseheart would kill you."

     The spotted she-kit cocked her head at him. "Then why don't you come closer?" she crowed tauntingly. "Afraid of what I'll do to that face of yours?" Leopardkit didn't know if Roseheart would truly hurt her, but she did know a thing or two about arrogant toms. And she was tired of being pushed around by kits her own age.

     Lizardkit stiffened, his green eyes flashing angrily. Duskkit and Lightningkit watched from their nest with their breath held and eyes wide. The other unnamed dark gray she-kit remained sitting in the other corner, observing the proceedings with an amused gaze.

    "Get her!" Lightningkit suddenly cheered, his little gray tail twitching in excitement. Lizardkit's tufted ear flicked in response to the younger tom, but he didn't move—not yet.

     "What is going on here?"

     All the kits simultaneously turned toward the den entrance, where a concerned Roseheart stood against the harsh light of day, a thin mouse dangling from her jaws. The queen's eyes hardened when they landed on Lizardkit and Leopardkit.

     "I thought I told you to stay away from that ThunderClan kit!" Roseheart snapped, quickly whisking away her son with her thick tail. "She's just as conceited and bloodthirsty as the rest of them." Lizardkit's green eyes flashed in annoyance, but he obeyed and followed the queen. The fluffy tom joined his sister and mother as they settled in their mossy nest together.

Leopardkit felt anger burn her belly as the gray queen coddled her kits. Did she think Leopardkit was deaf, speaking about her as if she wasn't a fox-length away? And why did Roseheart think she was so bloodthirsty? ThunderClan cats weren't like that at all! If anything, the ShadowClan cats were the bloodthirsty ones!

    "Here," Roseheart meowed, her voice much softer toward her own kits. "You and Rowankit can share this mouse." She dropped the piece of prey as the young pair watched eagerly. As the larger kits hungrily tore into the morsel, the dark gray she-cat lifted her gaze to Duskkit and Lightningkit, who hadn't moved from their own bed. "Fogtail will be back shortly with more prey," she reassured them. Finally, the queen looked slowly to Leopardkit. "And I suggest we all stay in our own nests," Roseheart added with a sudden edge to her voice.

     Leopardkit narrowed her amber eyes at the queen. She whipped around and stalked back to her own lonely scrap of bedding, plopping down on the mushy moss with an exasperated sigh. What was Roseheart's problem with her? Lizardkit was the one who approached her!

     Her ears twitched as they picked up on hushed whispering. Leopardkit lifted her head, peering at Duskkit and Lightningkit, who casted wary glances at her. Already riled, Leopardkit felt a sudden surge of defiance, her eyes narrowing. The she-kit rose from her nest and marched toward Fogtail's. Lizardkit may have been big enough to frighten her, but these smaller toms certainly did not. The smell of the queen and warm milk made her fur prickle uncomfortably, but Leopardkit kept a calm demeanor as she nonchalantly stepped into the nest. Duskkit and Lightningkit sat on the other end, their eyes round.

     Flicking her tail in a sort of prideful way, she faced the two tom-kits. "Is there something you two want to say to me?" she challenged, ready to defend herself.

    To her surprise, the tom-kits burst with excited chatter. Lightningkit and Duskkit bounced toward her, their pairs of eyes shining. She was pummeled with an unending flood of their curious questions. Instead of scornful, the ShadowClan kits seemed thrilled to talk to her. Leopardkit was bewildered.

    "Is it true that Wolfsong stole you?"

    "Did you get any battle wounds?"

    "What's it like living in ThunderClan?"

    "Are your Clanmates as fox-hearted as Wolfsong says?"

     The she-kit gaped at the excited tom-kits, unsure of what to say. Lightningkit was more enthusiastic than his quieter brother, loudly speaking over him. Duskkit, although soft-spoken, was still bright with curiosity.

     "Slow down!" Leopardkit finally said, and the two tom-kits quickly fell silent. They stared at her expectantly.

   "ThunderClan is a lot different than here..." she began, awkwardly shuffling her paws. "My Clanmates don't argue as much as yours, I don't think." The she-kit's mind traveled back to the night before, when Flowerstar's tense Clan meeting had been called shortly after the return from battle. The ShadowClan warriors hadn't been afraid to speak up against their leader, boldly voicing their own thoughts. Usually, the only cat who did that in ThunderClan was Sandstreak, and her comments were always snide. The other warriors usually held back, whispering their opinions, whether of disapproval or agreement, among themselves. Leopardkit wasn't sure which was worse...

