This is War

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I felt fear raise as I remembered what happened years ago . . . but this means only one thing . . . Brett escaped.

My phone rang again, I checked the caller ID. "Hello?"

The voice I heard next almost made me drop the phone. "Ryan, nice of you to pick up, how are things going?"

My heart began to race.

"Brett . . . everything's fine," I shivered but my voice was even and clam.

"Good, now let's get down to business." Oh no . . . "We have unfinished business that I want to finish . . . I'm coming for you Ryan and nothing will stop me this time because if you call the cops . . . well, someone just might have to die. Now, I know you, sis, you wouldn't want that now would you?"

"N-no." I answered shakily, my emotions evident.

"Good . . .and I must say you're prettier than before, you grown into a wonderful, sexy, lady. Nice blue shirt you got on too."

I slowly looked down at my clothes, he was watching me . . . I looked outside.

"Mom and Dad would be proud mmm mmm mmm my my you're sexy."

I ran to my room quickly.

"Where ya going, sis, I'm admiring the view, I can't see you in there."

Tears began to run down my face as I sat against the wall by my dresser.

"Oh, what is this, you have some handsome men with you . . . oh whose this? Ryan who's the man with light brown hair, nice features, and is wearing sunglasses?"

I tensed . . .Soundwave.

"Well, I'm waiting tell me or I'll shoot em down. I got the perfect shot."

"Walker! Walker . . . his names Walker."

"Ah . . m Walker's good lookin', sis, you datin' him?"


"Oh that's to bad . . . who's the old man?"


"Mmm Mike, very large, tall, man . . . how about the young black haired one?"

I gulped. "Steve."

"Oh and what is this? Am I seeing double or are these twins?"

"T-twins, Rowan and Jackson." I cried, tears streaming down mg face rapidly. I stood slowly, looking out the window.

"Hello sis, finally came back out . . . . Oh it seems you a worrier, Ryan, tell him anything and I'll kill him. Got it?"

I nodded, knowing he could see me.

"Good and say hi to Dalton for me." He said hanging up. I almost dropped my phone, flinching as someone knocked on the door.

I forced myself to stop crying abs wiped the remaining tears away, scrubbing my cheeks dry, I opened the door looking down at the floor. But found Soundwave outside my door.

"Ryan are you alright?" He asked, noticing my tense aura as I walked past him.

"Yes, everything is completely fine." I lied.

"You are lying, what is the situation at hand?" He queried, following me.

"Nothing truly important."

"Ryan, this is not like you. Tell me."

I then got a text and I grimaced, looking at my phone.

'Walker's vocb is very interesting.'

I looked back up at Sounds sadly.

"I wish I could . . . I'm sorry." I said softly, continuing down the stairs, Brett was watching and listening . . . I'm fragged.

Soundwave caught up to me and grabbed my forearm. I looked back at him. "Soun-" I cut myself off, sighing. "Please let go."

"Negative, not until you explain to me what the problem is."

"Like I said; I wish I could but I can't."
"Why is that?"

Once again my phone went off, glancing at it, I read it. 'Very strange.'

I then whispered. "I'll explain later, I got this." And yanked my arm free; finally getting downstairs, sitting on the couch again.

My phone went off. 'Nice couch.'

I sank down into the couch, til I felt like he couldn't see me, turning my phone on vibrate.

Why ya hidin?'

I ignored him.


'I can tell Walker boy, has a thing for ya.'

That caught my attention.

'He seems 2 trust I more than anyone else but he doesn't realize likes u. Like he doesn't understand his feelings.'

I watched Soundwave come down, he glanced at me as he sat down near me.

'He's protective of you like Dalt but he keeps it under radar.'

The next message scared me the most. 'Whata shame it'll be for him to realize his feelings when ur gone.'

I tensed noticeably. Okay, calm down, he's doing this on purpose. Calm down, Ryan, everything's going to be okay . . .

I had to distract myself, I couldn't think about this, but then I got a text.

'U ok Ryan?'

It was Dalton . . . thank God.

'Yeah...I'm fine scared thou.'


'Yeah he's watching me somewhere outside.'

'Fucker I'll call the cops on him.'

'No u can't or he'll kill someone.'

I then switched numbers to my other brother. 'Y r u after me Brett?'

'None of our business sis.'

Tell me where u r then and I'll let u kill me willingly.'

'I'm not one for offers sis.'

'Is it because I look so much like mom u couldn't stand it so ur trying to kill me'

'Shut up.'

That's when I knew I hit a nerve.

'What would mom think about this Brett.'

'Shut up.'

'Y' I stood up and went to the window behind me.

'Ur making a mistake sis.'

'No I'm taking a risk shoot me.'

There was nothing. I must be insane.

'Come on r u weak? I'm giving u the perfect shot. C'mon coward shoot me.'

The glass broke in a tiny crack, bullet hole, it streaked past me and into the wall gaining the con's attention.

"What was that?" Starscream asked first as I got a text.

'Let the fight begin.'

'How can it begin when we're not face to face? Come on fight like a true man.'
Another bullet flew in.

'Coward' I typed, but didn't send as I glanced at the table nearby, then back or the window, and pushed send.

Only chance I got or I'm dead.

I ducked as a bullet whizzed by where my hear was seconds ago and lunged towards the table, opening the drawer. I grabbed a gun that I kept for burglary situations.

By now the cons had taken cover behind the couch.

"Rad, what's going on?" Rumble asked, peeking from behind the furniture.

"Uh . . . my brother Brett is trying to kill me."


I nodded.

"Come over here with us, Rad, its safer."

I looked outside and crawled over to him. "Thanks," I said cons stared at me. "What?"

"Why do you have a gun?" Megatron, 'the gun master', asked in perplexity.

"Because this will not end til one of us is dead, I've tried reasoning with him but he won't listen." I answered, staring into his red-brown eyes, tilting my head to him. "Like someone I know."

It felt as if I was Optimus and Brett was Mega-mouth over here, but once one of us was dead. It was over.

Starscream chuckled, understanding what I meant.

"And for a fact, I'm not going to be the one dead." I said taking the safety off, and cocking it.

"But you never shot a gun before . . ." Frenzy said slowly.

I looked at him smiling. "Who said I never shot gun?"

He shrugged.

I chuckled. "So, any of you have any suggestions?"

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