- Chapter 27 -

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"I'm really not supposed too allow dat," AIlis words were soft but they broke my heart. I needed him to let me tell Nathan. I couldn't hold the secret in anymore. No one would believe me but I had to talk about it, I had to tell someone that wasn't a mythical creature with a bad attitude at times.

"Please Ailis, please..." I felt my body losing all of it's strength as I beg for him to approve my request. He kicks at the ground for a moment before he looks back at me.

"Okay, but ye will have some explain to do to the council," Ailis mutters. I jump up once again a sudden jolt of energy rushing through my skin. I nodded my head. I would tell him, I would explain everything to them and tell them how amazing Ailis was throughout the whole process.

"Thank you," I bent down to pick up Ailis pulling him close to me to give him the best hug I could with his tiny size. "Meet Nathan and I after I drop everything off, I guess I'll take him to the park to explain everything to him so he doesn't freak out too much," I shook my head as I set Ailis back down on the bed.

"Okay," He mumbled as he looked down at the ground. I turned rushing towards the door after picking my phone up off the bed. Nathan would have so many questions and I was hoping Ailis would be able to help me explain everything to him once the time came. But for now I would need to hold him off for just long enough to drop off all the necklaces.

I pulled the door open to see Nathan sitting on the floor opposite of my door. His head hung low in his hands as he taps his foot against the floor.

"Nathan, let me explain," I muttered, he was too cute to not give him a little bit of information now, but I would have to wait to go into full details. He jumped up off the floor closing the distance between us as he pulled me into a hug.

"Oh dear god I thought you were in trouble," He muttered as he held me tightly against him. I shook my head wrapping my arms around him.

"I am though," I whispered trying to not make too big of a scene in the hallway. Nathan pulled away, his hands tightly grabbing my biceps as he stares at me.

"What do you mean?" He seemed slightly annoyed by this, his tone much more aggressive than before.

"I need you to just trust me for a moment. I've gotten myself into a bad situation and I need your help with something, but you have to just trust me and I will explain afterwards," He looked at me as if I was speaking a completely different language.

Maybe I was, because It seemed like everything had gone right over his head.

"What is wrong?" He questioned again, just as aggressive as the first time.I shook my head. I couldn't explain here.

"Nathan, I promise, I will explain everything right now we need to go return a few things. Please just give me some time to explain when I get a chance, right now I just need your support and I will tell you everything I promise," I found I was begging him, worried he would make a big scene and not want to go with me to the jewelry shops. He dropped his hands down by his side as his head followed.

"I guess, just please tell me you are okay," He seemed really concerned and part of it made me feel better. It felt good having someone who cared so much that they truly worried about my well being. It was also hard to know that I was hurting him by not being able to explain to him everything right in this very moment. But I knew If I explained first I would never get around to dropping the necklaces off. That's what I really needed to do.

"I am, now let's get going," I closed the door behind me leaving the tiny creature to prepare for when I would need him to prove my point. Maybe that would happen in the park, maybe it wouldn't. I guess it would depend on how many people were there when Nathan and I arrived.

Nathan trailed along behind me asking questions that I refused to answer until we were able to sit down. It didn't stop him from trying though and he asked all the way until we got to the first shop. I pulled my hood over my head using the excuse of being cold as we walk straight towards a table in the middle of the store.

I pulled the necklaces out of my pocket before placing them back on the rack they had come from. Hopefully no one was paying too much attention to me as everyone was busy helping other customers.

"What the hell are you doing?" Nathan whispers as he watches me pull the necklaces from my pocket and place them on the displays. I quickly turned around, hoping he would keep quiet until we were far enough down the road.

"I did a bad thing and now I am trying to fix it okay, I told you I would explain when we were finished," I growled lowly as we head towards the next shop. I wasn't sure I was ready to tell him that he was dating a thief who had a leprechaun grant her every wish with the gold that she had stolen. It didn't matter if I was ready or he was ready because here soon enough I would tell him everything and we would go from there. My heart was racing at the thought, but I knew I needed to keep myself calm for just a little bit longer as I still had one more stop to make.

I knew my mother wouldn't miss her necklaces, but I mentally made note of some that I had seen in the shops that I would purchase for her this upcoming Christmas. She deserved new necklaces anyways. I had been so horrible to everyone I knew and loved. Even the new people in my life, people who most definitely didn't deserve it. This blessing had become a curse and I was not ready to deal with the consequences but I knew my time was coming to a close.