    Duskkit cocked his head thoughtfully, while Lightningkit rushed to his next question. "What about the nursery?" the gray kit said breathlessly, spinning eagerly in a circle. "Are there other kits like us?"

     Leopardkit shivered as her memories of the nursery came back, her insides chilled. All she could remember from the bramble was Sandstreak's cold, piercing stare, as well as Weedkit and Longkit's unceasing taunts. "The kits back in ThunderClan are really mean," she admitted bitterly. "They're bigger than me, so they're always trying to hurt me or play tricks on me."

    Duskkit scowled. "That's not nice. Lizardkit and Rowankit are older than us, but they're always nice, and they even play with us!"

    Lightningkit pawed the air, baring his small teeth. "When I'm a warrior, I'll shred those ThunderClan kits!" he growled.

     Leopardkit snorted in amusement. "Don't worry, I'll take care of them myself," she assured them, sticking her nose in the air. "One day, I'll be the greatest ThunderClan warrior ever!"

    Lightningkit lashed his tail, eyeing her skeptically. "Well, now you get to be a ShadowClan warrior with us!" he said, suddenly delighted.

    Before Leopardkit could retort that Darkstar would come to save her soon, Duskkit asked a quiet question that caught her attention. "What about your littermates?"

    The spotted she-kit felt claws of guilt prick at her as she realized she had completely forgotten about Mousekit. "I have one good brother," Leopardkit meowed softly, looking down at her small paws. "He's very smart for a kit, and he always sticks up for me." When the she-kit admitted it out loud, she felt even worse for avoiding the black tom for so long. Mousekit had always encouraged her, no matter what, and she had repaid him by hiding from him in the medicine den for a half-moon.

    As Lightningkit opened his mouth for another question, there was a rustling at the den's entrance as Fogtail slipped in. But instead of prey, the kind black she-cat carried a look distress that tightened her soft features. "Prickleface isn't doing well," she whispered, her eyes on the other queen lying in the den. "Can you feed the kits and watch them this morning while I help Patchtail?"

    "Of course," Roseheart murmured back. Lizardkit and Rowankit sat behind her fluffy gray pelt, their tufted ears pricked as they listened in on the conversation.

    Fogtail's gray eyes shifted to the three kits in her nest, flashing in surprise. "Good to see you three getting along," she purred, whiskers twitching. "Behave for Roseheart, now." Without another word, the black she-cat slipped out again.

Roseheart rose to her paws to follow. Her gaze landed on Fogtail's kits. "The hunting patrols haven't returned with any more prey yet. I'll wait outside and grab the first piece they bring back," the queen meowed, giving them an apologetic look. "The Clan is still restless from last night, so it would be best if you all remained in the nursery for the day." Then she left as well, her fluffy tail swishing out of the brambles.

Leopardkit's belly ached with hunger, but she was accustomed to the shortage of prey now that leaf-bare had fallen upon them. Besides, she had endured sharp hunger all throughout her kithood when Sandstreak refused to let her eat. The she-kit's blood boiled with anger as she thought about her cruel mother, accompanied by a deep stab of grief. Why should I care? She never wanted me anyway.

As she was deep in thought, there was a rustling from the den as Lizardkit jumped out of his nest, smugly licking his jaws. Leopardkit's mouth watered in envy as she smelled the warm scent of mouse meat coming from him.

"Let's play a game!" Lizardkit declared, lashing his thick tail. His eyes scanned over all the kits in the den. "We can make our own Clan!"

Leopardkit tilted her head, confused. What in the world was he suggesting? And why would he want to involve all the kits?

Lightningkit let out a shrill squeak of excitement, scrambling out of Fogtail's nest and eagerly bounding toward the bigger tom. The gray kit skidded to a stop at Lizardkit's paws, his blue eyes bright. Duskkit trotted up shortly behind his brother, ears pricked attentively. "Who will be leader?" the black kit asked curiously.

    Lizardkit scoffed, waving his tail. "Me, obviously!" he declared. Rowankit padded up beside him, rolling her dark amber eyes. Ignoring her, the tabby tom continued, his prideful voice filling the nursery. "I am Lizardstar, leader of BrambleClan!" The tom-kit, holding his head high, turned toward his sister. "Rowanclaw! You will be my faithful deputy!"

