Chapter 5

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"I don't like it when you hurt other kids."

"Why should you care?!"

"Because I love you Swift."

"So do I, but you can't just tell me what to do!"

"I'm trying to help you!!!"

"Well maybe I don't need your help!" Swift yelled as he stormed to his cabin. Leo sighed heavily. 'That bitch.' "Hey Leo." Leo turned his head to see Mikey and Raph waving at him. Leo waved back and walked towards them. "Hey you okay Leo?" Raph asked as he saw an uneasy look on his face. Leo gulped. "Uh, y-yea I'm okay." he said as he walked towards his cabin.


With Raph and Mikey, they both decided to hang out at Mikey's cabin. When they walked in, it was a mess. The night stand had food and drinks on it/ Some weren't even empty. Gross. The floor was filled with jeans, shirts, belts, and shoes. "Jeez when was the last time you've cleaned?"

"6 weeks ago." Mikey answered smirking. It took all of Raph's energy to try not to barf. "So what do you wanna talk about?"

"About Leo." Mikey widen his eyes. "......oh."

"Hey if it's too personal, you could-"

"No, no it's okay it's one's ever asked that." Mikey said as he sat on his bed. Raph walked over an put his hand on his shoulder. Mikey sighed. "Leo ans Swift were......a couple. But after a few years they started to drift apart. I never knew why though. Swift became meaner and scarier. Leo didn't wanna be apart of it so they took a break. But that wasn't enough." Raph knew what was coming next. When he didn't say anything, Mikey continued. "Leo was walking down the hallway in school one time to the bathroom, but when he opened the door, he saw a horrible sight. Swift's clothes were torn, his belt was broken. But on top of all of that, there was a bra." Now it was Raph's turn to widen his eyes. "It was a girl. They said her name was Gwen. But after that moment Leo ran out of the school and ran back to his house. No one saw him for a whole week."

Raph couldn't believe what he just heard. It felt like he been shot in the heart. "W-What happened next?" he asked afraid the answer wasn't going to be what he wanted. "Well, Leo wanted to end the relationship."

"Then why didn't he?"

"Idk. People said that when people don't give them what he wants, he abuses them."

"You think he may be abusing Leo?"

"I haven't seen any scratches or cuts on him yet."

"What about there parents?"

"They eventually found out, and they were soon sent here, but they never had sexual contact again. At least none that I've heard of." Raph took it all in. He didn't like this, but one thing's for sure. Swift can't know his feelings for Leo. Not yet anyway.

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