- Chapter 2 -

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

Rolling over in the sheets tangled up between my legs, I groaned, trying to turn my alarm off as quick as possible. "Monday morning, music to my ears." The low growl of my voice tickled my throat. Throwing the covers away from my body as I tried to push myself off of the bed. Collapsing back down onto the soft comforter out of exhaustion. I threw my hands into the air and allowed them to drop down to my sides.

"What an unusual dream," I muttered pushing my hands through the frilly mess of rat nests and knots that was my hair. Brushing it from my face I fell onto my side hoping to get the five more minutes I needed to make it through my day. Closing my eyes for no more than a second, there was a slight whisper.

"Ailis is at your service, mis." My eyes fluttered open as soon as the 'A' in Ailis had entered the room. There was a small head peering over the edge of my bed frame with a tiny black top hat and bright red hair.

"Ailis!"I couldn't believe what I was seeing. He was crawling his way up the side of my bed. Was this really happening? I watched as Ailis pushed himself up; standing taller than what I could see without moving, I didn't move though, my eyes staring straight at those silly buckle shoes. Shuffling in my sheets I moved to the other side of my small single bed.

"Top o' da mornin' ter ya cuttie." The words fluttered from his mouth full of missed letters. Shaking my head, I didn't recognize the language. Maybe I couldn't figure it out because It was too early on a monday morning. Or possibly it could be that I was still in shock, an impossibly small man was sitting just inches away, speaking in a foreign language.

"W-what does that even mean?" I question shaking my head vigorously; trying to shake the sleep from my body. He sighed.

Rubbing my eyes, I got out of bed to begin the search for something to wear. I needed anything to get me out of the oversized tee-shirt hung loosely on my body. The lull of the television I had left on last night still hung in the air.

"Top o' the mornin' to ya!" He rolled his eyes. "There did you understand that one? Sometimes I think Daoine are a little dumb." There was a harsh chuckle. He pulled his little green jacket off hanging it on the lightswitch by my bed revealing a white long sleeve undershirt that was tucked neatly into his green pants.

"Daoine?" I tried to repeat exactly as he had said it, this was not easy since he spoke so quickly and mumbled nearly every word. Of course I failed miserably and that left him laughing erratically, nearly falling off the edge of my bed the tiny guy clutched at his stomach.

"O' god ple' make it stop." His tiny lips chanted between raspy laughs. Grabbing a pair of socks off the chair I chucked them at the laughing little guy. "Gee, okay okay. . . No need to get violent now. Treat me wit a lil respect, I've got better things ta do."

"Why aren't you then?" I asked kind of glad all the laughing had stopped. I made a quick mental note to keep socks handy. Walking into my bathroom behind the door so I could still hear the little fellow, I changed into a pair of offset jeans and a white silk shirt. Grabbing the black brush from the top drawer in the bathroom I head back into my bedroom trying to work on the mess of my brown hair.

"Cause oi 'ad ter tell ya dat I'm your leprechaun." I was trying hard to figure out what he meant. Shaking my head, I was exasperated.

"You're my Leprechaun? You had to tell me that. You have other important things to do but you had to tell me that? Now I'm also confused about the fact that Leprechauns don't exist? How could any of this be true?" The words spewed out of my mouth like word vomit.

"Oi', I be yur Leprechaun. Now why don' ya go on and get us some of that cereal yer hiding." I glance at the shelves against the walls. My little makeshift pantry. This creature was speaking pure nonsense and I wanted nothing to do with it.

"Why do I have a leprechaun?" I folded my arms across my chest glaring down at the little man who was now sitting on the edge of my bed, his tiny feet dangling slightly.

"Because you found me." He rolled his eyes, very sarcastic. He looked at me like I was supposed to know all of this already. His patiences obviously wearing thin.

"You found me though." I walked closer to Ailis taking a seat on the floor in front of my bed, putting us at eye level.

"Tu' don remember last night do you?" His voice now a low whisper as he leaned dangerously close, his tiny body threatening to fall off the edge. I didn't want him to fall. My heart was beating heavy in my chest, threatening to come out.

"What happened last night?" I just wanted him to to tell me, no more random statements that confused me more than they clarified anything. I wasn't even in my dorm room in my dream, there was no way I traveled all the way to my parents house in my sleep without remembering. Anyways that was just a dream.

"I uh, I need you to sign this." He stood up taking a few quick steps back before his tiny hands reached into his pockets. Pulling out some green dust he threw it at my bed making a mess on top of the sheets before he began to form something. It started off small but it slowly began to grow. Once it was the size of a football for him he took a few more steps back before throwing it towards me like he was Peyton Manning. Whatever he had created whizzed past my head grazing my hair before it shifted into something much larger. Floating in the air was a scroll with glowing green around it. Words were beginning to appear in gold lettering. I had seen the font somewhere but I couldn't really recall where.

"I'm not signing anything until I get some more information from you." I was entranced with the scroll. My mind not wanting to look away from it's beautiful lettering. He had completely avoided all of my questions, leaving me here wondering why there was a paper floating in the middle of my room.