Lightningkit let out a mewl of dismay. "Rowankit was the deputy last time," he complained. "I want to be the deputy!"

There was a mischievous glint in Lizardkit's unbothered green eyes. "Fine," he announced, eyeing the gray kit seriously. "If you want to be deputy, Lightningfang, then you must beat Rowanclaw in a fight."

"A fight?" Rowankit echoed.

"Yes!" Lizardkit cried, his whiskers twitching excitedly. "A fight to the death!"

Leopardkit shivered involuntarily at his words, but her amber eyes were wide with interest.

Lightningkit didn't hesitate. Yowling bravely, his pale form flew at a surprised Rowankit. The gray tabby she-kit growled her annoyance as the tom pinned her down, but she quickly threw him off with a powerful kick, followed by her laughter as Lightningkit scrambled back to his paws.

    The two kits faced off again, one smaller with a solid, pale gray pelt and the older larger, fluffier, and with tabby stripes. Rowankit and Lightningkit tussled for a bit longer, tackling and swiping with sheathed claws, but eventually the she-kit pinned him down. Too small to force her off, Lightningkit huffed in frustration, realizing his defeat.

     Lizardkit, Duskkit, and Leopardkit surrounded the fighting pair, all watching attentively. Rowankit lifted her gaze and meet each of them. "I have kept my position as deputy by defeating this traitor," she announced, a playful light in her amber eyes. "And now, he shall die!" The fluffy tabby swiped her paw over Lightningkit's neck, and the gray tom-kit went limp, his pink tongue sticking out. "Better luck next time," Rowankit said in his ear, her gaze alight with mirth.

    "So that settles it!" Lizardkit meowed as Rowankit finally stepped off the younger tom. Lightningkit clambered to his paws, disheveled but still brimming with excitement.

    Lizardkit looked over the remaining kits, his whiskers twitching with arrogance. "Duskfur, you will be my cunning warrior!" he decided proudly. Then his green eyes landed on Leopardkit, narrowing. "And you—you're the intruder!"

    Any excitement vanished from Leopardkit's body. "Why do I have to play the enemy? And why is it everyone against just me?" she spoke up, brow furrowed.

    Lizardkit scoffed, stepping closer to her. "Because you shouldn't even be here! You're the intruder in real life too! You don't belong here with us, ThunderClan scum."

    Leopardkit crouched as Lizardkit bore down on her, but suddenly Rowankit flew between them.

    "Leave her be, Lizardkit," the gray she-kit demanded, her amber eyes hard. "Fogtail said that she's staying here, so she's one of us now."

    Lizardkit narrowed his eyes at his sister, shifting them between Rowankit and Leopardkit. Finally, with a huff of anger, the fluffy tom-kit spun around and padded away. "Duskfur, follow me! We must scout the territory," he called.

    "You alright?" Rowankit asked as Leopardkit slowly rose to her paws. The spotted she-kit was trembling, but tried to hide it as best she could. She tried to shake the image of Weedkit's smug face from her mind.

    "I'm okay," she lied.

    Rowankit tilted her fluffy head in disbelief. "Don't mind Lizardkit. He's always been the boss in the nursery. Duskkit and Lightningkit have always looked up to him. He's just afraid you'll take his place."

    Leopardkit was silent for a moment, blinking thoughtfully. "Me? Why would he be afraid of me?"

   Rowankit gave her a knowing smile. "You seem strong."

    Before Leopardkit could wrap her mind around Rowankit's words, the older she-kit continued with a lighthearted purr. "He likes to be the leader." The two she-kits watched as Lizardkit and Duskkit pranced around the walls of the nursery, the fluffy tom proudly leading and his denmate happy to trail behind.

    Leopardkit suddenly toward turned Rowankit. "Why are you being so nice to me?" she asked warily.

    The gray tabby shrugged, her dark amber eyes thoughtful. "You've never done anything to me. And I imagine you're probably scared out of your mind to be stolen from the Clan where you grew up. I know I would be. I can't imagine how you're feeling."

    Leopardkit's fur bristled. "I'm not scared," she said defensively.

    Rowankit snorted. Her amber eyes had a curious gleam to them. "Anyway, it'll be nice to have another she-cat in the nursery. These rambunctious toms  are driving me crazy," she joked, flicking Leopardkit's flank with her thick tail.

