Run In

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I walked out of the Google building where I worked. When I suddenly heard yelling, surprisingly over the rest of Mountain View, finding the source of the commotion, I found teenagers. They were twins, one wore a blue the other red, but everything else was the same, black sunglasses, shirts, jeans, and shoes. They were identical. They were, at the moment, running from a large man that didn't seem happy, and as they passed I grabbed the two twins, pulling them into a corner of the building. Letting them go, they turned to face me.

"Whoa thanks for totally savin' our afts." The red one thanked with a familiar voice.

"Your welcome....are you lost?" I asked, where have I heard that voice before?

"Yeah kinda."

Transformers! That's where, he sounded just like Frenzy from G1...and looked like him too.

"Would you guys like some help? I'm Ryan by the way." I introduced myself.

"I'm Rumble..." the blue one began.
"And I'm Frenzy." The red one finished. My eyes widened. Their from Transformers!

"Oh.....are other Decepticons around?"
The both shrugged.

"Dunno, I was rechargin' an suddenly we're being chased by that fat human." Rumble answered.

"That's helpful Rumble, how 'bout we go see if any other Decepticons are at the park. And you two can't call each other by your real names."

Confusion appeared on their faces.
"Why?" They asked in unison, which creped me out.

"Because the humans will think you're crazy and your names aren't really human names." I explained.


I sighed facepalming. "Its not permanent its just for right my is Radiostream but out here I'm known as 'Ryan'."

It finally got to them.

"Ohhhhh now we get it." Rumble said.

I sighed again, in relief. "Good so is it ok if I give you human names, to call each other at the moment?"

They nodded.

"Alright.....Rumble your gonna be called....Rowan. Frenzy you....Jackson or Jack for short. Ok?"

"Yeah that's fine, right Jackson?" Rumble asked, smiling at his brother, he nodded smiling as well.

"Yeah Rowan."

I sighed. "Great, now let's go to the park." I smiled. Was I dreaming again?

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