"Okay what do ye' need to know?"Ailis folded his arms across his chest, his foot tapping at ridiculous speeds. His eyes were locked onto me like he didn't have enough time in the world to wait for my questions.

"Everything." I wanted to scream at him but I couldn't without bringing attention to the fact that I was talking to a leprechaun. I may not have a roommate but I still had neighbors.

"Right' well let's start with who I am..." He paused for a moment sitting down on the edge of the bed once more. A quick scoff left his lips before he started obsessively polishing the gold buckles on his shoes. Something about this felt familiar as well. "Umm, just like you are in university, I am too." He nearly growled, like he was annoyed I was asking any questions at all.

"How did you know I was going to school?"

"I know thi--"

"What else do you know!" He jumped up at my sudden interruption. His tiny finger shot up as he stuck it in my face.

"Listen here you lassie, stop acting the maggot and list'n." Ailis was growing quite frustrated, his skin beginning to match his matted red hair sticking out from under his hat. I wanted to laugh at the sight of the frustrated leprechaun but knew better than to anger him anymore.

"Okay, I'm listening." I bit my tongue as hard as I could without wincing to stop myself from saying or doing anything else to frustrate Ailis.

"Where I come from-"

"Where's that?" I couldn't help myself as I threw my hands over my mouth. I hadn't meant to interrupt him again. He was fuming now. I thought he was going to explode into a tiny ball of green fire if I didn't stop. What was I supposed to do? This wasn't something that happened normally, and I had questions.

"Shut up ye Jack!" He paced back and forth on my bed for a few seconds, his hands in tiny little fits at his side. He was breathing heavy trying to calm himself down and I felt bad for causing him so much anger. "You really knacker me out y'know." He finally calmed down enough to take a seat again. I pretend to zip my lips shut, trying to show him I wouldn't interrupt this time.

"Okay, now what I was saying. I'm in Leprechaun school. Think of me as a... er, what do you Daines call them again? Godmother. That's the word. Just call me a fairy godmother." He put his hands on his hips like he was proud of himself for figuring out the word. I thought of Ailis as a godmother, him dancing around in his fairy dress. I imagined it would be green like every other piece of clothing he wears. I couldn't hold it in any longer and I began choking with laughter.

"Wow," I barely managed to say between gasps of air and laughter.

"What?" Ailis gave me a very curious side glance. He obviously didn't know what was so funny.

"Sorry, nothing. Just continue." I finally was able to calm myself down enough to listen. He didn't think it was as funny as I did and I wasn't really sure if I should explain to him what a fairy godmother actually was, even though they too didn't exist. He wasn't willing to explain any of his Irish dialect to me so there was no point in my explaining our english words to him.

"Moran." He rolled his eyes again slowly reaching up to pop his neck. A few quick loud cracks echoed from his body before he decided to continue on with his explanation. "I am in institute right now, I only have one more project and you are it. I have to help you not utterly screw up Ye' life. Who knows how the hell that will be possible with a wanker like you." He paused for a moment like he was waiting for me to interrupt him, would it be an interruption though if he pauses for me to speak?

"Why am I your project?" Why was I the lucky one who had to deal with this little red headed devil.

"Because you have underlying issues and those Bastards at me' school thought you needed me." He glanced down at the floor. I could tell that wasn't the full reason.

"No really, I don't have any underlying issues, why would they send you to me." I was confused. I was the straight A student who never missed a day at school. Shit, that reminds me. "Crap! I have to get to school!" I shouted jumping from the spot on the floor I was sitting. Ailis jumped up as well.

"Mis, I really just need ya to sign this and then we can skip off to class." I shook my head. Anything to not be late to my first day of school. I quickly dug through the things on my desk grabbing a pen and scribbling my name on the bottom line.

"There, you happy?!" I shouted rushing around the room to grab all of my things.

"No." Ailis responded quickly.

"Well why not!"

"Because we didn't get any lucky charms for breakfast. You interrupted me last night while I was trying to get me some of those delicious delicacies. We don't have em back home." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"God Ailis come on, we can get you some after school." I moaned. "Wait, what are you supposed to do while I'm at school. I can't really take my eyes off of you. I don't trust you one bit."

"Eh Laddy, you watch what yer saying." He put his hands up like he wanted to fight me. I had to think quick on my feet. Looking around the room I found some masking tape. Perfect that would do. I grabbed Ailis by the collar of his jacket. Carrying him over to the desk I quickly put him down while grabbing a strand of tape. Before he could say anything else I slapped the tape over his lips and then quickly slid him into my opened backpack.

"You stay quiet in there all day and I will provide you with all the lucky charms this world has to offer." I whispered aggressively into the bag. "You hear me."

I've never seen a leprechaun nod so quickly.

Zipping the bag up leaving just a slight opening for air, I held it close to my chest before leaving my room. I was on my way to school. Erm, with a leprechaun. 

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