Shopping Part 2

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(Second part. Hope u like and I'll try to make it shorter and pic is the closest I could find to what Ryan looks like)

"What's wrong with you?" Rumble asked as I leaned against a shelf rubbing my head.
"Oh nothing just got the sight of Megatron with his pants down to his knees."

"Oh? Oh!....eww." he said getting it and I nodded grimacing.


He turned around. "I'm glad I didn't see that."

"I wish I didn't see that....anyway need help with anything?" I asked changing the subject.

"Yeah if you could....tell what color Megatron's-"

"Oh geez." I sighed and walked away with Rumble laughing behind. I found Soundwave crouched in front of a shelf looking at some shirts.

As I walked by a hat rack I grabbed a grayish brown cowboy hat and placed it on my head to hide my blush Rumble gave me.

"Hey....Walker do you need help?"

He looked up, tilting his head. "Why are you blushing?"

How does he even know what that means? But the hat didn't help any.

"Ask your mighty leader," I said taking the hat off. "As well as your son."

I put the hat on his head as he stood up. He didn't look that bad in a hat.

"What is this for?" He asked looking up at the hat.

I shrugged. "Nothing, just wanted to see what you looked like in a hat ....I'm gonna get that hat for you."

He raised an eyebrow.

"What? I am. You look good in a hat." My eyes widened. But he gladly didn't react.

He shrugged. "Alright."

I stared at him. Did he just....agree with me? Without using affirmative?

He did.

I shook my head. "Ok. You wanna try those on?" I asked looking at the shirts in his arms.

He shrugged and nodded.

"Alright then follow me" I said taking the hat back, jumping up to reach it, and took him to a changing stall.

"Remember, you take this off first." I pointed to his white shirt, "And then put one of these on.....ok?" I asked.

He nodded and I closed the door.
Dalton came over with the twins and Megatron. "Hey Ryan, the twins would like to search farther into the clothes is that fine?" He asked pushing Megatron into a stall and closing the door.

"Yeah that's fine just come back here when you're done." I answered shrugging.

"Thanks Rad!" They ran past Screamer as he put some clothes into the cart and I sighed.

"I....just made a huge mistake didn't I?" I asked.

"Yes you did." He answered.

"Thought so..."

"Uh Ryan?"


Soundwave cautiously came out of the fitting room. His white shirt replaced by a black one and a white button up shirt with black trim over the top of it, left unbuttoned. He fused with the collar and ruffled his brown hair. My jaw dropped.

"Damn you look good."

He froze. "Excuse me?"

I clamped my hand over my mouth. "Nothing."

"Negative, you said something. What was it?"

"Nothing important. Honest."

"Negative, you are blushing."

"How would you know what that means?"

"Do not change the subject. Tell me what you said."

"You can't make me."

He raised an eyebrow.

"You look fine. Put your old shirt back on." I quickly scurried behind Dalton to the cart, blushing furiously.

'I just told Soundwave he was hot! OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!!'

Starscream eyed me. "What was that?"

"Never mind, it doesn't matter. Are the twins back yet? Oh look, uh, supplies! Do you boys need anything? Lalala!" I dashed down a aisle away from the others.

Starscream exchanged glances with Megatron, who had came out of the fitting room. "Femmes are strange."

He huffed, scratching at his black hair. "You're telling me. They make less sense then the Autobots do."

"No....that's just Ryan." Dalton sighed as Soundwave finished putting his shirt on and they caught up with me.

I tossed two big bottles of aspirin into the cart as the others walked up. I was really going to need them.

"Do we need these too?" Starscream asked, holding a nicely wrapped package.

I glanced up and snorted. "No, unless you think you'll want adult diapers."

He fumbled with it and shoved it back on the shelf. "Not really."

"Didn't think so" I said surely, watching Soundwave halt in his tracks and making a beeline for something on the far right, Megatron followed.

I continued with Starscream several aisles away. "-Radio-STREAM!"

Starscream and I jumped at the mighty roar. The Air Commander blinked. "Whoa. That's how he usually yells for me. What'd you do?"

I realized which section of the store we had just passed. "Uh oh. More like what I didn't tell him."

We found Megatron and Soundwave in the action figures aisle standing in front of a display of Transformers toys. Megatron in his furious fit.

"You bellowed?"

He thrust the box at me. "Explain this. Now."

"Here is Starscream." Soundwave gave the toy to its namesake, who took it with some reverence. "I'm... I... have a toy?" He looked at the small package and saw his name clearly printed on the front. His face broke into a huge grin. "I'm a toy! How wonderful! It's about time somebody idolized me!"

"Affirmative. On the toy account. Optimus Prime, Cliffjumper, Bumblebee are also present, among others." Soundwave sighed. "However, I am not." He spotted a shiny array of upcoming Transformers movie toys. "We are well-liked, it seems."

"Well?" demanded Megatron.