    The spotted she-kit found that she didn't flinch away at her denmate's touch. Instead, Rowankit's words instilled a strange relief deep inside her.

    "Rowanclaw!" Lizardkit stood on top of Roseheart's nest, his fluffy tail flicking to and fro impatiently. "I need my deputy to help build our camp." Duskkit had a bundle of twigs in his jaws that he was carrying back to his leader.

    Rowankit rolled her dark eyes. "Guess I better help," she laughed, standing up and padding away.

    Leopardkit stood. "I want to join." The spotted she-kit looked toward Lizardkit, and their gazes met, fierce amber against cool green. "What position can I take?"

    Lizardkit wrinkled his nose in disgust, as if she was idiot for even asking. "You can be the medicine cat," he jeered. "Slowleaf."

    Leopardkit bristled. "That's the stupidest name I've ever heard!" she retorted. His tone irritated her. Medicine cats are important too!

    Shortly after the thought, a stab of grief sliced through her belly. Leopardkit swallowed and tried to push it away.

    Lizardkit curled his lip at her, his tail flicking lazily. "You wanted to play with us," he reminded her, a smug gleam in his green eyes. Before Leopardkit could reply, another displeased voice broke in.

    "What about me?" Lightningkit cried forlornly from the center of the den. He watched the other kits pad around Roseheart's nest, blue eyes burning with envy. His little paws kneaded the ground in apprehension. "I want to play too!"

    Lizardkit sighed in exasperation. "You died, remember?"

    "Then I'll be a rogue!" Lightningkit suddenly squeaked, jumping to his paws. He arched his back and hissed, charging toward Lizardkit.

    Lizardkit stiffened. "BrambleClan, attack!" he yowled.

    Lightningkit leapt on top of Lizardkit first, battering at his thick fur. The fluffy tabby spun in a circle before groaning and falling to the side, as if injured gravely. The smaller gray tom yowled his victory before darting away to take on Rowankit and Duskkit. Leopardkit watched from the edge of the den, glowering. She tried to quench the sorrow in her chest by focusing on her anger.

    Lizardkit let out a weak cough, pawing the air. "Slowleaf," he breathed, his voice strained. The tabby slowly turned his head to his medicine cat, his tufted ears smushed into the ground. "Heal me, quickly!" Then, under his breath, he quickly muttered, "Just find a leaf or something."

    Leopardkit sat still, giving the tom-kit a stony stare. The other kits brawled in the center of the den, unaware of their leader's troubles. "You clearly know nothing about healing, mouse-brain. If I tried to heal you with a leaf, you would die," she said, her meow sharp with mockery. "Also, I want to be the leader."

    Lizardkit's green gaze instantly hardened, and his injuries seemingly disappeared as he climbed to his paws. The arrogant tom-kit approached her, his thick tabby pelt bristling. "I'm always the leader," he growled angrily. "You can't just show up here and act like you know everything!"

    Leopardkit steeled her amber gaze, refusing to back down as the Lizardkit came closer. "If I beat you in a fight, then I'll be the leader," she proposed. Her claws itched to sink into the arrogant tom's fur. "How about that?"

    Lizardkit sneered at her, his green eyes glittering in amusement. "You?" he jeered. "You barely look three moons old." He stepped closer.

    Leopardkit drew herself up to her full height, which barely reached Lizardkit's tufted ears. Anger was clouding her mind, but she forced herself to think clearly. An old memory of advice prodded at the back of her mind. Since I can overpower you with my strength, you have to be quick.

Lizardkit lunged. Gasping, Leopardkit threw herself out of his way. But before she could recover, the tabby was leaping at her again.

Use distractions to your advantage... The she-kit reached to her side, clawed a pawful of moss, and flung it into Lizardkit's face.

The fluffy tabby hissed in pain as the bedding landed in his narrowed eyes. He tried pawing it off.

And then go for their weak spot... Leopardkit bunched her muscles and then jumped, her forepaws slamming into the shoulder he was using for balance, enough to send the tom-kit toppling over.

Lizardkit landed on his back with a grunt, and the next thing he knew, Leopardkit's paws were pressed down hard on his throat. The she-kit stared down at him, her breath quick and her amber eyes shining.

Lizardkit only narrowed his gaze up at her. He had been defeated, and he knew it.