"What did you do?" Nathan shot a side eye at me as we enter the next store. I turn to look at him, holding my finger up to my lips as I shushed him. Soon we would be at the park. This was my last stop and then I could tell him everything. There would be no more secrets.

"Patience..." I mumbled as I placed the final necklaces on the counter just like they had been a couple days before. Hopefully they hadn't done an inventory and realized they were missing. I shook my head as I quickly turned around heading for the door. The lady behind the counter smiles at me as she waves goodbye to the two of us.

"Emerson..." Nathan seemed calm, his mind must have not put all the pieces together.

"What?" I turned to look at him as I keep my pace just slightly quicker than normal. I didn't have time to stand around and talk. I needed to get away from the shop I had stolen the necklaces from only a few days earlier.

"Emerson stop and look at me!" Nathan was a little more aggressive this time as he grabs my arm and turns me to look directly at him.

"What!" I nearly shouted, before realizing I didn't want to make a scene especially with the shop still in close proximity. I was mentally pleading with Nathan to just drop it and wait until we got to the park so I could explain everything to him. It was only a couple minutes walk it wouldn't take much time to get there at all. Especially with the pace I was holding.

"Are we going to the park now?" Nathan questions. I nod my head a little annoyed at the question.

We walk in silence for the rest of the way. Both of our minds racing through thoughts the other couldn't quite figure out. I assumed he knew this was going to have something to do with what had just happened but hopefully he wouldn't hate me after I told him. We were quiet until we reached the edge of the water. Nathan reached over and grabbed my hand, holding it tightly between his fingers. There was something in the way he held my hand that reminded me of the punishments they would do way back when. When they would cut off a thief's hand. The thought of never being able to hold his hand again destroyed me on the inside. I hated the idea of not being able to touch him.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on now?" Nathan was the first to break the silence. His words pulling me out of the trance I was in. The waves crashing against the shore as a slight sea breeze drifts through my hair.

"Yes," I mumbled as we take a seat on a bench overlooking the water. A few seagulls caw above as they dive for food and other treats found in the sand. I nodded my head once again as If I was confirming to myself that I was going to tell him. That I was giving up everything that has been holding me away from him.

"Well?" He questions after my long pause. I just found it so difficult to get the words out.

"Promise you won't judge me until after you've heard everything?" I looked at him with pleading eyes as I prayed he would listen and not jump to conclusions.

"Promise," His words were soft.

"Also, please promise you won't think I am insane and try to put me on some crazy drugs, cause what I'm about to tell you is going to change your life, it's going to show you that things are not as they seem and I need you to bear with me," He looked confused at my statements. His head cocked to the side. I mentally called for Ailis, hoping he would hear my distress. Somehow he always knew when to be around. Maybe he was following me, or maybe he could feel my emotions but as the tiny creature begin to appear next to me I searched Nathan for any sign he wasn't going to handle the news very well.

"I have a leprechaun," I muttered as Ailis finally came to his full form. He smiled as he looked at Nathan. I'd never seen eyes so wide, Nathan's jaw was practically on the ground as he stared at the leprechaun now sitting next to him on the bench.

"What do you mean you have a leprechaun? You say that like this is just a normal thing! How did you find someone so small to play this trick on me?" Nathan was rambling. I could tell his brain was in overdrive trying to figure everything out. Especially because the information he had now didn't quite match up yet. I shook my head as I looked down at Ailis. This was going to be a long difficult conversation but it needed to be done.

"No, Ailis is a leprechaun just like in all the books you would read on mythological creatures. He was assigned to me to help me learn things about myself that I would have never known without him. That's where the necklaces come into play," I drifted off, not really ready to tell him everything just yet. I didn't want him to look at me like I was a thief that would steal everything.

"He was assigned to you?" Nathan was extremely confused, his hand fidgeting on his pants as he looked around. He seemed like he was either trying to figure out an escape route or checking to make sure no one was watching.

"Yes, and he was supposed to grant me wishes to help me in my life, and at the same time he was supposed to help me not mess up, but you see the two of us both have issues we need to work through and though Ailis did very well with his, I wasn't a very good friend and I started stealing necklaces from friends of our family," I put my head down placing my hands over my face. It was out there. The words could never be taken back at this point. In Nathan's mind I would always be the girl who stole from her family.

"What were the necklaces for?" Nathan questions.

"Gauld!" Ailis pops in.

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