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Soundwave woke up to noises downstairs, curious, he got up and went down to the living room.

He could barely see, but he made out a limp form on one end of the couch. As he got closer, and his eyes adjusted to the darkness he found it was Ryan. She was laying on her stomach, arms tucked under her head in an attempt as a pillow.

He sighed, grabbing a blanket putting it on her, then without thinking laid beside her. He was confused of his actions, but when she moved closer to him he knew he couldn't leave her.

Ryan's head was now on his chest, under his arm, he looked at her and she actually seemed cute. He couldn't help but smile, taking notice again of that emotion he had when she spoke or touched him, smiled or even mentioned his name.

It was one of the few emotions he had not figured out yet what they were. This emotion he had on the twins as well but it was different in a way for Ryan . . .

If he wasn't so exhausted, and had Ryan not been on him, he would of jumped, realizing what this emotion was.


He looked at her, yes . . . yes he was in love with Ryan.

Ryan's P.O.V

I woke up on the couch, a blanket over me, I sat up confused. When . . . did I get a blanket? I looked around the living room, finding Soundwave on the other end of the couch, across from me, asleep.

I must of woke him up last night when I got home from work, well it explains the blanket though. I checked my phone, two p.m . . . and no one was awake? . . . wow what a lazy day this is.

I got up and stretched, heading upstairs quietly, got clean clothes on, brushed my rat nest hair and then my teeth, heading back downstairs to continue my lazy day.

I sighed, lazy days are boarding. I see why I don't do them much. . .

Soundwave soon woke up, but he didn't seem the same.

"You okay, Soundwave?" I asked, gaining his attention, he looked at me and nodded. "Okay . . . thanks for the blanket."

"You are welcome."

Alright, he's really out of it today, he seemed unsure of something. . . . I crossed my arms, he looked surprised at my question. "Finally figured it out, huh?"

"You knew?"

"Brett told me."

"That is what he told you?" He asked.

I nodded, scratching my shoulder. "I decided not to tell, because emotions are different for everyone, you needed to learn to understand yours . . . and how was I going to explain to you your own feelings before you realized yourself? It would of been confusing."

"But why so long?"

I shrugged. "Well humans change happens fast for our short lives, while you, transformers change happens more slowly because you live longer. Being human you're constantly changing, and you're naturally changing you're adjusting to the . . . speed change." I tried to explain but he seemed to know where I was trying to get and nodded.

"But what will happen now? If I have feelings for you, Ryan, what will happen when we go home?"

I tensed. "I - I don't . . . know never thought of it."

"We tell the others?"

My eyes widened. "Nooo we tell them who knows how they'll react."

"React to what?" A voice asked near the stairs.

I jumped. "Nothing!"

"How can we react to nothing, Rad?" Rumble asked appearing with Frenzy from the stairs.

"Nothing important."

"What, you and Dad love each other? Frenzy teased.

Soundwave and I glanced at each other and stared at them silently. Their eyes widened. "Whoa! Dad!"

I got up and covered their mouths. "Shh no one else needs to know, okay?"

They stared at us in shock and I looked at Soundwave. "Another reason why."

He nodded and the twins jerked away from me, staring. "But see ya as a sis, not a mom."

"I can be your sis, you guys are like brothers to me."

"But you love Dad!" They said in unison.

"I'm a year older than you, he's two years older than me."

"But how?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

"This is crazy!"

"You know they're taking it way better than I expected." I muttered to myself.

"What?" The twins asked.

"Anyway, its nothing huge. We just like each other more than we should, its not like what you see in movies. It's nothing like that at all."

They seemed to calm down a little. "So . . . no interfacing?"

"Eww. . .  no why would you even think that?" I asked disgusted, even Soundwave looked disturbed.

"So it's nothing?"

"Yes," I sighed, "Its nothing special, don't tell Megatron or Starscream."


"Just don't, please."

They looked at us and nodded.

"Thank you, and we're not dating."


"Not the time, sorry." I looked at Soundwave, who shrugged, he seemed happy that we weren't. I sat back down. "Besides Soundwave just realized this and so you know."

"Oh, we didn't know that." They said and I rolled my eyes , but then something came to mind. . . something bad.

"Shit "

The three boys marveled at me in astonishment.

Dalton what would he think?"

"What? Frenzy asked.

"Dalton, he would fucking kill me."

He grimaced. "Yeeeah."

"Good luck with that?" Rumble said, saluting me.

I glared at him. "Thanks." Then I remembered something. "Oh Rumble."


"Time for payback." I said darkly, smiling evilly.

His face fell. "Oh no."

"Ohhh yes."

"No no no!" He said running away.

"Get back here!" I yelled after him, following.

"Wish you luck, bro!" Frenzy called as I chased him.

"Shut up Frenzy!"

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