- Chapter 4 -

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Ailis and I sat in my room cross legged. I slowly dug at the Talenti Mediterranean Mint Gelato in front of me with a silver spoon I had. Ailis munched away on some milk-less lucky charms. I leaned back against my bed.

"Okay now that you have your cereal, can we talk about why you were looking for gold in a car?" I questioned digging in for another bite of my ice cream. Ailis pondered for a moment grabbing a four leaf clover marshmallow, inspecting it.

"Well, you see here, Leprechauns have magical abilities, and what is one thing we are known for?" His accent had calmed down slightly now that we were just sitting conversing with each other but I liked Ailis better when he wasn't such a hot head.

"Gold at the end of the rainbow." I said rather proud of myself. Ailis nodded his heading reaching for a rainbow marshmallow, holding it up so I could see it before he plops it into his mouth. Chomping down on the marshmallow he smiles rubbing his tummy in delight.

"Now other than these damn rainbows do ye see any?" His aggressive tone had came back rather quickly making me rethink my train-of-thought. I shook my head. The only rainbows around here were the ones in the bowl I had prepared for him.

"No." I mouthed again since he never answered nods.

"Now how am I supposed to get gold if there ain't no rainbows?" I used to really love the Irish accent but the more I listened to Ailis the more annoying it got.

"I'm not sure Ailis." My snarky comment earned me a glare. I couldn't help but feel a little sense of pride knowing I had shut him up, even if it was just for a second.

"Gold equals magic." He stood up from his seat on the floor so quickly that he bumped into the bowl of cereal nearly knocking himself over. I could have very easily reached out and with one finger pushed him the rest of the way over, and as nice as the idea seemed I decided that it wasn't very polite.

"Okay, so what do you need the magic for?" I question. My ice cream was beginning to melt a little too much for my liking. Setting it down on the table next to us, I began fiddling with the bottom of my shirt. The minty flavor still lingering on my tongue.

"How do you think we are supposed to finish my project and fix your life without magic?" Ailis's tiny hand reached up towards his head rubbing his temples as if I was giving him the world's biggest headache in the world's smallest body.

"How are you supposed to fix my life, there is nothing that needs fixing." I was getting annoyed with him always saying my life was so bad. I didn't need help fixing things. I did well in school, I had my friends,I hung out when I wanted to, and things were never too stressful.

"I grant ye wishes to show that I can help someone without messing things up." He paused for a moment snatching a few more pieces of cereal.

Soon after I had stood up, my phone began to buzz meaning someone was calling me. I stuck my tongue out at Ailis, proving my point that someone actually wanted to hang out with me. As if wanting to hang out meant my life didn't need help. I didn't know who was calling me but I took the risk and answered the phone.


"Hi, uh, is this Emerson?" It was a boy. I didn't recognize the voice and I had no idea who it was. I didn't give anyone my number.

"Yeah this is her." I was a little shaky in my response a little nervous a boy was calling me at all. I really didn't talk to many people at school and I didn't have very many cousins; especially boy cousins. Talking to a boy my age on the phone was a new thing for me.

"Hi, its Nathan from your shop class-- I was just wondering if you were doing anything. I know it's a long shot, but hey, you can't make a basket if you don't shoot." I smiled at his cheesy line.

"I'm just hanging out right now but what did you have in mind?" I quickly respond. Ailis stood next the the cereal bowl that was almost half his height, foot tapping away angrily.

"Do you want to go get some pizza with me?" Nathan seemed just as nervous as I was. I glanced around the room trying to find a way out of this impromptu date. I wanted to go but I had no clue which boy Nathan was. Ailis moved closer to me before tugging on the bottom of my pants, I tried swatting him away.

"Umm yeah, There's really nothing going on. When do you want to meet?" Ailis was growing more persistent with his tugs. I pulled the phone away from my face. "Would you stop." I yelled at the leprechaun as quietly as I could. He pulled away going to sit back down by his cereal. Once he took his seat he let out a deafening sigh, folding his arms like he was throwing a tiny leprechaun tantrum.

"Stop what?" Nathan asked obviously unaware I was yelling at Ailis.

"Uhh -- stop stalling and telling me what time you want to meet up." I tried to sound sweet, I even tried to sound a little flirty.

"How about Marcos Pizza at Seven?" Nathan was a little thrown off by my outburst, and I wanted to smack myself. I checked the clock, that gave me about forty minutes to get there.

"Sounds great, see you then." I quickly hung up the phone before I could continue to embarrass myself. Now I needed to get ready. Taking the last few steps towards the bathroom, I closed the door behind me. "I'll be out in a few minutes Ailis, don't get into any trouble." I warned before stripping down and hopping into a nice warm shower.

The water fell onto my skin, washing away the worries of my day. I could feel the tension in my muscles, but I needed to hurry, it was almost 7 already. The pizzeria wasn't very far from my dorm but the traffic could be insane, sometimes. I quickly jumped out of the shower before rushing to get my clothes out of my closet. The cold air kissed my bare skin as the towels soft material cradled me. I pulled out a tee shirt and a pair of ripped up shorts before dressing myself.

"Shit, there isn't time for makeup." I mumbled to myself in a panic as I dug through the cluttered box of mascaras and eye shadows. Ailis appeared on the table next to me, his head peeking around the bin that held my nearly empty products.

"I can help." His accent sent chills down my back as his words relieved my heart.

"How?" I question the tiny leprechaun unaware of how he thought he was going to help me with my makeup considering he didn't know the difference between a fairy godmother and what he was.

"Magic--" he cut himself off by falling into a position of pure focus. His hands formed a ball of glowing green swirls. I watched in disbelief as he continued to form a sphere.