There were a couple gasps and Leopardkit lifted her head. Duskkit, Rowankit, and Lightningkit had all forgotten their own battles, their eyes trained on their leader and medicine cat. Their gazes were wide with surprise.

"Lizardkit got beat by a she-kit!" Lightningkit suddenly cried out, breaking the uncomfortable silence. He pranced up to the older tom-kit, his blue eyes alight with mirth. "Nobody's ever got you before!"

Lizardkit didn't respond as he shoved Leopardkit off him and climbed to his paws, shaking scraps of moss out of his thick fur. His sharp green eyes locked on Leopardkit for just a heartbeat, unreadable. Then he turned away.

    Rowankit padded up and lightly shoved Leopardkit with her shoulder. "That was clever of you," the gray she-kit purred with laughter. "Lizardkit never saw it coming."

    Leopardkit felt her chest swell with pride at the she-kit's praise. Duskkit and Lightningkit pranced happily around Lizardkit, teasing the fluffy tom about his defeat.

    A sharp yowl pierced the air, making the kits freeze. Without hesitating, they all scurried toward the den's entrance and poked their heads out of the bramble opening, ears pricked. Leopardkit's spotted fur bristled at the cry, reminding her of the moment when ShadowClan first invaded ThunderClan's camp. Her muscles tensed, the she-kit crept up behind the other kits.

    Leopardkit nudged her way in between the ShadowClan kits, giving Lizardkit a slight shove as she did so. The fluffy tabby shot her a green glare, but the she-kit ignored him, a smirk on her jaws.

    However, her self-satisfaction quickly disappeared as she took in the terrifying scene before her. A large white tom with a black patch on his head—the medicine cat, she assumed—was dragging a hefty body toward the center of camp. Pebblefrost let out another grief-stricken wail as she saw her mate's lifeless form. Patchtail, the smaller of the two medicine cats, struggled to calm the distressed she-cat, blocking her way to Prickleface's body.

    Pebblefrost's fur bristled and she bore down on the short black and white tom. "Why didn't you save him!" she shrieked.

    Fogtail rushed to Pebblefrost's aid, laying her white tail across the ginger she-cat's back in a comforting gesture. Pebblefrost let out another shrieking wail, burying her muzzle into the queen's soft black fur. Ruffled and clearly uncomfortable, Patchtail used this moment to pad away from the angry, grieving she-cat.

    Roseheart appeared from the den's entrance with a stalk of shriveled lavender in her jaws, recently killed by the frost. The gray she-cat padded solemnly to the center of camp, gently laying the dry plant across Prickleface's still body.

    The rest of the Clan was gathered around the edges of camp, their eyes dark and sorrowful. A few had their heads bowed, and they draped their tails over each other's backs. The warriors all sat in a respectful silence as Pebblefrost's mournful moans drifted across the clearing. The larger medicine cat, Raventail, carefully nosed Prickleface's body into a sleeping position. Flowerstar was sitting silently on the branch that overlooked camp, her blue eyes shadowed as the observed her Clan.

    Leopardkit couldn't tear her amber eyes away from the fallen warrior. She couldn't quite believe that the muscular tom lying there was truly dead. The she-kit spotted deep, crimson lacerations in his pelt, but other than that, Prickleface seemed to be peacefully asleep.

    Leopardkit felt a wave of nausea rise in her stomach as Firetail's dead eyes flashed in her mind. The she-kit had seen death, and it hadn't been anything like this.

    As if on cue, a shadow fell over the kits at the nursery's entrance. A white form blocked out the sunlight, looming over them. Leopardkit glanced up, her disgust and grief quickly churning into icy fear. Wolfsong dropped a mouse in front of her.

    "Roseheart asked me to give you prey," the shaggy white tom explained in that smooth, deadly tone of his. Wolfsong's blue eyes ran over his sons, Duskkit and Lightningkit, before finally landing on Leopardkit. She had to turn away from his stare, a chill running down her spine.

    That silky, poisonous voice went on. "I don't believe this is something you kits need to see. Go back inside."

    Duskkit and Lightningkit complied instantly. If Leopardkit hadn't thought better, she would guess that the little toms seemed afraid of their father. Rowankit and Lizardkit obeyed a bit more slowly, the fluffy tom turning back once to get one last look. Leopardkit started after them.

    Her heart leapt at Wolfsong's words. "And you. Don't forget where you are. One pawstep out of line, and you'll end up like your stubborn medicine cat."

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