Coming Home

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(This is going to be a long chapter. So ur warned that is if anyone reads this)

We made it to the park and I leaned on a bench.

" we are. Should I leave?" I asked.

"What! No you're one of us Rad, you can't leave." Rumble exclaimed.

"And you saved us, we owe you." Frenzy added. I huffed. Yeah right when have the Decepticons ever for fill something that includes helping others. Or anything of the sort.

"Sure ok" I shrugged, noticing a 6'2, light, sandy blonde, haired man that was wearing dark sunglasses, black boots, a white t-shirt, a blue jean jacket, and dark blue jeans, also a stoic, kinda creepy, expression. But other then that he was actually hot....wait what am I thinking?

Rumble and Frenzy looked up, mouths opening. "Dad?"
'Dad?' I mouthed. Wait was that....holy Primus Soundwave?

The man nodded. "Affirmative. Who is the femme?"

I opened my mouth to answer.

"This is Radiostream, she helped us." Rumble answered for me as I stood up straight.

"A lot." Frenzy added. I stared at them, confused. How did I help so much? I only assisted them with the man and getting them here. I glanced over at Soundwave.

I was always a fan of him, he was my favorite transformer, I don't know why but he was. He was studying me, which wasn't much I had dark brown, auburnishy, hair it went to the middle of my back, it was my up though. I had ice blue eyes, 5'7 and I was wearing blue jeans, brown combat boots, a turquoise tank top and a elbow length sleeve jean jacket, the only jewelry I had on was a stainless steel Decepticon symbol, which was easy to find around my neck.

I waved at him, finding that he was surprisingly unfocused, gaining his attention.

I smiled shyly. "Is there any other Decepticons here?"

Soundwave nodded. "Affirmative."

Who says 'affirmative' these days?

"How many?" I was surprised I didn't go all fan girl on him, 'cause if I was normal, by now I'd be spazzing out on these guys. But so far I was astonishingly keeping it together.....yay that's a plus.

"Two," he answered, gaining my attention.

Two great.

"Please don't let it be Megs and
Screamer. Please Primus please." I muttered. They seemed surprised that I knew their leader and SIC, but Soundwave still answered.

"Affirmative, you heard of them before?"

I nodded. "Yes, Soundwave, I've heard of them before." I answered spotting two, tall, men and they looked confused, well the shorter, black haired, one did. The taller, older man just seemed outraged and disgusted. I gestured over to them as they approached behind Soundwave. "That them?"

Soundwave turned around. "Affirmative that is them."

Great.....please know I'm being sarcastic.

"I should be going." I whispered taking a step back from the bench. But the twins thought otherwise and grabbed my arms.

"You're not goin' anywhere." They said in unison.

I shivered. "Ahhh....that's creepy. Please don't talk at the same time."

They grinned.

I groaned. "But can you let go? I have to get home."

Alright that was a lie, but the Decepticons were intimidating and could possibly kill me if they knew I was human, and I don't want to face their wreath.

As the two men stopped beside Soundwave "who's the femme?" Was the first thing out of, what sounded like, Starscream's mouth.

"Geez I can feel the love there." I whispered sarcastically, rolling my eyes. The twins laughed, their creepy identical one, what made it worst was that it was at the same time again.

I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Radiostream, she has apparently assisted Rumble and Frenzy." Soundwave informed ignoring the twins.

"Then why is she still here?" Starscream sneered, but I found him smirking at me with a handsome crooked smile that would make fangirls drop dead. I'd gladly leave if I could.

I bit back the answer and instead said, raising my arms up, showing their still clasped hands on my forearms. "They wouldn't let me go."

Starscream's frigid blue eyes widened, but he surprisingly didn't make a remark. I actually felt like a prisoner, but the weird thing was, was that their voices were exactly the same from G1, except for the metallic accent, then hearing it come out of normal young man, minus Megatron, he looked 45, it was weird.

"So you know your way around the humans and your location?" Megatron asked finally.

"Yes you are recently in Mountain View, California." Clearly in another dimension, but I chose not to say that, I don't know if I should tell it or not.

"Is there any other Decepticons signals, Soundwave?" Megatron asked forgetting about me as well as the reason I like being a nobody, they forget their there, sometimes the twins turned to me finally letting me go.

"So you live here?" Frenzy asked, I shrugged.

"Close by." Suddenly identical mischievous grins appeared on their faces and I backed up.

"Oh no." I whispered, they nodded.

"Oh yes we have to stay with you, you know us, your way around and you know how humans live, you really have no choice."

I heaved a sigh, whining. "Fffrraaggg."

For once they were fraggin' right.

"I'll go tell them." Frenzy announced walking over to the group, Rumble turned to me again and whispered."I know your human," My eyes widened, " but I'm not going to tell the others, you really are our only chance of living like this." He smiled.

I face-palmed uttering. " I like you guys better on tv."

"Come on please?"

"I hate you right now." I sighed.

He hugged me. "Your amazing."

I groaned. "Don't push it and when did you get all smart?"

I had admit the twins weren't really the brightest mechs.

"I don't know, really" he admitted as Frenzy ran back over to us.

"No ffffaaaaiiiirrrr! You got to hug her first" he whined, whining like when he was fighting the Dinobots for the first time.....or wait that was Rumble...yeah with his 'cool' little rhyme.

"Well your too late I'm huggin' 'er" he answered sticking his tongue out at his brother.

Frenzy clenched his fists.

"What's the answer?" I asked before they could fight.

"Uh.....sure." I only nodded.

"Alright but you guys better at least behave, because my house is a nightmare to clean" I sighed.

"A nightmare to clean what now?" A high pitched voice asked.

I jumped seeing Starscream, then Megatron, and lastly Soundwave walk over to us.

"My house." I repeated pulling Rumble off me.

"Why?" Rumble asked I didn't answer, only glanced down at the 5ft 5 teen.

"Sooo you guys are coming home with me correct?"

They all nodded, well I hope having five brothers will help with this and they were terrible, I was the only girl out of six, now I'm going through it again.....hooray.....not....

"Alright then.....16 years of horror returns." I whispered under my breath. I couldn't live even a year without chaos in my house.....God or Primus hates me, "back to my house."

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