This is the End

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I hid in the hallway from Brett as he came into view. Brown hair, brown eyes, my size, frickin strong. . . . Hope I don't die.

"Ryan?" He said looking around the house while I hid behind the the wall, pressing myself against it. "Oh I get it. We're playing hide and seek aren't we?"

"Sure, if you want." I whispered to myself.

"I can show you my version, hide and go shriek."

"Funny." I crept to the end of the hall, his back to me. Perfect. I jumped him.

"Gah!" He stumbled, but retained his balance swiftly and somehow threw me off his back.

I grunted, winded.

"Ah, sis, there you are, hello."

"Hey, how's jail?" I asked, getting up.

"No matter, you'll never know." He growled, pulling a knife out of his back pocket.

"You're right about one thing." I said, dodging him as he lunged.

We fought for a good amount of time until he pinned me to the wall, slamming my body roughly against it. I grimaced. "You were always weak, Ryan, time for you to die."

I struggled against his grip as he brought the knife to my neck.

"No! Get away from her!"

I saw a short blur race at Brett and take the larger man, but was easily held down by the ex-con.

"FRENZY!" I screamed as my brother went for a stab in the abdomen. I pulled my gun out and there was a loud bang.

Brett gasped dropping the weapon, it clattered to the floor as the Decepticons rushed out of the hallway to the scene, halting at the sight. Brett slowly looked down at his chest, gagging as blood sputtered out of his mouth, turning to me he stood, stumbling towards me he reached out pleadingly. I raised my gun to his forehead and fired.

His head snapped back and he fell limp on the ground. Dropping the gun, I went to Frenzy, who was still in the floor, staring blankly at the lifeless body. "You kill him."

"Only thing left to do . . . are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, you?"

"I'm fine thanks to you, Frenzy, or I would be dead."

"Same for me, thanks."

I smiled and helped him up, looking down at Brett, blood pooled around him on the time floor from his head and chest. His brown eyes still dreadfully pleading for mercy, now dull, blood trickled out of his mouth. He looked like he was hit by Megatron's fuse canyon too many times . . . I did this?

I heard sirens outside and someone rush into the house. "Ryan!"


My brother ran to me, embracing me around the waist. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, thanks to Frenzy."

Dalton sighed in relief and looked down, his eyes widened. "Brett . . ."

"He was going to kill Frenzy."

He looked at me in shock. "You . . .killed him?"

I nodded. I killed someone and I felt. . . nothing and he was my brother.

nodded to the EMT as he finished attending to my only wound as I watched paramedics take my brother's battered, gunshot ridden, body, sitting on the bumper of an ambulance, Soundwave next to me as dalton explained everything to the police.

"So, that's what it feels like to kill someone? Nothing?"

Soundwave looked at me. "Sometimes it does."

I sighed, nodding.

"Thank you, for saving Frenzy."

"He saved mine . . ." I muttered, watching the others at the house, who have already interrogated by the cops, help clean the house. "But, the one thing that I can't stop thinking about is that I killed my brother without a second thought."

"He intended to kill you, Ryan, it was a last resort."

I looked down at my boots, shrugging, I felt no remorse, I wasn't happy, I wasn't mad, or sad, nothing. I felt hollow, stoic, like Soundwave.

"Ryan this reveals that you can survive anything."

I remained silent as I thought about what would of happened if Brett killed me instead. Looking up at Soundwave, I asked. "What would of happened if he did killed me?"

He tilted his head thoughtfully, staring at me. "I do not know, I do not need to think of it. You are alive abs that is all I need."

I smiled. "I'm just glad I'm alive and have Brett off my back, you would not believe the fear I had of him. He truly frightened me, now he's gone."

"You have most likely, indeed, concurred your weakness today, Ryan, which is important to do in a short amount of time. Even on Cybertron such a thing took eons."

I looked at him. "Well I couldn't of done it alone."A smile appeared as he made eye connect. "Sometimes the most unlikely people can somehow help in a way without knowing it." I said remembering Brett's texts. "But I will you figure that out as it would take only you to figure that out."

Something I love about life, you always learn . . . if you're smart enough to see the lessons in life.

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