"Uh... I told you Transformers were known here. But it's all fake, all made of TV shows, comics and toys. No one knows you're real."

"I couldn't care less about that. Explain to me why MY namesake is painted in such ridiculous colors!"

Starscream gurgled happily. "They got mine right!"

"It's because of some toy gun laws or something. They had to make it so it didn't look too real. That's a new design anyway, and when transformed it doesn't look that bad."

"Megatrons do not follow toy laws! That's absurd." What I  said brought his rant to a screeching halt. "And how would you know?"

I blushed. "I have a few of these at home."

"Can I have this?" asked Starscream, clutching his toy's package.

"No. Your ego's big enough."

"I'll start asking annoying questions again."

"You're already annoying."


I rolled my eyes as Dalton came back from the restroom. "Did I miss something?"

"Yes you did..." I hung the Classics Starscream back on the hook, ignoring Starscream's pathetic pout. "We need to keep moving and find the twins before something explodes."

Catching their attention they asked. "They sell explosives here?"

"...No, but I'm betting that wouldn't stop them. Put your toys away."

As we searched Starscream kept babbling about how great it was to be ' immortalized' as a toy and wouldn't shut up.

" help me, shut up...can you do that?" I asked finally, leaning on Dalton's shoulder as we walked past the electronics.

"What's that?" He asked ignoring me, and pointing to a display of MP3 players.

He hadn't given up on getting me to buy his toy.

I gritted my teeth and counted to ten. That bottle of aspirin looked really good right now.

To chuck at his head.

"Steve, I swear if you ask that again I'm going to kill you."

Dalton readied himself.

"Ok." He picked up a cell phone case and presented it to me. "Identify this object."

"Alright that's it!"

I gave chase as he threw the phone case at me. Dalton tried to grab me but I was to fast. I ran past Megatron ass he was probably thinking 'what the slag...?'

But I didn't care, I was annoyed. When I was able to hit him I did. Hard.

"Yow!" He yelped dodging around the DVD racks. I would of marveled at how quickly he moved if I wasn't so intent on killing him.

"Soundwave, help me!"

He had just emerged from the data storage aisle just in time for Starscream to dive behind him. I tried getting at the pest but it was like trying to get around a redwood tree.

"Coward! Come out and fight like a Decepticon!"

Starscream peeked over Soundwave's shoulder and blew a raspberry at me. Megatron blinked, hardly believing the entire situation. This was... so ridiculous...Before he knew it a quiet laugh began.

Dalton grabbed my arms as he came up behind me. "Calm down Ryan."

I didn't listen.

"Rhiannon. Calm down."

I glared at him as he used my real name and growled. "Don't call me that."

I then turned my glare toward Starscream. "I'll kill ya later."

Dalton let go. We continued our shopping.

Minutes later while we were in the food section I heard a little boy ask, "Mommy can I hide in the freezer too?"

It almost stopped me in mid-motion, but given the weirdness of the day that sounded relatively normal.

"Guys, is there any food you've heard of that you'd be interested in trying?"

They each thought for a minute.

"I've heard about coffee," said Starscream.

"Hmm..." Megatron rubbed his chin. "Spaghetti. It resembles human brains and entrails."

"Marshmallows." droned Soundwave.

I blinked. "O-kay. Well Screamer, I can tell you right now that you of all people don't need coffee. Spaghetti and marshmallows, however, are doable."

A panicked scream ripped across the aisles and a few minutes later an irradiated woman shoved her cart past us.

"What a wicked thing to do!"

Curiosity piqued, I steered the squeaky cart around the corner. I gazed at the row of freezers, wondering what the woman saw that warranted a scream. Just what is going on here? I went to open a door when something pressed against the glass beside me and caught my attention. I shrieked and yanked the door open.

"Rumble-Frenzy, whichever one you are, GET OUT of there!"

A frosty sandy-haired teenager tumbled out, grinning. "Hi Rad!"

"Don't you "Hi Rad" me, where's your brother?"

Ice cold arms wrapped around me from behind. "Right here! Ooo, you're warm!"

"EEE!" I tried prying him off. "Frenzy! Let go, you're cold!"

"I kn-kn-know, but you're nice and warm!"

"Oh for the sake of Primus! Soundwave!"

The large man broke away from between his fellow Decepticons and cuffed Frenzy on the ear. "Release her."

"Owww... Oh! You're warm too!"

Soundwave endured a two-way cuddle for a few seconds before shaking the twins off.

I sighed shivering. "Thank you." He nodded. "And do not do that again, please, it is not right to do that." I said turning to the twins and they nodded.


I sighed. "Here." I threw my jacket at them and Frenzy caught it and put it on quickly.

"Warmth....ahh....thank you."

"What about me?" Rumble asked and I turned to Dalton, who had taken his jacket off and gave it to him. "Thanks."

He nodded.

"Can we be done now, Dalton?" I asked.

"Yes we are done."

I raised my fists in the air. "Yay, finally I can soon sit down!"

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