"What are you going to do with that?" My voice had grown shaky with uncertainty. Ailis whispered into his hands before blowing on them softly, the magic began to change from a sphere into tiny little specks of green floating around me. There was a tingling feeling wherever it landed. My whole body felt unusual and it looked like I'd dove into a bottle of glitter on st patrick's day.

"Let git." His accent was sharper than normal, more rugged than I had expected. I glanced at myself in the mirror to see I had a full face of makeup even fake eyelashes. I stared at myself in disbelief that this was actually happening. My heart skipped a beat as I gawked at myself, this was even better than something I would have done. The makeup still light and natural highlighting my best features.

I rushed out to my car so I didn't waste the newfound time. Ailis trailed behind as his tiny legs carried him as fast as they could; just to try and keep up. I glanced back, there was no way he was coming with me on this date.

"No, get back inside!" I turned around stopping in my tracks. The little leprechaun came to a screeching halt before he slammed his hands on his hips. Shaking his head, he began to tap his foot.

"No, I am coming wit you." He grumbled just barely loud enough for me to hear. Now it was my turn to shake my head.

"No." I sniped back, louder than I had expected myself too. People were beginning to stare at me. They probably thought I was talking to myself.

"I have to, you signed the contract." His tone grew softer and he seemed like he was giving up. Ailis didn't want to fight. For once the hot head had decided to back down.

"Why does that matter?" I folded my arms over my chest heading closer to the garage. The curious stares of the neighbors becoming too much for me.

"I have to keep me eye on yuh." He was back to his normal self as if the last couple of seconds had been a power nap. His bright green eyes searched my face for any sense of cracking.

"Ugh fine! Get in." I groaned turning on my heels, making my way back to the car. Before I could even blink, Ailis appeared in the passenger seat. I glanced around making sure no one was paying enough attention to notice him. Quickening my pace I hopped in the driver's seat before flooring it out of my parking spot.

The drive to the restaurant was uneventful. Once I got there I searched the building for anyone I recognized from shop class. I wasn't sure which one Nathan was but there were only eight of us in that class. Nathan was already sitting at a table carefully sipping at a soda. I took my seat next to him shooting him a quick smile until I was trapped in his green eyes. The same green eyes that captivated me earlier. The same ones that wouldn't stop staring at me.

I decided to try harder to ignore the Leprechaun who found a spot behind the soda machine. Looking around the room we were in. The restaurant was in the basement of a fancy building. It was more of a hang out for those not interested in the stuffy scene above. The floors were covered in peanut shells and the tables made of wood, well what was left of the tables from the countless names carved on top of each other across the light canvas.

"Hi, you look really good." He said awkwardly repositioning himself in his seat so he was more directed towards me. I couldn't help but smile at the kid in front of me.

"Hello." I mumbled as the conversation drifted into topics like the weather and big news stories. When we finally ran out of things to talk about I decided to ask him about school.

"So Nathan, what do you think of shop class?" I question, biting into the pepperoni pizza in front of me. Ailis sat behind the drink machine across from the table Nathan and I were seated at. I tried not to focus on the him, but he kept making faces at everything I'd say.

"I'm liking it so far, how about you?"

"I've been in the class before, I'm ready to just get back to work on restoring some cars. I'd like to further my skills in the car industry. I only need one more class to have the certifications I need." I smiled at Nathan. I couldn't look away from the bright green eyes since they were captivating. I could drown in them and right now I wanted to. He smiled at me, drawing me even deeper into his gaze until there was a slight grumble behind me.

"Stop!" I shouted. My heart jumped as soon as I realized what I had done.

"Excuse me?" Nathan shot me a confused look.

"Sorry, I wasn't talking to you, please don't stop talking, I want to hear whatever you have to say." I tried saving myself the red rushing to my face, I couldn't believe I had just done that. I began to nervously tap my fingers on the table. I felt uncomfortable in my seat and the room felt warmer.

"Um, who were you talking to?" He looked around the room before turning around completely, realizing there was nothing but a wall and a soda machine behind him. "Are you yelling at the Pepsi?" He turned again pointing at the machine behind us. I felt the color drain from my face as Ailis was too distracted with something to fully hide himself. Nathan was going to see him.

"No, sorry. I didn't mean to yell, so tell me what are your hobbies?" I questioned trying to distract him.

Ailis was tugging on something behind the machine. I watched intently, trying to figure out what he was trying to do. Nathan reached forward tapping my shoulder.

"Hello? Earth to Emerson. Did you hear anything I just said?" I took my eyes off Ailis for just a second before catching a glimpse of him pulling a little too hard on a cord; it snapped at his attempt to rip it apart. Ailis went sailing off the table hitting the floor with a thud.

"Mugfuts!" The recognizable Irish accent filled the room distracting many of the customers from their conversations.

"I'm sorry Nathan, I really have to go. I will see you tomorrow at school. This was very nice. Thank you and again so sorry." I rushed from my seat to the soda machine dropping the purse I brought with me, quickly pressing the pepsi button realizing this probably looked more suspicious as I didn't have a cup. Ailis dove into my purse, once he was safely tucked away, I grabbed the bag and rushed towards the main entrance. I ran for my car as fast as possible hoping no one was following me.

"Damn It Ailis why do you have to ruin everything?!" I shouted towards my bag as I reached my car.

"Because I need to git me sum of the shiny!" He shouted back rubbing the back of his head. "Anyways, that fall really hurt, do yuh not min' at all." He grumbled.

"The shiny?" I questioned quickly starting the car to head home.

"Gold, I need gold."

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